58 resultados para molecule

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Cell adhesion and extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules play a significant role in neuronal plasticity both during development and in the adult. Plastic changes in which ECM components are implicated may underlie important nervous system functions, such as memory formation and learning. Heparin-binding growthassociated molecule (HB-GAM, also known as pleiotrophin), is an ECM protein involved in neurite outgrowth, axonal guidance and synaptogenesis during perinatal period. In the adult brain HB-GAM expression is restricted to the regions which display pronounced synaptic plasticity (e.g., hippocampal CA3-CA1 areas, cerebral cortex laminae II-IV, olfactory bulb). Expression of HB-GAM is regulated in an activity-dependent manner and is also induced in response to neuronal injury. In this work mutant mice were used to study the in vivo function of HB-GAM and its receptor syndecan-3 in hippocampal synaptic plasticity and in hippocampus-dependent behavioral tasks. Phenotypic analysis of HBGAM null mutants and mice overexpressing HB-GAM revealed that opposite genetic manipulations result in reverse changes in synaptic plasticity as well as behavior in the mutants. Electrophysiological recordings showed that mice lacking HB-GAM have an increased level of long-term potentiation (LTP) in the area CA1 of hippocampus and impaired spatial learning, whereas animals with enhanced level of HB-GAM expression have attenuated LTP, but outperformed their wild-type controls in spatial learning. It was also found that GABA(A) receptor-mediated synaptic transmission is altered in the transgenic mice overexpressing HB-GAM. The results suggest that these animals have accentuated hippocampal GABAergic inhibition, which may contribute to the altered glutamatergic synaptic plasticity. Structural studies of HB-GAM demonstrated that this protein belongs to the thrombospondin type I repeat (TSR) superfamily and contains two β-sheet domains connected by a flexible linker. It was found that didomain structure is necessary for biological activity of HB-GAM and electrophysiological phenotype displayed by the HB-GAM mutants. The individual domains displayed weaker binding to heparan sulfate and failed to promote neurite outgrowth as well as affect hippocampal LTP. Effects of HB-GAM on hippocampal synaptic plasticity are believed to be mediated by one of its (co-)receptor molecules, namely syndecan-3. In support of that, HB-GAM did not attenuate LTP in mice deficient in syndecan-3 as it did in wild-type controls. In addition, syndecan-3 knockout mice displayed electrophysiological and behavioral phenotype similar to that of HB-GAM knockouts (i.e. enhanced LTP and impaired learning in Morris water-maze). Thus HB-GAM and syndecan-3 are important modulators of synaptic plasticity in hippocampus and play a role in regulation of learning-related behavior.


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Molecular machinery on the micro-scale, believed to be the fundamental building blocks of life, involve forces of 1-100 pN and movements of nanometers to micrometers. Micromechanical single-molecule experiments seek to understand the physics of nucleic acids, molecular motors, and other biological systems through direct measurement of forces and displacements. Optical tweezers are a popular choice among several complementary techniques for sensitive force-spectroscopy in the field of single molecule biology. The main objective of this thesis was to design and construct an optical tweezers instrument capable of investigating the physics of molecular motors and mechanisms of protein/nucleic-acid interactions on the single-molecule level. A double-trap optical tweezers instrument incorporating acousto-optic trap-steering, two independent detection channels, and a real-time digital controller was built. A numerical simulation and a theoretical study was performed to assess the signal-to-noise ratio in a constant-force molecular motor stepping experiment. Real-time feedback control of optical tweezers was explored in three studies. Position-clamping was implemented and compared to theoretical models using both proportional and predictive control. A force-clamp was implemented and tested with a DNA-tether in presence of the enzyme lambda exonuclease. The results of the study indicate that the presented models describing signal-to-noise ratio in constant-force experiments and feedback control experiments in optical tweezers agree well with experimental data. The effective trap stiffness can be increased by an order of magnitude using the presented position-clamping method. The force-clamp can be used for constant-force experiments, and the results from a proof-of-principle experiment, in which the enzyme lambda exonuclease converts double-stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA, agree with previous research. The main objective of the thesis was thus achieved. The developed instrument and presented results on feedback control serve as a stepping stone for future contributions to the growing field of single molecule biology.


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The neuronal cell adhesion molecule ICAM-5 ICAM-5 (telencephalin) belongs to the intercellular adhesion molecule (ICAM)-subgroup of the immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF). ICAMs participate in leukocyte adhesion and adhesion-dependent functions in the central nervous system (CNS) through interacting with the leukocyte-specific b2 integrins. ICAM-5 is found in the mammalian forebrain, appears at the time of birth, and is located at the cell soma and neuronal dendrites. Recent studies also show that it is important for the regulation of immune functions in the brain and for the development and maturation of neuronal synapses. The clinical importance of ICAM-5 is still under investigation; it may have a role in the development of Alzheimer s disease (AD). In this study, the role of ICAM-5 in neuronal differentiation and its associations with a-actinin and N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors were examined. NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are known to be involved in many neuronal functions, including the passage of information from one neuron to another one, and thus it was thought important to study their role related to ICAM-5. The results suggested that ICAM-5 was able to induce dendritic outgrowth through homophilic adhesion (ICAM-5 monomer binds to another ICAM-5 monomer in the same or neighbouring cell), and the homophilic binding activity appeared to be regulated by monomer/multimer transition. Moreover, ICAM-5 binding to a-actinin was shown to be important for neuritic outgrowth. It was examined whether matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are the main enzymes involved in ICAM-5 ectodomain cleavage. The results showed that stimulation of NMDARs leads to MMP activation, cleavage of ICAM-5 and it is accompanied by dendritic spine maturation. These findings also indicated that ICAM-5 and NMDA receptor subunit 1 (NR1) compete for binding to a-actinin, and ICAM-5 may regulate the NR1 association with the actin cytoskeleton. Thus, it is concluded that ICAM-5 is a crucial cell adhesion molecule involved in the development of neuronal synapses, especially in the regulation of dendritic spine development, and its functions may also be involved with memory formation and learning.


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Effective processing of powdered particles can facilitate powder handling and result in better drug product performance, which is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry where the majority of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are delivered as solid dosage forms. The purpose of this work was to develop a new ultrasound-assisted method for particle surface modification and thin-coating of pharmaceutical powders. The ultrasound was used to produce an aqueous mist with or without a coating agent. By using the proposed technique, it was possible to decrease the interparticular interactions and improve rheological properties of poorly-flowing water-soluble powders by aqueous smoothing of the rough surfaces of irregular particles. In turn, hydrophilic polymer thin-coating of a hydrophobic substance diminished the triboelectrostatic charge transfer and improved the flowability of highly cohesive powder. To determine the coating efficiency of the technique, the bioactive molecule β-galactosidase was layered onto the surface of powdered lactose particles. Enzyme-treated materials were analysed by assaying the quantity of the reaction product generated during enzymatic cleavage of the milk sugar. A near-linear increase in the thickness of the drug layer was obtained during progressive treatment. Using the enzyme coating procedure, it was confirmed that the ultrasound-assisted technique is suitable for processing labile protein materials. In addition, this pre-treatment of milk sugar could be used to improve utilization of lactose-containing formulations for populations suffering from severe lactose intolerance. Furthermore, the applicability of the thin-coating technique for improving homogeneity of low-dose solid dosage forms was shown. The carrier particles coated with API gave rise to uniform distribution of the drug within the powder. The mixture remained homogeneous during further tabletting, whereas the reference physical powder mixture was subject to segregation. In conclusion, ultrasound-assisted surface engineering of pharmaceutical powders can be effective technology for improving formulation and performance of solid dosage forms such as dry powder inhalers (DPI) and direct compression products.


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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are a major cause of death and disability in Western countries and a growing health problem in the developing world. The genetic component of both coronary heart disease (CHD) and ischemic stroke events has been established in twin studies, and the traits predisposing to CVD, such as hypertension, dyslipidemias, obesity, diabetes, and smoking behavior, are all partly hereditary. Better understanding of the pathophysiology of CVD-related traits could help to target disease prevention and clinical treatment to individuals at an especially high disease risk and provide novel pharmaceutical interventions. This thesis aimed to clarify the genetic background of CVD at a population level using large Nordic population cohorts and a candidate gene approach. The first study concentrated on the allelic diversity of the thrombomodulin (THBD) gene in two Finnish cohorts, FINRISK-92 and FINRISK-97. The results from this study implied that THBD variants do not substantially contribute to CVD risk. In the second study, three other candidate genes were added to the analyses. The study investigated the epistatic effects of coagulation factor V (F5), intercellular adhesion molecule -1 (ICAM1), protein C (PROC), and THBD in the same FINRISK cohorts. The results were encouraging; we were able to identify several single SNPs and SNP combinations associating with CVD and mortality. Interestingly, THBD variants appeared in the associating SNP combinations despite the negative results from Study I, suggesting that THBD contributes to CVD through gene-gene interactions. In the third study, upstream transcription factor -1 (USF1) was analyzed in a cohort of Swedish men. USF1 was associated with metabolic syndrome, characterized by accumulation of different CVD risk factors. A putative protective and a putative risk variant were identified. A direct association with CVD was not observed. The longitudinal nature of the study also clarified the effect of USF1 variants on CVD risk factors followed in four examinations throughout adulthood. The three studies provided valuable information on the study of complex traits, highlighting the use of large study samples, the importance of replication, and the full coverage of the major allelic variants of the target genes to assure reliable findings. Although the genetic basis of coronary heart disease and ischemic stroke remains unknown, single genetic findings may facilitate the recognition of high-risk subgroups.


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Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) is an oncogenic human virus and the causative agent of three human malignancies: Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), Multicentric Castleman's Disease (MCD), and primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). In tumors, KSHV establishes latent infection during which it produces no infectious particles. Latently infected cells can enter the lytic replication cycle, and upon provision of appropriate cellular signals, produce progeny virus. PEL, commonly described in patients with AIDS, represents a diffuse large-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, with median survival time less than six months after diagnosis. As tumor suppressor gene TP53 mutations occur rarely in PEL, the aim of this thesis was to investigate whether non-genotoxic activation of the p53 pathway can eradicate malignant PEL cells. This thesis demonstrates that Nutlin-3, a small-molecule inhibitor of the p53-MDM2 interaction, efficiently restored p53 function in PEL cells, leading to cell cycle arrest and massive apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that KSHV infection activated DNA damage signaling, rendering the cells more sensitive to p53-dependent cell death. We also showed in vivo the therapeutic potential of p53 restoration that led to regression of subcutaneous and intraperitoneal PEL tumor xenografts without adversely affecting normal cells. Importantly, we demonstrated that in a small subset of intraperitoneal PEL tumors, spontaneous induction of viral reactivation dramatically impaired Nutlin-3-induced p53-mediated apoptosis. Accordingly, we found that elevated KSHV lytic transcripts correlated with PEL tumor burden in animals and that inhibition of viral reactivation in vitro restored cytotoxic activity of a small-molecule inhibitor of the p53-MDM2 interaction. Latency provides a unique opportunity for KSHV to escape host immune surveillance and to establish persistent infections. However, to maintain viral reservoirs and spread to other hosts, KSHV must be reactivated from latency and enter into the lytic growth phase. We showed that phosphorylation of nucleolar phosphoprotein nucleophosmin (NPM) by viral cyclin-CDK6 is critical for establishment and maintenance of the KSHV latency. In short, this study provides evidence that the switch between latent phase and lytic replication is a critical step that determines the outcome of viral infection and the pathogenesis of KSHV-induced malignancies. Our data may thus contribute to development of novel targeted therapies for intervention and treatment of KSHV-associated cancers.


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Microarrays have a wide range of applications in the biomedical field. From the beginning, arrays have mostly been utilized in cancer research, including classification of tumors into different subgroups and identification of clinical associations. In the microarray format, a collection of small features, such as different oligonucleotides, is attached to a solid support. The advantage of microarray technology is the ability to simultaneously measure changes in the levels of multiple biomolecules. Because many diseases, including cancer, are complex, involving an interplay between various genes and environmental factors, the detection of only a single marker molecule is usually insufficient for determining disease status. Thus, a technique that simultaneously collects information on multiple molecules allows better insights into a complex disease. Since microarrays can be custom-manufactured or obtained from a number of commercial providers, understanding data quality and comparability between different platforms is important to enable the use of the technology to areas beyond basic research. When standardized, integrated array data could ultimately help to offer a complete profile of the disease, illuminating mechanisms and genes behind disorders as well as facilitating disease diagnostics. In the first part of this work, we aimed to elucidate the comparability of gene expression measurements from different oligonucleotide and cDNA microarray platforms. We compared three different gene expression microarrays; one was a commercial oligonucleotide microarray and the others commercial and custom-made cDNA microarrays. The filtered gene expression data from the commercial platforms correlated better across experiments (r=0.78-0.86) than the expression data between the custom-made and either of the two commercial platforms (r=0.62-0.76). Although the results from different platforms correlated reasonably well, combining and comparing the measurements were not straightforward. The clone errors on the custom-made array and annotation and technical differences between the platforms introduced variability in the data. In conclusion, the different gene expression microarray platforms provided results sufficiently concordant for the research setting, but the variability represents a challenge for developing diagnostic applications for the microarrays. In the second part of the work, we performed an integrated high-resolution microarray analysis of gene copy number and expression in 38 laryngeal and oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma cell lines and primary tumors. Our aim was to pinpoint genes for which expression was impacted by changes in copy number. The data revealed that especially amplifications had a clear impact on gene expression. Across the genome, 14-32% of genes in the highly amplified regions (copy number ratio >2.5) had associated overexpression. The impact of decreased copy number on gene underexpression was less clear. Using statistical analysis across the samples, we systematically identified hundreds of genes for which an increased copy number was associated with increased expression. For example, our data implied that FADD and PPFIA1 were frequently overexpressed at the 11q13 amplicon in HNSCC. The 11q13 amplicon, including known oncogenes such as CCND1 and CTTN, is well-characterized in different type of cancers, but the roles of FADD and PPFIA1 remain obscure. Taken together, the integrated microarray analysis revealed a number of known as well as novel target genes in altered regions in HNSCC. The identified genes provide a basis for functional validation and may eventually lead to the identification of novel candidates for targeted therapy in HNSCC.


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Periodontal Disease affects the supporting structures of the teeth and is initiated by a microbial biofilm called dental plaque. Severity ranges from superficial inflammation of the gingiva (gingivitis) to extensive destruction of connective tissue and bone leading to tooth loss (periodontitis). In periodontitis the destruction of tissue is caused by a cascade of microbial and host factors together with proteolytic enzymes. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are known to be central mediators of the pathologic destruction in periodontitis. Initially plaque bacteria provide pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) which are sensed by Toll-like receptors (TLRs), and initiate intracellular signaling cascades leading to host inflammation. Our aim was to characterize TNF-α (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) and its type I and II receptors in periodontal tissues, as well as, the effects of TNF-α, IL-1β (interleukin-1beta) and IL-17 on the production and/or activation of MMP-3, MMP-8 and MMP-9. Furthermore we mapped the TLRs in periodontal tissues and assessed how some of the PAMPs binding to the key TLRs found in periodontal tissues affect production of TNF-α and IL-1β by gingival epithelial cells with or without combination of IL-17. TNF-α and its receptors were detected in pericoronitis. Furthermore, increased expression of interleukin-1β and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 was found as a biological indicator of TNF-α ligand-receptor interaction. MMP-3, -8, and 9 were investigated in periodontitis affected human gingival crevicular fluid and gingival fibroblasts produced pro-MMP-3. Following that, the effect of IL-17 was studied on MMP and pro-inflammatory cytokine production. IL-17 was increased in periodontitis and up-regulated IL-1β, TNF-α, MMP-1 and MMP-3. We continued by demonstrating TLRs in gingival tissues, in which significant differences between patients with periodontitis and healthy controls were found. Finally, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays were performed to show that the gingival cells response to inflammatory responses in a TLR-dependent manner. Briefly, this thesis demonstrates that TLRs are present in periodontal tissues and present differences in periodontitis compared to healthy controls. The cells of gingival tissues respond to inflammatory process in a TLR-dependent manner by producing pro-inflammatory cytokines. During the destruction of periodontal tissues, the release (IL-1β and TNF-α) and co-operation with other pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-17), which in turn increase the inflammation and thus be more harmful to the host with the increased presence of MMPs (MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-8, MMP-9) in diseased over healthy sites.


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Proteolytic enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), are associated to the progression of several cancers. They degrade extracellular components, which helps tumors to expand and cancer cells to escape from the primary site. Of all MMPs, gelatinases (MMP-2 and -9) and membrane type-1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP, MMP-14), in particular, are often associated to more aggressive types of head and neck carcinomas as well as to a poorer outcome in patient survival. Although therapies during the last decades have advanced, the mortality of the disease is still rather high and adjuvant therapies are searched for continuously. MMP-9 and MT1-MMP are also involved in neo-angiogenesis, which is necessary for tumor expansion. For this reason, we have identified synthetic peptides-targeting gelatinases and MT1-MMP, and have also evaluated their anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo. Antigelatinolytic peptides effectively inhibited tongue-carcinoma cell invasion and reduced the growth of xenografted tumors. In tumor samples of mice that were treated with antigelatinolytic peptides, the micro-vessel density was significantly reduced. We also identified a novel MT1-MMP targeting peptide and demonstrated that it exerted anticancer effects against several malignant cell lines in vitro. The effects of MT1-MMP inhibition on tongue-squamous cell carcinomas were evaluated by using xenograft tumors, which it effectively inhibited. Tranexamic acid was also demonstrated to inhibit tongue-squamous cell carcinoma invasion, most probably due to its ability to prevent the plasmin-mediated activation of proMMP-9. Leukocyte β2 integrins are another interesting option when evaluating targets for the therapeutic intervention of inflammatory conditions or malignancies of hematopoietic origin, since β2 integrins are expressed mainly by leukocytes. We identified a novel technique for screening small-molecule libraries against β2 integrins, and by using this technique we identified a novel αMβ2 integrin-binding chemical (IMB-10). IMB-10 significantly enhances leukocyte adhesion and inhibits their motility. We also demonstrated that IMB-10 can be used to inhibit inflammation and lymphoma growth in vivo. Interestingly, IMB-10 also reduced leukocyte tumor infiltration and inhibited tumor invasion.


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Nephrin is a transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily and is expressed primarily in the podocytes, which are highly differentiated epithelial cells needed for primary urine formation in the kidney. Mutations leading to nephrin loss abrogate podocyte morphology, and result in massive protein loss into urine and consequent early death in humans carrying specific mutations in this gene. The disease phenotype is closely replicated in respective mouse models. The purpose of this thesis was to generate novel inducible mouse-lines, which allow targeted gene deletion in a time and tissue-specific manner. A proof of principle model for succesful gene therapy for this disease was generated, which allowed podocyte specific transgene replacement to rescue gene deficient mice from perinatal lethality. Furthermore, the phenotypic consequences of nephrin restoration in the kidney and nephrin deficiency in the testis, brain and pancreas in rescued mice were investigated. A novel podocyte-specific construct was achieved by using standard cloning techniques to provide an inducible tool for in vitro and in vivo gene targeting. Using modified constructs and microinjection procedures two novel transgenic mouse-lines were generated. First, a mouse-line with doxycycline inducible expression of Cre recombinase that allows podocyte-specific gene deletion was generated. Second, a mouse-line with doxycycline inducible expression of rat nephrin, which allows podocyte-specific nephrin over-expression was made. Furthermore, it was possible to rescue nephrin deficient mice from perinatal lethality by cross-breeding them with a mouse-line with inducible rat nephrin expression that restored the missing endogenous nephrin only in the kidney after doxycycline treatment. The rescued mice were smaller, infertile, showed genital malformations and developed distinct histological abnormalities in the kidney with an altered molecular composition of the podocytes. Histological changes were also found in the testis, cerebellum and pancreas. The expression of another molecule with limited tissue expression, densin, was localized to the plasma membranes of Sertoli cells in the testis by immunofluorescence staining. Densin may be an essential adherens junction protein between Sertoli cells and developing germ cells and these junctions share similar protein assembly with kidney podocytes. This single, binary conditional construct serves as a cost- and time-efficient tool to increase the understanding of podocyte-specific key proteins in health and disease. The results verified a tightly controlled inducible podocyte-specific transgene expression in vitro and in vivo as expected. These novel mouse-lines with doxycycline inducible Cre recombinase and with rat nephrin expression will be useful for conditional gene targeting of essential podocyte proteins and to study in detail their functions in the adult mice. This is important for future diagnostic and pharmacologic development platforms.


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Cells are packed with membrane structures, defining the inside and outside, and the different subcellular compartments. These membranes consisting mainly of phospholipids have a variety of functions in addition to providing a permeability barrier for various compounds. These functions involve cellular signaling, where lipids can act as second messengers, or direct regulation of membrane associating proteins. The first part of this study focuses on relating some of the physicochemical properties of membrane lipids to the association of drug compounds to membranes. A fluorescence based method is described allowing for determination of the membrane association of drugs. This method was subsequently applied to a novel drug, siramesine, previously shown to have anti-cancer activity. Siramesine was found to associate with anionic lipids. Especially interesting is its strong affinity for a second messenger lipid phosphatidic acid. This is the first example of a small molecule drug compound specifically interacting with a cellular lipid. Phosphatidic acid in cells is required for the activation of many signaling pathways mediating growth and proliferation. This provides an intriguing possibility for a simple molecular mechanism of the observed anti-cancer activity of siramesine. In the second part the thermal behavior and self assembly of charged and uncharged membrane assemblies was studied. Strong inter-lamellar co-operativity was observed for multilamellar DPPC vesicles using fluorescence techniques together with calorimetry. The commonly used membrane models, large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and multilamellar vesicles (MLV) were found to possess different biophysical properties as interlamellar interactions of MLVs drive segregation of a pyrene labeled lipid analogue into clusters. The effect of a counter-ion lattice on the self assembly of a cationic gemini surfactant was studied. The presence of NaCl strongly influenced the thermal phase behavior of M-1 vesicles, causing formation of giant vesicles upon exceeding a phase transition temperature, followed by a subsequent transition into a more homogenous dispersion. Understanding the underlying biophysical aspects of cellular membranes is of fundamental importance as the complex picture of the structure and function of cells is evolving. Many of the cellular reactions take place on membranes and membranes are known to regulate the activity of many peripheral and intergral membrane associating proteins. From the point of view of drug design and gene technology, membranes can provide an interesting target for future development of drugs, but also a vehicle sensitive for environmental changes allowing for encapsulating drugs and targeting them to the desired site of action.


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Type 1 diabetes is a disease where the insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas are destroyed by an autoimmune mechanism. The incidence of type 1 diabetes, as well as the incidence of the diabetic kidney complication, diabetic nephropathy, are increasing worldwide. Nephrin is a crucial molecule for the filtration function of the kidney. It localises in the podocyte foot processes partially forming the interpodocyte final sieve of the filtration barrier, the slit diaphragm. The expression of nephrin is altered in diabetic nephropathy. Recently, nephrin was found from the beta cells of the pancreas as well, which makes this molecule interesting in the context of type 1 diabetes and especially in diabetic nephropathy. In this thesis work, the expression of other podocyte molecules in the beta cells of the pancreas, in addition to nephrin, were deciphered. It was also hypothesised that patients with type 1 diabetes may develop autoantibodies against novel beta cell molecules comparably to the formation of autoantibodies to GAD, IA-2 and insulin. The possible association of such novel autoantibodies with the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy was also assessed. Furthermore, expression of nephrin in lymphoid tissues has been suggested, and this issue was more thoroughly deciphered here. The expression of nephrin in the human lymphoid tissues, and a set of podocyte molecules in the human, mouse and rat pancreas at the gene and protein level were studied by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -based methods and immunochemical methods. To detect autoantibodies to novel beta cell molecules, specific radioimmunoprecipitation assays were developed. These assays were used to screen a follow-up material of 66 patients with type 1 diabetes and a patient material of 150 diabetic patients with signs of diabetic nephropathy. Nephrin expression was detected in the lymphoid follicle germinal centres, specifically in the follicular dendritic cells. In addition to the previously reported expression of nephrin in the pancreas, expression of the podocyte molecules, densin, filtrin, FAT and alpha-actinin-4 were detected in the beta cells. Circulating antibodies to nephrin, densin and filtrin were discovered in a subset of patients with type 1 diabetes. However, no association of these autoantibodies with the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy was detected. In conclusion, the expression of five podocyte molecules in the beta cells of the pancreas suggests some molecular similarities between the two cell types. The novel autoantibodies against shared molecules of the kidney podocytes and the pancreatic beta cells appear to be part of the common autoimmune mechanism in patients with type 1 diabetes. No data suggested that the autoantibodies would be active participants of the kidney injury detected in diabetic nephropathy.


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Human central nervous system (CNS) tumors are a heterogeneous group of tumors occurring in brain, brainstem and spinal cord. Malignant gliomas (astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors), which arise from the neuroepithelial cells are the most common CNS neoplasms in human. Malignant gliomas are highly aggressive and invasive tumors, and have a very poor prognosis. The development and progression of gliomas involve a stepwise accumulation of genetic alterations that generally affect either signal transduction pathways activated by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), or cell cycle arrest pathways. Constitutive activation or deregulated signaling by RTKs is caused by gene amplification, overexpression or mutations. The aberrant RTK signaling results in turn in the activation of several downstream pathways, which ultimately lead to malignant transformation and tumor proliferation. Many genetic abnormalities implicated in nervous system tumors involve the genes located at the chromosomal region 4q12. This locus harbors the receptor tyrosine kinases KIT, PDGFRA and VEGFR2, and other genes (REST, LNX1) with neural function. Gene amplification and protein expression of KIT, PDGFRA, and VEGFR2 was studied using clinical tumor material. REST and LNX1, as well as NUMBL, the interaction partner of LNX1, were studied for their gene mutations and amplifications. In our studies, amplification of LNX1 was associated with KIT and PDGFRA amplification in glioblastomas, and coamplification of KIT, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 was detected in medulloblastomas and CNS primitive neuroectodermal tumors. PDGFRA amplification was also correlated with poor overall survival. Coamplification of KIT, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 was observed in a subset of human astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors. We suggest that genes at 4q12 could be a part of a larger amplified region, which is deregulated in gliomas, and could be used as a prognostic marker of tumorigenic process. The signaling pathways activated due to gene amplifications, activating gene mutations, and overexpressed proteins may be useful as therapeutic targets for glioma treatment. This study also includes the characterization of KIT overexpressing astrocytes, analyzed by various in vitro functional assays. Our results show that overexpression of KIT in mouse astrocytes promotes cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth, as well as phenotypic changes in the cells. Furthermore, the increased proliferation is partly inhibited by imatinib, a small molecule inhibitor of KIT. These results suggest that KIT may play a role in astrocyte growth regulation, and might have an oncogenic role in brain tumorigenesis. Elucidation of the altered signaling pathways due to specific gene amplifications, activating gene mutations, and overexpressed proteins may be useful as therapeutic targets for glioma treatment.