4 resultados para small molecule libraries
em Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship Repository
Discovering scalable routes to fabricate large scale electronic devices on flexible substrates has been the goal of the newly emerging field of flexible macroelectronics. Thin film transistors (TFTs) have been fabricated on flexible substrates by using organic small-molecule and polymer-based materials, or thin layers of crystalline inorganic semiconductors. Recently, films of carbon nanotubes have been proposed as electronic materials with superior electrical performance due to exceptional electrical and mechanical properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). In this thesis, some aspects of recent research efforts on integrating arrays of carbon nanotubes into macroelectronic devices are described. Carbon nanotube films have two major uses for flexible macroelectronics. The first approach uses carbon nanotube thin films as active semiconducting materials in the channel of flexible TFTs. Even though, high-performance carbon nanotube thin film transistors have been realized, the electronic non-homogeneity of the as-grown carbon nanotubes in the film limits the device performance for some applications. In this thesis, the application of electrochemical functionalization on carbon nanotube films to improve the electronic homogeneity of the film is described. The effect of the crystal quartz substrates on the growth rate of carbon nanotubes, and whether this can be used to sort out as-grown carbon nanotubes by electronic type is also discussed. Finally, I argue that high density carbon nanotube films can also be used as highly conducting stretchable interconnects on mechanically flexible electronic circuits. The sheet resistance and the nature of the buckling of carbon nanotube films on flexible substrates are discussed.
Most commercially available reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes are based on the thin film composite (TFC) aromatic polyamide membranes. However, they have several disadvantages including low resistance to fouling, low chemical and thermal stabilities and limited chlorine tolerance. To address these problems, advanced RO/NF membranes are being developed from polyimides for water and wastewater treatments. The following three projects have resulted from my research. (1) Positively charged and solvent resistant NF membranes. The use of solvent resistant membranes to facilitate small molecule separations has been a long standing industry goal of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We developed a solvent resistant membrane by chemically cross-linking of polyimide membrane using polyethylenimine. This membrane showed excellent stability in almost all organic solvents. In addition, this membrane was positively charged due to the amine groups remaining on the surface. As a result, high efficiency (> 95%) and selectivity for multivalent heavy metal removal was achieved. (2) Fouling resistant NF membranes. Antifouling membranes are highly desired for “all” applications because fouling will lead to higher energy demand, increase of cleaning and corresponding down time and reduced life-time of the membrane elements. For fouling prevention, we designed a new membrane system using a coating technique to modify membrane surface properties to avoid adsorption of foulants like humic acid. A layer of water-soluble polymer such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyacrylic acid (PAA), polyvinyl sulfate (PVS) or sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK), was adsorbed onto the surface of a positively charged membrane. The resultant membranes have a smooth and almost neutrally charged surface which showed better fouling resistance than both the positively charged NF membranes and commercially available negatively charged NTR-7450 membrane. In addition, these membranes showed high efficiency for removal of multivalent ions (> 95% for both cations and anions). Therefore, these antifouling surfaces can be potentially used for water softening, water desalination and wastewater treatment in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) process. (3) Thermally stable RO membranes. Commercial RO membranes cannot be used at temperature higher than 45°C due to the use of polysulfone substrate, which often limits their applications in industries. We successfully developed polyimides as the membrane substrate for thermally stable RO membranes due to their high thermal resistance. The polyimide-based composite polyamide membranes showed desalination performance comparable to the commercial TFC membrane. However, the key advantage of the polyimide-based membrane is its high thermal stability. As the feed temperature increased from 25oC to 95oC, the water flux increased 5 - 6 times while the salt rejection almost kept constant. This membrane appears to provide a unique solution for hot water desalination and also a feasible way to improve the water productivity by increasing the operating temperature without any drop in salt rejection.
The emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial infections in both the clinical setting and the community has created an environment in which the development of novel antibacterial compounds is necessary to keep dangerous infections at bay. While the derivatization of existing antibiotics by pharmaceutical companies has so far been successful at achieving this end, this strategy is short-term, and the discovery of antibacterials with novel scaffolds would be a greater contribution to the fight of multidrug-resistant infections. Described herein is the application of both target-based and whole cell screening strategies to identify novel antibacterial compounds. In a target-based approach, we sought small-molecule disruptors of the MazEF toxin-antitoxin protein complex. A lack of facile, continuous assays for this target required the development of a fluorometric assay for MazF ribonuclease activity. This assay was employed to further characterize the activity of the MazF enzyme and was used in a screening effort to identify disruptors of the MazEF complex. In addition, by employing a whole cell screening approach, we identified two compounds with potent antibacterial activity. Efforts to characterize the in vitro antibacterial activities displayed by these compounds and to identify their modes of action are described.
The protein folding problem has been one of the most challenging subjects in biological physics due to its complexity. Energy landscape theory based on statistical mechanics provides a thermodynamic interpretation of the protein folding process. We have been working to answer fundamental questions about protein-protein and protein-water interactions, which are very important for describing the energy landscape surface of proteins correctly. At first, we present a new method for computing protein-protein interaction potentials of solvated proteins directly from SAXS data. An ensemble of proteins was modeled by Metropolis Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics simulations, and the global X-ray scattering of the whole model ensemble was computed at each snapshot of the simulation. The interaction potential model was optimized and iterated by a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Secondly, we report that terahertz spectroscopy directly probes hydration dynamics around proteins and determines the size of the dynamical hydration shell. We also present the sequence and pH-dependence of the hydration shell and the effect of the hydrophobicity. On the other hand, kinetic terahertz absorption (KITA) spectroscopy is introduced to study the refolding kinetics of ubiquitin and its mutants. KITA results are compared to small angle X-ray scattering, tryptophan fluorescence, and circular dichroism results. We propose that KITA monitors the rearrangement of hydrogen bonding during secondary structure formation. Finally, we present development of the automated single molecule operating system (ASMOS) for a high throughput single molecule detector, which levitates a single protein molecule in a 10 µm diameter droplet by the laser guidance. I also have performed supporting calculations and simulations with my own program codes.