569 resultados para K-bonacci constant


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This paper considers the degrees of freedom (DOF) for a K user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) M x N interference channel using interference alignment (IA). A new performance metric for evaluating the efficacy of IA algorithms is proposed, which measures the extent to which the desired signal dimensionality is preserved after zero-forcing the interference at the receiver. Inspired by the metric, two algorithms are proposed for designing the linear precoders and receive filters for IA in the constant MIMO interference channel with a finite number of symbol extensions. The first algorithm uses an eigenbeamforming method to align sub-streams of the interference to reduce the dimensionality of the interference at all the receivers. The second algorithm is iterative, and is based on minimizing the interference leakage power while preserving the dimensionality of the desired signal space at the intended receivers. The improved performance of the algorithms is illustrated by comparing them with existing algorithms for IA using Monte Carlo simulations.


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This paper considers linear precoding for the constant channel-coefficient K-user MIMO Gaussian interference channel (MIMO GIC) where each transmitter-i (Tx-i) requires the sending of d(i) independent complex symbols per channel use that take values from fixed finite constellations with uniform distribution to receiver-i (Rx-i) for i = 1, 2, ..., K. We define the maximum rate achieved by Tx-i using any linear precoder as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) tends to infinity when the interference channel coefficients are zero to be the constellation constrained saturation capacity (CCSC) for Tx-i. We derive a high-SNR approximation for the rate achieved by Tx-i when interference is treated as noise and this rate is given by the mutual information between Tx-i and Rx-i, denoted as I(X) under bar (i); (Y) under bar (i)]. A set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the precoders under which I(X) under bar (i); (Y) under bar (i)] tends to CCSC for Tx-i is derived. Interestingly, the precoders designed for interference alignment (IA) satisfy these necessary and sufficient conditions. Furthermore, we propose gradient-ascentbased algorithms to optimize the sum rate achieved by precoding with finite constellation inputs and treating interference as noise. A simulation study using the proposed algorithms for a three-user MIMO GIC with two antennas at each node with d(i) = 1 for all i and with BPSK and QPSK inputs shows more than 0.1-b/s/Hz gain in the ergodic sum rate over that yielded by precoders obtained from some known IA algorithms at moderate SNRs.


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Single crystals of K, Rb and Cs perchlorates have been grown by the counter diffusion of the respective ions and CIO4 through the gel medium. Studies on nucleation, growth kinetics, morphological aspects and purity are discussed in this paper. The dielectric constant, ~b, as well as loss measured along the longest axis, exhibits an anomaly at the transition temperature, Tt, in all the three crystals. It is found that the peak values of Tt are approximately 800, 100 and 53 in K, Rb and Cs perchlorates, respectively. The dielectric anomaly and the large value of c b in the cubic phase are discussed in terms of the degree of disorder of the CIO~ group and the possible contribution from defects.


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A ratio transformer method suitable for the measurement of the dielectric constant of highly conducting liquids is described. The resistance between the two plates of the capacitor can be as low as 2 k Omega . In this method variations in this low resistance will not give any error in capacitance measurement. One of the features of this method is the simplicity in balancing the resistance, using a LDR (light dependent resistor), without influencing the independent capacitance measurement. The ratio transformer enables the ground capacitances to be eliminated. The change in leakage inductance of the ratio transformer while changing the ratios is also taken into account. The capacitance of a dielectric cell of the order of 50 pF can be measured from 1000 Hz to 100 kHz with a resolution of 0.06 pF. The electrode polarisation problem is also discussed.


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We study soft gluon k(t)-resurnmation and the relevance of InfraRed (IR) gluons for the energy dependence of total hadronic cross-sections. In our model, consistency with the Froissart bound is directly related to the ansatz that the IR behaviour of the QCD coupling constant follows an inverse power law.


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The activity of gallium in liquid Ga-Te alloys has been measured at 1120 K using a solid state galvanic cell incorporating yttria-stabilized thoria as the solid electrolyte. The cell can be schematically represented as (−) W,Re,Ga(1)+Ga2O3(s)|(Y2O3) ThO2|Ga-Te(1) + Ga2O3(s), Re, W (+) The activity of tellurium was derived by Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity of gallium shows negative deviation from Raoult's law for XGa < 0.6 and positive deviation from ideality for XGa > 0.6. The activity of gallium was constant in the composition range 0.73 < XGa < 0.89, indicating liquid state immiscibility in this region. The Gibbs energy of mixing and the concentration-concentration structure factor at long wavelength limit show a minimum at XGa ≈ 0.4, suggesting strong interactions in the liquid phase with formation of ‘Ga2Te3‘-type complexes


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The operation of a stand-alone, as opposed to grid connected generation system, using a slip-ring induction machine as the electrical generator, is considered. In contrast to an alternator, a slip-ring induction machine can run at variable speed and still deliver constant frequency power to loads. This feature enables optimization of the system when the prime mover is inherently variable speed in nature eg. wind turbines, as well as diesel driven systems, where there is scope for economizing on fuel consumption. Experimental results from a system driven by a 44 bhp diesel engine are presented. Operation at subsynchronous as well as super-synchronous speeds is examined. The measurement facilitates the understanding of the system as well as its design.


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The k-colouring problem is to colour a given k-colourable graph with k colours. This problem is known to be NP-hard even for fixed k greater than or equal to 3. The best known polynomial time approximation algorithms require n(delta) (for a positive constant delta depending on k) colours to colour an arbitrary k-colourable n-vertex graph. The situation is entirely different if we look at the average performance of an algorithm rather than its worst-case performance. It is well known that a k-colourable graph drawn from certain classes of distributions can be ii-coloured almost surely in polynomial time. In this paper, we present further results in this direction. We consider k-colourable graphs drawn from the random model in which each allowed edge is chosen independently with probability p(n) after initially partitioning the vertex set into ii colour classes. We present polynomial time algorithms of two different types. The first type of algorithm always runs in polynomial time and succeeds almost surely. Algorithms of this type have been proposed before, but our algorithms have provably exponentially small failure probabilities. The second type of algorithm always succeeds and has polynomial running time on average. Such algorithms are more useful and more difficult to obtain than the first type of algorithms. Our algorithms work as long as p(n) greater than or equal to n(-1+is an element of) where is an element of is a constant greater than 1/4.


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Five different shaped weirs were designed and pertinent data for their use are given. One of these weir shapes had the least “sharp edge” at the junction of the base weir and “complementary weir.” Two other types of weirs had equal slopes at the junction of the base weir and complementary weir. Another shape, for which neither the indication accuracy was constant nor the slope was equal at the junction of the base weir and complementary weir, was also tested. The results of the four weir shapes hydraulically tested give consistent values for the coefficient of discharge varying between 0.625 to 0.631. The indication accuracies of all the previously designed linear proportional weirs (includig Sutro weir) are neither constant nor unity, as is believed.


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A microscopic expression for the frequency and wave vector dependent dielectric constant of a dense dipolar liquid is derived starting from the linear response theory. The new expression properly takes into account the effects of the translational modes in the polarization relaxation. The longitudinal and the transverse components of the dielectric constant show vastly different behavior at the intermediate values of the wave vector k. We find that the microscopic structure of the dense liquid plays an important role at intermediate wave vectors. The continuum model description of the dielectric constant, although appropriate at very small values of wave vector, breaks down completely at the intermediate values of k. Numerical results for the longitudinal and the transverse dielectric constants are obtained by using the direct correlation function from the mean‐spherical approximation for dipolar hard spheres. We show that our results are consistent with all the limiting expressions known for the dielectric function of matter.


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We propose a method to compute a probably approximately correct (PAC) normalized histogram of observations with a refresh rate of Theta(1) time units per histogram sample on a random geometric graph with noise-free links. The delay in computation is Theta(root n) time units. We further extend our approach to a network with noisy links. While the refresh rate remains Theta(1) time units per sample, the delay increases to Theta(root n log n). The number of transmissions in both cases is Theta(n) per histogram sample. The achieved Theta(1) refresh rate for PAC histogram computation is a significant improvement over the refresh rate of Theta(1/log n) for histogram computation in noiseless networks. We achieve this by operating in the supercritical thermodynamic regime where large pathways for communication build up, but the network may have more than one component. The largest component however will have an arbitrarily large fraction of nodes in order to enable approximate computation of the histogram to the desired level of accuracy. Operation in the supercritical thermodynamic regime also reduces energy consumption. A key step in the proof of our achievability result is the construction of a connected component having bounded degree and any desired fraction of nodes. This construction may also prove useful in other communication settings on the random geometric graph.


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This paper is concerned with the modifications of the Extended Bellmouth Weir (EBM weir) earlier designed by Keshava Murthy. It is shown that by providing inclined sides (equivalent to providing an inward-trapezoidal weir) over a sector of a circle of radius R, separated by a distance 2t, and depth d, the measurable range of EBM can be considerably enhanced (over 375%). Simultaneously, the other parameters of the weir are optimized such that the reference plane of the weir coincides with its crest making it a constant-accuracy linear weir. Discharge through the aforementioned weir is proportional to the depths of flow measured above the crest of the weir for all heads in the range of 0.5R less-than-or-equal-to h less-than-or-equal-to 7.9R, within a maximum deviation of +/-1% from the theoretical discharge. Experiments with two typical weirs show excellent agreement with the theory by giving a constant-average coefficient of discharge of 0.619


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Strain controlled low cycle fatigue tests on solution annealed nitrogen modified 316L stainless steel have been conducted in air at 823 K to ascertain the influence of strain rate and strain amplitude. Effect of strain rate was examined from 3x10(-5) s(-1) to 3 x 10(-2) at a fixed strain amplitude of +/- 0.6%. The influence of strain amplitude was evaluated between +/- 0.25 % and +/- 1.0% at a constant strain rate of 3x10(-3) s(-1). The cyclic stress response at all testing conditions is characterized by an initial hardening followed by saturation. Serrated flow, a characteristic feature of dynamic strain ageing (DSA) was seen at strain rates lower than 3x10(-3) s(-1). Fatigue life was found to decrease with decrease in strain rate. The reduction in fatigue resistance is attributed mainly to the detrimental effects associated with DSA.


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This paper proposes a simple current error space vector based hysteresis controller for two-level inverter fed Induction Motor (IM) drives. This proposed hysteresis controller retains all advantages of conventional current error space vector based hysteresis controllers like fast dynamic response, simple to implement, adjacent voltage vector switching etc. The additional advantage of this proposed hysteresis controller is that it gives a phase voltage frequency spectrum exactly similar to that of a constant switching frequency space vector pulse width modulated (SVPWM) inverter. In this proposed hysteresis controller the boundary is computed online using estimated stator voltages along alpha and beta axes thus completely eliminating look up tables used for obtaining parabolic hysteresis boundary proposed in. The estimation of stator voltage is carried out using current errors along alpha and beta axes and steady state model of induction motor. The proposed scheme is simple and capable of taking inverter upto six step mode operation, if demanded by drive system. The proposed hysteresis controller based inverter fed drive scheme is simulated extensively using SIMULINK toolbox of MATLAB for steady state and transient performance. The experimental verification for steady state performance of the proposed scheme is carried out on a 3.7kW IM.