82 resultados para External electromagnetic field


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The Wilson coefficient corresponding to the gluon-field strength GμνGμν is evaluated for the nucleon current correlation function in the presence of a static external electromagnetic field, using a regulator mass Λ to separate the high-momentum part of the Feynman diagrams. The magnetic-moment sum rules are analyzed by two different methods and the sensitivity of the results to variations in Λ are discussed.


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The instability of coupled longitudinal and transverse electromagnetic modes associated with long wavelengths is studied in bounded streaming plasmas. The main conclusions are as follows: (i) For long waves for which O (k 2)=0, in the absence of relative streaming motion of electrons and ions and aωp/c<0.66, the whole spectrum of harmonic waves is excited due to finite temperature and boundary effects consisting of two subseries. One of these subseries can be identified with Tonks-Dattner resonance oscillations for the electrons, and arises primarily due to the electrons with frequencies greater than the electrostatic plasma frequency corresponding to the electron density in the midplane in the undisturbed state. The other series arises primarily due to ion motion. When aωp/c>0.66, in addition to the above spectrum of harmonic waves, the system admits an infinite number of growing and decaying waves. The instability associated with these modes is found to arise due to the interaction of the waves inside the plasma with the external electromagnetic field. (ii) For modes with comparatively shorter wavelengths for which O (k3)=0, the coupling due to finite temperature sets in, and it is found that the two series of harmonic waves obtained in (i) deriving energy from the transverse modes also become unstable. Thus, for these wavelengths the system admits three sets of growing and decaying modes, first two for all values of aωp/c and the third for (aωp/c) > 0.66. (iii) The presence of streaming velocities introduces various other coupling mechanisms, and we find that even for the wavelengths for which O (k2)=0, we get three sets of growing and decaying waves. The numerical values for the growth rates show that the streaming velocities enhance the growth rates of instability significantly.


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Bhatnagar and Rathna (Quar. Journ. Mech. Appl. Maths., 1963,16, 329) investigated the flows of Newtonian, Reiner-Rivlin and Rivlin-Ericksen fluids between two rotating coaxial cones. In case of the last two types of fluids, they predicted the breaking of secondary flow field in any meridian plane. We find that such breaking is avoided by the application of a sufficiently strong azimuthal magnetic field arising from a line current along the axis of the cones.


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Krishnan's reciprocity theorem in colloid optics, ρ{variant}u=1+l/ρ{variant}h/1+1/ρ{variant}v is generalised for the case when the scattering medium is subjected to an external orienting field. It is shown theoretically that a general relation of the type IBA=I′AB results in this case, where IBA is the intensity of the component of the scattered light having its electric vector inclined at an angle B to the vertical with the incident light polarised at an angle A to the vertical, the external field direction being parallel to the incident beam. I′AB is the corresponding intensity with the magnetic field parallel of the scattered ray. Experimental verification of the above generalisation is also given.


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The well-known Jeans criterion describes the onset of instabilities in an infinite, homogeneous, self-gravitating medium supported by pressure. Most realistic astrophysical systems, however, are not isolated - instead they are under the influence of an external field such as the tidal field due to a neighbour. Here, we do a linear perturbation analysis for a system in an external field and obtain a generalized dispersion relation that depends on the wavenumber, the sound speed and also the magnitude of the tidal field. A typical, disruptive tidal field is shown to make the system more stable against perturbations, and results in a higher effective Jeans wavelength. The minimum mass that can become unstable is then higher (super-Jeans) than the usual Jeans mass. Conversely, in a compressive tidal field, perturbations can grow even when the mass is lower (sub-Jeans). This approach involving the inclusion of tidal field opens up a new way of looking at instabilities in gravitating systems. The treatment is general and the simple analytical form of the modified Jeans criterion obtained makes it easily accessible.


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A droplet introduced in an external convective flow field exhibits significant multimodal shape oscillations depending upon the intensity of the aerodynamic forcing. In this paper, a theoretical model describing the temporal evolution of normal modes of the droplet shape is developed. The fluid is assumed to be weakly viscous and Newtonian. The convective flow velocity, which is assumed to be incompressible and inviscid, is incorporated in the model through the normal stress condition at the droplet surface and the equation of motion governing the dynamics of each mode is derived. The coupling between the external flow and the droplet is approximated to be a one-way process, i.e., the external flow perturbations effect the droplet shape oscillations and the droplet oscillation itself does not influence the external flow characteristics. The shape oscillations of the droplet with different fluid properties under different unsteady flow fields were simulated. For a pulsatile external flow, the frequency spectra of the normal modes of the droplet revealed a dominant response at the resonant frequency, in addition to the driving frequency and the corresponding harmonics. At driving frequencies sufficiently different from the resonant frequency of the prolate-oblate oscillation mode of the droplet, the oscillations are stable. But at resonance the oscillation amplitude grows in time leading to breakup depending upon the fluid viscosity. A line vortex advecting past the droplet, simulated as an isotropic jump in the far field velocity, leads to the resonant excitation of the droplet shape modes if and only if the time taken by the vortex to cross the droplet is less than the resonant period of the P-2 mode of the droplet. A train of two vortices interacting with the droplet is also analysed. It shows clearly that the time instant of introduction of the second vortex with respect to the droplet shape oscillation cycle is crucial in determining the amplitude of oscillation. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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he induced current and voltage on the skin of an airborne vehicle due to the coupling of external electromagnetic field could be altered in the presence of ionized exhaust plume. So in the present work, a theoretical analysis is done to estimate the electrical parameters such as electrical conductivity and permittivity and their distribution in the axial and radial directions of the exhaust plume of an airborne vehicle. The electrical conductivity depends on the distribution of the major ionic species produced from the propellant combustion. In addition it also depends on temperature and pressure distribution of the exhaust plume as well as the generated shock wave. The chemically reactive rocket exhaust flow is modeled in two stages. The first part is simulated from the combustion chamber to the throat of the supersonic nozzle by using NASA Chemical Equilibrium with Application (CEA) package and the second part is simulated from the nozzle throat to the downstream of the plume by using a commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solver. The contour plots of the exhaust parameters are presented. Eight barrel shocks which influence the distribution of the vehicle exhaust parameters are obtained in this simulation. The computed peak value of the electrical conductivity of the plume is 0.123 S/m and the relative permittivity varies from 0.89 to 0.99. The attenuation of the microwave when it is passing through the conducting exhaust plume has also been presented.


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We present low-frequency electrical resistance fluctuations, or noise, in graphene-based field-effect devices with varying number of layers. In single-layer devices, the noise magnitude decreases with increasing carrier density, which behaved oppositely in the devices with two or larger number of layers accompanied by a suppression in noise magnitude by more than two orders in the latter case. This behavior can be explained from the influence of external electric field on graphene band structure, and provides a simple transport-based route to isolate single-layer graphene devices from those with multiple layers. ©2009 American Institute of Physics


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The interaction of transient electromagnetic field due to an NEMP with buried cables has been studied in this paper. The cables studied were of two types: shielded as well as unshielded cables. Using transmission line analysis, the induced voltage and current are computed at the load end of the cable for different soil conductivities, different depths of burial of cable and for different lengths of the cable. Effect of shielding on the induced voltage on the cable inner conductor as well as the dependence of the induced voltage on the shield thickness are also studied.


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The stability of an incompressible inviscid, perfectly conducting cylindrical plasma against azimuthal disturbances in the presence of a monotonic decreasing magnetic field having a constant pitch is discussed by using energy principle. The results obtained by this principle are compared for m = 1 mode (which is a dangerous mode in which there is a lateral shift of the entire column) with that obtained by normal mode analysis. It is found that m = 1 mode is always unstable. Further, an axial line current, external axial field and the surface tension tend to stabilise m ≠ modes.


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The plasma is taken to be composed of singly ionized molecules, free electrons and neutral molecules, each of the component being described by the hydromagnetic equations, modified to take into account the displacement current, existence of free charge in the medium, and the modified current equation without involving the scalar conductivity. The basic equations are linearized and only small amplitude waves are considered. In the absence of any external magnetic field, the transverse and longitudinal modes of oscillation separate out. In the transverse part a coupled plasma oscillation occurs which could be propagated only above a certain critical frequency and in the longitudinal part one extraordinary mode of propagation occurs having a forbidden range of frequencies. When there is an external applied magnetic field, ordinary and extraordinary waves are propagated along the direction of the magnetic field, whereas only ordinary waves are propagated transverse to the magnetic field. The critical frequencies above which these waves are propagated are evaluated and, the possible explanation of this medium like behaviour could be the implicit assumption of conductivity being not a scalar.


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The properties of the ground state of N anyons in an external magnetic field and a harmonic oscillator potential are computed in the large-N limit using the Thomas-Fermi approximation. The number of level crossings in the ground state as a function of the harmonic frequency, the strength and the direction of the magnetic field and N are also studied.


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The application of electromagnetic field in the context of bacteria associated infections on biomaterial surfaces has not been extensively explored. In this work, we applied a moderate intensity static magnetic field (100 mT) to understand the adhesion and growth behavior of both gram positive (S. epidermidis) and gram negative bacteria (E. coli) and also to investigate bactericidal/bacteriostatic property of the applied electromagnetic field. An in-house built magnetometer was used to apply static homogeneous magnetic field during a planned set of in vitro experiments. Both the sintered hydroxyapatite (HA) and the control samples seeded with bacteria were exposed to the magnetic field (100 mT) for different timescale during their log phase growth. Quantitative analysis of the SEM images confirms the effect of electromagnetic field on suppressing bacterial growth. Furthermore, cell integrity and inner membrane permeabilization assays were performed to understand the origin of such effect. The results of these assays were statistically analyzed to reveal the bactericidal effect of magnetic field, indicating cell membrane damage. Under the investigated culture conditions, the bactericidal effect was found to be less effective for S. Epidermidis than E. coli. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 2012:100B:12061217, 2012.


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We use a self-consistent strong-coupling expansion for the self-energy (perturbation theory in the hopping) to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of strongly correlated lattice fermions. We study the three-dimensional homogeneous Fermi-Hubbard model driven by an external electric field showing that the damping of the ensuing Bloch oscillations depends on the direction of the field and that for a broad range of field strengths a long-lived transient prethermalized state emerges. This long-lived transient regime implies that thermal equilibrium may be out of reach of the time scales accessible in present cold atom experiments but shows that an interesting new quasiuniversal transient state exists in nonequilibrium governed by a thermalized kinetic energy but not a thermalized potential energy. In addition, when the field strength is equal in magnitude to the interaction between atoms, the system undergoes a rapid thermalization, characterized by a different quasiuniversal behavior of the current and spectral function for different values of the hopping. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.260402


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We derive exact expressions for the zeroth and the first three spectral moment sum rules for the retarded Green's function and for the zeroth and the first spectral moment sum rules for the retarded self-energy of the inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model in nonequilibrium, when the local on-site repulsion and the chemical potential are time-dependent, and in the presence of an external time-dependent electromagnetic field. We also evaluate these expressions for the homogeneous case in equilibrium, where all time dependence and external fields vanish. Unlike similar sum rules for the Fermi-Hubbard model, in the Bose-Hubbard model case, the sum rules often depend on expectation values that cannot be determined simply from parameters in the Hamiltonian like the interaction strength and chemical potential but require knowledge of equal-time many-body expectation values from some other source. We show how one can approximately evaluate these expectation values for the Mott-insulating phase in a systematic strong-coupling expansion in powers of the hopping divided by the interaction. We compare the exact moment relations to the calculated moments of spectral functions determined from a variety of different numerical approximations and use them to benchmark their accuracy. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.013628