3 resultados para neocortex

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Populations in developed countries are ageing fast. The elderly have the greatest incidence of de-mentia, and thus the increase in the number of demented individuals, increases the immediate costs for the governments concerning healthcare and hospital treatment. Attention is being paid to disorders behind cognitive impairment with behavioural and psychological symptoms, which are enormous contributors to the hospital care required for the elderly. The highest dreams are in prevention; however, before discovering the tools for preventing dementia, the pathogenesis behind dementia disorders needs to be understood. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), a relatively recently discovered dementia disorder compared to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is estimated to account for up to one third of primary degenerative dementia, thus being the second most common cause of dementia in the elderly. Nevertheless, the impact of neuropathological and genetic findings on the clinical syndrome of DLB is not fully established. In this present series of studies, the frequency of neuropathological findings of DLB and its relation to the clinical findings was evaluated in a cohort of subjects with primary degenerative dementia and in a population-based prospective cohort study of individuals aged 85 years or older. α-synuclein (αS) immunoreactive pathology classifiable according to the DLB consensus criteria was found in one fourth of the primary degenerative dementia subjects. In the population-based study, the corresponding figure was one third of the population, 38% of the demented and one fifth of the non-demented very elderly Finns. However, in spite of the frequent discovery of αS pathology, its association with the clinical symptoms was quite poor. Indeed, the common clinical features of DLB, hypokinesia and visual hallucinations, associated better with the severe neurofibrillary AD-type pathology than with the extensive (diffuse neocortical) αS pathology when both types of pathology were taken into account. The severity of the neurofibrillary AD-type pathology (Braak stage) associated with the extent of αS pathology in the brain. In addition, the genetic study showed an interaction between tau and αS; common variation in the αS gene (SNCA) associated significantly with the severity of the neurofibrillary AD-type pathology and nominally significantly with the extensive αS pathology. Further, the relevance and temporal course of the substantia nigra (SN) degeneration and of the spinal cord αS pathology were studied in relation to αS pathology in the brain. The linear association between the extent of αS pathology in the brain and the neuron loss in SN suggests that in DLB the degeneration of SN proceeds as the αS pathology extends from SN to the neocortex instead of early destruction of SN seen in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Furthermore, the extent of αS pathology in the brain associated with the severity of αS pathology in the thoracic and sacral autonomic nuclei of the spinal cord. The thoracic αS pathology was more common and more severe compared to sacral cord, suggesting that the progress of αS pathology proceeds downwards from the brainstem towards the sacral spinal cord.


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Multipotent stem cells can self-renew and give rise to multiple cell types. One type of mammalian multipotent stem cells are neural stem cells (NSC)s, which can generate neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. NSCs are likely involved in learning and memory, but their exact role in cognitive function in the developing and adult brain is unclear. We have studied properties of NSCs in fragile X syndrome (FXS), which is the most common form of inherited mental retardation. FXS is caused by the lack of functional fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). FMRP is involved in the regulation of postsynaptic protein synthesis in a group I metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5)-dependent manner. In the absence of functional FMRP, the formation of functional synapses is impaired in the forebrain which results in alterations in synaptic plasticity. In our studies, we found that FMRP-deficient NSCs generated more neurons and less glia than control NSCs. The newborn neurons derived from FMRP-deficient NSCs showed an abnormally immature morphology. Furthermore, FMRP-deficient NSCs exhibited aberrant oscillatory Ca2+ responses to glutamate, which were specifically abolished by an antagonist of the mGluR5 receptor. The data suggested alterations in glutamatergic differentiation of FMRP-deficient NSCs and were further supported by an accumulation of cells committed to glutamatergic lineage in the subventricular zone of the embryonic Fmr1-knockout (Fmr1-KO) neocortex. Postnatally, the aberrant cells likely contributed to abnormal formation of the neocortex. The findings suggested a defect in the differentiation of distinct glutamatergic mGluR5 responsive cells in the absence of functional FMRP. Furthermore, we found that in the early postnatal Fmr1-KO mouse brain, the expression of mRNA for regulator of G-protein signalling-4 (RGS4) was decreased which was in line with disturbed G-protein signalling in NSCs lacking FMRP. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes neuronal differentiation of NSCs as the absence of FMRP was shown to do. This led us to study the effect of impaired BDNF/TrkB receptor signaling on NSCs by overexpression of TrkB.T1 receptor isoform. We showed that changes in the relative expression levels of the full-length and truncated TrkB isoforms influenced the replication capacity of NSCs. After the differentiation, the overexpression of TrkB.T1 increased neuronal turnover. To summarize, FMRP and TrkB signaling are involved in normal differentiation of NSCs in the developing brain. Since NSCs might have potential for therapeutic interventions in a variety of neurological disorders, our findings may be useful in the design of pharmacological interventions in neurological disorders of learning and memory.


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Nisäkkäillä keskushermoston uudistuminen on rajallista. Keskushermostovamman jälkeen aktivoituu monien paranemista edistävien tekijöiden lisäksi myös estäviä tekijöitä. Monella molekyylillä, kuten laminiinilla, on keskushermoston paranemista tehostava vaikutus. Laminiinit ovat myös kehon tyvikalvojen oleellisia rakennuskomponentteja. Keskushermoston laminiinit ovat tärkeitä sikiökehityksen aikana, esimerkiksi hermosäikeiden ohjauksessa. Myöhemmin ne osallistuvat veriaivoesteen ylläpitoon sekä vammojen jälkeiseen kudosreaktioon. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessani olen selvittänyt lamiiniinien, erityisesti γ1 laminiinin ja sen KDI peptidin, ekspressiota keskushermoston vammatilanteissa. Kokeellisessa soluviljelmäasetelmassa, joka simuloi vammautunutta keskushermostoympäristöä, osoitimme että KDI peptidi voimistaa sekä hermosolujen selviytymistä että hermosäikeiden kasvua. Kainihappo on glutamaattianalogi, ja glutamaattitoksisuudella uskotaan olevan tärkeä merkitys keskushermoston eri vamma- ja sairaustilanteissa tapahtuvassa hermosolukuolemassa. Toisessa väitöskirjani osatyössä osoitimme eläinmallissa KDI peptidin suojaavan rotan aivojen hippokampuksen hermosoluja kainihapon aiheuttamalta solutuholta. Elektrofysiologisilla mittauksilla osoitimme kolmannessa osatyössäni, että KDI peptidi estää glutamaattireseptorivirtoja ja suojaa siten glutamaattitoksisuudelta. Aivoveritulpan aiheuttama aivovaurio on yleinen syy aivohalvaukseen. Viimeisessä osatyössäni tutkimme eläinmallissa laminiinien ekspressiota iskemian vaurioittamassa aivokudoksessa. Laminiiniekspression todettiin voimistuvan vaurion jälkeen sekä tyvikalvo- että soluväliainerakenteissa. Vaurion ympärillä havaittiin astrosyyttejä, jotka jo melko aikaisessa vaiheessa vamman jälkeen ekspressoivat γ1 laminiinia ja KDI peptidiä. Tästä voidaan päätellä laminiinien osallistuvan aivoiskeemisen vaurion patofysiologiaan. Yleisesti väitöskirjatyöni kartoitti laminiinien ekspressiota sekä terveessä että vammautuneessa keskushermostossa. Väitöskirjatyöni tukee hypoteesia, jonka mukaan KDI peptidi suojaa keskushermostoa vaurioilta.