434 resultados para FREQUENCIES


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We have studied the low magnetic field high temperature region of the H-T phase diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 single crystals using the technique of non-resonant rf response at a frequency of 20 MHz. With H(rf)parallel to a, H parallel to c, the isothermal magnetic field scans below T-c show that the frequency f(H) of the tank circuit decreases continuously with increase in H before saturating at H similar to H-D(T). Such a decrease in f(H) reflects increasing rf penetration into the weakly screened region between CuO bilayers. The saturation of f(H) at its lowest value for H similar to H-D(T) indicates complete rf penetration land hence the disappearance of field dependence) due to the vanishing of the screening rf currents I-rf(c) in those regions or equivalently when the phase coherence between adjacent superconducting layers vanishes. Therefore H,(T) represents the decoupling of the adjacent superconducting bilayers, and hence also a 3D to 2D decoupling transition of the vortex structure. Simultaneous monitoring of the field dependent rf power dissipation P(H) shows a maximum in dP/dH at H-D(T). The observed H-D(T) line in many crystals is in excellent agreement with the (l/t-1) behavior proposed for decoupling.


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A 35Cl NQR study of 2-chloro-3-pyridinol showed the presence of four NQR signals at 77 K. One of the lines showed a positive temperature coefficient of the NQR frequency. 1H NMR studies showed the presence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding, and the anomalous NQR temperature dependence has been explained in terms of Bayer and hydrogen bond effects. The room temperature x-ray structure and the low-temperature NQR data suggest the presence of a phase transition.


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The analysis of transient electrical stresses in the insulation of high voltage rotating machines is rendered difficult because of the existence of capacitive and inductive couplings between phases. The Published theories ignore many of the couplings between phases to obtain the solution. A new procedure is proposed here to determine the transient voltage distribution on rotating machine windings. All the significicant capacitive and inductive couplings between different sections in a phase and between different sections in different phases have been considered in this analysis. The experimental results show good correlation with those computed.


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Solutions of the exact characteristic equations for the title problem derived earlier by an extension of Bolotin's asymptotic method are considered. These solutions, which correspond to flexural modes with frequency factor, R, greater than unity, are expressed in convenient forms for all combinations of clamped, simply supported and free conditions at the remaining pair of parallel edges. As in the case of uniform beams, the eigenvalues in the CC case are found to be equal to those of elastic modes in the FF case provided that the Kirchoff's shear condition at a free edge is replaced by the condition. The flexural modes with frequency factor less than unity are also investigated in detail by introducing a suitable modification in the procedure. When Poisson's ratios are not zero, it is shown that the frequency factor corresponding to the first symmetric mode in the free-free case is less than unity for all values of side ratio and rigidity ratios. In the case of one edge clamped and the other free it is found that modes with frequency factor less than unity exist for certain dimensions of the plate—a fact hitherto unrecognized in the literature.


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A method for finding the roots of the equation D = O in a multicomponent plasma with positive and negative ion species is given. The use of dispersion diagrams (omega-k diagrams) for right- and left-circularly polarized waves is made to locate these roots in pass or stop bands. ©1973 American Institute of Physics.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method with simple polynomials as admissible functions has been used for obtaining natural frequencies of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates. The method in conjunction with transformations introduced in the analysis has been found to be quite effective, particularly for large hole sizes. Estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to modes with one as well as two nodal diameters are obtained for the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions and for various values of rigidity ratio and hole sizes. Based on the variation of eigenvalue parameter with rigidity ratio, the frequencies of these modes as well as those of axisymmetric modes have been expressed by means of simple formulae in terms of rigidity ratio and the frequencies of corresponding modes in the isotropic case. These formulae have been used in determining the fundamental frequencies of orthotropic plates.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method in conjunction with suitable co-ordinate transformations is found to be effective for accurate estimation of natural frequencies of circumferentially truncated circular sector plates with simply supported straight edges. Numerical results are obtained for all the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free boundary conditions at the circular edges and presented in the form of graphs. The analysis confirms an earlier observation that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip as the width of the plate in the radial direction becomes small.


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A method based on an assumption that the radial bending moment is zero at a nodal circle is shown to yield accurate estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to higher modes of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. This method is found to be convenient for the determination of locations of nodal circles as well. Numerical investigations revealed that for small holes, nodal circles tend to move towards the outer edge with increasing number of nodal diameters. For large holes, it has been shown that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip.


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The classical Rayleigh-Ritz method in conjunction with suitable co-ordinate transformations is found to be effective for accurate estimation of natural frequencies of circumferentially truncated circular sector plates with simply supported straight edges. Numerical results are obtained for all the nine combinations of clamped, simply supported and free boundary conditions at the circular edges and presented in the form of graphs. The analysis confirms an earlier observation that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip as the width of the plate in the radial direction becomes small.


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An attempt has been made to generalise a method developed earlier for the qualitative assessment of crossover frequencies (existence and behaviour) in multicomponent plasmas with one negative ion species to plasmas with any number of positive and negative ion species. It is shown that a great deal of qualitative information can be obtained regarding the crossover frequencies for any given plasma model without recourse to cumbersome numerical study. Possible applications of the study in the interpretation of frequency time spectrograms for the detection of negative ion whistlers and in the measurement of concentrations and masses of negative ions are noted.


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For the experimental evaluation of the acoustical impedance of a termination by the impedance-tube method at low frequencies, the length of the impedance tube is a problem. In the present paper, the method of exact analysis of standing waves developed by the authors for the stationary medium as well as for mean flow, has been extended for measurement of the acoustical impedance of a termination at low frequencies. The values of the tube attenuation factor and the wave number at the low frequency of interest are established from the experiment conducted, with the given impedance tube, at a higher frequency. Then, exciting the tube at the desired low frequency it is sufficient to measure sound pressure at three differenct locations (not necessarily the minima) in order to evaluate reflection coefficient and hence the impedance of the termination at that frequency.


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A method based on an assumption that the radial bending moment is zero at a nodal circle is shown to yield accurate estimates of natural frequencies corresponding to higher modes of transversely vibrating polar orthotropic annular plates for various combinations of clamped, simply supported and free edge conditions. This method is found to be convenient for the determination of locations of nodal circles as well. Numerical investigations revealed that for small holes, nodal circles tend to move towards the outer edge with increasing number of nodal diameters. For large holes, it has been shown that the plate behaves like a long rectangular strip.


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The spectra of glycine, its addition compounds and other amino-acids exhibit Raman lines in the region from 3250 cm.−1 to 2500 cm.−1 It has been shown that these lines cannot be assigned to N-H...O stretching vibrations, where the N atom has the covalency of three, but to N+-H...O stretching vibration where the N atom has the covalency of four. Using the data obtained with triglycine sulphate which has the largest number of N+-H...O bonds and whose H bond lengths are known, the correlation curve giving the relation between the N+-H...O stretching frequencies and the corresponding H bond lengths has been drawn. Using this correlation curve, the N+-H...O stretching frequencies appearing inα-glycine,γ-glycine, diglycine hydrochloride, diglycine hydrobromide,l-asparagine monohydrate anddl-alanine have been satisfactorily accounted for on the basis of the known hydrogen bond lengths in these substances.


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The vibration of simply supported skew plates having a linear variation in thickness in one direction is considered. Approximate analysis is made by using Lagrange's equations employing the double Fourier sine series in oblique co-ordinates to represent the deflected surface. Natural frequencies are obtained for rhombic plates for several ranges of thickness variation and skew angle. The nodal patterns plotted for a few typical configurations show interesting metamorphoses with variation in thickness and skew angle.


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Points out that, in the presence of the Coriolis force, a crossover frequency can exist in a plasma with only two species and comments on the results with respect to proton whistlers. (see abstr. A67926 of 1970).