6 resultados para nitro olefins

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The commodity plastics that are used in our everyday lives are based on polyolefin resins and they find wide variety of applications in several areas. Most of the production is carried out in catalyzed low pressure processes. As a consequence polymerization of ethene and α-olefins has been one of the focus areas for catalyst research both in industry and academia. Enormous amount of effort have been dedicated to fine tune the processes and to obtain better control of the polymerization and to produce tailored polymer structures The literature review of the thesis concentrates on the use of Group IV metal complexes as catalysts for polymerization of ethene and branched α-olefins. More precisely the review is focused on the use of complexes bearing [O,O] and [O,N] type ligands which have gained considerable interest. Effects of the ligand framework as well as mechanical and fluxional behaviour of the complexes are discussed. The experimental part consists mainly of development of new Group IV metal complexes bearing [O,O] and [O,N] ligands and their use as catalysts precursors in ethene polymerization. Part of the experimental work deals with usage of high-throughput techniques in tailoring properties of new polymer materials which are synthesized using Group IV complexes as catalysts. It is known that the by changing the steric and electronic properties of the ligand framework it is possible to fine tune the catalyst and to gain control over the polymerization reaction. This is why in this thesis the complex structures were designed so that the ligand frameworks could be fairly easily modified. All together 14 complexes were synthesised and used as catalysts in ethene polymerizations. It was found that the ligand framework did have an impact within the studied catalyst families. The activities of the catalysts were affected by the changes in complex structure and also effects on the produced polymers were observed: molecular weights and molecular weight distributions were depended on the used catalyst structure. Some catalysts also produced bi- or multi-modal polymers. During last decade high-throughput techniques developed in pharmaceutical industries have been adopted into polyolefin research in order to speed-up and optimize the catalyst candidates. These methods can now be regarded as established method suitable for both academia and industry alike. These high-throughput techniques were used in tailoring poly(4-methyl-1-pentene) polymers which were synthesized using Group IV metal complexes as catalysts. This work done in this thesis represents the first successful example where the high-throughput synthesis techniques are combined with high-throughput mechanical testing techniques to speed-up the discovery process for new polymer materials.


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This thesis describes current and past n-in-one methods and presents three early experimental studies using mass spectrometry and the triple quadrupole instrument on the application of n-in-one in drug discovery. N-in-one strategy pools and mix samples in drug discovery prior to measurement or analysis. This allows the most promising compounds to be rapidly identified and then analysed. Nowadays properties of drugs are characterised earlier and in parallel with pharmacological efficacy. Studies presented here use in vitro methods as caco-2 cells and immobilized artificial membrane chromatography for drug absorption and lipophilicity measurements. The high sensitivity and selectivity of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry are especially important for new analytical methods using n-in-one. In the first study, the fragmentation patterns of ten nitrophenoxy benzoate compounds, serial homology, were characterised and the presence of the compounds was determined in a combinatorial library. The influence of one or two nitro substituents and the alkyl chain length of methyl to pentyl on collision-induced fragmentation was studied, and interesting structurefragmentation relationships were detected. Two nitro group compounds increased fragmentation compared to one nitro group, whereas less fragmentation was noted in molecules with a longer alkyl chain. The most abundant product ions were nitrophenoxy ions, which were also tested in the precursor ion screening of the combinatorial library. In the second study, the immobilized artificial membrane chromatographic method was transferred from ultraviolet detection to mass spectrometric analysis and a new method was developed. Mass spectra were scanned and the chromatographic retention of compounds was analysed using extract ion chromatograms. When changing detectors and buffers and including n-in-one in the method, the results showed good correlation. Finally, the results demonstrated that mass spectrometric detection with gradient elution can provide a rapid and convenient n-in-one method for ranking the lipophilic properties of several structurally diverse compounds simultaneously. In the final study, a new method was developed for caco-2 samples. Compounds were separated by liquid chromatography and quantified by selected reaction monitoring using mass spectrometry. This method was used for caco-2 samples, where absorption of ten chemically and physiologically different compounds was screened using both single and nin- one approaches. These three studies used mass spectrometry for compound identification, method transfer and quantitation in the area of mixture analysis. Different mass spectrometric scanning modes for the triple quadrupole instrument were used in each method. Early drug discovery with n-in-one is area where mass spectrometric analysis, its possibilities and proper use, is especially important.


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Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella tiedettiin tiettyjen 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirakenteisten molekyylien olevan aktiivisia Chlamydia pneumoniae –bakteeria vastaan. Tutkimusta lähdettiin jatkamaan ja 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolimolekyylien rakenne-aktiivisuusuhteista haluttiin saada lisätietoa. Tarkoituksena oli kehittää 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolimolekyyleille ja sen avulla muodostaa molekyylikirjasto. Syntetisoidut molekyylit haluttiin testata sekä Chlamydia pneumoniae -bakteeria että Leishmania donovani –parasiittia vastaan. Chlamydia pneumoniae –bakteeri aiheuttaa akuutteja ylä- ja alahengitystieinfektiota, kuten keuhkoputkentulehdusta. Akuutissa tulehduksessa oireet vaihtelevat huomattavasti. Chlamydia pneumoniae –bakteerilla on myös taipumus aiheuttaa kroonisia tulehduksia. Nämä ovat useissa tutkimuksissa yhdistetty kansantaloudellisesti merkittäviin sairauksiin, kuten ateroskleroosiin ja astmaan. Leishmanioosi on toiseksi yleisin loissairaus ihmisellä malarian jälkeen. Leishmania donovani –parasiitti voi aiheuttaa tappavaa viskeraalista leishmanioosia. Vuodessa leishmanioosiin kuolee yli 50 000 ihmistä. Viime vuosina leishmanioosin lääkehoidossa on esiintynyt monenlaisia ongelmia. Osat lääkkeistä ovat menettäneet tehonsa ja osalla esiintyy vakavia haittavaikutuksia. 2,1,3-Bentsoksadiatsolirakenteisille yhdisteille saatiin kehitettyä toimiva synteesireitti. Lähtöaineena käytettiin 4-amino-2-nitrobentsoehappoa, josta saatiin hapettavalla renkaansulkeutumisreaktiolla 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karboksyylihappoa. Karboksyylihaposta syntetisoitiin amidi-välituotteen kautta 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karbonitriiliä. Hydroksyyliamiini hydrokloridin avulla 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karbonitriilistä muodostettiin vastaavaa karboksimidamidia, joka oli synteesireitin yhteinen välituote kaikille molekyyleille. Viimeisessä vaiheessa N´-hydroksidi-2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karboksimidamidin annettiin reagoida joko fenyyli-isosyanaatin tai fenyyli-isotiosyanaatin kanssa, jolloin saatiin lopputuotetta. Synteesireitin kehittäminen osoittautui haastavaksi ja loppujen lopuksi saatiin ainoastaan kolme lopputuotetta syntetisoitua. Yksi lopputuotteista testattiin C. pneumoniae –bakteeria vastaan Åbo akademissa Turussa. Testattavaa yhdiste ei sisältänyt 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoliarengasta ja bioaktiivisuuskokeen tulos oli odotusten mukainen. Yhdiste ei ollut aktiivinen C. pneumoniae –bakteeria vastaan alhaisilla konsentraatioilla ja tuloksesta voitiin todeta 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirengaan olevan tärkeä aktiivisuuden kannalta. Kaksi lopputuotetta saatiin testaukseen Leishamania donovani –parasiittia vastaan Israeliin. Ainoastaan toinen molekyyleistä sisälsi 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirakenteen. Bioaktiivisuuskokeiden tulokset olivat erittäin rohkaisevia. Yhdisteet olivat aktiivisia parasiittia vastaan jo alhaisilla konsentraatioilla. Kuitenkin 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirakenteinen molekyyli oli aktiivisempi, joten tämäkin aktiivisuuskokeen perusteella huomattiin rengasrakenteen olevan tärkeä aktiivisuuden kannalta.