50 resultados para Inner tubes


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Explosive driven micro blast waves are generated in the laboratory using NONEL tubes. The explosive mixture coated to the inner walls of the plastic Nonel tube comprises of HMX and Aluminum ( 18mg/m). The detonation is triggered electrically to generate micro blast waves from the open end of the tube. Flow visualization and over pressure measurements have been carried out to understand the propagation dynamics of these micro-blast waves in both confined and unconfined domains. The classical cubic root law used for large scale blast correlation appears to hold good even for these micro-blasts generated in the laboratory.


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Symmetrical and unsymmetrical diphosphinoamines of the type X(2)PN(R)PX(2) and X(2)PN(R)YY' offer vast scope for the synthesis of a variety of transition metal organometallic complexes. Diphosphinoamines can be converted into their dioxides which are also accessible from appropriate (chloro)phosphane oxide precursors. The diphosphazane dioxides form an interesting series of complexes with lanthanide and actinide elements. Structural and spectroscopic studies have been carried out on a wide range of transition metal complexes incorporating linear P-N-P ligands and judiciously functionalized cyclophosphazanes and cyclo-phosphazenes.


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A simple equivalent circuit model for the analysis of dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of serpentine folded-waveguide slow-wave structure was developed by considering the straight and curved portions of structure supporting the dominant TE10-mode of the rectangular waveguide. Expressions for the lumped capacitance and inductance per period of the slow-wave structure were derived in terms of the physical dimensions of the structure, incorporating the effects of the beam-hole in the lumped parameters. The lumped parameters were subsequently interpreted for obtaining the dispersion and interaction impedance characteristics of the structure. The analysis was simple yet accurate in predicting the dispersion and interaction impedance behaviour at millimeter-wave frequencies. The analysis was benchmarked against measurement as well as with 3D electromagnetic modeling using MAFIA for two typical slow-wave structures (one at the Ka-band and the other at the W-band) and close agreement observed.


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A fully developed pulsatile flow in a circular rigid tube is analysed by a microcontinuum approach. Solutions for radial variation of axial velocity and cell rotational velocity across the tube are obtained using the momentum integral method. Simplified forms of the solutions are presented for the relevant physiological data. Marked deviations in the results are observed when compared to a Newtonian fluid model. It is interesting to see that there is sufficient reduction in the mass flow rate, phase lag and friction due to the micropolar character of the fluid.


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An experimental investigation by two-dimensional photoelastic technique is carried out to study the stress distribution and to determine the stress-intensity factors for arbitrarily oriented cracks in thin cylindrical shells subjected to torsion. A new method is employed to evaluate the pure and mixed-mode SIF's.


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The relations for the inner layer potential &fference (E) in the presence of adsorbed orgamc molecules are derived for three hterarchlcal models, m terms of molecular constants like permanent &pole moments, polarlzablhtles, etc It is shown how the experimentally observed patterns of the E vs 0 plots (hnear m all ranges of $\sigma^M$, non-linear in one or both regions of o M, etc ) can be understood in a serm-quantltatlve manner from the simplest model in our hierarchy, viz the two-state site panty version Two-state multi-site and three-state (sxte panty) models are also analysed and the slope (3E/80),,M tabulated for these also The results for the Esm-Markov effect are denved for all the models and compared with the earlier result of Parsons. A comparison with the GSL phenomenologlcal equation is presented and its molecular basis, as well as the hmltatlons, is analysed. In partxcular, two-state multa-slte and three-state (site panty) models yield E-o M relations that are more general than the "umfied" GSL equation The posslblhty of vaewlng the compact layer as a "composite medium" with an "effective dlelectnc constant" and obtaimng novel phenomenological descnptions IS also indicated.


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The Landau damping of sound wave in a plasma consisting of an ensemble of magnetic flux tubes with reference to the work by Ryutov and Ryutova (1976) is discussed. Sound waves cannot be Landau damped in general but under certain restriction conditions on plasma parameters the possibility of absorption of these waves can exist.


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The pulsatile flow of an incompressible viscous fluid in a cylindrical tube of varying cross section is investigated for small Reynolds numbers. The solutions consist of a stedy and an oscillatory part. The shear stress distribution on the wall is evaluated and discussed in detail for special geometries like tapered tubes, locally constricted tubes and peristaltic tubes. The existence of separation in the flow field is noticed.


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The propagation characteristics of a visco-elastic fluid in a distensible tube tube are studied. The linear visco-elastic nature of the fluid is described by a complex coefficient of viscosity η*. The equation of motion of the vessel wall takes into account the pulsatile nature of the wall. Results are presented for wave propagation velocity, the resistance and the reactance of the fluid and the wall impedance. It is seen that the visco-elastic influence is significant for high values of the frequency of oscillation in various arterial vessels.


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The flow of single large liquid bubbles under gravity in closed tubes is studied here for the case when the liquid bubble exhibits micropolar behaviour. The film thickness, velocity profile in the bubble and film, and nonNewtonian effects are studied and compared with those for the correspondingNewtonian fluid. The investigation is restricted to the case where the bubble length is far greater than the tube radius.


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An analysis of inviscid incompressible flow in a tube of sinusoidally perturbed circular cross section with wall injection has been made. The velocity and pressure fields have been obtained. Measurements of axial velocity profiles and pressure distribution have been made in a simulated star shaped tube with wall injection. The static pressure at the star recess is found to be more than that at the star point, this feature being in conformity with the analytical result. Flow visualisation by photography of injected smoke seems to show simple diffusion rather than strong vortices in the recess.


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This paper reports a numerical study of the laminar conjugate natural convection heat transfer with and without the interaction of the surface radiation in a horizontal cylindrical annulus formed between an inner heat generating solid circular cylinder and an outer isothermal circular boundary. Numerical solutions are obtained by solving the governing equations with a pressure correction method on a collocated (non-staggered) mesh. Steady-state results are presented for the flow and temperature distributions and Nusselt numbers for the heat generation based Grashof number ranging from 10(7) to 10(10), solid-to-fluid thermal conductivity ratios of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100, radius ratios of 0.226 and 0.452 and surface emissivities of 0-0.8 with air as the working medium. It is observed that surface radiation reduces the convective heat transfer in the annulus compared to the pure natural convection case and enhances the overall Nusselt number.


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In order to study the effect of the Coriolis force due to solar rotation on rising magnetic flux, the authors consider a flux ring, azimuthally symmetric around the rotation axis, starting from rest at the bottom of the convection zone, and then follow the trajectory of the flux ring as it rises. If it is assumed that the flux ring remains azimuthally symmetric during its ascent, then the problem can be described essentially in terms of two parameters: the value of the initial magnetic field in the ring when it starts, and the effective drag experienced by it. For field strengths at the bottom of the convection zone of order 10,000 G or less, it is found that the Coriolis force plays a dominant role and flux rings starting from low latitudes at the bottom are deflected and emerge at latitudes significantly poleward of sunspot zones.


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We study the problem of the coalescence of twisted flux tubes by assuming that the azimuthal field lines reconnect at a current sheet during the coalescence process and everywhere else the magnetic field is frozen in the fluid. We derive relations connecting the topology of the coalesced flux tube with the topologies of the initial flux tubes, and then obtain a structure equation for calculating the field configuration of the coalesced flux tube from the given topology. Some solutions for the two extreme cases of low-β plasma and high-β plasma are discussed. The coalesced flux tube has less twist than the initial flux tube. Magnetic helicity is found to be exactly conserved during the coalescence, but the assumptions in the model put a constraint on the energy dissipation so that we do not get a relaxation to the minimum-energy Taylor state in the low-β case. It is pointed out that the structure equation connecting the topology and the equilibrium configuration is quite general and can be of use in many two-dimensional flux tube problems.