6 resultados para heat transfer experiments
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The prediction of convective heat transfer in enclosures under high ventilative flow rates is primarily of interest for building design and simulation purposes. Current models are based on experiments performed forty years ago with flat plates under natural convection conditions.
Biochemical agents, including bacteria and toxins, are potentially dangerous and responsible for a wide variety of diseases. Reliable detection and characterization of small samples is necessary in order to reduce and eliminate their harmful consequences. Microcantilever sensors offer a potential alternative to the state of the art due to their small size, fast response time, and the ability to operate in air and liquid environments. At present, there are several technology limitations that inhibit application of microcantilever to biochemical detection and analysis, including difficulties in conducting temperature-sensitive experiments, material inadequacy resulting in insufficient cell capture, and poor selectivity of multiple analytes. This work aims to address several of these issues by introducing microcantilevers having integrated thermal functionality and by introducing nanocrystalline diamond as new material for microcantilevers. Microcantilevers are designed, fabricated, characterized, and used for capture and detection of cells and bacteria. The first microcantilever type described in this work is a silicon cantilever having highly uniform in-plane temperature distribution. The goal is to have 100 μm square uniformly heated area that can be used for thermal characterization of films as well as to conduct chemical reactions with small amounts of material. Fabricated cantilevers can reach above 300C while maintaining temperature uniformity of 2−4%. This is an improvement of over one order of magnitude over currently available cantilevers. The second microcantilever type is a doped single crystal silicon cantilever having a thin coating of ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD). The primary application of such a device is in biological testing, where diamond acts as a stable, electrically isolated reaction surface while silicon layer provides controlled heating with minimum variations in temperature. This work shows that composite cantilevers of this kind are an effective platform for temperature-sensitive biological experiments, such as heat lysing and polymerase chain reaction. The rapid heat-transfer of Si-UNCD cantilever compromised the membrane of NIH 3T3 fibroblast and lysed the cell nucleus within 30 seconds. Bacteria cells, Listeria monocytogenes V7, were shown to be captured with biotinylated heat-shock protein on UNCD surface and 90% of all viable cells exhibit membrane porosity due to high heat in 15 seconds. Lastly, a sensor made solely from UNCD diamond is fabricated with the intention of being used to detect the presence of biological species by means of an integrated piezoresistor or through frequency change monitoring. Since UNCD diamond has not been previously used in piezoresistive applications, temperature-denpendent piezoresistive coefficients and gage factors are determined first. The doped UNCD exhibits a significant piezoresistive effect with gauge factor of 7.53±0.32 and a piezoresistive coefficient of 8.12×10^−12 Pa^−1 at room temperature. The piezoresistive properties of UNCD are constant over the temperature range of 25−200C. 300 μm long cantilevers have the highest sensitivity of 0.186 m-Ohm/Ohm per μm of cantilever end deflection, which is approximately half that of similarly sized silicon cantilevers. UNCD cantilever arrays were fabricated consisting of four sixteen-cantilever arrays of length 20–90 μm in addition to an eight-cantilever array of length 120 μm. Laser doppler vibrometry (LDV) measured the cantilever resonant frequency, which ranged as 218 kHz−5.14 MHz in air and 73 kHz−3.68 MHz in water. The quality factor of the cantilever was 47−151 in air and 18−45 in water. The ability to measure frequencies of the cantilever arrays opens the possibility for detection of individual bacteria by monitoring frequency shift after cell capture.
In this study the relationship between heterogeneous nucleate boiling surfaces and deposition of suspended metallic colloidal particles, popularly known as crud or corrosion products in process industries, on those heterogeneous sites is investigated. Various researchers have reported that hematite is a major constituent of crud which makes it the primary material of interest; however the models developed in this work are irrespective of material choice. Qualitative hypotheses on the deposition process under boiling as proposed by previous researchers have been tested, which fail to provide explanations for several physical mechanisms observed and analyzed. In this study a quantitative model of deposition rate has been developed on the basis of bubble dynamics and colloid-surface interaction potential. Boiling from a heating surface aids in aggregation of the metallic particulates viz. nano-particles, crud particulate, etc. suspended in a liquid, which helps in transporting them to heating surfaces. Consequently, clusters of particles deposit onto the heating surfaces due to various interactive forces, resulting in formation of porous or impervious layers. The deposit layer grows or recedes depending upon variations in interparticle and surface forces, fluid shear, fluid chemistry, etc. This deposit layer in turn affects the rate of bubble generation, formation of porous chimneys, critical heat flux (CHF) of surfaces, activation and deactivation of nucleation sites on the heating surfaces. Several problems are posed due to the effect of boiling on colloidal deposition, which range from research initiatives involving nano-fluids as a heat transfer medium to industrial applications such as light water nuclear reactors. In this study, it is attempted to integrate colloid and surface science with vapor bubble dynamics, boiling heat transfer and evaporation rate. Pool boiling experiments with dilute metallic colloids have been conducted to investigate several parameters impacting the system. The experimental data available in the literature is obtained by flow experiments, which do not help in correlating boiling mechanism with the deposition amount or structure. With the help of experimental evidences and analysis, previously proposed hypothesis for particle transport to the contact line due to hydrophobicity has been challenged. The experimental observations suggest that deposition occurs around the bubble surface contact line and extends underneath area of the bubble microlayer as well. During the evaporation the concentration gradient of a non-volatile species is created, which induces osmotic pressure. The osmotic pressure developed inside the microlayer draws more particles inside the microlayer region or towards contact line. The colloidal escape time is slower than the evaporation time, which leads to the aggregation of particles in the evaporating micro-layer. These aggregated particles deposit onto or are removed from the heating surface, depending upon their total interaction potential. Interaction potential has been computed with the help of surface charge and van der Waals potential for the materials in aqueous solutions. Based upon the interaction-force boundary layer thickness, which is governed by debye radius (or ionic concentration and pH), a simplified quantitative model for the attachment kinetics is proposed. This attachment kinetics model gives reasonable results in predicting attachment rate against data reported by previous researchers. The attachment kinetics study has been done for different pH levels and particle sizes for hematite particles. Quantification of colloidal transport under boiling scenarios is done with the help of overall average evaporation rates because generally waiting times for bubbles at the same position is much larger than growth times. In other words, from a larger measurable scale perspective, frequency of bubbles dictates the rate of collection of particles rather than evaporation rate during micro-layer evaporation of one bubble. The combination of attachment kinetics and colloidal transport kinetics has been used to make a consolidated model for prediction of the amount of deposition and is validated with the help of high fidelity experimental data. In an attempt to understand and explain boiling characteristics, high speed visualization of bubble dynamics from a single artificial large cavity and multiple naturally occurring cavities is conducted. A bubble growth and departure dynamics model is developed for artificial active sites and is validated with the experimental data. The variation of bubble departure diameter with wall temperature is analyzed with experimental results and shows coherence with earlier studies. However, deposit traces after boiling experiments show that bubble contact diameter is essential to predict bubble departure dynamics, which has been ignored previously by various researchers. The relationship between porosity of colloid deposits and bubbles under the influence of Jakob number, sub-cooling and particle size has been developed. This also can be further utilized in variational wettability of the surface. Designing porous surfaces can having vast range of applications varying from high wettability, such as high critical heat flux boilers, to low wettability, such as efficient condensers.
This work represents ongoing efforts to study high-enthalpy carbon dioxide flows in anticipation of the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and future missions to the red planet. The work is motivated by observed anomalies between experimental and numerical studies in hypervelocity impulse facilities for high enthalpy carbon dioxide flows. In this work, experiments are conducted in the Hypervelocity Expansion Tube (HET) which, by virtue of its flow acceleration process, exhibits minimal freestream dissociation in comparison to reflected shock tunnels. This simplifies the comparison with computational result as freestream dissociation and considerable thermochemical excitation can be neglected. Shock shapes of the MSL aeroshell and spherical geometries are compared with numerical simulations incorporating detailed CO2 thermochemical modeling. The shock stand-off distance has been identified in the past as sensitive to the thermochemical state and as such, is used here as an experimental measurable for comparison with CFD and two different theoretical models. It is seen that models based upon binary scaling assumptions are not applicable for the low-density, small-scale conditions of the current work. Mars Science Laboratory shock shapes at zero angle of attack are also in good agreement with available data from the LENS X expansion tunnel facility, confi rming results are facility-independent for the same type of flow acceleration, and indicating that the flow velocity is a suitable first-order matching parameter for comparative testing. In an e ffort to address surface chemistry issues arising from high-enthalpy carbon dioxide ground-test based experiments, spherical stagnation point and aeroshell heat transfer distributions are also compared with simulation. Very good agreement between experiment and CFD is seen for all shock shapes and heat transfer distributions fall within the non-catalytic and super-catalytic solutions. We also examine spatial temperature profiles in the non-equilibrium relaxation region behind a stationary shock wave in a hypervelocity air Mach 7.42 freestream. The normal shock wave is established through a Mach reflection from an opposing wedge arrangement. Schlieren images confirm that the shock con guration is steady and the location is repeatable. Emission spectroscopy is used to identify dissociated species and to make vibrational temperature measurements using both the nitric oxide and the hydroxyl radical A-X band sequences. Temperature measurements are presented at selected locations behind the normal shock. LIFBASE is used as the simulation spectrum software for OH temperature-fitting, however the need to access higher vibrational and rotational levels for NO leads to the use of an in-house developed algorithm. For NO, results demonstrate the contribution of higher vibrational and rotational levels to the spectra at the conditions of this study. Very good agreement is achieved between the experimentally measured NO vibrational temperatures and calculations performed using an existing state-resolved, three-dimensional forced harmonic oscillator thermochemical model. The measured NO A-X vibrational temperatures are significantly higher than the OH A-X temperatures.
The incorporation of graphitic compounds such as carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and graphene into nano-electronic device packaging holds much promise for waste heat management given their high thermal conductivities. However, as these graphitic materials must be used in together with other semiconductor/insulator materials, it is not known how thermal transport is affected by the interaction. Using different simulation techniques, in this thesis, we evaluate the thermal transport properties - thermal boundary conductance (TBC) and thermal conductivity - of CNTs and single-layer graphene in contact with an amorphous SiO2 (a-SiO2) substrate. First, the theoretical methodologies and concepts used in our simulations are presented. In particular, two concepts are described in detail as they are necessary for the understanding of the subsequent chapters. The first is the linear response Green-Kubo (GK) theory of thermal boundary conductance (TBC), which we develop in this thesis, and the second is the spectral energy density method, which we use to directly compute the phonon lifetimes and thermal transport coefficients. After we set the conceptual foundations, the TBC of the CNT-SiO2 interface is computed using non- equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the new Green-Kubo method that we have developed. Its dependence on temperature, the strength of the interaction with the substrate, and tube diameter are evaluated. To gain further insight into the phonon dynamics in supported CNTs, the scattering rates are computed using the spectral energy density (SED) method. With this method, we are able to distinguish the different scattering mechanisms (boundary and CNT-substrate phonon-phonon) and rates. The phonon lifetimes in supported CNTs are found to be reduced by contact with the substrate and we use that lifetime reduction to determine the change in CNT thermal conductivity. Next, we examine thermal transport in graphene supported on SiO2. The phonon contribution to the TBC of the graphene-SiO2 interface is computed from MD simulations and found to agree well with experimentally measured values. We derive the theory of remote phonon scattering of graphene electrons and compute the heat transfer coefficient dependence on doping level and temperature. The thermal boundary conductance from remote phonon scattering is found to be an order of magnitude smaller than that of the phonon contribution. The in-plane thermal conductivity of supported graphene is calculated from MD simulations. The experimentally measured order of magnitude reduction in thermal conductivity is reproduced in our simulations. We show that this reduction is due to the damping of the flexural (ZA) modes. By varying the interaction between graphene and the substrate, the ZA modes hybridize with the substrate Rayleigh modes and the dispersion of the hybridized modes is found to linearize in the strong coupling limit, leading to an increased thermal conductance in the composite structure.
Open-cell metal foams show promise as an emerging novel material for heat exchanger applications. The high surface-area-to-volume ratio suggests increased compactness and decrease in weight of heat exchanger designs. However, the metal foam structure appears conducive to condensate retention, which would degenerate heat transfer performance. This research investigates the condensate retention behavior of aluminum open-cell metal foams through the use of static dip tests and geometrical classification via X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography. Aluminum open-cell metal foam samples of 5, 10, 20, and 40 pores per inch (PPI), all having a void fraction greater than 90%, were included in this investigation. In order to model the condensate retention behavior of metal foams, a clearer understanding of the geometry was required. After exploring the ideal geometries presented in the open literature, X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography was employed to classify the actual geometry of the metal foam samples. The images obtained were analyzed using specialized software from which geometric information including strut length and pore shapes were extracted. The results discerned a high variability in ligament length, as well as features supporting the ideal geometry known as the Weaire-Phelan unit cell. The static dip tests consisted of submerging the metal foam samples in a liquid, then allowing gravity-induced drainage until steady-state was reached and the liquid remaining in the metal foam sample was measured. Three different liquids, water, ethylene glycol, and 91% isopropyl alcohol, were employed. The behaviors of untreated samples were compared to samples subjected to a Beomite surface treatment process, and no significant differences in retention behavior were discovered. The dip test results revealed two distinct regions of condensate retention, each holding approximately half of the total liquid retained by the sample. As expected, condensate retention increased as the pores sizes decreased. A model based on surface tension was developed to predict the condensate retention in the metal foam samples and verified using a regular mesh. Applying the model to both the ideal and actual metal foam geometries showed good agreement with the dip test results in this study.