236 resultados para Global Optimization


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A connectionist approach for global optimization is proposed. The standard function set is tested. Results obtained, in the case of large scale problems, indicate excellent scalability of the proposed approach


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A new global stochastic search, guided mainly through derivative-free directional information computable from the sample statistical moments of the design variables within a Monte Carlo setup, is proposed. The search is aided by imparting to the directional update term additional layers of random perturbations referred to as `coalescence' and `scrambling'. A selection step, constituting yet another avenue for random perturbation, completes the global search. The direction-driven nature of the search is manifest in the local extremization and coalescence components, which are posed as martingale problems that yield gain-like update terms upon discretization. As anticipated and numerically demonstrated, to a limited extent, against the problem of parameter recovery given the chaotic response histories of a couple of nonlinear oscillators, the proposed method appears to offer a more rational, more accurate and faster alternative to most available evolutionary schemes, prominently the particle swarm optimization. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The experimental implementation of a quantum algorithm requires the decomposition of unitary operators. Here we treat unitary-operator decomposition as an optimization problem, and use a genetic algorithm-a global-optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process-for operator decomposition. We apply this method to NMR quantum information processing, and find a probabilistic way of performing universal quantum computation using global hard pulses. We also demonstrate the efficient creation of the singlet state (a special type of Bell state) directly from thermal equilibrium, using an optimum sequence of pulses. © 2012 American Physical Society.


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The experimental implementation of a quantum algorithm requires the decomposition of unitary operators. Here we treat unitary-operator decomposition as an optimization problem, and use a genetic algorithm-a global-optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process-for operator decomposition. We apply this method to NMR quantum information processing, and find a probabilistic way of performing universal quantum computation using global hard pulses. We also demonstrate the efficient creation of the singlet state (a special type of Bell state) directly from thermal equilibrium, using an optimum sequence of pulses.


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Using Genetic Algorithm, a global optimization method inspired by nature's evolutionary process, we have improved the quantitative refocused constant-time INEPT experiment (Q-INEPT-CT) of Makela et al. (JMR 204 (2010) 124-130) with various optimization constraints. The improved `average polarization transfer' and `min-max difference' of new delay sets effectively reduces the experimental time by a factor of two (compared with Q-INEPT-CT, Makela et al.) without compromising on accuracy. We also discuss a quantitative spectral editing technique based on average polarization transfer. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Some of the well known formulations for topology optimization of compliant mechanisms could lead to lumped compliant mechanisms. In lumped compliance, most of the elastic deformation in a mechanism occurs at few points, while rest of the mechanism remains more or less rigid. Such points are referred to as point-flexures. It has been noted in literature that high relative rotation is associated with point-flexures. In literature we also find a formulation of local constraint on relative rotations to avoid lumped compliance. However it is well known that a global constraint is easier to handle than a local constraint, by a numerical optimization algorithm. The current work presents a way of putting global constraint on relative rotations. This constraint is also simpler to implement since it uses linearized rotation at the center of finite-elements, to compute relative rotations. I show the results obtained by using this constraint oil the following benchmark problems - displacement inverter and gripper.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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We propose certain discrete parameter variants of well known simulation optimization algorithms. Two of these algorithms are based on the smoothed functional (SF) technique while two others are based on the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) method. They differ from each other in the way perturbations are obtained and also the manner in which projections and parameter updates are performed. All our algorithms use two simulations and two-timescale stochastic approximation. As an application setting, we consider the important problem of admission control of packets in communication networks under dependent service times. We consider a discrete time slotted queueing model of the system and consider two different scenarios - one where the service times have a dependence on the system state and the other where they depend on the number of arrivals in a time slot. Under our settings, the simulated objective function appears ill-behaved with multiple local minima and a unique global minimum characterized by a sharp dip in the objective function in a small region of the parameter space. We compare the performance of our algorithms on these settings and observe that the two SF algorithms show the best results overall. In fact, in many cases studied, SF algorithms converge to the global minimum.


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The notion of optimization is inherent in protein design. A long linear chain of twenty types of amino acid residues are known to fold to a 3-D conformation that minimizes the combined inter-residue energy interactions. There are two distinct protein design problems, viz. predicting the folded structure from a given sequence of amino acid monomers (folding problem) and determining a sequence for a given folded structure (inverse folding problem). These two problems have much similarity to engineering structural analysis and structural optimization problems respectively. In the folding problem, a protein chain with a given sequence folds to a conformation, called a native state, which has a unique global minimum energy value when compared to all other unfolded conformations. This involves a search in the conformation space. This is somewhat akin to the principle of minimum potential energy that determines the deformed static equilibrium configuration of an elastic structure of given topology, shape, and size that is subjected to certain boundary conditions. In the inverse-folding problem, one has to design a sequence with some objectives (having a specific feature of the folded structure, docking with another protein, etc.) and constraints (sequence being fixed in some portion, a particular composition of amino acid types, etc.) while obtaining a sequence that would fold to the desired conformation satisfying the criteria of folding. This requires a search in the sequence space. This is similar to structural optimization in the design-variable space wherein a certain feature of structural response is optimized subject to some constraints while satisfying the governing static or dynamic equilibrium equations. Based on this similarity, in this work we apply the topology optimization methods to protein design, discuss modeling issues and present some initial results.


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Swarm Intelligence techniques such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) are shown to be incompetent for an accurate estimation of global solutions in several engineering applications. This problem is more severe in case of inverse optimization problems where fitness calculations are computationally expensive. In this work, a novel strategy is introduced to alleviate this problem. The proposed inverse model based on modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied for a contaminant transport inverse model. The inverse models based on standard-PSO and proposed-PSO are validated to estimate the accuracy of the models. The proposed model is shown to be out performing the standard one in terms of accuracy in parameter estimation. The preliminary results obtained using the proposed model is presented in this work.


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The standard Gibbs energy of formation of Rh203 at high temperature has been determined recently with high precision. The new data are significantly different from those given in thermodynamic compilations.Accurate values for enthalpy and entropy of formation at 298.15 K could not be evaluated from the new data,because reliable values for heat capacity of Rh2O3 were not available. In this article, a new measurement of the high temperature heat capacity of Rh2O3 using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is presented.The new values for heat capacity also differ significantly from those given in compilations. The information on heat capacity is coupled with standard Gibbs energy of formation to evaluate values for standard enthalpy and entropy of formation at 289.15 K using a multivariate analysis. The results suggest a major revision in thermodynamic data for Rh2O3. For example, it is recommended that the standard entropy of Rh203 at 298.15 K be changed from 106.27 J mol-' K-'given in the compilations of Barin and Knacke et al. to 75.69 J mol-' K". The recommended revision in the standard enthalpy of formation is from -355.64 kJ mol-'to -405.53 kJ mol".


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Differential evolution (DE) is arguably one of the most powerful stochastic real-parameter optimization algorithms of current interest. Since its inception in the mid 1990s, DE has been finding many successful applications in real-world optimization problems from diverse domains of science and engineering. This paper takes a first significant step toward the convergence analysis of a canonical DE (DE/rand/1/bin) algorithm. It first deduces a time-recursive relationship for the probability density function (PDF) of the trial solutions, taking into consideration the DE-type mutation, crossover, and selection mechanisms. Then, by applying the concepts of Lyapunov stability theorems, it shows that as time approaches infinity, the PDF of the trial solutions concentrates narrowly around the global optimum of the objective function, assuming the shape of a Dirac delta distribution. Asymptotic convergence behavior of the population PDF is established by constructing a Lyapunov functional based on the PDF and showing that it monotonically decreases with time. The analysis is applicable to a class of continuous and real-valued objective functions that possesses a unique global optimum (but may have multiple local optima). Theoretical results have been substantiated with relevant computer simulations.


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Clustered architecture processors are preferred for embedded systems because centralized register file architectures scale poorly in terms of clock rate, chip area, and power consumption. Although clustering helps by improving the clock speed, reducing the energy consumption of the logic, and making the design simpler, it introduces extra overheads by way of inter-cluster communication. This communication happens over long global wires having high load capacitance which leads to delay in execution and significantly high energy consumption. Inter-cluster communication also introduces many short idle cycles, thereby significantly increasing the overall leakage energy consumption in the functional units. The trend towards miniaturization of devices (and associated reduction in threshold voltage) makes energy consumption in interconnects and functional units even worse, and limits the usability of clustered architectures in smaller technologies. However, technological advancements now permit the design of interconnects and functional units with varying performance and power modes. In this paper, we propose scheduling algorithms that aggregate the scheduling slack of instructions and communication slack of data values to exploit the low-power modes of functional units and interconnects. Finally, we present a synergistic combination of these algorithms that simultaneously saves energy in functional units and interconnects to improves the usability of clustered architectures by achieving better overall energy-performance trade-offs. Even with conservative estimates of the contribution of the functional units and interconnects to the overall processor energy consumption, the proposed combined scheme obtains on average 8% and 10% improvement in overall energy-delay product with 3.5% and 2% performance degradation for a 2-clustered and a 4-clustered machine, respectively. We present a detailed experimental evaluation of the proposed schemes. Our test bed uses the Trimaran compiler infrastructure. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A new technique is proposed for multisensor image registration by matching the features using discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO). The feature points are first extracted from the reference and sensed image using improved Harris corner detector available in the literature. From the extracted corner points, DPSO finds the three corresponding points in the sensed and reference images using multiobjective optimization of distance and angle conditions through objective switching technique. By this, the global best matched points are obtained which are used to evaluate the affine transformation for the sensed image. The performance of the image registration is evaluated and concluded that the proposed approach is efficient.


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Routing is a very important step in VLSI physical design. A set of nets are routed under delay and resource constraints in multi-net global routing. In this paper a delay-driven congestion-aware global routing algorithm is developed, which is a heuristic based method to solve a multi-objective NP-hard optimization problem. The proposed delay-driven Steiner tree construction method is of O(n(2) log n) complexity, where n is the number of terminal points and it provides n-approximation solution of the critical time minimization problem for a certain class of grid graphs. The existing timing-driven method (Hu and Sapatnekar, 2002) has a complexity O(n(4)) and is implemented on nets with small number of sinks. Next we propose a FPTAS Gradient algorithm for minimizing the total overflow. This is a concurrent approach considering all the nets simultaneously contrary to the existing approaches of sequential rip-up and reroute. The algorithms are implemented on ISPD98 derived benchmarks and the drastic reduction of overflow is observed. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.