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This work represents ongoing efforts to study high-enthalpy carbon dioxide flows in anticipation of the upcoming Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) and future missions to the red planet. The work is motivated by observed anomalies between experimental and numerical studies in hypervelocity impulse facilities for high enthalpy carbon dioxide flows. In this work, experiments are conducted in the Hypervelocity Expansion Tube (HET) which, by virtue of its flow acceleration process, exhibits minimal freestream dissociation in comparison to reflected shock tunnels. This simplifies the comparison with computational result as freestream dissociation and considerable thermochemical excitation can be neglected. Shock shapes of the MSL aeroshell and spherical geometries are compared with numerical simulations incorporating detailed CO2 thermochemical modeling. The shock stand-off distance has been identified in the past as sensitive to the thermochemical state and as such, is used here as an experimental measurable for comparison with CFD and two different theoretical models. It is seen that models based upon binary scaling assumptions are not applicable for the low-density, small-scale conditions of the current work. Mars Science Laboratory shock shapes at zero angle of attack are also in good agreement with available data from the LENS X expansion tunnel facility, confi rming results are facility-independent for the same type of flow acceleration, and indicating that the flow velocity is a suitable first-order matching parameter for comparative testing. In an e ffort to address surface chemistry issues arising from high-enthalpy carbon dioxide ground-test based experiments, spherical stagnation point and aeroshell heat transfer distributions are also compared with simulation. Very good agreement between experiment and CFD is seen for all shock shapes and heat transfer distributions fall within the non-catalytic and super-catalytic solutions. We also examine spatial temperature profiles in the non-equilibrium relaxation region behind a stationary shock wave in a hypervelocity air Mach 7.42 freestream. The normal shock wave is established through a Mach reflection from an opposing wedge arrangement. Schlieren images confirm that the shock con guration is steady and the location is repeatable. Emission spectroscopy is used to identify dissociated species and to make vibrational temperature measurements using both the nitric oxide and the hydroxyl radical A-X band sequences. Temperature measurements are presented at selected locations behind the normal shock. LIFBASE is used as the simulation spectrum software for OH temperature-fitting, however the need to access higher vibrational and rotational levels for NO leads to the use of an in-house developed algorithm. For NO, results demonstrate the contribution of higher vibrational and rotational levels to the spectra at the conditions of this study. Very good agreement is achieved between the experimentally measured NO vibrational temperatures and calculations performed using an existing state-resolved, three-dimensional forced harmonic oscillator thermochemical model. The measured NO A-X vibrational temperatures are significantly higher than the OH A-X temperatures.


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This dissertation mainly focuses on coordinated pricing and inventory management problems, where the related background is provided in Chapter 1. Several periodic-review models are then discussed in Chapters 2,3,4 and 5, respectively. Chapter 2 analyzes a deterministic single-product model, where a price adjustment cost incurs if the current selling price is changed from the previous period. We develop exact algorithms for the problem under different conditions and find out that computation complexity varies significantly associated with the cost structure. %Moreover, our numerical study indicates that dynamic pricing strategies may outperform static pricing strategies even when price adjustment cost accounts for a significant portion of the total profit. Chapter 3 develops a single-product model in which demand of a period depends not only on the current selling price but also on past prices through the so-called reference price. Strongly polynomial time algorithms are designed for the case without no fixed ordering cost, and a heuristic is proposed for the general case together with an error bound estimation. Moreover, our illustrates through numerical studies that incorporating reference price effect into coordinated pricing and inventory models can have a significant impact on firms' profits. Chapter 4 discusses the stochastic version of the model in Chapter 3 when customers are loss averse. It extends the associated results developed in literature and proves that the reference price dependent base-stock policy is proved to be optimal under a certain conditions. Instead of dealing with specific problems, Chapter 5 establishes the preservation of supermodularity in a class of optimization problems. This property and its extensions include several existing results in the literature as special cases, and provide powerful tools as we illustrate their applications to several operations problems: the stochastic two-product model with cross-price effects, the two-stage inventory control model, and the self-financing model.


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As the formative agents of cloud droplets, aerosols play an undeniably important role in the development of clouds and precipitation. Few meteorological models have been developed or adapted to simulate aerosols and their contribution to cloud and precipitation processes. The Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF) has recently been coupled with an atmospheric chemistry suite and is jointly referred to as WRF-Chem, allowing atmospheric chemistry and meteorology to influence each other’s evolution within a mesoscale modeling framework. Provided that the model physics are robust, this framework allows the feedbacks between aerosol chemistry, cloud physics, and dynamics to be investigated. This study focuses on the effects of aerosols on meteorology, specifically, the interaction of aerosol chemical species with microphysical processes represented within the framework of the WRF-Chem. Aerosols are represented by eight size bins using the Model for Simulating Aerosol Interactions and Chemistry (MOSAIC) sectional parameterization, which is linked to the Purdue Lin bulk microphysics scheme. The aim of this study is to examine the sensitivity of deep convective precipitation modeled by the 2D WRF-Chem to varying aerosol number concentration and aerosol type. A systematic study has been performed regarding the effects of aerosols on parameters such as total precipitation, updraft/downdraft speed, distribution of hydrometeor species, and organizational features, within idealized maritime and continental thermodynamic environments. Initial results were obtained using WRFv3.0.1, and a second series of tests were run using WRFv3.2 after several changes to the activation, autoconversion, and Lin et al. microphysics schemes added by the WRF community, as well as the implementation of prescribed vertical levels by the author. The results of WRFv3.2 runs contrasted starkly with WRFv3.0.1 runs. The WRFv3.0.1 runs produced a propagating system resembling a developing squall line, whereas the WRFv3.2 runs did not. The response of total precipitation, updraft/downdraft speeds, and system organization to increasing aerosol concentrations were opposite between runs with different versions of WRF. Results of the WRFv3.2 runs, however, were in better agreement in timing and magnitude of vertical velocity and hydrometeor content with a WRFv3.0.1 run using single-moment Lin et al. microphysics, than WRFv3.0.1 runs with chemistry. One result consistent throughout all simulations was an inhibition in warm-rain processes due to enhanced aerosol concentrations, which resulted in a delay of precipitation onset that ranged from 2-3 minutes in WRFv3.2 runs, and up to 15 minutes in WRFv.3.0.1 runs. This result was not observed in a previous study by Ntelekos et al. (2009) using the WRF-Chem, perhaps due to their use of coarser horizontal and vertical resolution within their experiment. The changes to microphysical processes such as activation and autoconversion from WRFv3.0.1 to WRFv3.2, along with changes in the packing of vertical levels, had more impact than the varying aerosol concentrations even though the range of aerosol tested was greater than that observed in field studies. In order to take full advantage of the input of aerosols now offered by the chemistry module in WRF, the author recommends that a fully double-moment microphysics scheme be linked, rather than the limited double-moment Lin et al. scheme that currently exists. With this modification, the WRF-Chem will be a powerful tool for studying aerosol-cloud interactions and allow comparison of results with other studies using more modern and complex microphysical parameterizations.


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This thesis develops and tests various transient and steady-state computational models such as direct numerical simulation (DNS), large eddy simulation (LES), filtered unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) and steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) with and without magnetic field to investigate turbulent flows in canonical as well as in the nozzle and mold geometries of the continuous casting process. The direct numerical simulations are first performed in channel, square and 2:1 aspect rectangular ducts to investigate the effect of magnetic field on turbulent flows. The rectangular duct is a more practical geometry for continuous casting nozzle and mold and has the option of applying magnetic field either perpendicular to broader side or shorter side. This work forms the part of a graphic processing unit (GPU) based CFD code (CU-FLOW) development for magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulent flows. The DNS results revealed interesting effects of the magnetic field and its orientation on primary, secondary flows (instantaneous and mean), Reynolds stresses, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) budgets, momentum budgets and frictional losses, besides providing DNS database for two-wall bounded square and rectangular duct MHD turbulent flows. Further, the low- and high-Reynolds number RANS models (k-ε and Reynolds stress models) are developed and tested with DNS databases for channel and square duct flows with and without magnetic field. The MHD sink terms in k- and ε-equations are implemented as proposed by Kenjereš and Hanjalić using a user defined function (UDF) in FLUENT. This work revealed varying accuracies of different RANS models at different levels. This work is useful for industry to understand the accuracies of these models, including continuous casting. After realizing the accuracy and computational cost of RANS models, the steady-state k-ε model is then combined with the particle image velocimetry (PIV) and impeller probe velocity measurements in a 1/3rd scale water model to study the flow quality coming out of the well- and mountain-bottom nozzles and the effect of stopper-rod misalignment on fluid flow. The mountain-bottom nozzle was found more prone to the longtime asymmetries and higher surface velocities. The left misalignment of stopper gave higher surface velocity on the right leading to significantly large number of vortices forming behind the nozzle on the left. Later, the transient and steady-state models such as LES, filtered URANS and steady RANS models are combined with ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry (UDV) measurements in a GaInSn model of typical continuous casting process. LES-CU-LOW is the fastest and the most accurate model owing to much finer mesh and a smaller timestep. This work provided a good understanding on the performance of these models. The behavior of instantaneous flows, Reynolds stresses and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analysis quantified the nozzle bottom swirl and its importance on the turbulent flow in the mold. Afterwards, the aforementioned work in GaInSn model is extended with electromagnetic braking (EMBr) to help optimize a ruler-type brake and its location for the continuous casting process. The magnetic field suppressed turbulence and promoted vortical structures with their axis aligned with the magnetic field suggesting tendency towards 2-d turbulence. The stronger magnetic field at the nozzle well and around the jet region created large scale and lower frequency flow behavior by suppressing nozzle bottom swirl and its front-back alternation. Based on this work, it is advised to avoid stronger magnetic field around jet and nozzle bottom to get more stable and less defect prone flow.


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Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in galaxy cluster atmospheres and have a variety of astrophysical and cosmological consequences. Magnetic fields can contribute to the pressure support of clusters, affect thermal conduction, and modify the evolution of bubbles driven by active galactic nuclei. However, we currently do not fully understand the origin and evolution of these fields throughout cosmic time. Furthermore, we do not have a general understanding of the relationship between magnetic field strength and topology and other cluster properties, such as mass and X-ray luminosity. We can now begin to answer some of these questions using large-scale cosmological magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the formation of galaxy clusters including the seeding and growth of magnetic fields. Using large-scale cosmological simulations with the FLASH code combined with a simplified model of the acceleration of cosmic rays responsible for the generation of radio halos, we find that the galaxy cluster frequency distribution and expected number counts of radio halos from upcoming low-frequency sur- veys are strongly dependent on the strength of magnetic fields. Thus, a more complete understanding of the origin and evolution of magnetic fields is necessary to understand and constrain models of diffuse synchrotron emission from clusters. One favored model for generating magnetic fields is through the amplification of weak seed fields in active galactic nuclei (AGN) accretion disks and their subsequent injection into cluster atmospheres via AGN-driven jets and bubbles. However, current large-scale cosmological simulations cannot directly include the physical processes associated with the accretion and feedback processes of AGN or the seeding and merging of the associated SMBHs. Thus, we must include these effects as subgrid models. In order to carefully study the growth of magnetic fields in clusters via AGN-driven outflows, we present a systematic study of SMBH and AGN subgrid models. Using dark-matter only cosmological simulations, we find that many important quantities, such as the relationship between SMBH mass and galactic bulge velocity dispersion and the merger rate of black holes, are highly sensitive to the subgrid model assumptions of SMBHs. In addition, using MHD calculations of an isolated cluster, we find that magnetic field strengths, extent, topology, and relationship to other gas quantities such as temperature and density are also highly dependent on the chosen model of accretion and feedback. We use these systematic studies of SMBHs and AGN inform and constrain our choice of subgrid models, and we use those results to outline a fully cosmological MHD simulation to study the injection and growth of magnetic fields in clusters of galaxies. This simulation will be the first to study the birth and evolution of magnetic fields using a fully closed accretion-feedback cycle, with as few assumptions as possible and a clearer understanding of the effects of the various parameter choices.