113 resultados para Ethylenediammonium sulphate


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Crystal growth of YIG from fluxes containing lead sulphate in place of lead oxide in the usual lead oxide-lead fluoride-boron oxide flux system has been tried. Lead sulphate decomposes during crystal growth giving lead oxide and sulphur trioxide. Due to the influence of sulphur trioxide in the system the yield of crystals almost doubles. There is no change either in the morphology of the crystals or their lattice parameter. It is possible that solubility of YIG is different in the new flux and the changed solubility causes the increase in yield of crystals.


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Hydrazinium(1 +) hydrogensulphate, N2H5HSO4, has been prepared for the first time by the reaction of solid ammonium hydrogensulphate with hydrazine monohydrate. The compound has been characterized by chemical analysis, infrared spectra, and X-ray powder diffraction. Thermal properties of N2H5HSO4 have been investigated using differential thermal analysis and thermogravimetric analysis and compared with those of N2H6SO4 and (N2H5)2SO4.


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Lithium ammonium sulphate (LAS) undergoes a phase transition at TC1=459.5K from a paraelectric phase (phase I) to a ferroelectric phase (phase II) and again at TC2=283K to a polar ferroelastic phase (phase III). Proton spin lattice relaxation time measured at 10 MHz in powdered LAS in the temperature range 480 to 77K shows discontinuous changes at the two transitions.


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Glasses have been prepared by conventional quenching techniques in the ternary sulphate system KzSO4-Na2SO4-ZnSO4, in the range 30-80 % ZnS04. The proportions of alkali sulphates in the glass have been varied widely. The glass formation region has been delineated and densities, refractive indices and microhardnesses have been measured. The heat capacities of the glasses have been measured over a wide range of temperature by differential scanning calorimetry. The effect of composition on molar volume, molar polarization and glass transition have been explained on the basis of a random close-packing model.


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The variation of zero-field splitting and linewidth of Cr3+ ion in KCr and KAI alums with hydrostatic pressure and with temperature is investigated. A model for the apparent phase transition is proposed on the basis of the reorientational motion of the SO2�4 groups.


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Both diglycine sulphate (DGS) and diglycine sulphate monohydrate (DGS.H2O) are reported to crystallize from solution with pH < 1(1,2). DGS.H2O (point group 2/m; Z = 4) shows a dielectric anomaly at 72°C suggestive of antiferroelectric transition(1). The crystals obtained by us from solution with pH < 0.5 at 20-25°C were always DGS (point group mmm; Z = 8) as confirmed by X-ray studies. The measurement of its dielectric constant along [100], [010] and [001] did not indicate any phase transition in the range 5-400°K. Thus DGS is a normal dielectric unlike TGS. The polarized Raman spectra and the infrared spectra were recorded to examine the configuration of glycine in DGS(3). The vibration spectra reveals that both the glycines in DGS exist as NH3+CH2COOH, thus precluding the hydrogen bond of the type N+-H…O- which exists between two glycine units in TGS. This seems to be a good reason for the difference in the dielectric behaviour of these two glycine sulphates.


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The variation of zero-field splitting and linewidth of Cr3+ ion in KCr and KAI alums with hydrostatic pressure and with temperature is investigated. A model for the apparent phase transition is proposed on the basis of the reorientational motion of the SO2-4 groups.


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The dielectric measurements on diglycine sulphate in the temperature range 5-400 K, show that it is a normal dielectric, unlike triglycine sulphate which is a ferroelectric. The difference in the dielectric behavior of these two glycine sulphates has been explained on the basis of certain structural features derived from a study of their vibration spectra.


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. Measurement of the relation between polarisation P and electric field E for lithium potassium sulphate (LiKSO4) was made in the low temperature range below room temperature. The P-E hysteresis loops along the c axis of LiKSO4 were observed in the low-temperature phase below the lower transition point Ttl of about -70 degrees C, and in the intermediate phase below the upper transition point Ttu of about -25 degrees C. These phases were found to be ferroelectric. The temperature dependence of the spontaneous polarisation Ps and the electric coercive field Ec were obtained.


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Single crystal electron spin resonance studies of Cu2+ doped ferroelectric ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4, Tc = 223 K) are reported at 300 and 77 K. The Cu2+ ion is found to enter the lattice interstitially with a trigonal bipyramidal coordination. Proton superhyperfine interaction is found for magnetic field directions close to the a-axis. Changes are observed in the 77 K recordings indicating a distortion of the trigonal bipyramid consistent with crystal structure data. An increase of the proton superhyperfine constant in the ferroelectric phase is indicative of stronger hydrogen bonding. The Cu2+ ion doped as an impurity in a trigonal bipyramid environment in a diamagnetic host lattice is reported for the first time.


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X-band electron spin resonance (ESR) studies of (CrO4)2- doped, X-irradiated single crystals of ferroelectric ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4, TC = 223 K) at 300 and 208 K are reported. The paramagnetic centre responsible for the ESR spectrum is identified to be Cr5+. Superhyperfine interaction of the unpaired electron with two equivalent protons is observed. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters which are nearly axial at 300 K, with g < g indicating a dx2-y2 orbital ground state, acquired rhombic character below TC indicating a distortion of the sulphate tetrahedron. An increase in the value of the proton superhyperfine constant in the ferroelectric phase is indicative of stronger hydrogen bonding.


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Using an iterative technique to obtain the exact solutions of the cubic Christoffel equation, the 21 elastic constants of copper sulphate pentahydrate have been determined at 25°C by the ultrasonic pulse echo method. The elastic constants, referred to the IRE recommended system of axes, are c11=5·65, c12=2·65, c13=3·21, c14=−0·33, c15=−0·08, c16=−0·39, c22=4·33, c23=3·47, c24=−0·07, c25=−0·21, c26=0·02, c33=5·69, c34=−0·44, c35=−0·21, c36=−0·16, c44=1·73, c45=0·09, c46=0·03, c55=1·22, c56=−0·26 and c66=1·00 in units of 1010 N m−2.


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Dielectric observations on lithium hydrazinium sulphate have shown earlier that it is ferroelectric over a range of temperatures from below −15° C. to above 80° C. and a new type of hydrogen bond rearrangement which would allow the protons to migrate along the chain has also been suggested by others. The infrared spectrum of LiH z S in the form of mull and as single crystal sections parallel and perpendicular to the ‘C’ axis exhibit about 21 well-defined absorption maxima. The position and the width of the maxima agree with the known structure of the crystal according to which the hydrazine group exists in the form of the hydrazinium ion, NH2·NH3+ and the observed N+-H frequencies agree better with the new correlation curve given by R. S. Krishnan and K. Krishnan (1964). However it has been pointed out that from a comparative study of the new infrared spectra of hydrazonium sulphate and lithium ammonium sulphate that the absorption band at 969 cm.−1 is due to N-N stretching vibration and that the fairly intense band between 2050–2170 cm.−1 is due to the bending vibrations of the NH3+ group.


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The Raman spectrum of lithium hydrazinium sulphate has been recorded both in the single crystal form and in aqueous solutions. The crystal exhibits thirty-eight Raman lines having the frequency shifts 52, 70, 104, 146, 174, 220, 260, 302, 350, 454, 470, 610, 630, 715, 977, 1094, 1115, 1132, 1177, 1191, 1260, 1444, 1493, 1577, 1630, 1670, 2205, 2484, 2553, 2655, 2734, 2848, 2894, 2939, 3028, 3132, 3290 and 3330 cm.−1 The aqueous solution gave rise to six Raman lines at 452, 980, 1050–1200, 1260, 1425 and 1570 cm.−1 apart from a maximum at 180 cm.−1 in the ‘wing’ accompanying the Rayleigh line. The observed Raman lines have been assigned as arising from the vibrations of the SO4 ion, N2H5+ ion, Li-O4 group, hydrogen bond and the lattice. The influence of the hydrogen bond on the N-H stretching vibrations has been pointed out. The various features of the observed spectrum strongly support the hypothesis that the NH3 group in the crystal is rotating around the N-N axis at room temperature.


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The Raman spectrum of guanidinium aluminium sulphate hexahydrate also known as ‘GASH’ which is a ferro-electric crystal and has strong hydrogen bonds has been recorded. 38 Raman lines have been identified in the spectra of GASH. The O-H stretching mode is found to be very much influenced by the hydrogen bond and they appear over a widely extended region from 2240–3600 cm.−1 It can therefore be concluded that all the O-H bonds are hydrogen bonded and some of them are quite strong. The Raman lines due to the N-H vibrations appear with the normal frequency shifts indicating thereby that N-H bonds are not hydrogen bonded. These conclusions are fully supported by the results obtained from the X-ray crystal structure analysis of GASH. The principal vibrations of the Al-(OH2)6 groups have also been identified.