177 resultados para Geometry, Differential


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We report large quadratic nonlinearity in a series of 1:1 molecular complexes between methyl substituted benzene donors and quinone acceptors in solution. The first hyperpolarizability, beta(HRS), which is very small for the individual components, becomes large by intermolecular charge transfer (CT) interaction between the donor and the acceptor in the complex. In addition, we have investigated the geometry of these CT complexes in solution using polarization resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS). Using linearly (electric field vector along X direction) and circularly polarized incident light, respectively, we have measured two macroscopic depolarization ratios D = I-2 omega,I-X,I-X/I-2 omega,I-Z,I-X and D' = I-2 omega,I-X,I-C/I-2 omega,I-Z,I-C in the laboratory fixed XYZ frame by detecting the second harmonic scattered light in a polarization resolved fashion. The experimentally obtained first hyperpolarizability, beta(HRS), and the value of macroscopic depolarization ratios, D and D', are then matched with the theoretically deduced values from single and double configuration interaction calculations performed using the Zerner's intermediate neglect of differential overlap self-consistent reaction field technique. In solution, since several geometries are possible, we have carried out calculations by rotating the acceptor moiety around three different axes keeping the donor molecule fixed at an optimized geometry. These rotations give us the theoretical beta(HRS), D and D' values as a function of the geometry of the complex. The calculated beta(HRS), D, and D' values that closely match with the experimental values, give the dominant equilibrium geometry in solution. All the CT complexes between methyl benzenes and chloranil or 1,2-dichloro-4,5-dicyano-p-benzoquinone investigated here are found to have a slipped parallel stacking of the donors and the acceptors. Furthermore, the geometries are staggered and in some pairs, a twist angle as high as 30 degrees is observed. Thus, we have demonstrated in this paper that the polarization resolved HRS technique along with theoretical calculations can unravel the geometry of CT complexes in solution. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3514922]


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In this paper, we have computed the quadratic nonlinear optical (NLO) properties of a class of weak charge transfer (CT) complexes. These weak complexes are formed when the methyl substituted benzenes (donors) are added to strong acceptors like chloranil (CHL) or di-chloro-di-cyano benzoquinone (DDQ) in chloroform or in dichloromethane. The formation of such complexes is manifested by the presence of a broad absorption maximum in the visible range of the spectrum where neither the donor nor the acceptor absorbs. The appearance of this visible band is due to CT interactions, which result in strong NLO responses. We have employed the semiempirical intermediate neglect of differential overlap (INDO/S) Hamiltonian to calculate the energy levels of these CT complexes using single and double configuration interaction (SDCI). The solvent effects are taken into account by using the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF) scheme. The geometry of the complex is obtained by exploring different relative molecular geometries by rotating the acceptor with respect to the fixed donor about three different axes. The theoretical geometry that best fits the experimental energy gaps, beta(HRS) and macroscopic depolarization ratios is taken to be the most probable geometry of the complex. Our studies show that the most probable geometry of these complexes in solution is the parallel displaced structure with a significant twist in some cases. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. doi:10.1063/1.3526748]


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Recent advances in nanotechnology have paved ways to various techniques for designing and fabricating novel nanostructures incorporating noble metal nanoparticles, for a wide range of applications. The interaction of light with metal nanoparticles (NPs) can generate strongly localized electromagnetic fields (Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance, LSPR) at certain wavelengths of the incident beam. In assemblies or structures where the nanoparticles are placed in close proximity, the plasmons of individual metallic NPs can be strongly coupled to each other via Coulomb interactions. By arranging the metallic NPs in a chiral (e.g. helical) geometry, it is possible to induce collective excitations, which lead to differential optical response of the structures to right-and left circularly polarized light (e.g. Circular Dichroism - CD). Earlier reports in this field include novel techniques of synthesizing metallic nanoparticles on biological helical templates made from DNA, proteins etc. In the present work, we have developed new ways of fabricating chiral complexes made of metallic NPs, which demonstrate a very strong chiro-optical response in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Using DDA (Discrete Dipole Approximation) simulations, we theoretically studied the conditions responsible for large and broadband chiro-optical response. This system may be used for various applications, for example those related to polarization control of visible light, sensing of proteins and other chiral bio-molecules, and many more.


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Heat shock promoters of mycobacteria are strong promoters that become rapidly upregulated during macrophage infection and thus serve as valuable candidates for expressing foreign antigens in recombinant BCG vaccine. In the present study, a new heat shock promoter controlling the expression of the groESL1 operon was identified and characterized. Mycobacterium tuberculosis groESL1 operon codes for the immunodominant 10 kDa (Rv3418c, GroES/Cpn10/Hsp10) and 60 kDa (Rv3417c, GroEL1/Cpn60.1/Hsp60) heat shock proteins. The basal promoter region was 115 bp, while enhanced activity was seen only with a 277-bp fragment. No promoter element was seen in the groES-groEL1 intergenic region. This operon codes for a bicistronic mRNA transcript as determined by reverse transcriptase-PCR and Northern blot analysis. Primer extension analysis identified two transcriptional start sites (TSSs) TSS1 (-236) and TSS2 (-171), out of which one (TSS2) was heat inducible. The groE promoter was more active than the groEL2 promoter in Mycobacterium smegmatis. Further, it was found to be differentially regulated under stress conditions, while the groEL2 promoter was constitutive.


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We have studied two person stochastic differential games with multiple modes. For the zero-sum game we have established the existence of optimal strategies for both players. For the nonzero-sum case we have proved the existence of a Nash equilibrium.


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The cobalt(II) tris(bipyridyl) complex ion encapsulated in zeolite-Y supercages exhibits a thermally driven interconversion between a low-spin and a high-spin state-a phenomenon not observed for this ion either in solid state or in solution. From a comparative study of the magnetism and optical spectroscopy of the encapsulated and unencapsulated complex ion, supported by molecular modeling, such spin behavior is shown to be intramolecular in origin. In the unencapsulated or free state, the [Co(bipy)(3)](2+) ion exhibits a marked trigonal prismatic distortion, but on encapsulation, the topology of the supercage forces it to adopt a near-octahedral geometry. An analysis using the angular overlap ligand field model with spectroscopically derived parameters shows that the geometry does indeed give rise to a low-spin ground state, and suggests a possible scenario for the spin state interconversion.


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Developing novel drugs against the unicellular parasite Plasmodium is complicated by the paucity of simple screening systems. Heat-shock proteins are an essential class of proteins for the parasite's cyclical life style between different cellular milieus and temperatures. The molecular chaperone Hsp90 assists a large variety of proteins, but its supporting functions for many proteins that are important for cancer have made it into a well-studied drug target. With a better understanding of the differences between Hsp90 of the malarial parasite and Hsp90 of its human host, new therapeutic options might become available. We have generated a set of isogenic strains of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae where the essential yeast Hsp90 proteins have been replaced with either of the two human cytosolic isoforms Hsp90 alpha or Hsp90 beta, or with Hsp90 from Plasmodium falciparum (Pf). All strains express large amounts of the Flag-tagged Hsp90 proteins and are viable. Even though the strain with Pf Hsp90 grows more poorly, it provides a tool to reconstitute additional aspects of the parasite Hsp90 complex and its interactions with substrates in yeast as a living test tube. Upon exposure of the set of Hsp90 test strains to the two Hsp90 inhibitors radicicol (Rd) and geldanamycin (GA), we found that the strain with Pf Hsp90 is relatively more sensitive to GA than to Rd compared to the strains with human Hsp90's. This indicates that this set of yeast strains could be used to screen for new Pf Hsp90 inhibitors with a wider therapeutic window.


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No abstract is available.


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A role for oestrogen in regulating fluid reabsorption in the monkey epididymis was recently demonstrated. Here, these Studies are extended to identify potential oestrogen-regulated proteins in the cauda region of monkey epididymis treated with vehicle and oestrogen receptor antagonist (ICI 182780). Two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis was used to identify the proteins. The results indicated down-regulation of WNT4 in the ICI-182780-treated monkey cauda. In addition. the Wnt4f mRNA concentration was also reduced in the caput regions of ICI-182780-treated rats and oestrogen receptor knockout mice. WNT4 is a key regulator of gonadal differentiation in humans and mice and plays a pivotal role in early mouse embryogenesis. The results of the present Study establish the presence of WNT4 in the monkey epididymis and its regulation by oestrogen, and Suggest a role for WNT4 in maintaining epididymal homeostasis.


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We study a zero sum differential game of mixed type where each player uses both control and stopping times. Under certain conditions we show that the value function for this problem exists and is the unique viscosity solution of the corresponding variational inequalities. We also show the existence of saddle point equilibrium for a special case of differential game.


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Some new observations on the phenomenon of photocapacitane on n-type silicon MOS structures under low intensities of illumination are reported. The difference between the illuminated and dark C---characteristics is automatically followed as a function of the applied bias thereby obtaining the differential photocapacitance and the resulting characteristics has been termed as the Low Intensity Differential Photocapacitance (LIDP). For an MOS capacitor, the LIDP characteristics is seen to go through a well defined maximum. The phenomenon has been investigated under different ambient conditions like light intensity, temperature, dependance of the frequency of the light etc. and it has been found that the phenomenon is due to a band excband excitation. In this connection, a novel sensitive technique for the measurement of the capacitance based upon following the frequency changes of a tank circuit is also described in some detail. It is also shown that the phenomenon can be understood by a simple theoretical model.


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We have carried out an analysis of crystal structure data on prolyl and hydroxyprolyl moieties in small molecules. The flexibility of the pyrrolidine ring due to the pyramidal character of nitrogen has been defined in terms of two projection angles δ1 and δ2. The distribution of these parameters in the crystal structures is found to be consistent with results of the energy calculations carried out on prolyl moieties in our laboratory.


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Auto-ignition temperature of polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride) and carboxy terminated polybutadiene has been measured at various oxygen pressures (1-28 atm) in a high pressure differential thermal analysis assembly at a heating rate of 10°C/min. The exothermic peak appears between 250-350°C in polystyrene and poly(vinyl chloride) and between 150-200°C for carboxy terminated polybutadiene. Ignition appears to be controlled by in situ forma tion and degradation of polymeric peroxides. Inverse dependence of ignition temperature on oxygen pressure is explained by the rate equation which con siders that ignition of a particular sample, of a fixed geometry, occurs when gasification rate reaches a unique critical value.


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This paper presents the architecture of a fault-tolerant, special-purpose multi-microprocessor system for solving Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). The modular nature of the architecture allows the use of hundreds of Processing Elements (PEs) for high throughput. Its performance is evaluated by both analytical and simulation methods. The results indicate that the system can achieve high operation rates and is not sensitive to inter-processor communication delay.