2 resultados para Planets and Satellites: Atmospheres

em Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship Repository


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Low-temperature magneto-photoluminescence is a very powerful technique to characterize high purity GaAs and InP grown by various epitaxial techniques. These III-V compound semiconductor materials are used in a wide variety of electronic, optoelectronic and microwave devices. The large binding energy differences of acceptors in GaAs and InP make possible the identification of those impurities by low-temperature photoluminescence without the use of any magnetic field. However, the sensitivity and resolution provided by this technique rema1ns inadequate to resolve the minute binding energy differences of donors in GaAs and InP. To achieve higher sensitivity and resolution needed for the identification of donors, a magneto-photoluminescence system 1s installed along with a tunable dye laser, which provides resonant excitation. Donors 1n high purity GaAs are identified from the magnetic splittings of "two-electron" satellites of donor bound exciton transitions 1n a high magnetic field and at liquid helium temperature. This technique 1s successfully used to identify donors 1n n-type GaAs as well as 1n p-type GaAs in which donors cannot be identified by any other technique. The technique is also employed to identify donors in high purity InP. The amphoteric incorporation of Si and Ge impurities as donors and acceptors in (100), (311)A and (3ll)B GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy is studied spectroscopically. The hydrogen passivation of C acceptors in high purity GaAs grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) 1s investigated using photoluminescence. Si acceptors ~n MBE GaAs are also found to be passivated by hydrogenation. The instabilities in the passivation of acceptor impurities are observed for the exposure of those samples to light. Very high purity MOCVD InP samples with extremely high mobility are characterized by both electrical and optical techniques. It is determined that C is not typically incorporated as a residual acceptor ~n high purity MOCVD InP. Finally, GaAs on Si, single quantum well, and multiple quantum well heterostructures, which are fabricated from III-V semiconductors, are also measured by low-temperature photoluminescence.


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Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in galaxy cluster atmospheres and have a variety of astrophysical and cosmological consequences. Magnetic fields can contribute to the pressure support of clusters, affect thermal conduction, and modify the evolution of bubbles driven by active galactic nuclei. However, we currently do not fully understand the origin and evolution of these fields throughout cosmic time. Furthermore, we do not have a general understanding of the relationship between magnetic field strength and topology and other cluster properties, such as mass and X-ray luminosity. We can now begin to answer some of these questions using large-scale cosmological magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the formation of galaxy clusters including the seeding and growth of magnetic fields. Using large-scale cosmological simulations with the FLASH code combined with a simplified model of the acceleration of cosmic rays responsible for the generation of radio halos, we find that the galaxy cluster frequency distribution and expected number counts of radio halos from upcoming low-frequency sur- veys are strongly dependent on the strength of magnetic fields. Thus, a more complete understanding of the origin and evolution of magnetic fields is necessary to understand and constrain models of diffuse synchrotron emission from clusters. One favored model for generating magnetic fields is through the amplification of weak seed fields in active galactic nuclei (AGN) accretion disks and their subsequent injection into cluster atmospheres via AGN-driven jets and bubbles. However, current large-scale cosmological simulations cannot directly include the physical processes associated with the accretion and feedback processes of AGN or the seeding and merging of the associated SMBHs. Thus, we must include these effects as subgrid models. In order to carefully study the growth of magnetic fields in clusters via AGN-driven outflows, we present a systematic study of SMBH and AGN subgrid models. Using dark-matter only cosmological simulations, we find that many important quantities, such as the relationship between SMBH mass and galactic bulge velocity dispersion and the merger rate of black holes, are highly sensitive to the subgrid model assumptions of SMBHs. In addition, using MHD calculations of an isolated cluster, we find that magnetic field strengths, extent, topology, and relationship to other gas quantities such as temperature and density are also highly dependent on the chosen model of accretion and feedback. We use these systematic studies of SMBHs and AGN inform and constrain our choice of subgrid models, and we use those results to outline a fully cosmological MHD simulation to study the injection and growth of magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. This simulation will be the first to study the birth and evolution of magnetic fields using a fully closed accretion-feedback cycle, with as few assumptions as possible and a clearer understanding of the effects of the various parameter choices.