34 resultados para television history

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The present study analyses the memories of watching Finnish television in Estonia during the last decades of the Soviet occupation from the late 1960s until the beginning of 1990s. The study stems from a culturalist approach, perceiving television as a relevant aspect in the audiences’ everyday lives. It explores the significance of Finnish television on the society of occupied Estonia from the point of view of its historical audiences. The literature review concentrates on concepts such as the power of television, transnational media, historical audience reception and memory as an object of research. It also explains the concept of spillover, which refers to the unintentional bilateral flow of television signals from one country to another. Despite the numerous efforts of the Soviet authorities to prevent the viewing of the "bourgeois television", there still remained a small gap in the Iron Curtain. The study describes the phenomenon of watching Finnish television in Estonia. It provides understanding about the significance of watching Finnish television in Soviet Estonia through the experiences of its former audience. In addition, it explores what do people remember about watching Finnish television, and why. The empirical data was acquired from peoples’ personal memories through the analysis of private interviews and written responses during the period from February 2010 to February 2011. A total of 85 responses (5 interviews and 83 written responses) were analysed. The research employed the methods of oral history and memory studies. The main theoretical sources of the study include the works of Mati Graf and Heikki Roiko-Jokela, Hagi Šein, Sonia Livingstone, Janet Staiger and Emily Keightley. The study concludes that besides fulfilling the role of an entertainer and an informer, Finnish television enabled its Estonian audiences to gain entry into the imaginary world. Access to this imaginary world was so important, that the viewers engaged in illegal activities and gained special skills, whereby a phenomenon of "television tourism" developed. Most of the memories about Finnish television are vivid and similar. The latter indicates both the reliability and the collectiveness of such memories, which in return give shape to collective identities. Thus, for the Estonian viewers, the experience of watching Finnish television during the Soviet occupation has became part of their identity.


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This study examines the scholarly reception history of an early Irish text, Buile Shuibhne (The Frenzy of Suibhne), by focusing on the various theoretical and methodological presuppositions which have determined the scholars’ understanding of the text’s religious allegorical significance in the course of the 20th century. The reception-oriented inquiry takes the intersubjective aspect of literary interpretation as the basis for accentuating the importance of communally shared presumptions and reading strategies in the explication of interpretive variety. The materials of the study have been divided into four frameworks of interpretation: historical, pre-Christian, Christian and anthropological. This heuristic division does not denote mutually exclusive paradigms, but rather refers to perceived similarities within each group regarding the questions posed, and the evidence adduced, in textual analysis. The historical framework concentrates on the issues of the origins of the tale and the possible historicity of its main protagonist. The pre-Christian framework covers the theories of the shamanic, Indo-European and Celtic elements in the text, whereas the Christian framework includes readings emphasising the biblical, monastic and ascetic aspects of the tale. The anthropological framework in turn focuses on the parallels drawn between the narrative and the universal structure of the rites of passage. In addition to the examination of these four frameworks, the study also links the question of methodology with wider issues of authorship and textual integrity, and critically reconsiders the manner in which J.G. O'Keeffe's 1913 edition of the text has been reified in previous scholarship as a representation of a 12th century authorial original. The overall objective of the present case-study is to relate theoretical conceptions of literary theory, comparative religion and historiography to the study of early Irish narrative material by considering the communal and institutional dimension of meaning-making, and the implications of comparative methodology for historical research. In this aim, the prevailing methodological presuppositions informing the scholarly discourse on Buile Shuibhne are set against the wider context of Celtic Studies scholarship, in order to draw attention to the need to critically reflect upon the operations of knowledge production in future research.


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Tutkielma käsittelee suomalaisten televisiotekstittäjien ammatillisuutta, käännösprosessia ja digitaalisten tekstitysohjelmien vaikutuksia tekstitysprosessiin ammattitekstittäjien näkökulmasta. Suomen television digitalisoituminen on aiheuttanut mullistuksia myös tekstitysalalla kun tekstitettävä kuvamateriaali on ryhdytty toimittamaan käännöstoimistoille ja tekstittäjille digitaalisena. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään käännös- ja tekstitystutkimusta sekä koulutusta Suomessa, ammattitaitoa ja ammatillisuutta sekä kääntämisen apukeinoja. Tekstittäminen esitellään erikoistuneena kääntämisen muotona. On kuitenkin myös huomioitava, että kääntäminen on yksi vaihe tekstitysprosessissa. Teoriaosuus päättyy suomalaisten televisiotekstittäjien arjen ja työkentän nykytilanteen käsittelyyn – tekstittäjät työskentelevät monenlaisilla työehdoilla ja laadun kriteerit saatetaan joutua arvioimaan uudelleen. Empiirisen osan alussa esitetään, että suomalaisia televisiotekstittäjiä on haastateltu yllättävän vähän, ja Jääskeläisen ajatuksiin nojaten mainitaan, että tekstittämisen alalla on vielä paljon tutkimatta – etenkin suomalaisesta tekstitysprosessista löytyy tutkittavaa. Tutkimuskohde on ammatikseen televisioon tekstityksiä tekevät kääntäjät. Suomalaiselle tekstitykseen erikoistuneelle käännöstoimistolle työskenteleville tekstittäjille lähetettiin alkutalvesta 2008 kyselylomake, jolla kartoitettiin sekä monivalintakysymyksillä että avoimilla kysymyksillä heidän ammatillisuuttaan, työmenetelmiään, käännös- ja tekstitysprosessiaan, ammattiylpeyttään ja -identiteettiään, ajanhallintaansa, sekä heidän käyttämäänsä digitaalista tekstitysohjelmaa. Tutkimuksessa kävi ilmi, että lähes kolmanneksella vastaajista on ammatistaan neutraali tai jopa negatiivinen käsitys. Näitä tekstittäjiä yhdistää se seikka, että kaikilla on alle 5 vuotta kokemusta alalta. Valtaosa vastanneista on kuitenkin ylpeitä siitä, että toimivat suomen kielen ammattilaisina. Tekstitysprosessi oli lomakkeessa jaettu esikatseluvaiheeseen, käännösvaiheeseen, ajastamisvaiheeseen ja korjauskatseluvaiheeseen. Tekstittäjät pyydettiin mm. arvioimaan tekstitysprosessinsa kokonaiskestoa. Kestoissa ilmeni suuria eroavaisuuksia, joista ainakin osa korreloi kokemuksen kanssa. Runsas puolet vastaajista on hankkinut digitaalisen tekstitysohjelmiston käyttöönsä ja osa ajastaa edelleen käännöstoimistossa muun muassa ohjelmiston kalleuden vuoksi. Digitaalisen ohjelmiston myötä tekstitysprosessiin ja työkäytänteisiin on tullut muutoksia, kun videonauhureista ja televisioista on siirrytty pelkän tietokoneen käyttöön. On mahdollista tehdä etätyötä kaukomailta käsin, kääntää ja ajastaa lomittain tai tehdä esiajastus ja kääntää sitten. Digitaalinen tekniikka on siis mahdollistanut tekstitysprosessin muuttumisen ja vaihtoehtoiset työmenetelmät, mutta kaikista menetelmistä ei välttämättä ole tekstittäjälle hyötyä. Perinteinen tekstitysprosessi (esikatselu, repliikkijakojen merkitseminen käsikirjoitukseen, kääntäminen ja repliikkien laadinta, korjaukset ja tarkastuskatselu) vaikuttaa edelleen tehokkaimmalta. Vaikka työkäytänteet eroavat toisistaan, kokonaiskäsitys on se, että digitalisoitumisen alkukangertelujen jälkeen tekstittäjien työskentely on tehostunut.


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The study is an examination of how the distant national past has been conceived and constructed for Finland from the mid-sixteenth century to the Second World War. The author argues that the perception and need of a national 'Golden Age' has undergone several phases during this period, yet the perceived Greatness of the Ancient Finns has been of great importance for the growth and development of the fundamental concepts of Finnish nationalism. It is a question reaching deeper than simply discussing the Kalevala or the Karelianism of the 1890s. Despite early occurrences of most of the topics the image-makers could utilize for the construction of an Ancient Greatness, a truly national proto-history only became a necessity after 1809, when a new conceptual 'Finnishness' was both conceived and brought forth in reality. In this process of nation-building, ethnic myths of origin and descent provided the core of the nationalist cause - the defence of a primordial national character - and within a few decades the antiquarian issue became a standard element of the nationalist public enlightenment. The emerging, archaeologically substantiated, nationhood was more than a scholarly construction: it was a 'politically correct' form of ethnic self-imaging, continuously adapting its message to contemporary society and modern progress. Prehistoric and medieval Finnishness became even more relevant for the intellectual defence of the nation during the period of Russian administrative pressure 1890-1905. With independence the origins of Finnishness were militarized even further, although the 'hot' phase of antiquarian nationalism ended, as many considered the Finnish state reestablished after centuries of 'dependency'. Nevertheless, the distant past of tribal Finnishness and the conceived Golden Age of the Kalevala remained obligating. The decline of public archaeology is quite evident after 1918, even though the national message of the antiquarian pursuits remained present in the history culture of the public. The myths, symbols, images, and constructs of ancient Finnishness had already become embedded in society by the turn of the century, like the patalakki cap, which remains a symbol of Finnishness to this day. The method of approach is one of combining a broad spectrum of previously neglected primary sources, all related to history culture and the subtle banalization of the distant past: school books, postcards, illustrations, festive costumes, drama, satirical magazines, novels, jewellery, and calendars. Tracing the origins of the national myths to their original contexts enables a rather thorough deconstruction of the proto-historical imaginary in this Finnish case study. Considering Anthony D. Smith's idea of ancient 'ethnies' being the basis for nationalist causes, the author considers such an approach in the Finnish case totally misplaced.


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The Uppsala school of Axel Hägerström can be said to have been the last genuinely Swedish philosophical movement. On the other hand, the Swedish analytic tradition is often said to have its roots in Hägerström s thought. This work examines the transformation from Uppsala philosophy to analytic philosophy from an actor-based historical perspective. The aim is to describe how a group of younger scholars (Ingemar Hedenius, Konrad Marc-Wogau, Anders Wedberg, Alf Ross, Herbert Tingsten, Gunnar Myrdal) colonised the legacy of Hägerström and Uppsala philosophy, and faced the challenges they met in trying to reconcile this legacy with the changing philosophical and political currents of the 1930s and 40s. Following Quentin Skinner, the texts are analysed as moves or speech acts in a particular historical context. The thesis consists of five previously published case studies and an introduction. The first study describes how the image of Hägerström as the father of the Swedish analytic tradition was created by a particular faction of younger Uppsala philosophers who (re-) presented the Hägerströmian philosophy as a parallel movement to logical empiricism. The second study examines the confrontations between Uppsala philosophy and logical empiricism in both the editorial board and in the pages of Sweden s leading philosophical journal Theoria. The third study focuses on how the younger generation redescribed Hägerströmian legal philosophical ideas (Scandinavian Legal Realism), while the fourth study discusses how they responded to the accusations of a connection between Hägerström s value nihilistic theory and totalitarianism. Finally, the fifth study examines how the Swedish social scientist and Social Democratic intellectual Gunnar Myrdal tried to reconcile value nihilism with a strong political programme for social reform. The contribution of this thesis to the field consists mainly in a re-evaluation of the role of Uppsala philosophy in the history of Swedish philosophy. From this perspective the Uppsala School was less a collection of certain definite philosophical ideas than an intellectual legacy that was the subject of fierce struggles. Its theories and ideas were redescribed in various ways by individual actors with different philosophical and political intentions.


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Between 1935 and 1970 the state-funded Irish Folklore Commission (Coimisiún Béaloideasa Éireann) assembled one of the great folklore collections of the world under the direction of Séamus Ó Duilearga (James Hamilton Delargy). The aim of this study is to recount and assess the work and achievement of this commission. The cultural, linguistic, political and ideological factors that had a bearing on the establishment and making permanent of the Commission and that impinged on many aspects of its work are here elucidated. The genesis of the Commission is traced and the vision and mission of Séamus Ó Duilearga are outlined. The negotiations that preceded the setting up of the Commission in 1935 as well as protracted efforts from 1940 to 1970 to place it on a permanent foundation are recounted and examined at length. All the various collecting programmes and other activities of the Commission are described in detail and many aspects of its work are assessed. This study also deals with the working methods and conditions of employment of the Commission s field and Head Office staff as well as with Séamus Ó Duilearga s direction of the Commission. In executing this work extensive use has been made of primary sources in archives and libraries in Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and North America. This is the first major study of this world-famous institute, which has been praised in passing in numerous publications, but here for the first time its work and achievement are detailed comprehensively and subjected to scholarly scrutiny. This study should be of interest not only to students of Irish oral tradition but to folklorists everywhere. The history of the Irish Folklore Commission is a part of a wider history, that of the history of folkloristics in Europe and North America in particular. Moreover, this work has relevance for many areas of the developing world today, where conditions are not dissimilar to those that pertained in Ireland in the 1930's when this great salvage operation was funded by the young, independent Irish state. It is also hoped that this work will be of practical assistance to scholars and the general public when utilising these collections, and that furthermore it will stimulate research into the assembling of other national collections of folklore as well as into the history of folkloristics in other countries, subjects which in recent years are beginning to attract more and more scholarly attention.


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Tutkimuskohteenani on vuonna 1988 syntyneiden suomenkielisten suomalaisten nuorten historiakulttuuri ja historiatietoisuus. Tutkimustehtävä kiteytyi kolmeen pääkysymykseen: mitkä historian välittäjäkanavat vaikuttavat eniten nuorten käsityksiin menneisyydestä, millä tavoin ja kuinka usein nuoret törmäävät historiaan arkielämässään ja millaiset historialliset tapahtumat ovat nuorille merkityksellisiä. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui 1093 kahdeksasluokkalaisesta, jotka vastasivat lomakekyselyyn kevätlukukaudella 2003. Menetelmänä käytettiin ryväsotantaa. Kyselylomake sisälsi pääosin suljettuja kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksen metodit ovat pääosin kvantitatiivisia. Analyysissa käytettiin frekvenssilaskentaa, keskiarvojen vertailua sekä havainnollistuksena taulukoita ja pylväsdiagrammeja. Kvantitatiivisilla menetelmillä kartoitettiin yleiskuvaa nuorten historiakulttuurista sekä eroja tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta käytettiin avointen kysymysten kohdalla sekä analysoitaessa historian välittäjäkanavia julkisten ja kansanomaisten - oman, perheen ja suvun sisäisten sekä suvun ulkopuolisten - historian esityksinä. Nuorten historiatietoisuutta muokkaa eniten kouluopetus, jota vahvistaa median ylläpitämä julkinen historiakulttuuri. Viikoittaisissa historian kohtaamisissa poikien historiakulttuuria leimasivat tyttöjä enemmän julkiset historianesitykset - sanomalehdet ja visuaalinen eläytyminen television kautta - sekä historialliset roolipelit. Tyttöjen viikoittaisessa historian kohtaamisessa nousi voimakkaasti esille oman, henkilökohtaisen ja suvun historian käsittely päiväkirjan kirjoittamisen, muistoesineiden ja valokuvien kautta.Tytöt käyttävätkin historiaa oman elämänhistoriansa jäsentämisen sekä tradition siirtämisen tarkoituksessa. Nimenomaan heidän kauttaan näyttää elävän vahvana suvun muisteluperinne. Vaikka nuoret kohtaavat kansanomaisia historianesityksiä enemmän kuin julkista historiakulttuuria, heidän historiatietoisuutensa keskittyy jälkimmäiseen. He mieltävät tärkeäksi historiaksi lähinnä kansallisen menneisyyden ja historiakulttuurin julkiset muodot. Kouluopetuksen vaikutus näkyi nuorten vahvana uskona kansalliseen kertomukseen. Nuoret näkevät erityisen tärkeäksi Suomen itsenäisyyden ja Suomen sodat 1939-45 voitettuina itsenäisyyskamppailuina. Mannerheimia arvostettiin Suomen historian tärkeimpänä samaistumiskohteena ja Suomen sotien merkitys kulminoitui suvun jäsenten kohtaloiden ja kansallisen julkisen historian limittymiseen. Historian reseptiossa jatkotutkimuksen aiheita voisivat olla maaseudulla ja kaupungissa elävien nuorten historiakulttuurien erojen sekä erilaisten historiakulttuuristen alaryhmien hahmottaminen. Empiiristä kartoitusta ja vertailevaa tutkimusta voisi tehdä myös eri ikäryhmien historiakulttuurien välillä.


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In the autumn of 1997, Russian government was faced with media pressure when owners of the TV channels ORT and NTV joined forces against it. This study is based on media sources from October 1997 to December 1997. It shows clearly how the enormous power of the media was able to dictate what happened in Russia. In the mid-1990s Russians started to talk about political technology, which became a commonly used term by professionals, journalists, politicians and intelligence services. As a result of this action, two leading reformers in the government, Anatoliy Chubais and Boris Nemtsov, were dismissed from their highly influential posts as finance and energy ministers respectively, but retained their power as first deputy prime ministers. According to the correspondents, the real reason was to resolve a conflict within the parliament, which had demanded the dismissal of Mr. Chubais. This demand was presented after Chubais had accepted $90,000 as a reward for co-writing a book on privatization. Chubais was considered to be Russia’s “business card” towards the west – the"Authors’ case" (Delo avtorov) was only solved after President Boris Yeltsin took part in the public debate. According to the research, the media owned by powerful businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinski, was able to use its own security services to expose sensitive material (Russian term ‘kompromat’), if necessary, concerning any given person. The so-called Authors’ case can be considered as a part of the battle and the tip of the iceberg in arrangements designed to organize the funding of the Russian presidential election campaign in 2000. The reason why this particular incident was so widely covered on television was because several programs aimed to reveal to the public "hidden bribes" that, as they claimed, government officials had received. The political aspect, however, was quite mild, when the concrete issues of possible dismissals of Ministers were debated in the Parliament. Everything was dealt with as a “family matter” inside Kremlin. Yeltsin's "family" consisted of practically anybody from oligarch Berezovsky to Chubais, the father of Russia's privatization policy. Methods of critical history implementation analysis has been used in this research in determining the use of the source material. Literature and interviews have also provided a good base for the study. The study proves that any literature dealing with the subject has not paid enough attention to how the dismissal of Alexander Kazakov, deputy of President’s administration, was linked directly with Gazprom, the state gas monopoly. Kazakov had to leave Gazprom and lose his position as Chubais' ally when the influential ORT television company was deteriorated.


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The research is related to the Finnish Jabal Harun Project (FJHP), which is part of the research unit directed by Professor Jaakko Frösén. The project consists of two interrelated parts: the excavation of a Byzantine monastery/pilgrimage centre on Jabal Harun, and a multiperiod archaeological survey of the surrounding landscape. It is generally held that the Near Eastern landscape has been modified by millennia of human habitation and activity. Past climatic changes and human activities could be expected to have significantly changed also the landscape of the Jabal Harun area. Therefore it was considered that a study of erosion in the Jabal Harun area could shed light on the environmental and human history of the area. It was hoped that it would be possible to connect the results of the sedimentological studies either to wider climatic changes in the Near East, or to archaeologically observable periods of human activity and land use. As evidence of some archaeological periods is completely missing from the Jabal Harun area, it was also of interest whether catastrophic erosion or unfavourable environmental change, caused either by natural forces or by human agency, could explain the gaps in the archaeological record. Changes in climate and/or land-use were expected to be reflected in the sedimentary record. The field research, carried out as part of the FJHP survey fieldwork, included the mapping of wadi terraces and cleaning of sediment profiles which were recorded and sampled for laboratory analyses of facies and lithology. To obtain a chronology for the sedimentation and erosion phases also OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) dating samples were collected. The results were compared to the record of the Near Eastern palaeoclimate, and to data from geoarchaeological studies in central and southern Jordan. The picture of the environmental development was then compared to the human history in the area, based on archaeological evidence from the FJHP survey and the published archaeological research in the Petra region, and the question of the relationship between human activity and environmental change was critically discussed. Using the palaeoclimatic data and the results from geoarchaeological studies it was possible to outline the environmental development in the Jabal Harun area from the Pleistocene to the present.It is appears that there was a phase of accumulation of sediment before the Middle Palaeolithic period, possibly related to tectonic movement. This phase was later followed by erosion, tentatively suggested to have taken place during the Upper Palaeolithic. A period of wadi aggradation probably occurred during the Late Glacial and continued until the end of the Pleistocene, followed by significant channel degradation, attributed to increased rainfall during the Early Holocene. It seems that during the later Holocene channel incision has been dominant in the Jabal Harûn area although there have been also small-scale channel aggradation phases, two of which were OSL-dated to around 4000-3000 BP and 2400-2000 BP. As there is no evidence of tectonic movements in the Jabal Harun area after the early Pleistocene, it is suggested that climate change and human activity have been the major causes of environmental change in the area. At a brief glance it seems that many of the changes in the settlement and land use in the Jabal Harun area can be explained by climatic and environmental conditions. However, the responses of human societies to environmental change are dependent on many factors. Therefore an evaluation of the significance of environmental, cultural, socio-economic and political factors is needed to decide whether certain phenomena are environmentally induced. Comparison with the wider Petra region is also needed to judge whether the phenomena are characteristic of the Jabal Harun area only, or can they be connected to social, political and economic development over a wider area.


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Historical sediment nutrient concentrations and heavy-metal distributions were studied in five embayments in the Gulf of Finland and an adjacent lake. The main objective of the study was to examine the response of these water bodies to temporal changes in human activities. Sediment cores were collected from the sites and dated using 210Pb and 137Cs. The cores were analyzed for total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic phosphorus (OP), inorganic phosphorus (IP), biogenic silica (BSi), loss on ignition (LOI), grain size, Cu, Zn, Al, Fe, Mn, K, Ca, Mg and Na. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used to summarize the trends in the geochemical variables and to compare trends between the different sites. The links between the catchment land use and sediment geochemical data were studied using a multivariate technique of redundancy analysis (RDA). Human activities produce marked geochemical variations in coastal sediments. These variations and signals are often challenging to interpret due to various sedimentological and post-depositional factors affecting the sediment profiles. In general, the sites studied here show significant upcore increases in sedimentation rates, TP and TN concentrations. Also Cu, which is considered to be a good indicator of anthropogenic influence, showed clear increases from 1850 towards the top part of the cores. Based on the RDA-analysis, in the least disturbed embayments with high forest cover, the sediments are dominated by lithogenic indicators Fe, K, Al and Mg. In embayments close to urban settlement, the sediments have high Cu concentrations and a high sediment Fe/Mn ratio. This study suggests that sediment accumulation rates vary significantly from site to site and that the overall sedimentation can be linked to the geomorphology and basin bathymetry, which appear to be the major factors governing sedimentation rates; i.e. a high sediment accumulation rate is not characteristic either to urban or to rural sites. The geochemical trends are strongly site specific and depend on the local geochemical background, basin characteristics and anthropogenic metal and nutrient loading. Of the studied geochemical indicators, OP shows the least monotonic trends in all studied sites. When compared to other available data, OP seems to be the most reliable geochemical indicator describing the trophic development of the study sites, whereas Cu and Zn appear to be good indicators for anthropogenic influence. As sedimentation environments, estuarine and marine sites are more complex than lacustrine basins with multiple sources of sediment input and more energetic conditions in the former. The crucial differences between lacustrine and estuarine/coastal sedimentation environments are mostly related to Fe. P sedimentation is largely governed by Fe redox-reactions in estuarine environments. In freshwaters, presence of Fe is clearly linked to the sedimentation of other lithogenic metals, and therefore P sedimentation and preservation has a more direct linkage to organic matter sedimentation.


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Tutkin pro gradu -työssäni Yhdysvaltojen mustien kansalaisoikeusliikkeen käsittelyä Suomen kirkollisessa lehdistössä liikkeen keskeisimpinä toiminnan vuosina 1963–1968. Selvitän, miten kirkollinen lehdistö reagoi kansalaisoikeusliikkeeseen, ja mitkä olivat niitä asioita ja tapahtumia, joita lehdet toivat liikkeestä esille. Keskeistä työssäni on myös kansalaisoikeusliikkeen näkyvimmän johtajan Martin Luther King Juniorin lehdistössä saaman huomion analysointi. Olennaista tutkimuksen kannalta on selvittää, käsittelivätkö tutkimani lehdet kansalaisoikeusliikkeen toimintaa hengellisestä näkökulmasta vai pelkästään uutisina Yhdysvaltojen poliittisista tapahtumista. Käytännössä tähän liittyy myös kysymys siitä, koskettiko Yhdysvaltojen mustien ahdinko kirjoitusten mukaan suomalaista kristittyä. Tutkimukseni taustan kannalta tärkeää on selvittää mustien rotusorron historiaa Yhdysvalloissa sekä Kingin liikkeeseen tuomaa ajattelupohjaa. Tutkimukseni lähteinä käytän Kotimaan, Församlingsbladetin, Herättäjän, Sanan ja Etsijän numeroita vuosilta 1963–1968. Vuodelta 1967 lähdemateriaalia ei ole kuitenkaan löytynyt. Ajallisesti tutkimus sijoittuu kansalaisoikeusliikkeen organisoiman Birminghamin kampanjan alusta aina Kingin murhan aiheuttamaan kuohuntaan asti. Tutkimukseni on vahvasti sidottu kansalaisoikeusliikkeen keskeisiin tapahtumiin, joiden kautta esittelen liikkeen saamaa huomiota. Tämän takia en käykään, Etsijää lukuun ottamatta, järjestelmällisesti läpi kaikkia tutkimieni vuosien numeroita, vaan tutkittavat numerot ovat ilmestyneet aikoina, jolloin kansalaisoikeusliike toimi aktiivisesti ja näkyvästi. Tutkimukseni on kirkollisen lehdistön ja kansalaisoikeusliikkeen tutkimuksessa ainutlaatuinen. Liikkeen lehdistössä saamaa vastaanottoa ei ole Suomessa aiemmin tutkittu. Kansalaisoikeusliikettä koskeva tutkimus on keskittynyt lähinnä Kingin ajattelun kuvailuun. Merkityksellisen tutkimusaiheesta tekee myös se, että syvemmällä tasolla tutkimus kuvailee sitä, millaisena kirkon epäviralliset äänenkannattajat näkivät ajan, jolloin yhteiskunnan sosiaalisiin ongelmiin puuttuminen alettiin nähdä kristityn tehtävänä. Lehtien kansalaisoikeusliikkettä koskeva keskustelu onkin nähtävä osana muuta ajan kehitystä ja sen henkeä. Vuosikymmenen ajan henki ja aikakauden suuret muutokset näkyvät selkeästi tutkimukseni tuloksissa. Kaukaisesta tapahtumapaikastaan huolimatta Yhdysvaltojen mustien kansalaisoikeusliike sai varsin paljon huomiota tutkimissani lehdissä niin pakinoissa, uutisissa kuin raporteissa tapahtumapaikoiltakin. Liikkeen toimintaa ja erityisesti Kingiä liikkeen johtajana ihailtiin ja liikettä hyödynnettiin esimerkkinä siitä, miten suomalaisten kristittyjenkin tulisi suhtautua maailmaan. Useissa lehdissä koettiinkin tarpeelliseksi nostaa esille Suomen omia ”rotukysymyksiä”, joista keskeisimpänä nähtiin romanien asema. Ajan kehitykseen varauksellisesti suhtautuvaa Herättäjää lukuun ottamatta lehdet suhtautuivat hyvin suopeasti mustien kansalaisoikeusliikkeen tarjoamaan sosiaalisen herätykseen. Erityisesti Kotimaan päätoimittaja Simo Talvitie paneutui mustien rotusortoon ja sen tarjoamiin opetuksiin myös Suomen tasolla. Selityksenä lehtien mustien kansalaisoikeusliikkeen runsaalle käsittelylle ja niiden tavalle käsitellä liikettä nousee keskeisenä aikaa leimaava kansainvälistyminen. Median kehittyminen erityisesti television myötä ja matkustamisen helpottuminen mahdollistivat entistä enemmän muiden maiden tapahtumien seuraamisen ja niihin kantaa ottamisen. Aikaansa seuraavien kristittyjen tehtäväksi nähtiinkin maailman tapahtumista perillä oleminen ja myös oman yhteiskunnan epäkohtien esille tuominen. Nämä eivät tutkimukseni mukaan olleet vain radikaalin ylioppilasnuorison kiinnostuksen kohteita vaan vähitellen myös monen suomalaisen kristityn.