199 resultados para Fluorescence induite par laser (LIF)


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The industrial production and commercial applications of titanium dioxide nanoparticles have increased considerably in recent times, which has increased the probability of environmental contamination with these agents and their adverse effects on living systems. This study was designed to assess the genotoxicity potential of TiO2 NPs at high exposure concentrations, its bio-uptake, and the oxidative stress it generated, a recognised cause of genotoxicity. Allium cepa root tips were treated with TiO2 NP dispersions at four different concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100 mu g/mL). A dose dependant decrease in the mitotic index (69 to 21) and an increase in the number of distinctive chromosomal aberrations were observed. Optical, fluorescence and confocal laser scanning microscopy revealed chromosomal aberrations, including chromosomal breaks and sticky, multipolar, and laggard chromosomes, and micronucleus formation. The chromosomal aberrations and DNA damage were also validated by the comet assay. The bio-uptake of TiO2 in particulate form was the key cause of reactive oxygen species generation, which in turn was probably the cause of the DNA aberrations and genotoxicity observed in this study.


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In this paper, we present the molecular density distribution measurement in turbulent nitrogen jet (Re approximate to 3 x 10(3)), using acetone as molecular tracer. The tracer was seeded in the nitrogen jet by purging through the liquid acetone at ambient temperature. Planar laser sheet of 266 nm wavelength from frequency quadrupled, Q-switched, Nd:YAG laser was used as an excitation source. Emitted fluorescence images of jet flow field were recorded on CMOS camera. The dependence of planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) intensity on acetone vapor density was used to convert PLIF image of nitrogen jet into the density image on pixel-by-pixel basis. Instantaneous quantitative density image of nitrogen jet, seeded with acetone, was obtained. The arrowhead-shaped coherent turbulent structures were observed in the present work. It was found that coherent structures were non-overlapping with separate boundaries. Breaking of coherent structures into turbulence was clearly observed above four times jet width.


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In this paper we report the quantitative oxygen quenching effect on laser-induced fluorescence of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and 3-pentanone at low pressures (approximate to 700torr) with oxygen partial pressures up to 450torr. Nitrogen was used as a bath gas in which these molecular tracers were added in different quantities according to their vapor pressure at room temperature. These tracers were excited by using a frequency-quadrupled, Q-switched, Nd:YAG laser (266nm). Stern-Volmer plots were found to be linear for all the tracers, suggesting that quenching is collisional in nature. Stern-Volmer coefficients (k(sv)) and quenching rate constants (k(q)) were calculated from Stern-Volmer plots. The effects of oxygen on the laser-induced fluorescence of acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, and 3-pentanone were compared with each other. Further, the Smoluchowski theory was used to calculate the quenching parameters and compared with the experimental results.


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The current work reports quantitative OH species concentration in the cavity of a trapped vortex combustor (TVC) in the context of mixing and flame stabilization studies using both syngas and methane fuels. Planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) measurements of OH radical obtained using a Nd: YAG pumped dye laser are quantified using a flat flame McKenna burner. The momentum flux ratio (MFR), defined as the ratio of the cavity fuel jet momentum to that of the guide vane air stream, is observed to be a key governing parameter. At high MFRs similar to 4.5, the flame front is observed to form at the interface of the fuel jet and the air jet stream. This is substantiated by velocity vector field measurements. For syngas, as the MFR is lowered to similar to 0.3, the fuel-air mixing increases and a flame front is formed at the bottom and downstream edge of the cavity where a stratified charge is present. This trend is observed for different velocities at similar equivalence ratios. In case of methane combustion in the cavity, where the MFRs employed are extremely low at similar to 0.01, a different mechanism is observed. A fuel-rich mixture is now observed at the center of the cavity and this mixture undergoes combustion. On further increase of the cavity equivalence ratio, the rich mixture exceeds the flammability limit and forms a thin reaction zone at the interface with air stream. As a consequence, a shear layer flame at the top of the cavity interface with the mainstream is also observed. The equivalence ratio in the cavity also determines the combustion characteristics in the case of fuel-air mixtures that are formed as a result of the mixing. Overall, flame stabilization mechanisms have been proposed, which account for the wide range of MFRs and premixing in the mainstream as well.


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The effect of host glass composition on the optical absorption and fluorescence spectra of Nd3+ has been studied in mixed alkali borate glasses of the type xNa(2)O-(30-x)K2O-69.5B(2)O(3)-0.5Nd(2)O(3) (X = 5,10,15,20 and 25). Various spectroscopic parameters such as Racah (E-1, E-2 and E-3), spin-orbit (xi(4f)) and configuration interaction (alpha, beta) parameters have been calculated. The Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters (Omega(lambda)) have been calculated and the radiative transition probabilities (A(rad)), radiative lifetimes (tau(r)), branching ratios (beta) and integrated absorption cross sections (Sigma) have been obtained for certain excited states of the Nd3+, ion and are discussed with respect to x. From the fluorescence spectra, the effective fluorescence line widths (Deltalambda(eff)) and stimulated emission cross sections (sigma(p)) have been obtained for the three transitions F-4(3/2) --> I-4(9/2), F-4(3/2) --> I-4(11/2) and F-4(3/2) --> I-4(13/2) of Nd3+. The stimulated emission cross section (sigma(p)) values are found to be in the range (2.0-4.8) x 10(-2)0 cm(2) and they are large enough to indicate that the mixed alkali borate glasses could be potential laser host materials.


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We have demonstrated the synthesis of light-sensitive polyelectrolyte capsules (PECs) by utilizing a novel polyol reduction method and investigated its applicability as photosensitive drug delivery vehicle. The nanostructured capsules were prepared via layer by layer (LbL) assembly of poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAN) and dextran sulfate (DS) on silica particles followed by in-situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles (NPs). Capsules without silver NPs were permeable to low molecular weight (A(w), 479 g/mol) rhodamine but impermeable to higher molecular weight fluorescence labeled dextran (FITC-dextran). However, capsules synthesized with silver NPs showed porous morphology and were permeable to higher molecular weight (M(w) 70 kDa) FITC-dextran also. These capsules were loaded with FITC-dextran using thermal encapsulation method by exploiting temperature induced shrinking of the capsules. During heat treatment the porous morphology of the capsules transformed into smooth pore free structure which prevents the movement of dextran into bulk during the loading process. When these loaded capsules are exposed to laser pulses, the capsule wall ruptured, resulting in the release of the loaded drug/dye. The rupture of the capsules was dependent on particle size, laser pulse energy and exposure time. The release was linear with time when pulse energy of 400 mu J was used and burst release was observed when pulse energy increased to 600 mu J.


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The stimulated emission cross section σp for the 1060 nm transition of Nd3+ in lead borate and bismuth borate glasses has been determined from fluorescence measurements. The compositional dependence of σp, which has been evaluated using radiative transition probability, refractive index of the host glass, effective fluorescence linewidth, and position of the band, with PbO/Bi2O3 content is investigated. The σp values of the 1060 nm band of Nd3+ for lead borate and bismuth borate glasses are found to be in the range 2.6–5.7×10−20 cm2 at 298 K and 3.0–6.3×10−20 cm2 at 4.2 K. The σp values are comparatively large suggesting the possible utilization of these materials in laser applications.


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This work is concerned with the interaction of a source-sink pair. The main parameters of the problem are source and sink flow rates, the axial and lateral separations of the source and sink, and the angle between the axes of source and sink. Of concern is the percentage of source fluid that enters the sink as a function of these parameters. The experiments have been carried using the source nozzle diameter of 6 mm and the sink pipe diameter of two sizes: 10 mm and 20 mm. The Reynolds numbers of the source jet is about 3200. The main diagnostics are flow visualization using dye, laser induced fluorescence (LIF), particle streak photographs and particle image velocimetry (Ply). To obtain the removal effectiveness (that is percentage of source fluid that is going through the sink pipe), titration method is used. The sink diameter and the angle between source and the sink axes do not influence efficiencies as do the sink flow rate and the lateral separation. Data from experiments have been consolidated so that these results can be used for designing sinks for removal of heat and pollutants. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Optical imaging techniques have played a major role in understanding the flow dynamics of varieties of fluid flows, particularly in the study of hypersonic flows. Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques have been the flow diagnostic tools for the investigation of compressible flows since more than a century. However these techniques provide only the qualitative information about the flow field. Other optical techniques such as holographic interferometry and laser induced fluorescence (LIF) have been used extensively for extracting quantitative information about the high speed flows. In this paper we present the application of digital holographic interferometry (DHI) technique integrated with short duration hypersonic shock tunnel facility having 1 ms test time, for quantitative flow visualization. Dynamics of the flow fields in hypersonic/supersonic speeds around different test models is visualized with DHI using a high-speed digital camera (0.2 million fps). These visualization results are compared with schlieren visualization and CFD simulation results. Fringe analysis is carried out to estimate the density of the flow field.


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An iterative image reconstruction technique employing B-Spline potential function in a Bayesian framework is proposed for fluorescence microscopy images. B-splines are piecewise polynomials with smooth transition, compact support and are the shortest polynomial splines. Incorporation of the B-spline potential function in the maximum-a-posteriori reconstruction technique resulted in improved contrast, enhanced resolution and substantial background reduction. The proposed technique is validated on simulated data as well as on the images acquired from fluorescence microscopes (widefield, confocal laser scanning fluorescence and super-resolution 4Pi microscopy). A comparative study of the proposed technique with the state-of-art maximum likelihood (ML) and maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) with quadratic potential function shows its superiority over the others. B-Spline MAP technique can find applications in several imaging modalities of fluorescence microscopy like selective plane illumination microscopy, localization microscopy and STED. (C) 2015 Author(s).


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While absorption and emission spectroscopy have always been used to detect and characterize molecules and molecular complexes, the availability of ultrashort laser pulses and associated computer-aided optical detection techniques allowed study of chemical processes directly in the time domain at unprecedented time scales, through appearance and disappearance of fluorescence from participating chemical species. Application of such techniques to chemical dynamics in liquids, where many processes occur with picosecond and femtosecond time scales lead to the discovery of a host of new phenomena that in turn led to the development of many new theories. Experiment and theory together provided new and valuable insight into many fundamental chemical processes, like isomerization dynamics, electron and proton transfer reactions, vibrational energy and phase relaxation, photosynthesis, to name just a few. In this article, we shall review a few of such discoveries in attempt to provide a glimpse of the fascinating research employing fluorescence spectroscopy that changed the field of chemical dynamics forever.


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The binding of xylo-oligosaccharides to Chainia endoxylanase resulted in a decrease in fluorescence intensity of the enzyme with the formation of 1:1 complex. Equilibrium and thermodynamic parameters of ligand binding were determined by fluorescence titrations and titration calorimetry. The affinity of xylanase for the oligosaccharides increases in the order X-2 < X-3 < X-4 less than or equal to X-5. Contributions from the enthalpy towards the free energy change decreased with increasing chain length from X-2 to X-4, whereas an increase in entropy was observed, the change in enthalpy and entropy of binding being compensatory. The entropically driven binding process suggested that hydrophobic interactions as well as hydrogen bonds play a predominant role in ligand binding.


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Lasers are very efficient in heating localized regions and hence they find a wide application in surface treatment processes. The surface of a material can be selectively modified to give superior wear and corrosion resistance. In laser surface-melting and welding problems, the high temperature gradient prevailing in the free surface induces a surface-tension gradient which is the dominant driving force for convection (known as thermo-capillary or Marangoni convection). It has been reported that the surface-tension driven convection plays a dominant role in determining the melt pool shape. In most of the earlier works on laser-melting and related problems, the finite difference method (FDM) has been used to solve the Navier Stokes equations [1]. Since the Reynolds number is quite high in these cases, upwinding has been used. Though upwinding gives physically realistic solutions even on a coarse grid, the results are inaccurate. McLay and Carey have solved the thermo-capillary flow in welding problems by an implicit finite element method [2]. They used the conventional Galerkin finite element method (FEM) which requires that the pressure be interpolated by one order lower than velocity (mixed interpolation). This restricts the choice of elements to certain higher order elements which need numerical integration for evaluation of element matrices. The implicit algorithm yields a system of nonlinear, unsymmetric equations which are not positive definite. Computations would be possible only with large mainframe computers.Sluzalec [3] has modeled the pulsed laser-melting problem by an explicit method (FEM). He has used the six-node triangular element with mixed interpolation. Since he has considered the buoyancy induced flow only, the velocity values are small. In the present work, an equal order explicit FEM is used to compute the thermo-capillary flow in the laser surface-melting problem. As this method permits equal order interpolation, there is no restriction in the choice of elements. Even linear elements such as the three-node triangular elements can be used. As the governing equations are solved in a sequential manner, the computer memory requirement is less. The finite element formulation is discussed in this paper along with typical numerical results.


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Polycrystalline films of SrBi2Nb2O9 were grown using pulsed-laser ablation. The ferroelectric properties were achieved by low-temperature deposition followed by a subsequent annealing process. The lower switching voltage was obtained by lowering the thickness, which did not affect the insulating nature of the films. The hysteresis results showed an excellent square-shaped loop with results (P-r=6 mu C/cm(2), E-c=100 kV/cm) in good agreement with earlier reports. The films also exhibited a dielectric constant of 250 and a dissipation factor of 0.02. The transport studies indicated an ohmic behavior, while higher voltages induced a bulk space charge.