44 resultados para Bombyx mori


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The baculovirus expression system using the Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (AcNPV) has been extensively utilized for high-level expression of cloned foreign genes, driven by the strong viral promoters of polyhedrin (polh) and p10 encoding genes. A parallel system using Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus (BmNPV) is much less exploited because the choice and variety of BmNPV-based transfer vectors are limited. Using a transient expression assay, we have demonstrated here that the heterologous promoters of the very late genes polh and p10 from AcNPV function as efficiently in BmN cells as the BmNPV promoters. The location of the cloned foreign gene with respect to the promoter sequences was critical for achieving the highest levels of expression, following the order +35 > +1 > -3 > -8 nucleotides (nt) with respect to the polh or p10 start codons. We have successfully generated recombinant BmNPV harboring AcNPV promoters by homeologous recombination between AcNPV-based transfer vectors and BmNPV genomic DNA. Infection of BmN cell lines with recombinant BmNPV showed a temporal expression pattern, reaching very high levels in 60-72 h post infection. The recombinant BmNPV harboring the firefly luciferase-encoding gene under the control of AcNPV polh or p10 promoters, on infection of the silkworm larvae led to the synthesis of large quantities of luciferase. Such larvae emanated significant luminiscence instantaneously on administration of the substrate luciferin resulting in 'glowing silkworms'. The virus-infected larvae continued to glow for several hours and revealed the most abundant distribution of virus in the fat bodies. In larval expression also, the highest levels were achieved when the reporter gene was located at +35 nt of the polh.


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Several late gene expression factors (Lefs) have been implicated in fostering high levels of transcription from the very late gene promoters of polyhedrin and p10 from baculoviruses. We cloned and characterized from Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus a late gene expression factor (Bmlef2) that encodes a 209-amino-acid protein harboring a Cys-rich C-terminal domain. The temporal transcription profiles of lef2 revealed a 1.2-kb transcript in both delayed early and late periods after virus infection. Transcription start site mapping identified the presence of an aphidicolin-sensitive late transcript arising from a TAAG motif located at -352 nucleotides and an aphidicolin-insensitive early transcript originating from a TTGT motif located 35 nucleotides downstream to a TATA box at -312 nucleotides, with respect to the +1 ATG of lef2. BmLef2 trans-activated very late gene expression from both polyhedrin and p10 promoters in transient expression assays. Internal deletion of the Cys-rich domain from the C-terminal region abolished the transcriptional activation. Inactivation of Lef2 synthesis by antisense lef2 transcripts drastically reduced the very late gene transcription but showed little effect on the expression from immediate early promoter. Decrease in viral DNA synthesis and a reduction in virus titer were observed only when antisense lef2 was expressed under the immediate early (ie-1) promoter. Furthermore, the antisense experiments suggested that lef2 plays a direct role in very late gene transcription.


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Transcription of tRNA genes by RNA polymerase III is controlled by the internal conserved sequences within the coding region and the immediate upstream flanking sequences. A highly transcribed copy of glycyl tRNA gene tRNA1(Gly)-1 from Bombyx mori is down regulated by sequences located much farther upstream in the region -150 to -300 nucleotides (nt), with respect to the +1 nt of tRNA. The negative regulatory effect has been narrowed down to a sequence motif 'TATATAA', a perfect consensus recognised by the TATA binding protein, TBP. This sequence element, when brought closer to the transcription start point, on the other hand, exerts a positive effect by promoting transcription of the gene devoid of other cis regulatory elements. The identity of the nuclear protein interacting with this 'TATATAA' element to TBP has been established by antibody and mutagenesis studies. The 'TATATAA' element thus influences the transcription of tRNA genes positively or negatively in a position-dependent manner either by recruitment or sequestration of TBP from the transcription machinery.


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The transport of glucose and α-methyl glucoside into the fat body of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L., has been studied. Glucose is transported into the tissue by a mechanism similar to facilitated diffusion and α-methyl glucoside by a diffusion process. The uptake of these sugars is neither energy dependent nor coupled to a phosphotransferase system.


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The transport of glycine in vitro into the silk glands of the silkworm has been studied. Glycine accumulates inside the tissue to a concentration higher than that present outside, indicating an active transport mechanism. The kinetics of uptake show a biphasic curve and two apparent Km values for accumulation, 0.33 mM and 5.00 mM. The effect of inhibitors on the energy metabolism of glycine transport is inconclusive. Exchange studies indicate the existence of two pools inside the gland, one that is easily removed by exchange and osmotic shock, and the other which is not. The results obtained conform with the carrier model of Britten and McClure concerning the amino-acid pool in E. coli.


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The effect of age of the larvae on the manifestation of the "Sappe" disease of the silkworm by oral inoculation of different pathogens, viz., Aerobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas boreopolis, Escherichia freundii, Achromobacter delmarvae, A. Superficialis, Pseudomonas ovalis, and Staphylococcus albus was tested. It was found that the reaction of the larva to the pathogen was influenced by its age. Some, e.g., Escherichia freundii, were more lethal when introduced at early stages whereas certain others, e.g., Aerobacter cloacae and Staphylococcus albus, caused maximum damage when invading older larvae. Irrespective of the age of infection, death of the worms mainly occurred during molting and before spinning. The studies also indicated that growth and mortality of the larvae were affected differentially by the pathogens.


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Silk gland cells ofBombyx mori undergo chromosomal endoduplication throughout larval development. The DNA content of both posterior and middle silk gland nuclei increased by 300000 times the haploid genomic content, amounting to 18 rounds of replication. The DNA doubling time is approximately 48 h and 24 h during the fourth and fifth instars of larval development. However, DNA content does not change during the interim moult. Concomitant with DNA content, DNA polymerase activity also increases as development progressed. Enzyme activity is predominantly due to DNA polymerase with no detectable level of polymerase . DNA polymerase from silk gland extracts was purified to homogeneity (using a series of columns involving ionexchange, gel-filtration and affintiy chromatography), resulting in a 4000-fold increase in specific activity. The enzyme is a heterogeneous multimer of high molecular mass, and the catalytic (polymerase) activity is resident in the 180-kDa subunit. The enzyme shows a PI of 6.2 and theKm values for the dNTP vary over 5-16 . The polymerase is tightly associated with primase activity and initiates primer synthesis in the presence of ribonucleoside triphosphates on a single-stranded DNA template. The primase activity is resident in the 45-kDa subunit. The enzyme is devoid of any detectable exonuclease activity. The abundance of DNA polymerase α in silk glands and its strong association with the nuclear matrix suggest a role in the DNA endoduplication process.


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Polyhedral bodies of Bombyx mori nuclear polyhedrosis virus, BmNPV (BGL) isolated from infected silkworms around Bangalore were propagated either in the cultured B. mori cell line, BmN or through infection of larvae. Electron microscopic (EM) observations of the polyhedra revealed an average length of 2 mu m and a height of 0.5 mu m. The purified polyhedra derived virions (PDV) showed several bands in sucrose gradient centrifugation, indicating the multiple nucleocapsid nature of BmNPV. Electron microscopic studies of PDV revealed a cylindrical, rod-shaped nucleocapsid with an average length of 300 nm and a diameter of 35 nm. The genomic DNA from the PDV was characterized by extensive restriction analysis and the genome size was estimated to be 132 kb. The restriction pattern of BmNPV (BGL) resembled that of the prototype strain BmNPV-T3. Distinct differences due to polymorphic sites for restriction enzyme HindIII were apparent between BmNPV (BGL) and the virus isolated from a different part of Karnataka (Dharwad area), BmNPV (DHR).


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INVESTIGATIONS of intestinal transport of amino-acids in the locust1,2 and silkworm3,4 have shown no evidence for active accumulation in a transport from the insect gut of amino-acids. When glycine-2-14C was administered in vivo to fifth instar larvae of the silkworm, 96 per cent of the radioactivity was incorporated into various tissues within 1 h whereas in vitro only 19 per cent of the activity was transported by the mid-gut of silkworm (unpublished work). These results suggested that continued absorption of glycine by the intestine could be aided by a facilitated diffusion mechanism in which amino-acids are rapidly removed from the site of absorption either by accumulation into other tissues or by degradation. Although the insect fat body has been assigned both accumulatory and dissimilatory roles5, the mechanism of accumulation of amino-acids has not been investigated. Our present experiments show that the silkworm fat body possesses an efficient mechanism for accumulating glycine and that both the accumulation and the release of glycine are metabolically controlled.


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The rate of absorption of amino acids from mixtures has been studied in the silkworm midgut by using an in vitro perfusion technique. The rates differ for individual amino acids. A characteristic absorption pattern is observed which is independent of the amino acid composition of the mixture used. The metabolic inhibitors dinitrophenol and cyanide have no effect on the amino acid transport from mixtures. Based on these results an energy-independent, carrier-mediated transport is postulated.


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The constituents of silkworm fat were studied in detail. An unsaturated fat with a high concentration of phospholipid was generally observed. Its iodine value increased during metamorphosis. The free fatty acid concentration likewise increased from the spinning larvae to the moth stage. Analyses of silkworm organs revealed that the fat body had the most fat and the least free fatty acids, whereas haemolymph contained the least fat. Silk glands contained the maximum phospholipid percentage. Stearic acid predominated in those tissues that had a high percentage of phospholipid. Stearic acid was the predominant saturated fatty acid in both the phospholipids and lecithin, and it accounted for 35–50 per cent of the free fatty acids of all the tissues. Q10 was the ubiquinone present; also found were ubichromenol and tocopherol. Results show that silkworm sterol may be cholesterol. Intestines contained the maximum quantities of sterol, ubiquinone, ubichromenol, and tocopherol. The composition of silkworm phospholipids varies considerably from those of other insects, but lecithin is comparable in its composition with lecithins of other animals. The phospholipids had with them a highly complexed protein along with a polysaccharide. In experiments with snake venoms unsaturated fatty acids were found to be predominantly released from silkworm lecithin.


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Conditions for the preparation of mitochondria from silkworm intestines have been standardized. The inability of mitochondria to oxidize fatty acids has been demonstrated. Evidence for the absence of an inhibitor in the mitochondria has been obtained.


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The role of hippuric acid formation as a mechanism for detoxication of benzoic acid in the silkworm has been investigated. Benzoate is inhibitory to the growth of the silkworm and excreted as hippuric acid, which is not toxic. Hippuric acid is not a normal constituent of excreta. Synthesis of hippuric acid has been shown to occur in the intestines of the silkworm. Hippuricase activity is present in the fat body and silk-gland tissue.


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The variations in the activities of the alkaline and acid phosphatases of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, were studied in all stages of the life cycle. From hatching until the spinning stage a steady increase was recorded in the activity of both the enzymes followed with a conspicuous decrease at each moult. During the pupal stage the alkaline phosphatase was almost absent, whereas the acid phosphatase maintained a high and constant value. Increase or decrease of the activity of the enzymes during larval development was reflected in a decrease or increase in the acid-soluble phosphorus content. Acid phosphatase activity slowly increased from laying of the eggs to hatching of the larvae with a concomitant decrease in the acid-soluble phosphorus. Tissue analysis showed a high concentration of the alkaline enzyme in the intestines, but the haemolymph was almost free of both enzymes. Feeding of inorganic phosphate increased the alkaline enzyme in the intestines, whereas glucose had no effect on either of the enzymes in the intestines.