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Tutkielmassani käsittelen ranskalaisen säveltäjän Olivier Messiaenin (1908-1992) synestesiaan liittyvää harmonista ajattelua. Messiaen oli ääni-väri -synesteetikko, toisin sanoen hän näki kuulemansa musiikin väreinä. Tältä pohjalta hän kehitti monimutkaisten sointujen ja asteikkojen järjestelmän, jonka puitteissa hän pystyi ikään kuin maalaamaan musiikillaan haluamansa värit. Esittelen aluksi tämänhetkistä synestesiatutkimusta lähinnä kolmen vallitsevassa asemassa olevan päälinjan pohjalta. Näitä edustavat yhdysvaltalainen Richard Cytowic, britti Simon Baron-Cohen ja saksalainen Hinderk Emrich. Käyn läpi heidän määritelmänsä synestesiasta ja näkemyksiään synesteettisistä säveltäjistä. Messiaen on jossain määrin tuonut esiin musiikkinsa värejä lähes uransa alusta lähtien, mutta huomiot ovat yleensä olleet melko ylimalkaisia ja epäjärjestelmällisiä. Tuon esiin näitä eri lähteistä löytyneitä Messiaenin näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia tarkasteltuna Messiaenin henkilökohtaisen sävellysfilosofian pohjalta sekä tiettyihin Messiaenin sävellyksiin ja niiden harmonisiin rakenteisiin liittyen. Messiaenin kuoleman jälkeen vuosina 1994-2002 julkaistun seitsenosaisen teossarjan Traité de rythme, de couleur, et d'ornitologie viimeisessä osassa Messiaen esittää järjestelmällisesti kaikkien erikoissointujensa ja moodiensa värityksen. Tarkastelen Messiaenin käyttämiä harmonioita jakamalla ne yleisiin ja erikoissointuihin sekä moodeihin. Määritellessäni näitä harmonioita käytän metodina sävelluokkajoukkojen teoriaa, jonka avulla kaikki sävelyhdistelmät voidaan määritellä yksiselitteisesti. Esittelen joukkoteoriaa ja siihen liittyviä käsitteitä siinä määrin kuin se liittyy tutkielmaani, enkä siis yritäkään tuoda esiin analyysimetodia koko laajuudessaan. Olen rekonstruoinut visuaalisesti Messiaenin käyttämät noin 150 harmonista väriä, ja tutkielmani liitteenä olevalla CD-romilla esitän ne soivassa ja näkyvässä muodossa. Tällä CD-romilla on myös analyysiMessiaenin urkuteoksen Méditations sur le mystère de la Sainte Trinité 5. osan alusta, jossa tutkin käytännön tasolla värien ilmenemistä Messiaenin musiikissa. Tutkielmani keskeinen osa onkin tämä CD-rom, ja siitä ilmennee myös tutkielmani lähtökohta ja tavoite: luoda työkalu Messiaenin musiikin värisisältöjen hahmottamiseen.


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The early detection of hearing deficits is important to a child's development. However, examining small children with behavioural methods is often difficult. Research with ERPs (event-related potentials), recorded with EEG (electroencephalography), does not require attention or action from the child. Especially in children's ERP research, it is essential that the duration of a recording session is not too long. A new, faster optimum paradigm has been developed to record MMN (mismatch negativity), where ERPs to several sound features can be recorded in one recording session. This substantially shortens the time required for the experiment. So far, the new paradigm has been used in adult and school-aged children research. This study examines if MMN, LDN (late discriminative negativity) and P3a components can be recorded in two-year-olds with the new paradigm. The standard stimulus (p=0.50) was an 80 dB harmonic tone consisting of three harmonic frequencies (500 Hz, 1000 Hz and 1500 Hz) with a duration of 200 ms. The loudness deviants (p=0.067) were at a level of +6 dB or -6 dB compared to the standards. The frequency deviants (p=0.112) had a fundamental frequency of 550 or 454.4 Hz (small deviation), 625 or 400 Hz (medium deviation) or 750 or 333.3 Hz (large deviation). The duration deviants (p=0.112) had a duration of 175 ms (small deviation), 150 ms (medium deviation) or 100 ms (large deviation). The direction deviants (p=0.067) were presented from the left or right loudspeaker only. The gap deviant (p=0.067) included a 5-ms silent gap in the middle of the sound. Altogether 17 children participated in the experiment, of whom the data of 12 children was used in the analysis. ERP components were observed for all deviant types. The MMN was significant for duration and gap deviants. The LDN was significant for the large duration deviant and all other deviant types. No significant P3a was observed. These results indicate that the optimum paradigm can be used with two-year-olds. With this paradigm, data on several sound features can be recorded in a shorter time than with the previous paradigms used in ERP research.


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Type 1 diabetes is a disease where the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed by an autoimmune mechanism. The incidence of type 1 diabetes, as well as the incidence of the diabetic kidney complication, diabetic nephropathy, are increasing worldwide. Nephrin is a crucial molecule for the filtration function of the kidney. It localises in the podocyte foot processes partially forming the interpodocyte final sieve of the filtration barrier, the slit diaphragm. The expression of nephrin is altered in diabetic nephropathy. Recently, nephrin was found from the beta cells of the pancreas as well, which makes this molecule interesting in the context of type 1 diabetes and especially in diabetic nephropathy. In this thesis work, the expression of other podocyte molecules in the beta cells of the pancreas, in addition to nephrin, were deciphered. It was also hypothesised that patients with type 1 diabetes may develop autoantibodies against novel beta cell molecules comparably to the formation of autoantibodies to GAD, IA-2 and insulin. The possible association of such novel autoantibodies with the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy was also assessed. Furthermore, expression of nephrin in lymphoid tissues has been suggested, and this issue was more thoroughly deciphered here. The expression of nephrin in the human lymphoid tissues, and a set of podocyte molecules in the human, mouse and rat pancreas at the gene and protein level were studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -based methods and immunochemical methods. To detect autoantibodies to novel beta cell molecules, specific radioimmunoprecipitation assays were developed. These assays were used to screen a follow-up material of 66 patients with type 1 diabetes and a patient material of 150 diabetic patients with signs of diabetic nephropathy. Nephrin expression was detected in the lymphoid follicle germinal centres, specifically in the follicular dendritic cells. In addition to the previously reported expression of nephrin in the pancreas, expression of the podocyte molecules, densin, filtrin, FAT and alpha-actinin-4 were detected in the beta cells. Circulating antibodies to nephrin, densin and filtrin were discovered in a subset of patients with type 1 diabetes. However, no association of these autoantibodies with the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy was detected. In conclusion, the expression of five podocyte molecules in the beta cells of the pancreas suggests some molecular similarities between the two cell types. The novel autoantibodies against shared molecules of the kidney podocytes and the pancreatic beta cells appear to be part of the common autoimmune mechanism in patients with type 1 diabetes. No data suggested that the autoantibodies would be active participants of the kidney injury detected in diabetic nephropathy.


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In the first part of this thesis the association of different forms of sinonasal diseases and plasma concentrations of C3, C4, immunoglobulins, immunoglobulin G subclasses, C4A and C4B gene numbers were studied in 287 adult patients and 150 sex-matched adult controls. Patients were well characterized and stratified into groups using strict clinical criteria and females and males were also studied as separate groups. Severe primary antibody antibody deficiencies were rare in patients coming to sinonasal operations. Female patients had more recurrent sinusitis and other mucosal infections and males had more nasal polyposis. Upregulation of complement activity was seen in acute rhinosinusitis patients (high levels of plasma C3, C4, and complement classical pathway activity CH50) and male patients coming to sinonasal operations (high levels of plasma C3 and C4). In females, total and partial C4B deficiencies and lower levels of IgG1 and IgG3 were associated with rhinosinusitis leading to sinonasal operations. C4A deficiencies were found to predispose to severe chronic rhinosinusitis in females and males. In female patients with chronic or recurrent rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis C4B deficiencies seem to predispose to the disease, but in males with a similar disease C4B deficiencies seem to be protective. This suggests a different pathophysiology between sexes in this form of sinonasal disease. In the second part of this thesis work 213 children coming to elective tonsillectomy were studied and compared with 155 randomly selected school children. An association with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections and hypersensitivity disorders was seen especially in children under 7 years of age. However, this association was not seen in levels of specific IgE to respiratory allergens in the same age group. Both symptomatic respiratory allergy and specific IgE to respiratory allergens became more common in boys than girls over 7 years of age. We were able to show that although both rhinoviruses and bacterial pathogens were found in the tonsils, no association between their presence and clinical forms of tonsillar disease was seen. The ability of GAS to bind complement regulators FH and C4BP did not differ between strains causing tonsillar diseases or septicemia, suggesting that other virulence mechanisms of the bacteria are more important.


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Astangajooga perustuu intialaisen Sri K. Pattabhi Joisin (1915-2009) opetukseen, ja siitä on viime vuosina tullut eräs suosituimmista ja kansainvälisesti laajimmalle levinneistä modernin joogan muodoista. Joogaa voidaan pitää yleisnimityksenä Intian uskontojen piirissä muotoutuneille askeettisille soteriologisille opeille. Käsitteellä moderni jooga kuitenkin viitataan sellaisiin intialaisesta joogatraditiosta tehtyihin tulkintoihin, jotka ovat syntyneet länsimaalaisten ja länsimaisen kulttuurin vaikutuspiirissä olleiden intialaisten toimesta viimeisen n. 150 vuoden aikana. Vaikka varhainen jooga olikin kiinteä osa intialaista uskonnollisuutta, modernin joogan suhde uskonnollis-filosofisiin juuriinsa on vähemmän yksiselitteinen. Tämä on havaittavissa myös Astangajoogan tapauksessa. Tutkielmani käsittelee suomalaisten Astangajoogan harjoittajien käsityksiä joogan merkityksistä. Ensisijaisena aineistonani toimivat kymmenen Helsingin Astanga Joogakoulussa harjoittelevan Sri K. Pattabhi Joisin opetusperinteeseen pohjautuvan Astangajoogan harjoittajan haastattelut. Astangajoogan harjoittajilta ei Helsingin Astanga Joogakoulussa vaadita sitoutumista mihinkään oppeihin tai elämäntapavalintoihin. Painopiste on voimakkaasti liikunnallisen ?sana-harjoittelun säännöllisessä ylläpitämisessä. Kuitenkin myös Astangajoogan menetelmissä ja Helsingin Astanga Joogakoulun opetuksessa on piirteitä, joiden perusteella Astangajoogan ei voida sanoa olevan täysin riippumaton sen taustalla vaikuttavasta uskonnollis-filosofisesta perinteestä. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat 1) liittävätkö Astangajoogan harjoittajat joogaan uskonnollisiksi tai henkisiksi tulkittavia merkityksiä, ja 2) millaisia nämä merkitykset ovat ja miten ne liittyvät harjoituksen muihin ulottuvuuksiin (esim. terveydellinen, sosiaalinen, psykologinen). Tältä pohjalta toivon 3) pystyväni tarkastelemaan, miten Astanga asettuu nykypäivän uskonnolliseen kenttään, ja mitä sen harjoittajien näkemykset mahdollisesti kertovat uskonnon asemasta ja luonteesta nykyaikana. Analyysimetodinani käytän aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia. Vertaan analyysissa esiin nousseita teemoja Paul Heelasin holistisen henkisyyden teoriaan. Holistisella henkisyydellä Heelas tarkoittaa subjektia ja subjektiivista kokemusta painottavaa, ulkoisista instituutioista riippumatonta uskonnollisuutta, jossa ruumiillisuudella, terveydellä ja sosiaalisilla suhteilla on tärkeä asema. Haastatteluaineiston analyysin pohjalta totean, että Astangajoogalla on usein harjoittajilleen henkisenä pidetty ulottuvuus. Haastattelemieni Astangajoogan harjoittajien henkisyyttä määrittelevät sisäisyys, omaehtoisuus ja holistisuus. Astangajoogasta etsittiin mm. vaihtoehtoa dogmaattiseksi koetulle kristinuskolle. Astangajoogan harjoittamista ei kuitenkaan voida pitää uushindulaisuuden muotona, vaan sitä pidettiin ”uskontovapaana henkisyytenä”. Analyysin perusteella voidaankin todeta, että haastateltujen esittämät näkemykset vastasivat yleisesti varsin hyvin Paul Heelasin holistisen henkisyyden teorian keskeisiä teemoja. Kuitenkin myös merkittäviä poikkeuksia tästä esiintyi. Ne antavat aihetta mahdolliselle jatkotutkimukselle.


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The first part of this work investigates the molecular epidemiology of a human enterovirus (HEV), echovirus 30 (E-30). This project is part of a series of studies performed in our research team analyzing the molecular epidemiology of HEV-B viruses. A total of 129 virus strains had been isolated in different parts of Europe. The sequence analysis was performed in three different genomic regions: 420 nucleotides (nt) in the VP4/VP2 capsid protein coding region, the entire VP1 capsid protein coding gene of 876 nt, and 150 nt in the VP1/2A junction region. The analysis revealed a succession of dominant sublineages within a major genotype. The temporally earlier genotypes had been replaced by a genetically homogenous lineage that has been circulating in Europe since the late 1970s. The same genotype was found by other research groups in North America and Australia. Globally, other cocirculating genetic lineages also exist. The prevalence of a dominant genotype makes E-30 different from other previously studied HEVs, such as polioviruses and coxsackieviruses B4 and B5, for which several coexisting genetic lineages have been reported. The second part of this work deals with molecular epidemiology of human rhinoviruses (HRVs). A total of 61 field isolates were studied in the 420-nt stretch in the capsid coding region of VP4/VP2. The isolates were collected from children under two years of age in Tampere, Finland. Sequences from the clinical isolates clustered in the two previously known phylogenetic clades. Seasonal clustering was found. Also, several distinct serotype-like clusters were found to co-circulate during the same epidemic season. Reappearance of a cluster after disappearing for a season was observed. The molecular epidemiology of the analyzed strains turned out to be complex, and we decided to continue our studies of HRV. Only five previously published complete genome sequences of HRV prototype strains were available for analysis. Therefore, all designated HRV prototype strains (n=102) were sequenced in the VP4/VP2 region, and the possibility of genetic typing of HRV was evaluated. Seventy-six of the 102 prototype strains clustered in HRV genetic group A (HRV-A) and 25 in group B (HRV-B). Serotype 87 clustered separately from other HRVs with HEV species D. The field strains of HRV represented as many as 19 different genotypes, as judged with an approximate demarcation of a 20% nt difference in the VP4/VP2 region. The interserotypic differences of HRV were generally similar to those reported between different HEV serotypes (i.e. about 20%), but smaller differences, less than 10%, were also observed. Because some HRV serotypes are genetically so closely related, we suggest that the genetic typing be performed using the criterion "the closest prototype strain". This study is the first systematic genetic characterization of all known HRV prototype strains, providing a further taxonomic proposal for classification of HRV. We proposed to divide the genus Human rhinoviruses into HRV-A and HRV-B. The final part of the work comprises a phylogenetic analysis of a subset (48) of HRV prototype strains and field isolates (12) in the nonstructural part of the genome coding for the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (3D). The proposed division of the HRV strains in the species HRV-A and HRV-B was also supported by 3D region. HRV-B clustered closer to HEV species B, C, and also to polioviruses than to HRV-A. Intraspecies variation within both HRV-A and HRV-B was greater in the 3D coding region than in the VP4/VP2 coding region, in contrast to HEV. Moreover, the diversity of HRV in 3D exceeded that of HEV. One group of HRV-A, designated HRV-A', formed a separate cluster outside other HRV-A in the 3D region. It formed a cluster also in the capsid region, but located within HRV-A. This may reflect a different evolutionary history of distinct genomic regions among HRV-A. Furthermore, the tree topology within HRV-A in the 3D region differed from that in the VP4/VP2, suggesting possible recombination events in the evolution of the strains. No conflicting phylogenies were observed in any of the 12 field isolates. Possible recombination was further studied using the Similarity and Bootscanning analyses of the complete genome sequences of HRV available in public databases. Evidence for recombination among HRV-A was found, as HRV2 and HRV39 showed higher similarity in the nonstructural part of the genome. Whether HRV2 and HRV39 strains - and perhaps also some other HRV-A strains not yet completely sequenced - are recombinants remains to be determined.


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Vasomotor hot flushes are complained of by approximately 75% of postmenopausal women, but their frequency and severity show great individual variation. Hot flushes have been present in women attending observational studies showing cardiovascular benefit associated with hormone therapy use, whereas they have been absent or very mild in randomized hormone therapy trials showing cardiovascular harm. Therefore, if hot flushes are a factor connected with vascular health, they could perhaps be one explanation for the divergence of cardiovascular data in observational versus randomized studies. For the present study 150 healthy, recently postmenopausal women showing a large variation in hot flushes were studied in regard to cardiovascular health by way of pulse wave analysis, ambulatory blood pressure and several biochemical vascular markers. In addition, the possible impact of hot flushes on outcomes of hormone therapy was studied. This study shows that women with severe hot flushes exhibit a greater vasodilatory reactivity as assessed by pulse wave analysis than do women without vasomotor symptoms. This can be seen as a hot flush-related vascular benefit. Although severe night-time hot flushes seem to be accompanied by transient increases in blood pressure and heart rate, the diurnal blood pressure and heart rate profiles show no significant differences between women without and with mild, moderate or severe hot flushes. The levels of vascular markers, such as lipids, lipoproteins, C-reactive protein and sex hormone-binding globulin show no association with hot flush status. In the 6-month hormone therapy trial the women were classified as having either tolerable or intolerable hot flushes. These groups were treated in a randomized order with transdermal estradiol gel, oral estradiol alone or in combination with medroxyprogesterone acetate, or with placebo. In women with only tolerable hot flushes, oral estradiol leads to a reduced vasodilatory response and increases in 24-hour and daytime blood pressures as compared to women with intolerable hot flushes receiving the same therapy. No such effects were observed with the other treatment regimes or in women with intolerable hot flushes. The responses of vascular biomarkers to hormone therapy are unaffected by hot flush status. In conclusion, hot flush status contributes to cardiovascular health before and during hormone therapy. Severe hot flushes are associated with an increased vasodilatory, and thus, a beneficial vascular status. Oral estradiol leads to vasoconstrictive changes and increases in blood pressure, and thus to possible vascular harm, but only in women whose hot flushes are so mild that they would probably not lead to the initiation of hormone therapy in clinical practice. Healthy, recently postmenopausal women with moderate to severe hot flushes should be given the opportunity to use hormone therapy alleviate hot flushes, and if estrogen is prescribed for indications other than for the control of hot flushes, transdermal route of administration should be favored.


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The main obstacle for the application of high quality diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings has been the lack of adhesion to the substrate as the coating thickness is increased. The aim of this study was to improve the filtered pulsed arc discharge (FPAD) method. With this method it is possible to achieve high DLC coating thicknesses necessary for practical applications. The energy of the carbon ions was measured with an optoelectronic time-of-flight method. An in situ cathode polishing system used for stabilizing the process yield and the carbon ion energies is presented. Simultaneously the quality of the coatings can be controlled. To optimise the quality of the deposition process a simple, fast and inexpensive method using silicon wafers as test substrates was developed. This method was used for evaluating the suitability of a simplified arc-discharge set-up for the deposition of the adhesion layer of DLC coatings. A whole new group of materials discovered by our research group, the diamond-like carbon polymer hybrid (DLC-p-h) coatings, is also presented. The parent polymers used in these novel coatings were polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). The energy of the plasma ions was found to increase when the anode-cathode distance and the arc voltage were increased. A constant deposition rate for continuous coating runs was obtained with an in situ cathode polishing system. The novel DLC-p-h coatings were found to be water and oil repellent and harder than any polymers. The lowest sliding angle ever measured from a solid surface, 0.15 ± 0.03°, was measured on a DLC-PDMS-h coating. In the FPAD system carbon ions can be accelerated to high energies (≈ 1 keV) necessary for the optimal adhesion (the substrate is broken in the adhesion and quality test) of ultra thick (up to 200 µm) DLC coatings by increasing the anode-cathode distance and using high voltages (up to 4 kV). An excellent adhesion can also be obtained with the simplified arc-discharge device. To maintain high process yield (5µm/h over a surface area of 150 cm2) and to stabilize the carbon ion energies and the high quality (sp3 fraction up to 85%) of the resulting coating, an in situ cathode polishing system must be used. DLC-PDMS-h coating is the superior candidate coating material for anti-soiling applications where also hardness is required.


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Soy-derived phytoestrogen genistein and 17β-estradiol (E2), the principal endogenous estrogen in women, are also potent antioxidants protecting LDL and HDL lipoproteins against oxidation. This protection is enhanced by esterification with fatty acids, resulting in lipophilic molecules that accumulate in lipoproteins or fatty tissues. The aims were to investigate, whether genistein becomes esterified with fatty acids in human plasma accumulating in lipoproteins, and to develop a method for their quantitation; to study the antioxidant activity of different natural and synthetic estrogens in LDL and HDL; and to determine the E2 esters in visceral and subcutaneous fat in late pregnancy and in pre- and postmenopause. Human plasma was incubated with [3H]genistein and its esters were analyzed from lipoprotein fractions. Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) was used to quantitate genistein esters in monkey plasma after subcutaneous and oral administration. The E2 esters in women s serum and adipose tissue were also quantitated using TR-FIA. The antioxidant activity of estrogen derivatives (n=43) on LDL and HDL was assessed by monitoring the copper induced formation of conjugated dienes. Human plasma was shown to produce lipoprotein-bound genistein fatty acid esters, providing a possible explanation for the previously reported increased oxidation resistance of LDL particles during intake of soybean phytoestrogens. Genistein esters were introduced into blood by subcutaneous administration. The antioxidant effect of estrogens on lipoproteins is highly structure-dependent. LDL and HDL were protected against oxidation by many unesterified, yet lipophilic derivatives. The strongest antioxidants had an unsubstituted A-ring phenolic hydroxyl group with one or two adjacent methoxy groups. E2 ester levels were high during late pregnancy. The median concentration of E2 esters in pregnancy serum was 0.42 nmol/l (n=13) and in pre- (n=8) and postmenopause (n=6) 0.07 and 0.06 nmol/l, respectively. In pregnancy visceral fat the concentration of E2 esters was 4.24 nmol/l and in pre- and postmenopause 0.82 and 0.74 nmol/l. The results from subcutaneous fat were similar. In serum and fat during pregnancy, E2 esters constituted about 0.5 and 10% of the free E2. In non-pregnant women most of the E2 in fat was esterified (the ester/free ratio 150 - 490%). In postmenopause, E2 levels in fat highly exceeded those in serum, the majority being esterified. The pathways for fatty acid esterification of steroid hormones are found in organisms ranging from invertebrates to vertebrates. The evolutionary preservation and relative abundance of E2 esters, especially in fat tissue, suggest a biological function, most likely in providing a readily available source of E2. The body s own estrogen reservoir could be used as a source of E2 by pharmacologically regulating the E2 esterification or hydrolysis.


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Hyvinkääläiset työläisnaiset ottivat vuoden 1918 sisällissotaan osaa punakaartin riveissä ruoanlaittajina, sairaanhoitajina sekä asetta kantaneina sotilaina. Valkokaartia tukemaan saapuneet saksalaissotilaat saavuttivat Hyvinkään huhtikuun 20. päivä, ja pitäjä valloitettiin. Osa hyvinkääläisnaisista oli tässä vaiheessa siirtynyt jo pohjoisemmille rintamille. Valkoiset etenivät kuitenkin voittoisasti kohti pohjoista, ja suurin osa hyvinkääläisnaisista oli antautunut 1. toukokuuta mennessä. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee Hyvinkään punakaartilaisnaisiin kohdistuneita kuulustelututkimuksia ja toimenpiteitä sisällissodan jälkiselvittelyissä, jotka alkoivat huhtikuussa ja jatkuivat vuoden loppuun saakka. Samalla tuon esiin runsaasti uutta tietoa Hyvinkään punakaartilaisnaisten toimista sisällissodassa sekä heidän taustoistaan. Tärkeimpiä lähteitä tutkimuksessani ovat erilaiset Kansallisarkistossa säilytettävät oikeusasiakirjat: Hyvinkään pitäjän kenttäoikeuksien pöytäkirjat, viralliset esitutkintapöytäkirjat sekä valtiorikosoikeuksien ja valtiorikosylioikeuden aktit. Lisäksi olen etsinyt tietoa sodassa ja sen jälkiselvittelyissä surmansa saaneista punaisista hyvinkääläisnaisista. Tässä tärkeimpinä lähteinäni ovat olleet Suomen Sotasurmat 1914–1922 -projektin nimitiedosto sekä valkokaartin kirjanpidosta löytyneet vangitsemistiedot. Olen hyödyntänyt suuren tietomäärän käsittelyssä tilastollisia menetelmiä. Tarkastelen naisia kuitenkin paljon myös yksilötasolla, sillä juuri yksilötarinat rikastuttavat paikallishistoriallista tutkimusta. Tutkimukseni perusteella punaisiksi luokiteltuja hyvinkääläisnaisia menehtyi sisällissodan jälkiselvittelyissä 27 – heistä suurin osa Lahden ja Hämeenlinnan seudulla, missä viimeiset taistelut käytiin. Menehtyneistä naisista moni oli vasta 16–17-vuotias. Myös hyvinkääläisnaisia joutui suurille vankileireille – tässä yhteydessä tarkastelen kahden naisen vankileirimuistelmia. Kotipaikkakunnalla tutkittiin samanaikaisesti kenttäoikeuksissa 64 hyvinkääläisnaista. Kenttäoikeuksien tehtävänä oli kartoittaa punakaartilaisten toimintaa sekä heidän tietojansa paikkakunnalla ja lähiseuduilla tapahtuneista murhista sekä ryöstöistä. Kenttäoikeuksissa kuulustelluista naisista valtaosa vapautettiin lyhyen vankeuden jälkeen. Jälkiselvittelyjen virallisessa vaiheessa 116 hyvinkääläistä punakaartilaisnaista joutui kuulusteluihin. Heistä vajaa puolet oli toiminut sodan aikana erilaisissa huoltotehtävissä mm. punakaartin ruokalassa. 25 naista oli epäiltynä Hyvinkäällä huhtikuussa perustetussa aseellisessa naiskaartissa toimimisesta. Loput olivat toimineet punaisten hallinnossa tai sairaanhoitotehtävissä kotipaikkakunnalla ja rintamilla. Kuulustelujen perusteella 81 naista sai vuoden 1918 jälkipuoliskolla syytteen valtiorikosoikeudessa; heistä suurin osa avunannosta valtiopetokseen. Tutkimukseni kattaa näin kaikkiaan noin 150 hyvinkääläistä punakaartilaisnaista. Tutkimukseni valottaa heidän toimintaansa sodan aikana sekä arvioi rankaisutoimenpiteiden motiiveja. Tutkimukseni mukaan asetta kantaneisiin naisiin suhtauduttiin jälkiselvittelyissä keskimäärin hyvin ankarasti. Muiden punakaartilaisnaisten osalta rankaisutoimenpiteissä ei ollut yhtenäistä linjaa. Perunankuorinta punakaartin ruokalassa saattoi olla tuomittava rikos siinä missä kaartilaisten matkoilla liikkuminen ja ryöstetyn tavaran kätkeminen.


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A method was developed for relative radiometric calibration of single multitemporal Landsat TM image, several multitemporal images covering each others, and several multitemporal images covering different geographic locations. The radiometricly calibrated difference images were used for detecting rapid changes on forest stands. The nonparametric Kernel method was applied for change detection. The accuracy of the change detection was estimated by inspecting the image analysis results in field. The change classification was applied for controlling the quality of the continuously updated forest stand information. The aim was to ensure that all the manmade changes and any forest damages were correctly updated including the attribute and stand delineation information. The image analysis results were compared with the registered treatments and the stand information base. The stands with discrepancies between these two information sources were recommended to be field inspected.