40 resultados para Fetal hemoglobin


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Among the human diseases that result from chromosomal aberrations, a de novo deletion in chromosome 11p13 is clinically associated with a syndrome characterized by Wilms' tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation (WAGR). Not all genes in the deleted region have been characterized biochemically or functionally. We have recently identified the first Class III cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, Rv0805, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which biochemically and structurally belongs to the superfamily of metallophosphoesterases. We performed a large scale bioinformatic analysis to identify orthologs of the Rv0805 protein and identified many eukaryotic genes that included the human 239FB gene present in the region deleted in the WAGR syndrome. We report here the first detailed biochemical characterization of the rat 239FB protein and show that it possesses metallophosphodiesterase activity. Extensive mutational analysis identified residues that are involved in metal interaction at the binuclear metal center. Generation of a rat 239FB protein with a mutation corresponding to a single nucleotide polymorphism seen in human 239FB led to complete inactivation of the protein. A close ortholog of 239FB is found in adult tissues, and biochemical characterization of the 239AB protein demonstrated significant hydrolytic activity against 2',3'-cAMP, thus representing the first evidence for a Class III cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in mammals. Highly conserved orthologs of the 239FB protein are found in Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila and, coupled with available evidence suggesting that 239FB is a tumor suppressor, indicate the important role this protein must play in diverse cellular events.


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The ontogeny of muscarinic receptors was studied in human fetal striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum to investigate general principles of synaptogenesis as well as the physiological balance between various chemical synapses during development in a given region of the brain. [3H]Quinuclidinyl benzilate ([-'H]QNB) binding was assayed in total particulate fraction (TPF) from various parts of brain. In the corpus striatum, QNB binding sites are present at 16 weeks of gestation (average concentration 180 fmol/mg protein of TPF), slowly increase up to 24 weeks (average concentration 217 fmol/mg protein), and rapidly increase during the third trimester to 480 fmol/mg protein of TPF. In contrast, dopaminergic receptors exist as two subpopulations. one with low affinity and the other with high affinity up to the 24th week of gestation; all of them acquire the highaffinity characteristic during the third trimester. In brainstem, the muscarinic receptors show maximum concentration by 16 weeks of age (360 fmolimg protein of TPF). Subsequently the muscarinic receptor concentration shows a gradual decline in the brainstem. In cerebellum, except for a slight increase at 24 weeks (average concentration 90 fmol/mg protein of TPF), the receptor concentration remained nearly constant at about 60-70 fmolimg protein of TPF throughout fetal life. This study demonstrates that the ontogeny of muscarinic receptors varies among the different regions, and the patterns observed suggest that receptor formation occurs principally in the third trimester. Also noteworthy is the finding that the QNB binding sites decreased in all regions of the human brain during adult life. Key Words: Cholinergic muscarinic receptors-Quinuclidinyl benzilate-Corpus striaturn-Brainstem-Cerebellum. Ravikumar B. V. and Sastry P. S. Cholinergic muscarinic receptors in human fetal brain: Ontogeny of [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate binding sites in corpus striatum, brainstem, and cerebellum. J. Neurochem. 45, 1948- 1950 (1985).


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Investigations on the structure and function of hemoglobin (Hb) confined inside sol-gel template synthesized silica nanotubes (SNTs) have been discussed here. Immobilization of hemoglobin inside SNTs resulted in the enhancement of direct electron transfer during an electrochemical reaction. Extent of influence of nanoconfinement on protein activity is further probed via ligand binding and thermal stability studies. Electrochemical investigations show reversible binding of n-donor liquid ligands, such as pyridine and its derivatives, and predictive variation in their redox potentials suggests an absence of any adverse effect on the structure and function of Hb confined inside nanometer-sized channels of SNTs. Immobilization also resulted in enhanced thermal stability of Hb. The melting or denaturation temperature of Hb immobilized inside SNTs increase by approximately 4 degrees C as compared with that of free Hb in solution.


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A reaction of N-bromosuccinimide with the heme groups of hemoglobin has been studied spectrophotometrically. The reaction brings about the disappearance of characteristic absorption peaks of hemoglobin and is accompanied by the release of inorganic iron from the heme groups. Urea is obligatory for the reaction to take place at pH 4.0, while it can occur in the absence of urea at pH 7.0. The spectrum of hemoglobin which does not show any peak in the Soret region at pH 4.0 is “normalized” in the presence of urea or sucrose at the same pH. The effect of “normalization” in 8 M urea is apparent over the pH range 3.0–4.5. From the obligatory requirement of urea and sucrose for “normalization” of spectrum and the dependence of the release of inorganic iron on the concentration of urea, it is suggested that heme groups are “buried” within the globin at pH 4.0 and not dissociated from globin as supposed before.


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The whole-cell voltage clamp technique was used to record potassium currents in mouse fetal hypothalamic neurons developing in culture medium from days 1 to 17. The neurons were derived from fetuses of IOPS/OF1 mice on the 14th day of gestation. The mature neurons (>six days in culture) showed both a transient potassium current and a non-inactivating delayed rectifier potassium current. These were identified pharmacologically by using the potassium channel blockers tetraethyl ammonium chloride and 4-aminopyridine, and on the basis of their kinetics and voltage sensitivities. The delayed rectifier potassium current had a threshold of −20 mV, a slow time-course of activation, and was sustained during the voltage pulse. The 4-aminopyridine-sensitive current was transient, and was activated from a holding potential more negative (−80 mV) than that required for evoking the delayed rectifier potassium current (−40 mV). The delayed rectifier potassium current was detectable from day 1 onwards, while the transient potassium current showed a distinct developmental trend. The time-constant of inactivation became faster with age in culture. The half steady-state inactivation potential showed a shift towards less negative membrane potentials with age, and the relationship was best described by a logarithmic regression equation.The developmental trend of the transient potassium current may relate functionally to the progressive morphological changes, and the appearance of synaptic connections during ontogenesis.


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Fetal lung and liver tissues were examined by ultrasound in 240 subjects during 24 to 38 weeks of gestational age in order to investigate the feasibility of predicting the maturity of the lung from the textural features of sonograms. A region of interest of 64 X 64 pixels is used for extracting textural features. Since the histological properties of the liver are claimed to remain constant with respect to gestational age, features obtained from the lung region are compared with those from liver. Though the mean values of some of the features show a specific trend with respect to gestation age, the variance is too high to guarantee definite prediction of the gestational age. Thus, we restricted our purview to an investigation into the feasibility of fetal lung maturity prediction using statistical textural features. Out of 64 features extracted, those features that are correlated with gestation age and less computationally intensive are selected. The results of our study show that the sonographic features hold some promise in determining whether the fetal lung is mature or immature.


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This paper presents a modified cellulose acetate membrane prepared using a dry casting technique that can be used to perform lysis of erythrocytes and isolation of hemoglobin. Isolation of hemoglobin is thus achieved without the use of lysis buffers. Cellulose acetate (CA) membranes are embedded with ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) and potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3), which act as lysing agents. The presence of embedded salts is confirmed using EDS analysis. The pores in the CA membrane act as filters. The average pore size in these membranes is designed to be 1.5 mu M, as characterized by SEM analysis, so that they allow hemoglobin to pass through and block all other cells and unlysed erythrocytes present in blood. When a drop of blood is added to the membrane, the NH4Cl and KHCO3 embedded in the membrane dissolve in plasma and lyse the erythrocytes. The filtered hemoglobin is characterized using UV-Vis Spectroscopy. The results indicate extraction of higher concentration of hemoglobin compared with conventional methods.


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The effect of confinement on the structure of hemoglobin (Hb) within polymer capsules was investigated here. Hemoglobin transformed from an aggregated state in solution to a nonaggregated state when confined inside the polymer capsules. This was directly confirmed using synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) studies. The radius of gyration (R-g) and polydispersity (p) of the proteins in the confined state were smaller compared to those in solution. In fact, the R-g value is very similar to theoretical values obtained using protein structures generated from the Protein Databank. In the temperature range (25-85 degrees C, Tm 59 degrees C), the R-g values for the confined Hb remained constant. This observation is in contrary to the increasing R-g values obtained for the bare Hb in solution. This suggested higher thermal stability of Hb when confined inside the polymer capsule than when in solution. Changes in protein configuration were also reflected in the protein function. Confinement resulted in a beneficial enhancement of the electroactivity of Hb. While Hb in solution showed dominance of the cathodic process (Fe3+ -> Fe2+), efficient reversible Fe3+/Fe2+ redox response is observed in the case of the confined Hb. This has important protein functional implications. Confinement allows the electroactive heme to take up positions favorable for various biochemical activities such as sensing of analytes of various sizes from small to macromolecules and controlled delivery of drugs.


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This paper presents the chemical synthesis of 3-Aminophenylboronic acid (APBA) modified graphene oxide (GO) and its application to the electrochemical detection of glycated hemoglobin (GHb). The compound (GO-APBA) was synthesized by forming an amide linkage between the amino group (-NH2) of APBA and the carboxylic group (-COOH) of GO. The compound was characterized using IR spectroscopy. Detection of GHb was carried out using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopic (EIS) measurements with GO-APBA modified glassy carbon electrode as the working electrode.


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The configuration of hemoglobin in solution and confined inside silica nanotubes has been studied using synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering and electrochemical activity. Confinement inside submicron tubes of silica aid in preventing protein aggregation, which is vividly observed for unconfined protein in solution. The radius of gyration (R-g) and size polydispersity (p) of confined hemoglobin was found to be lower than that in solution. This was also recently demonstrated in case of confined hemoglobin inside layered polymer capsules. The confined hemoglobin displayed a higher thermal stability with Rg and p showing negligible changes in the temperature range 25-75 degrees C. The differences in configuration between the confined and unconfined protein were reflected in their electrochemical activity. Reversible electrochemical response (from cyclic voltammograms) obtained in case of the confined hemoglobin, in contrary to the observance of only a cathodic response for the unconfined protein, gave direct indication of the differences between the residences of the electroactive heme center in a different orientation compared to that in solution state. The confined Hb showed loss of reversibility only at higher temperatures. The electron transfer coefficient (alpha) and electron transfer rate constant (k(s)) were also different, providing additional evidence regarding structural differences between the unconfined and confined states of hemoglobin. Thus, absence of any adverse effects due to confinement of proteins inside the inorganic matrices such as silica nanotubes opens up new prospects for utilizing inorganic matrices as protein ``encapsulators'', as well as sensors at varying temperatures.


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Hydroxyapatite (HA)-based biocomposites have been widely investigated for a multitude of applications and these studies have been largely driven to improve mechanical properties (toughness and strength) without compromising cytocompatibility properties. Apart from routine cell viability/proliferation analysis, limited efforts have been made to quantify the fate processes (cell proliferation, cell cycle, and cell apoptosis) of human fetal osteoblast (hFOB) cells on HA-based composites, in vitro. In this work, the osteoblast cell fate process has been studied on a model hydroxyapatite-titanium (HA-Ti) system using the flow cytometry. In order to retain both HA and Ti, the novel processing technique, that is, spark plasma sintering, was suitably adopted. The cell fate processes of hFOBs, as evaluated using a flow cytometry, revealed statistically insignificant differences among HA-10 wt % Ti and HA and control (tissue culture polystyrene surface) in terms of osteoblast apoptosis, proliferation index as well as division index. For the first time, we provide quantified flow cytometry results to demonstrate that 10 wt % Ti additions to HA do not have any significant influence on the fate processes of human osteoblast-like cells, in vitro.


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In addition to the chemical nature of the surface, the dimensions of the confining host exert a significant influence on confined protein structures; this results in immense biological implications, especially those concerning the enzymatic activities of the protein. This study probes the structure of hemoglobin (Hb), a model protein, confined inside silica tubes with pore diameters that vary by one order of magnitude (approximate to 20-200 nm). The effect of confinement on the protein structure is probed by comparison with the structure of the protein in solution. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), which provides information on protein tertiary and quaternary structures, is employed to study the influence of the tube pore diameter on the structure and configuration of the confined protein in detail. Confinement significantly influences the structural stability of Hb and the structure depends on the Si-tube pore diameter. The high radius of gyration (R-g) and polydispersity of Hb in the 20 nm diameter Si-tube indicates that Hb undergoes a significant amount of aggregation. However, for Si-tube diameters greater or equal to 100 nm, the R-g of Hb is found to be in very close proximity to that obtained from the protein data bank (PDB) reported structure (R-g of native Hb=23.8 angstrom). This strongly indicates that the protein has a preference for the more native-like non-aggregated state if confined inside tubes of diameter greater or equal to 100 nm. Further insight into the Hb structure is obtained from the distance distribution function, p(r), and ab initio models calculated from the SANS patterns. These also suggest that the Si-tube size is a key parameter for protein stability and structure.


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The mouse and human malarial parasites, Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium falciparum, respectively, synthesize heme de novo following the standard pathway observed in animals despite the availability of large amounts of heme, derived from red cell hemoglobin, which is stored as hemozoin pigment, The enzymes, delta-aminolevulinate dehydrase (ALAD), coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase are present at strikingly high levels in the P, berghei infected mouse red cell in vivo, The isolated parasite has low levels of ALAD and the data clearly indicate it to be of red cell origin. The purified enzyme preparations from the uninfected red cell and the parasite are identical in kinetic properties, subunit molecular weight, cross-reaction with antibodies to the human enzyme, and N-terminal amino acid sequence. Immunogold electron microscopy of the infected culture indicates that the enzyme is present inside the parasite and, therefore, is not a contaminant, The parasite derives functional ALAD from the host and the enzyme binds specifically to isolated parasite membrane in vitro, suggestive of the involvement of a receptor in its translocation into the parasite, While, ALAD, coproporphyrinogen oxidase, and ferrochelatase from the parasite and the uninfected red cell supernatant have identical subunit molecular weights on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and show immunological cross-reaction with antibodies to the human enzymes, as revealed by Western analysis, the first enzyme of the pathway, namely, delta-aminolevulinate synthase (ALAS) in the parasite, unlike that of the red cell host, does not cross-react with antibodies to the human enzyme, However, ALAS enzyme activity in the parasite is higher than that of the infected red cell supernatant. We therefore conclude that the parasite, while making its own ALAS, imports ALAD and perhaps most of the other enzymes of the pathway from the host to synthesize heme de novo, and this would enable it to segregate this heme from the heme derived from red cell hemoglobin degradation, ALAS of the parasite and the receptor(s) involved in the translocation of the host enzymes into the parasite would be unique drug targets.