73 resultados para LIPID-BILAYERS


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Molecular dynamics simulations of electroporation in POPC and DPPC lipid bilayers have been carried out at different temperatures ranging from 230 K to 350 K for varying electric fields. The dynamics of pore formation, including threshold field, pore initiation time, pore growth rate, and pore closure rate after the field is switched off, was studied in both the gel and liquid crystalline (L-alpha) phases of the bilayers. Using an Arrhenius model of pore initiation kinetics, the activation energy for pore opening was estimated to be 25.6 kJ mol(-1) and 32.6 kJ mol(-1) in the L-alpha phase of POPC and DPPC lipids respectively at a field strength of 0.32 V nm(-1). The activation energy decreases to 24.2 kJ mol(-1) and 23.7 kJ mol(-1) respectively at a higher field strength of 1.1 V nm(-1). At temperatures below the melting point, the activation energy in the gel phase of POPC and DPPC increases to 28.8 kJ mol(-1) and 34.4 kJ mol(-1) respectively at the same field of 1.1 V nm(-1). The pore closing time was found to be higher in the gel than in the L-alpha phase. The pore growth rate increases linearly with temperature and quadratically with field, consistent with viscosity limited growth models.


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Certain saccharides, including trehalose, sucrose and glucose, stabilize lipid bilayers against dehydration. It has been suggested that these saccharides replace waters of hydration as the system is dried, thereby maintaining the headgroups at their hydrated spacing. The lipid acyl chains consequently have sufficient free volume to remain in the liquid crystallines state, and the processes that disrupt membrane integrity are inhibited. Initial molecular graphic investigations of a model trehalose/DMPC system supported this idea (Chandrasekhar, I. and Gaber, B.P. (1988) J. Biomol. Stereodyn, 5, 1163–1171). We have extended these studies to glucose and sucrose. A set of AMBER potential parameters has been established that reproduce simple saccharide conformations, including the anomeric effect. Extensive energy minimizations have been conducted on all three systems. The saccharide-lipid interaction energies become less stable in the order trehalose


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The single perovskite slab alkylammonium lead iodides (CnH2n+1NH3)(2)PbI4, n = 12, 16, 18, display two phase transitions, just above room temperature, associated with changes in the alkylammonium chains. We have followed these two phase transitions using scanning calorimetry, X-ray powder diffraction, and IR and Raman spectroscopies. We find the first phase transition to be associated with symmetry changes arising from a dynamic rotational disordering of the ammonium headgroup of the chain whereas the second transition, the melting of the chains in two dimensions, is characterized by an increased conformational disorder of the methylene units of the alkyl chains. We examine these phase transitions in light of the interesting optical properties of these materials, as well as the relevance of these systems as models for phase transitions in lipid bilayers.


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The influence of polymer grafting on the phase behavior and elastic properties of two tail lipid bilayers have been investigated using dissipative particle dynamics simulations. For the range of polymer lengths studied, the L(c) to L(alpha) transition temperature is not significantly affected for grafting fractions, G(f) between 0.16 and 0.25. A decrease in the transition temperature is observed at a relatively high grafting fraction, G(f) = 0.36. At low temperatures, a small increase in the area per head group, a(h), at high G(f) leads to an increase in the chain tilt, inducing order in the bilayer and the solvent. The onset of the phase transition occurs with the nucleation of small patches of thinned membrane which grow and form continuous domains as the temperature increases. This region is the co-existence region between the L(beta)(thick) and the L(alpha)(thin) phases. The simulation results for the membrane area expansion as a function of the grafting density conform extremely well to the scalings predicted by self-consistent mean field theories. We find that the bending modulus shows a small decrease for short polymers (number of beads, N(p) = 10) and low G(f), where the influence of polymer is reduced when compared to the effect of the increased a(h). For longer polymers (N(p) > 15), the bending modulus increases monotonically with increase in grafted polymer. Using the results from mean field theory, we partition the contributions to the bending modulus from the membrane and the polymer and show that the dominant contribution to the increased bending modulus arises from the grafted polymer. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3631940]


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Small unilamellar vesicles formed from four cationic lipids in the absence and the presence of varying amounts of cholesterol were studied using fluorescence polarization and H-1-NMR techniques. The fluorescence polarization data clearly indicate that the packing order in the cationic lipid bilayers are affected by inclusion of cholesterol. importantly, this effect exists also with a cationic lipid that is devoid of any formal linkage region where the interaction of the lipid with cholesterol through hydrogen bonding is not feasible. The interactions of cholesterol with different types of cationic lipids in excess water have also been examined in multilamellar dispersions using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In all the cases, the methylene proton linewidths in the NMR spectra respond to the addition of cholesterol to vesicles. Hydrophobic association of the lipid and cholesterol imposes restriction on the chain (CH2)(n) motions, leaving the terminal CH3 groups relatively mobile. On the basis of energy-minimized structural models, a rationale of the cholesterol-cationic lipid assembly has also been presented.


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Magnetic resonance studies reveal a marked difference between the binding of α-tocopherol and that of the corresponding acetate (vitamin E acetate) with dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles. This is reflected in differences in the phase-transition curves of the DPPC vesicles incorporated with the two compounds, as well as in the 13C relaxation times and line widths. A model for the incorporation of these molecules in lipid bilayers has been suggested. α-Tocopherol binds strongly with the lipids, possibly through a hydrogen bond formation between the hydroxyl group of the former and one of the oxygen atoms of the latter. The possibility of such a hydrogen bond formation is excluded in vitamin E acetate, which binds loosely through the normal hydrophobic interaction. The model for lipid-vitamin interaction explains the in vitro decomposition of H2O2 by α-tocopherol. α-Tocopherol in conjuction with H2O2 can also act as a free-radical scavenger in the lipid phase. The incorporation of α-tocopherol and vitamin E acetate in DPPC vesicles enhances the permeability of lipid bilayers for small molecules such as sodium ascorbate.


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Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are reported for an anchored bilayer formed by the intercalation of cetyl trimethyl ammonium (CTA) and CH3(CH2)15N+(CH3) ions in a layered solid, CdPS3. The intercalated CTA ions are organized with the cationic headgroups tethered to the inorganic sheet and the hydrocarbon tails arranged as bilayers. Simulations were performed at three temperatures, 65, 180, and 298 K, using an isothermal−isobaric ensemble that was subsequently switched once macroscopic parameters had converged to a canonical isothermal−isochoric ensemble. The simulations are able to reproduce the experimental features of this system, including the formation of the bilayer and layer-to-layer separation distance. An analysis of the conformation of the chains showed that at all three temperatures a fraction of the alkyl chains retained a planar all-trans conformation, and that gauche bonds occurred as part of a “kink” (gauche+−trans−gauche−) sequence and not as isolated gauche bonds. Trans−gauche isomerization rates for the alkyl chains in the anchored bilayer are slower than those in lipid bilayers at the same temperature and show a progressive increase as the torsion numbers approach the tail. A two-dimensional periodic Voronoi tessellation analysis was performed to obtain the single-molecular area of an alkyl chain in the bilayer. The single-molecular area relaxation times are an order of magnitude longer than the trans−gauche isomerization times. The results indicate that the trans−gauche isomerization is associated with the creation and annihilation of a kink defect sequence. The results of the present MD simulation explain the apparent conflicting estimates of the gauche disorder in this system as obtained from infrared and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance measurements.


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Zervamicin-IIB (Zrv-IIB) is a 16 residue peptaibol which forms voltage-activated, multiple conductance level channels in planar lipid bilayers. A molecular model of Zrv-IIB channels is presented. The structure of monomeric Zrv-IIB is based upon the crystal structure of Zervamicin-Leu. The helical backbone is kinked by a hydroxyproline residue at position 10. Zrv-IIB channels are modelled as helix bundles of from 4 to 8 parallel helices surrounding a central pore. The monomers are packed with their C-terminal helical segments in close contact, and the bundles are stabilized by hydrogen bonds between glutamine 11 and hydroxyproline 10 of adjacent helices. Interaction energy profiles for movement of three different probes species (K+, Cl- and water) through the central pore are analyzed. The conformations of: (a) the sidechain of glutamine 3; (b) the hydroxyl group of hydroxyproline 10; and (c) the C-terminal hydroxyl group are "optimized" in order to maximize favourable interactions between the channel and the probes, resulting in favourable interaction energy profiles for all three. This suggests that conformational flexibility of polar sidechains enables the channel lining to mimic an aqueous environment.


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Separated local field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful technique to measure heteronuclear dipolar couplings. The method provides site-specific dipolar couplings for oriented samples such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. A majority of the SLF techniques utilize the well-known Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) pulse scheme which employs spin exchange at the magic angle under Hartmann-Hahn match. Though PISEMA provides a relatively large scaling factor for the heteronuclear dipolar coupling and a better resolution along the dipolar dimension, it has a few shortcomings. One of the major problems with PISEMA is that the sequence is very much sensitive to proton carrier offset and the measured dipolar coupling changes dramatically with the change in the carrier frequency. The study presented here focuses on modified PISEMA sequences which are relatively insensitive to proton offsets over a large range. In the proposed sequences, the proton magnetization is cycled through two quadrants while the effective field is cycled through either two or four quadrants. The modified sequences have been named as 2(n)-SEMA where n represents the number of quadrants the effective field is cycled through. Experiments carried out on a liquid crystal and a single crystal of a model peptide demonstrate the usefulness of the modified sequences. A systematic study under various offsets and Hartmann-Hahn mismatch conditions has been carried out and the performance is compared with PISEMA under similar conditions.


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Antibodies specific to avian myeloblastosis virus envelope glycoprotein gp80 were raised. Immunoliposomes were prepared using anti-avian myeloblastosis virus envelope glycoprotein gp80 antibody. The antibody was palmitoylated to facilitate its incorporation into lipid bilayers of liposomes. The fluorescence emission spectra of palmitoylated IgG have exhibited a shift in emission maximum from 330 to 370 nm when it was incorporated into the liposomes. At least 50% of the incorporated antibody molecules were found to be oriented towards the outside in the liposomes. The average size of the liposome was found to be 300 A, and on an average, 15 antibody molecules were shown to be present in a liposome. When adriamycin encapsulated in immunoliposomes was incubated in a medium containing serum for 72 h, about 75% of the drug was retained in liposomes. In vivo localization studies, revealed an enhanced delivery of drug encapsulated in immunoliposomes to the target tissue, as compared to free drug or drug encapsulated in free liposomes. These data suggest a possible use of the drugs encapsulated in immunoliposomes to deliver the drugs in target areas, thereby reducing side effects caused by antiviral agents.


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Separated Local Field (SLF) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the determination of structure and dynamics of oriented systems such as membrane proteins oriented in lipid bilayers and liquid crystals. Of many SLF techniques available, Polarization Inversion Spin Exchange at Magic Angle (PISEMA) has found wide application due to its many favorable characteristics. However the pulse sequence suffers from its sensitivity to proton resonance frequency offset. Recently we have proposed a new sequence named 2(4)-SEMA (J. Chem. Phys. 132 (2010) 134301) that overcomes this problem of PISEMA. The present work demonstrates the advantage of 2(4)-SEMA as a highly sensitive SLF technique even for very large proton offset. 2(4)-SEMA has been designed for obtaining reliable dipolar couplings by switching the magic-angle spin-lock for protons over four quadrants as against the use of only two quadrants in PISEMA. It is observed that for on-resonance condition, 2(4)-SEMA gives rise to signal intensity comparable to or slightly higher than that from PISEMA. But under off-resonance conditions, intensities from 2(4)-SEMA are several fold higher than those from PISEMA. Comparison with another offset compensated pulse sequence, SAMPI4, also indicates a better intensity profile for 2(4)-SEMA. Experiments carried out on a single crystal of N-15 labeled N-acetyl-DL-valine and simulations have been used to study the relative performance of the pulse sequences considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The bending rigidity kappa of bilayer membranes was studied with coarse grained soft repulsive potentials using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations. Using a modified Andersen barostat to maintain the bilayers in a tensionless state, the bending rigidity was obtained from a Fourier analysis of the height fluctuations. From simulations carried out over a wide range of membrane thickness, the continuum scaling relation kappa proportional to d(2) was captured for both the L-alpha and L-beta phases. For membranes with 4 to 6 tail beads, the bending rigidity in the L-beta phase was found to be 10-15 times higher than that observed for the L-alpha phase. From the quadratic scalings obtained, a six fold increase in the area stretch modulus, k(A) was observed across the transition. The magnitude of increase in both kappa and k(A) from the L-alpha to the L-beta phase is consistent with current experimental observations in lipid bilayers and to our knowledge provides for the first time a direct evaluation of the mechanical properties in the L-beta phase.


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Measurement of dipolar couplings using separated local field (SLF) NMR experiment is a powerful tool for structural and dynamics studies of oriented molecules such as liquid crystals and membrane proteins in aligned lipid bilayers. Enhancing the sensitivity of such SLF techniques is of significant importance in present-day solid-state NMR methodology. The present study considers the use of adiabatic cross-polarization for this purpose, which is applied for the first time to one of the well-known SLF techniques, namely, polarization inversion spin exchange at the magic angle (PISEMA). The experiments have been carried out on a single crystal of a model peptide, and a dramatic enhancement in signal-to-noise up to 90% has been demonstrated.


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Lipoplexes formed by the pEGFP-C3 plasmid DNA (pDNA) and lipid mixtures containing cationic gemini surfactant of the 1,2-bis(hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium) Acmes family referred to as C16CnC16, where n = 2 3, 5, or 12, and the zwitterionic helper lipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) have been studied from a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological standpoints. The study has been carried out using several experimental methods, such as zeta potential, gel electrophoresis, small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), cryo-TEM, gene transfection, cell viability/cytotoxicity, and confocal fluorescence microscopy. As reported recently in a communication (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 18014), the detailed physicochemical and biological studies confirm that, in the presence of the studied series lipid mixtures, plasmid DNA is compacted with a large number of its associated Na+ counterions. This in turn yields a much lower effective negative charge, q(pDNA)(-), a value that has been experimentally obtained for each mixed lipid mixture. Consequently, the cationic lipid (CL) complexes prepared with pDNA and CL/DOPE mixtures to be used in gene transfection require significantly less amount of CL than the one estimated assuming a value of q(DNA)(-) = -2. This drives to a considerably lower cytotoxicity of the gene vector. Depending on the CL molar composition, alpha, of the lipid mixture, and the effective charge ratio of the lipoplex, rho(eff), the reported SAXS data indicate the presence of two or three structures in the same lipoplex, one in the DOPE-rich region, other in the CL-rich region, and another one present at any CL composition. Cryo-TEM and SAXS studies with C16CnC16/DOPE-pDNA lipoplexes indicate that pDNA is localized between the mixed lipid bilayers of lamellar structures within a monolayer of similar to 2 nm. This is consistent with a highly compacted supercoiled pDNA conformation compared with that of linear DNA. Transfection studies were carried out with HEK293T, HeLa, CHO, U343, and H460 cells. The alpha and rho(eff) values for each lipid mixture were optimized on HEK293T cells for transfection, and using these values, the remaining cells were also transfected in absence (-FBS-FBS) and presence (-FBS+FBS) of serum. The transfection efficiency was higher with the CLs of shorter gemini spacers (n = 2 or 3). Each formulation expressed GFP on pDNA transfection and confocal fluorescence microscopy corroborated the results. C16C2C16/DOPE mixtures were the most efficient toward transfection among all the lipid mixtures and, in presence of serum, even better than the Lipofectamine2000, a commercial transfecting agent Each lipid combination was safe and did not show any significant levels of toxicity. Probably, the presence of two coexisting lamellar structures in lipoplexes synergizes the transfection efficiency of the lipid mixtures which are plentiful in the lipoplexes formed by CLs with short spacer (n = 2, 3) than those with the long spacer (n = 5, 12).