95 resultados para FEM, wind turbine blade, Ansys, static and modal analysis, experimental test


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This paper deals with line protection challenges experienced in system having substantial wind generation penetration. Two types of WTGU: Doubly Fed (DFIG) and Squirrel Cage (SCIG) Induction Generators are simulated and connected to grid with single circuit transmission line. The paper summarizes analytical investigations carried out on the impedance seen by distance relays by varying fault resistances and grid short circuit MVA, for the protection of such transmission lines during faults. The results are also compared with systems having conventional synchronous machine connected to the grid.


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Thin films are developed by dispersing carbon black nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in an epoxy polymer. The films show a large variation in electrical resistance when subjected to quasi-static and dynamic mechanical loading. This phenomenon is attributed to the change in the band-gap of the CNTs due to the applied strain, and also to the change in the volume fraction of the constituent phases in the percolation network. Under quasi-static loading, the films show a nonlinear response. This nonlinearity in the response of the films is primarily attributed to the pre-yield softening of the epoxy polymer. The electrical resistance of the films is found to be strongly dependent on the magnitude and frequency of the applied dynamic strain, induced by a piezoelectric substrate. Interestingly, the resistance variation is found to be a linear function of frequency and dynamic strain. Samples with a small concentration of just 0.57% of CNT show a sensitivity as high as 2.5% MPa-1 for static mechanical loading. A mathematical model based on Bruggeman's effective medium theory is developed to better understand the experimental results. Dynamic mechanical loading experiments reveal a sensitivity as high as 0.007% Hz(-1) at a constant small-amplitude vibration and up to 0.13%/mu-strain at 0-500 Hz vibration. Potential applications of such thin films include highly sensitive strain sensors, accelerometers, artificial neural networks, artificial skin and polymer electronics.


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Despite great advances in very large scale integrated-circuit design and manufacturing, performance of even the best available high-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is known to deteriorate while acquiring fast-rising, high-frequency, and nonrepetitive waveforms. Waveform digitizers (ADCs) used in high-voltage impulse recordings and measurements are invariably subjected to such waveforms. Errors resulting from a lowered ADC performance can be unacceptably high, especially when higher accuracies have to be achieved (e.g., when part of a reference measuring system). Static and dynamic nonlinearities (estimated independently) are vital indices for evaluating performance and suitability of ADCs to be used in such environments. Typically, the estimation of static nonlinearity involves 10-12 h of time or more (for a 12-b ADC) and the acquisition of millions of samples at high input frequencies for dynamic characterization. ADCs with even higher resolution and faster sampling speeds will soon become available. So, there is a need to reduce testing time for evaluating these parameters. This paper proposes a novel and time-efficient method for the simultaneous estimation of static and dynamic nonlinearity from a single test. This is achieved by conceiving a test signal, comprised of a high-frequency sinusoid (which addresses dynamic assessment) modulated by a low-frequency ramp (relevant to the static part). Details of implementation and results on two digitizers are presented and compared with nonlinearities determined by the existing standardized approaches. Good agreement in results and time savings achievable indicates its suitability.


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Despite great advances in very large scale integrated-circuit design and manufacturing, performance of even the best available high-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is known to deteriorate while acquiring fast-rising, high-frequency, and nonrepetitive waveforms. Waveform digitizers (ADCs) used in high-voltage impulse recordings and measurements are invariably subjected to such waveforms. Errors resulting from a lowered ADC performance can be unacceptably high, especially when higher accuracies have to be achieved (e.g., when part of a reference measuring system). Static and dynamic nonlinearities (estimated independently) are vital indices for evaluating performance and suitability of ADCs to be used in such environments. Typically, the estimation of static nonlinearity involves 10-12 h of time or more (for a 12-b ADC) and the acquisition of millions of samples at high input frequencies for dynamic characterization. ADCs with even higher resolution and faster sampling speeds will soon become available. So, there is a need to reduce testing time for evaluating these parameters. This paper proposes a novel and time-efficient method for the simultaneous estimation of static and dynamic nonlinearity from a single test. This is achieved by conceiving a test signal, comprised of a high-frequency sinusoid (which addresses dynamic assessment) modulated by a low-frequency ramp (relevant to the static part). Details of implementation and results on two digitizers are presented and compared with nonlinearities determined by the existing standardized approaches. Good agreement in results and time savings achievable indicates its suitability.


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The problem of identification of stiffness, mass and damping properties of linear structural systems, based on multiple sets of measurement data originating from static and dynamic tests is considered. A strategy, within the framework of Kalman filter based dynamic state estimation, is proposed to tackle this problem. The static tests consists of measurement of response of the structure to slowly moving loads, and to static loads whose magnitude are varied incrementally; the dynamic tests involve measurement of a few elements of the frequency response function (FRF) matrix. These measurements are taken to be contaminated by additive Gaussian noise. An artificial independent variable τ, that simultaneously parameterizes the point of application of the moving load, the magnitude of the incrementally varied static load and the driving frequency in the FRFs, is introduced. The state vector is taken to consist of system parameters to be identified. The fact that these parameters are independent of the variable τ is taken to constitute the set of ‘process’ equations. The measurement equations are derived based on the mechanics of the problem and, quantities, such as displacements and/or strains, are taken to be measured. A recursive algorithm that employs a linearization strategy based on Neumann’s expansion of structural static and dynamic stiffness matrices, and, which provides posterior estimates of the mean and covariance of the unknown system parameters, is developed. The satisfactory performance of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering the problem of the identification of the dynamic properties of an inhomogeneous beam and the axial rigidities of members of a truss structure.


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An analysis of large deformations of flexible membrane structures within the tension field theory is considered. A modification-of the finite element procedure by Roddeman et al. (Roddeman, D. G., Drukker J., Oomens, C. W J., Janssen, J. D., 1987, ASME J. Appl. Mech. 54, pp. 884-892) is proposed to study the wrinkling behavior of a membrane element. The state of stress in the element is determined through a modified deformation gradient corresponding to a fictive nonwrinkled surface. The new model uses a continuously modified deformation gradient to capture the location orientation of wrinkles more precisely. It is argued that the fictive nonwrinkled surface may be looked upon as an everywhere-taut surface in the limit as the minor (tensile) principal stresses over the wrinkled portions go to zero. Accordingly, the modified deformation gradient is thought of as the limit of a sequence of everywhere-differentiable tensors. Under dynamic excitations, the governing equations are weakly projected to arrive at a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations that is solved using different integration schemes. It is concluded that, implicit integrators work much better than explicit ones in the present context.


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The flapping equation for a rotating rigid helicopter blade is typically derived by considering (1)small flap angle, (2) small induced angle of attack and (3) linear aerodynamics. However, the use of nonlinear aerodynamics such as dynamic stall can make the assumptions of small angles suspect as shown in this paper. A general equation describing helicopter blade flap dynamics for large flap angle and large induced inflow angle of attack is derived. A semi-empirical dynamic stall aerodynamics model (ONERA model) is used. Numerical simulations are performed by solving the nonlinear flapping ordinary differential equation for steady state conditions and the validity of the small angle approximations are examined. It is shown that the small flapping assumption, and to a lesser extent, the small induced angle ofattack assumption, can lead to inaccurate predictions of the blade flap response in certain flight conditions for some rotors when nonlinear aerodynamics is considered. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We study the elasticity, topological defects, and hydrodynamics of the recently discovered incommensurate smectic (AIC) phase, characterized by two collinear mass density waves of incommensurate spatial frequency. The low-energy long-wavelength excitations of the system can be described by a displacement field u(x) and a ��phason�� field w(x) associated, respectively, with collective and relative motion of the two constituent density waves. We formulate the elastic free energy in terms of these two variables and find that when w=0, its functional dependence on u is identical to that of a conventional smectic liquid crystal, while when u=0, its functional dependence on w is the same as that for the angle variable in a slightly anisotropic XY model. An arbitrariness in the definition of u and w allows a choice that eliminates all relevant couplings between them in the long-wavelength elastic energy. The topological defects of the system are dislocations with nonzero u and w components. We introduce a two-dimensional Burgers lattice for these dislocations, and compute the interaction between them. This has two parts: one arising from the u field that is short ranged and identical to the interaction between dislocations in an ordinary smectic liquid crystal, and one arising from the w field that is long ranged and identical to the logarithmic interaction between vortices in an XY model. The hydrodynamic modes of the AIC include first- and second-sound modes whose direction-dependent velocities are identical to those in ordinary smectics. The sound attenuations have a different direction dependence, however. The breakdown of hydrodynamics found in conventional smectic liquid crystals, with three of the five viscosities diverging as 1/? at small frequencies ?, occurs in these systems as well and is identical in all its details. In addition, there is a diffusive phason mode, not found in ordinary smectic liquid crystals, that leads to anomalously slow mechanical response analogous to that predicted in quasicrystals, but on a far more experimentally accessible time scale.


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Experiments have repeatedly observed both thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in aqueous binary mixtures, surprisingly at low solute concentration. Examples of such binary mixtures include water-DMSO, water-ethanol, water-tertiary butyl alcohol (TBA), and water-dioxane, to name a few. The anomalies have often been attributed to the onset of a structural transition, whose nature, however, has been left rather unclear. Here we study the origin of such anomalies using large scale computer simulations and theoretical analysis in water-DMSO binary mixture. At very low DMSO concentration (below 10%), small aggregates of DMSO are solvated by water through the formation of DMSO-(H2O)(2) moieties. As the concentration is increased beyond 10-12% of DMSO, spanning clusters comprising the same moieties appear in the system. Those clusters are formed and stabilized not only through H-bonding but also through the association of CH3 groups of DMSO. We attribute the experimentally observed anomalies to a continuum percolation-like transition at DMSO concentration X-DMSO approximate to 12-15%. The largest cluster size of CH3-CH3 aggregation clearly indicates the formation of such percolating clusters. As a result, a significant slowing down is observed in the decay of associated rotational auto time correlation functions (of the S = O bond vector of DMSO and O-H bond vector of water). Markedly unusual behavior in the mean square fluctuation of total dipole moment again suggests a structural transition around the same concentration range. Furthermore, we map our findings to an interacting lattice model which substantiates the continuum percolation model as the reason for low concentration anomalies in binary mixtures where the solutes involved have both hydrophilic and hydrophobic moieties.


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Nonlinear static and dynamic response analyses of a clamped. rectangular composite plate resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation have been studied using von Karman's relations. Incorporating the material damping, the governing coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations are obtained for the plate under step pressure pulse load excitation. These equations have been solved by a one-term solution and by applying Galerkin's technique to the deflection equation. This yields an ordinary nonlinear differential equation in time. The nonlinear static solution is obtained by neglecting the time-dependent variables. Thc nonlinear dynamic damped response is obtained by applying the ultraspherical polynomial approximation (UPA) technique. The influences of foundation modulus, shear modulus, orthotropy, etc. upon the nonlinear static and dynamic responses have been presented.


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In this study, bulk and multifoil diffusion couple experiments were conducted to examine the interdiffusion process in Ni-Pt and Co-Pt binary alloy systems. Inter-, intrinsic-, and tracer-diffusion coefficients at different temperatures, and as a function of the composition, were estimated by using the experimental data. Results show that in both the alloy systems, Pt is the slower diffusing species, and hence the interdiffusion process is controlled by either Ni or Co. The thermodynamic driving force makes the intrinsic diffusion coefficients of Co and Ni higher in the range of 30-70 at.%. The low activation energy for Co and Ni impurity diffusion in Pt compared with Pt in Ni and Co indicates that the size of the atoms plays an important role. The vacancy wind effects on the diffusion process are examined in detail, and it was demonstrated that its contribution falls within the experimental scatter and hence can be neglected.