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In order to investigate the factors determining the relative stabilities of layered perovskite and pyrochlore structures of transition metal oxides containing trivalent bismuth, several ternary and quaternary oxides have been investigated. While d0 cations stabilize the layered perovskite structure, cations containing partially-filled d orbitals (which suppress ferroelectric distortion of MO6 octahedra) seem to favor pyrochlore-related structures. Thus, the vanadium analogue of the layered perovskite Bi4Ti3O12 cannot be prepared; instead the composition consists of a mixture of pyrochlore-type Bi1.33V2O6, Bi2O3, and Bi metal. The distortion of Bi1.33V2O6 to orthorhombic symmetry is probably due to an ordering of anion vacancies in the pyrochlore structure. None of the other pyrochlores investigated, Bi2NbCrO7, Bi2NbFeO7, TlBiM2O7 (M = Nb, Ta), shows evidence for cation ordering in the X-Ray diffraction patterns, as indeed established by structure refinement of TlBiNb2O7.


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Mr= 361.3, triclinic, P1, a = 6-239 (2), b=11.280(2), c=12-451(2)A, a=101.2 (1), B= 92.3 (1), 7=99.9(1)°, V=844.123 A3, Z=2, Dx= 1.42, D m = 1.42 (1) Mg m -3, n(Cu Ka) = 1.5418 ,A., g = 1-102 mm -1, F(000) = 376, T= 293 K. Final R = 0.064 for 2150 observed reflections. The niflumic acid anions consist essentially of three planar groupings, namely, two six-membered rings and a carboxylate group attached to one of them. The invariant common structural features observed in the crystal structures of fenamates, namely, the coplanarity of the carboxyl group and the six-membered ring bearing it, and the internal hydrogen bond between the carboxyl group and the imino N atom that bridges the two sixmembered rings, are retained in the complex. The amino N atom is gauche with respect to the terminal hydroxyl group in the ethanolamine cation. The complexation between the two molecules is achieved through ionic and hydrogen-bonded interactions involving the carboxylate group in niflumic acid.


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O-Acetylsalicylamide (Ia), C9H9NO3, M r =179.18, monoclinic, P2Jc, a=8.155(5), b=8.571 (2), c= 13.092 (3)A, fl=99.54 (5) ° , V= 902.4(6)A 3, Z=4, Dm=l.31, Dx=l.319gcm -3, 2(Mo Ka) = 0.71069 A,/~ = 1.08 cm -1, F(000) = 376, T = 295 K, R = 0.076 for 1604 reflections. O-Benzoylsalicylamide (Ib), C14HtlNO 3, M,=241.2, monoclinic, P2t/e, a=9.423(1), b=5.116(1), e= 26.424 (2) A, fl= 103.97 (1)% V= 1236.2 (3)/~3, Z= 4, D~ = 1.28, D x = 1.296 gcm -3, ,;L(Cu Ks) = 1.5418 A, p = 7.71 cm-', F(000) = 504, T= 295 K, R =0.050 for 2115 reflections. The dihedral angles between the amide group and the benzene ring are 39.9 ° (Ia) and 37.9 ° (Ib), whereas between the acyl group and the benzene ring they are 78.1 ° (Ia) and 93.4 ° (Ib). The differences in the packing of the two structures are brought out in terms of the observed hydrogen-bonding patterns. Based on the crystallographic results, an intramolecular mechanism for the migration of the acyl group from the O to the N position is suggested in both compounds.


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The monsoon depressions intensify over the Bay of Bengal, move in a west-north-west (WNW) direction and dissipate over the Indian continent. No convincing physical explanation for their observed movement has so far been arrived at, but here, I suggest why the maximum precipitation occurs in the western sector of the depression and propose a feedback mechanism for the WNW movement of the depressions. We assume that a heat source is created over the Bay of Bengal due to organization of cumulus convection by the initial instability. In a linear sense, heating at this latitude (20° N), produces an atmospheric response mainly in the form of a stationary Rossby–gravity wave to the west of the heat source. The low-level vorticity (hence the frictional convergence) and the vertical velocity associated with the steady-state response is such that the maximum moisture convergence (and precipitation) is expected to occur in the WNW sector at a later time. Thus, the heat source moves to the WNW sector at a later time and the feedback continues resulting in the WNW movement of the depressions.


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Abstract is not available.


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Magnetic measurements have been used in combination with transmission electron microscopy to investigate small nickel metal particles in metal-ceramic composites. Estimates of the average number of atoms in the particles are given for nonmagnetic samples with low Ni content.


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Crystal structures of the title compounds, (I) and (II), have been determined by three-dimensional diffraction methods. Crystals of CsHIoN 4 (I) are monoclinic, space group P21/a with Z = 4, Mr= 162, a = 7.965 (1), b = 16.232 (2), c = 7.343 (1) A, fl = 113.54 (1) °, V = 890.7 A 3, D,n = 1.218, D x = 1.208 gcm -3, g(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 6.47 em -1, F(000) = 344. The crystals of C9H12N4 (II) are orthorhombic, space group P21en, with Z = 4, Mr = 176, a = 7.983 (3), b = 8.075 (2), c = 14.652 (3) ./k, V = 944.43/~3, Dm= 1.219, D x = 1.237 g cm -3, #(Mo Ka, ). = 0.7107 ,/k) = 0.868 cm -1, F(000) = 376. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 5.8% for (I) and 5.3 % for (II). The C-C double-bond distances are 1.407 (3) in (I) and 1.429 (6)/~ in (II), appreciably longer than normal. The steric and push-pull effects result in rotation about the C=C bond, the rotation angles being 20.2 (3) in (I) and 31.5 (6) o in (II).


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As a part of our research programme on hydrazine derivatives [I-4]. we have prepared a number of hydrazinium metal sulfates [ 1.S] (N2 H5), M(SO4)2, where M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. Zn, Cd and Mg and their hydrazine adducts [2] of the type (N2H5)2M(SO4)2 . 3 N2H4. where M = Fe, Co and Ni, as well as N2H5AI(SO4)2 . 6N2H4. Recently, we reported [5.6] the thermal analysis of these compounds. Our .literature survey on the thermal analysis of alums [7] and aluminium salts [8] indicated that, although the preparation of hydrazinium aluminium sulfate dodecahydrate, N2H5Al(SO4)2 . 12 H2O, has been reported [9], there appears to be no report on its thermal analysis. Here, we report the results df the thermal analysis of N2H5Al(SO4)2 . 12 H2O and N2H5Al(SO4)2 . 2N2H4.


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Crystal structures of the title compounds, (I) and (II), have been determined by three-dimensional diffraction methods. Crystals of CsHIoN 4 (I) are monoclinic, space group P21/a with Z = 4, Mr= 162, a = 7.965 (1), b = 16.232 (2), c = 7.343 (1) A, fl = 113.54 (1) °, V = 890.7 A 3, D,n = 1.218, D x = 1.208 gcm -3, g(Cu Ka, 2 = 1.5418/~) = 6.47 em -1, F(000) = 344. The crystals of C9H12N4 (II) are orthorhombic, space group P21en, with Z = 4, Mr = 176, a = 7.983 (3), b = 8.075 (2), c = 14.652 (3) ./k, V = 44.43/~3, Dm= 1.219, D x = 1.237 g cm -3, #(Mo Ka, ). = 0.7107 ,/k) = 0.868 cm -1, F(000) = 376. Both structures were solved by direct methods and refined to R = 5.8% for (I) and 5.3 % for (II). The C-C double-bond distances are 1.407 (3) in (I) and 1.429 (6)/~ in (II), appreciably longer than normal. The steric and push-pull effects result in rotation about the C=C bond, the rotation angles being 20.2 (3) in (I) and 31.5 (6) o in (II).


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S-Labeled nucleosides of E. coli tRNA and some of the derivatives of thionucleosides were separated on Bio-Gel P-2 and Sephadex G-10 columns employing buffers of low salt concentration and high pH.


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Using a solid-state electrochemical cell incorporating yttria-doped thoria (YDT) as the electrolyte and a mixture of (Mn + MnO) as the reference electrode, standard Gibbs free energy of formation of beta-Ta2O5 has been determined as a function of temperature in the range (1000 to 1300) K. The solid-state electrochemical cell used can be represented as (-)Pt,Ta +Ta2O5//(Y2O3)ThO2//Mn + MnO, Pt(+) Combining the reversible e.m.f. of the cell with recent data on the free energy of formation of MnO, standard Gibbs free energy of formation of Ta2O5 from Ta metal and diatomic oxygen gas (O-2) in the temperature range (1000 to 1300) K is obtained: Delta fG degrees +/- 0.35/(kJ.mol(-1)) = -2004.376 + 0.40445(T/K). Because of the significant solid solubility of oxygen in tantalum, a small correction for the activity of Ta in the metal phase in equilibrium with Ta2O5 is applied. An analysis of the results obtained in this study and other free energy data reported in the literature by the "third law" method suggests the need for refining data for Ta2O5 reported in thermodynamic compilations. Used in the analysis is a revised value for standard entropy of Ta2O5 based on more recent low-temperature heat capacity measurements. An improved set of thermodynamic properties of ditantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) are presented in the temperature range (298.15 to 2200) K. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Gelatin hydrogel electrolytes (GHEs) with varying NaCl concentrations have been prepared by cross-linking an aqueous solution of gelatin with aqueous glutaraldehyde and characterized by scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, cyclic voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and galvanostatic chronopotentiometry. Glass transition temperatures for GHEs range between 339.6 and 376.9 K depending on the dopant concentration. Ionic conductivity behavior of GHEs was studied with varying concentrations of gelatin, glutaraldehyde, and NaCl, and found to vary between 10(-3) and 10(-1) S cm(-1). GHEs have a potential window of about 1 V. Undoped and 0.25 N NaCl-doped GHEs follow Arrhenius equations with activation energy values of 1.94 and 1.88 x 10(-4) eV, respectively. Electrochemical supercapacitors (ESs) employing these GHEs in conjunction with Black Pearl Carbon electrodes are assembled and studied. Optimal values for capacitance, phase angle, and relaxation time constant of 81 F g(-1), 75 degrees, and 0.03 s are obtained for 3 N NaCl-doped GHE, respectively. ES with pristine GHE exhibits a cycle life of 4.3 h vs 4.7 h for the ES with 3 N NaCl-doped GHE. (c) 2007 The Electrochemical Society.


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We consider the problem of computing an approximate minimum cycle basis of an undirected edge-weighted graph G with m edges and n vertices; the extension to directed graphs is also discussed. In this problem, a {0,1} incidence vector is associated with each cycle and the vector space over F-2 generated by these vectors is the cycle space of G. A set of cycles is called a cycle basis of G if it forms a basis for its cycle space. A cycle basis where the sum of the weights of the cycles is minimum is called a minimum cycle basis of G. Cycle bases of low weight are useful in a number of contexts, e.g. the analysis of electrical networks, structural engineering, chemistry, and surface reconstruction. We present two new algorithms to compute an approximate minimum cycle basis. For any integer k >= 1, we give (2k - 1)-approximation algorithms with expected running time 0(kmn(1+2/k) + mn((1+1/k)(omega-1))) and deterministic running time 0(n(3+2/k)), respectively. Here omega is the best exponent of matrix multiplication. It is presently known that omega < 2.376. Both algorithms are o(m(omega)) for dense graphs. This is the first time that any algorithm which computes sparse cycle bases with a guarantee drops below the Theta(m(omega)) bound. We also present a 2-approximation algorithm with O(m(omega) root n log n) expected running time, a linear time 2-approximation algorithm for planar graphs and an O(n(3)) time 2.42-approximation algorithm for the complete Euclidean graph in the plane.


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Two crystals structures of a nonapeptide (anhydrous and hydrated) containing the amino acid residue alpha, alpha-di-n-butylglycyl, reveal a mixed 3(10)/alpha-helical conformation. Residues 1-7 adopt phi, psi values in the helical region, with Val(8) being appreciably distorted. The Dbg residue has phi, psi values of -40, -37 degrees and -46, -40 degrees in two crystals with the two butyl side chains mostly extended in each. Peptide molecules in the crystals pack into helical columns. The crystal parameters are C50H91N9O12, space group P2(1), with a = 9.789(1) Angstrom, b = 20.240(2) Angstrom, c = 15.998(3) Angstrom, beta = 103.27(1); Z = 2, R = 10.3% for 1945 data observed >3 sigma(F) and C50H91N9O12. 3H(2)O, space group P2(1), with a = 9.747(3) Angstrom, b = 21.002(8) Angstrom, c = 15.885(6) Angstrom, beta = 102.22(3)degrees, Z = 2, R = 13.6% for 2535 data observed >3 sigma(F). The observation of a helical conformation at Dbg suggests that the higher homologs in the alpha, alpha-dialkylated glycine series also have a tendency to stabilize peptide helices. (C) Munksgaard 1996.