87 resultados para median

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Designed by the Media The Media publicity of Design in the Finnish Economic Press The meaning of design has increased in consumer societies. Design is the subject of debate and the number of media discussions has also increased steadily. Especially the role of industrial design has been emphasised. In this study I examine the media publicity of design in the Finnish economic press from the late 1980s to the beginning of the 2000s. The research question is connected to media representations: How is design represented in the Finnish economic press? In other words, what are the central topics of design in the economic press, and to what issues are the media debates connected? The usually repeated phrase that design discussions take place only on the cultural pages of the daily press or in cultural contexts is being changed. Design is also linked to the consumer culture and consumers everyday practices. The research material has been collected from the Finnish economic press. The qualitative sample consists of articles from Kauppalehti, Taloussanomat and from several economic papers published by the Talentum Corporation. The approach of the research is explorative, descriptive and hermeneutic. This means that the economic press articles are used to explore how design is represented in the media. In addition, the characteristics of design represented in the media are described in detail. The research is based on the interpretive tradition of studying textual materials. Background assumptions are thus grounded in hermeneutics. Erving Goffman s frame analysis is applied in analysing the economic press materials. The frames interpreted from the articles depict the media publicity of design in the Finnish economic press. The research opens up a multidimensional picture of design in the economic press. The analysis resulted in five frames that describe design from various points of view. In the personal frame designers are described in private settings and through their personal experiences. The second frame relates to design work. In the frame of mastery of the profession, the designers work is interpreted widely. Design is considered from the aspects of controlling personal know-how, co-operation and the overall process of design. The third frame is connected to the actual substance of the economic press. In the frame of economy and market, design is linked to international competitiveness, companies competitive advantage and benefit creation for the consumers. The fourth frame is connected to the actors promoting design on a societal level. In the communal frame, the economic press describes design policy, design research and education and other actors that actively develop design in the societal networks. The last frame is linked to the traditions of design and above all to the examination of the cultural transition. In the frame of culture the traditions of design are emphasised. Design is also connected to the industrial culture and furthermore to the themes of the consumer culture. It can be argued that the frames construct media publicity of design from various points of view. The frames describe situations, action and the actors of design. The interpreted media frames make it possible to understand the relation of interpreted design actions and the culture. Thus, media has a crucial role in representing and recreating meanings related to design. The publicity of design is characterised by the five focal themes: personification, professionalisation, commercialisation, communalisation and transition of cultural focus from the traditions of design to the industrial culture and the consumer culture. Based on my interpretation these themes are guided by the mediatisation of design. The design phenomenon is defined more often on the basis of the media representations in the public discourses. The design culture outlined in this research connects socially constructed and structurally organised action. Socially constructed action in design is connected to the experiences, social recreation and collective development of design. Structurally, design is described as professional know-how, as a process and as an economic profit generating action in the society. The events described by the media affect the way in which people experience the world, the meanings they connect to the events around themselves and their life in the world. By affecting experiences, the media indirectly affects human actions. People have become habituated to read media representations on a daily basis, but they are not used to reading and interpreting the various meanings that are incorporated in the media texts.


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This is a qualitative and multimethodological comparative study, which consists of two main parts: examining the development of new media and analysing and comparing the new media strategies of the three companies studied (Alma Media, Sanoma and the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yleisradio). The study includes the first large-scale review in Finnish of the development of new media, paying attention to the birth of the Internet as well as to mobile media, web TV and any other element of new media. It also concentrates on the function of electronic distribution channels before the age of the Internet, e.g. cable text and videotext. Answers about how the three traditional Finnish media houses began spreading their content to the Internet and wireless applications in 1994–2004 are also given. In researching the new media strategies the study pays special attention to the attitudes that the three media companies adopted towards the Internet and other forms of new media in their strategies during the years in question. By analysing and comparing, e.g., the companies’ strategies and their investments, the study ascertains whether the companies had a joint functional model in adopting new media or acted totally on their own without taking too much notice of the media field overall. The study makes extensive use of previously published material. The researcher has also interviewed almost twenty people who were involved in getting the companies’ new media functions under way. The methods for the interviews were dialogue and snowball sampling. The researcher has created a classification in which he divides the business strategies into four different categories: active strategy, careful strategy, permissive strategy, and passive strategy. In comparing and analysing the companies the researcher has used the classification devised by Allan Afuah & Christopher L. Tucci. The seven element classification consists of dominant managerial logic, competency trap, fear of cannibalisation and loss of revenue, channel conflict, political power, co-opetitor power and emotional attachment. In analysing the company strategies the researcher has also noted the classifications of convergence made by Everette E. Dennis and Graham Murdock as well as the aspects formulated by Sylvia Chan-Olmsted and Louisa Ha concerning the success of the companies in adopting the Internet into their functions. Based on all these classifications and by further developing them the researcher analyses and compares the success of the new media strategies of the three Finnish companies. The outcome of the study is a conclusion as to what kind of strategies the companies have carried out their new media functions and how they have succeeded in it.


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Tämän pro gradu- tutkielman tavoitteena oli löytää kuluttajien palvelukokemukseen vaikuttavat tekijät lastenvaatteiden- ja tarvikkeiden -verkkokaupassa. Empiirinen tutkimus lähestyi aihetta netnografian avulla. Aineistoksi tähän tutkielmaan valittiin sosiaalisen median keskustelut. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen osa muodostui kolmesta aiheesta: verkko-ostamisesta ja palvelun laadusta, sosiaalisesta mediasta sekä word-of-mouth-viestinnästä. Verkko-ostamisessa käsiteltiin ostamisen eri vaiheet, kuluttajien motivaatiot verkosta ostamiseen, sekä siihen liittyvät riskit ja tarkasteltiin sähköisen palvelun laatua. Sosiaalinen media-luku kertoi sosiaalisen median käytöstä sekä eri medioista. Word-of-mouth-viestintä esitteli perinteisen word-of-mouth-viestinnän lisäksi sähköisen WOM-viestinnän ulottuvuudet. Empiirinen tutkimus oli laadullinen ja se toteutettiin netnografisesti. Netnografia on etnografiaan perustuva menetelmä, jota käytetään internet-aineistoissa. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin teemoittelua. Aihetta lähestyttiin faktanäkökulmasta, eli tutkimuksessa oltiin kiinnostuneita niistä tosiasioista joita keskustelijat kertoivat. Aineisto kerättiin perhe-aiheisten lehtien keskustelupalstoilta sekä blogeista Google-haun avulla. Sosiaalisen median keskustelut valittiin aineistoksi, koska niistä uskottiin saatavan kaikkein totuudenmukaisinta tietoa, johon tutkijan kysymyksen asettelu ei vaikuta. Spontaanit keskustelut antavat erilaista tietoa kuin suoran kysymyksen vastaukset. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löytyi seitsemän teemaa, joita keskusteluissa käsiteltiin. Nämä ovat toimitus, palvelu, palautus ja normalisointi, ulkoasu ja toimivuus, hinta, maksaminen sekä tuotteet ja valikoima. Sen sijaan teorian pohjalta odotettavissa olleet turvallisuus ja yksityisyys eivät tulleet aineistosta lainkaan esiin. Erityisen huonona palveluna asiakkaat pitivät varastosaldojen paikkansapitämättömyyttä, hitaita toimituksia sekä epäystävällistä palvelua. Hyvää palvelua olivat nopeat toimitukset sekä yksilöllinen palvelu ja reklamaatioiden hyvä hoito.


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Tarkastelen pro gradu -tutkielmassani työyhteisön viestintätapojen muutosta ja sosiaalisen mediai roolia muutoksessa. Tutkimukseni tavoitteena on jäsentää ja ymmärtää sosiaalisen median roolia työyhteisön viestinnässä ja tarkastella miten sosiaalinen media taipuu tietoperustaisen asiantuntiorganisaation tarpeisiin. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osuudessa selvitän sitä, miten työn tekemisessä tapahtuneet muutokset ovat muuttaneet työyhteisön tapaa ja tarvetta viestiä. Työn tekemisen uusia muotoja ja verkostoitumista jäsennän tutkimuskirjallisuuden Alvesson (2000), Gruber & Palonen (2007), Kasvio & Tjäder (2007), Sennett (2007) kautta. Työn uusia muotoja voidaan kuvata käsitteillä asiantuntijakeskeisyys, tietointensiivisyys ja tietoperustainen työ. Kuva tutkimuksessani myös sosiaalisen median käsitettä sekä sen tunnusomaisuuksia. Tarkastelen tietoperustaisen asiantuntijaorganisaation odotuksia ja käyttötarpeita sosiaaliselle medialle Elisa Juholinin (2008) määrittelemän työyhteisöviestinnän uuden agendan (agendamalli) viitekehykses Tutkimukseni empiirisessä osuudessa tarkastelen aihetta yhden tietoperustaisen asiantuntijaorganisaation jäsenten kautta. Tavoitteeni on selvittää 1) millaisia odotuksia asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa työskentelevillä on sosiaalisen median käytöstä osana työyhteisön viestintää sekä 2) millaisia käyttötarpeita asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa työskentelevillä on sosiaalis* median käytöstä osana työyhteisön viestintää. Tutkimusotteeni on laadullinen, ja aineiston keruur menetelmänä käytän fokusryhmäkeskustelua sekä teemahaastattelua. Analysoin aineiston teemoittelemalla. Aineiston koodauksessa käytin Atlas.ti -ohjelmaa. Tutkimukseni perusteella voidaan todeta, että tärkeimpänä sosiaalisen median odotuksiin ja käyttötarpeisiin liittyi ajatus käyttäjälähtöisyydestä ja vuorovaikutuksesta. Käyttäjälähtöisyys ja vuorovaikutus näkyivät erityisesti odotuksena viestinnän rutiinien, tiedon ja osaamisen jakamisena entistä avoimempaan ; vuorovaikutteisempaan suuntaan. Tutkimus antaa viitteitä siitä, että sosiaalisen median sovelluksilla on mahdollista tukea vuorovaikutusta juuri niissä työyhteisöviestinnän tehtävissä, joissa vuorovaikutus jää helposti vähäiseksi. Sosiaalisen median sovelluksia tarvitaan myös tietoperustaisen asiantuntijaorganisaation osaamisen ja ns. hiljaisen tiedonjakamiseen. Tutkimuksen perusteella sosiaalinen media osana työyhteisön viestintää taipuu tiedontarpeen tyydyttäjänä, tarjoaa vaihtoehdon viestintäkanaville ja viestinnän toimintamalleille, mahdollistaa osallistumaan ja vaikuttamaan työyhteisön asioihin sekä tarjoaa tavan koota työyhteisössä olevaa osaamista ja hiljaista tietoa.


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Työ pyrkii selvittämään miten Suomessa toimivien vähemmistöuskontojen (islam, juutalaisuus, katolisuus) muodostamat yhdyskunnat kokevat oman asemansa suhteessa valtioon, viranomaisiin ja evankelis-luterilaiseen kirkkoon. Toteutuuko vähemmistöjen omasta mielestä Suomessa uskonnollinen tasavertaisuus ja uskonnonvapaus käytännön tasolla. Sopiiko luterilaisen kirkon ja valtion läheinen suhde monikulttuurisen yhteiskunnan ideaan ja vaikuttaako tämä kyseinen suhde siihen, miten muita uskontoja kohdellaan Suomessa. Näiden lisäksi tarkastellaan suomalaisen yhteiskunnan yleistä suvaitsevaisuutta, median vähemmistöjä koskevaa uutisointia ja kuinka valtaväestöstä poikkeaviin uskonnon edustajiin suhtaudutaan arkipäivän kohtaamisissa. Työssä tuodaan myös esille miten perinteiset vähemmistöt (juutalaiset ja tataarit) ovat pystyneet sopeutumaan suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan ja samanaikaisesti säilyttämään oman kulttuurisen identiteettinsä ja erikoislaatuisuutensa ilman valtion viranomaisten järjestämää kotouttamista. Aineisto työhön on kerätty viiden rekisteröidyn uskonnollisen yhdyskunnan jäsenelle tehdyllä teemahaastattelulla. Perinteiset mukana olevat vähemmistöyhdyskunnat ovat Helsingin juutalainen seurakunta, tataarien Suomen Islam-seurakunta ja Katolinen kirkko Suomessa. Uudempia yhteisöjä edustavat sunnimuslimien Islamic Multicultural Dawah Centre ja shiiojen Resalat Islamilainen yhdyskunta.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on kvalitatiivisen ja kvantitatiivisen analyysin avulla selvittää, millaisia poisjättöjä erityyppiset ohjelmat sisältävät. Tutkimusmateriaalina on lastenohjelma (Sune och hans värld), dokumentti (Yrke: kung) ja keskusteluohjelma (Bettina S) sekä niiden suomenkieliset tekstitykset. Jokaisesta ohjelmasta on analysoitu 15 minuuttia. Poisjättöjen luokittelussa pohjana on Koljosen (1995, 1997 ja 1998) luokittelu, joka koostuu kolmesta pääluokasta ja useasta alaluokasta. Kolme pääluokkaa ovat fakultatiiviset lauseenjäsenet (fakultativa satsdelar), puhekieliset piirteet (talspråkliga drag) ja informatiiviset osaset (informativa fragment). Hypoteeseja tutkielmassa on kaksi: suurin osa poisjätöistä on puhekielisyyksiä, mikä johtuu median vaihtumisesta puhutusta kirjoitettuun, ja informaatiota ei häviä, vaikka paljon on jätettävä pois aika- ja tilarajoitusten takia. Teoriaosassa käsitellään katsojan (tekstityksen vastaanottajan) tärkeää asemaa, poisjättöjen syitä ja poisjättöjä Koljosen luokittelun mukaisesti. Lisäksi teoriaosassa esitellään materiaalina olevat ohjelmatyypit, eli lastenohjelma, dokumentti ja puheohjelma. Analyysiosasta käy ilmi, että ohjelmat sisältävät melko erilaisia poisjättöjä. Tämä johtuu siitä, että lastenohjelmassa dialogi perustuu käsikirjoitukseen, kun taas dokumentissa ja keskusteluohjelmassa puhe on vapaata. Dokumentti on tyypillinen esimerkki monologista, eikä sisällä dialogille tyypillisiä piirteitä, kuten dialogipartikkeleita tai tervehdyksiä. Analyysistä käy myös ilmi, että valinnaisia lauseenjäseniä on jätetty eniten pois. Tämä johtuu ainoastaan siitä, että poisjätettyjen konjunktioiden määrä on suuri. Koljonen ei ole luokitellut konjunktioita tutkimuksissaan. Konjunktiot voitaisiin laskea myös diskurssipartikkeleihin (puhekielisiin piirteisiin), koska niillä on selvästi puhetta ohjaileva funktio, jolloin ensimmäinen hypoteeseista osoittautuisi todeksi. Puhekielisten piirteiden määrä vaihtelee ohjelmatyypistä riippuen. Dokumentti sisältää paljon toistoa, joka voidaan jättää pois. Keskusteluohjelmassa on puolestaan paljon poisjätettyjä dialogipartikkeleita, jotka toimivat vastauksena kysymykseen tai lyhyinä kommentteina. Lastenohjelmassa poisjättöjen jakauma on tasaisin: mikään ryhmä ei prosentuaalisesti erotu joukosta. Poisjätettyjen informaatiota sisältävien osasten määrä ei myöskään ole merkittävä. Analyysin perusteella voidaankin sanoa, että kummatkin hypoteesit osoittautuivat todeksi.


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The subject of the thesis is the mediated construction of author images in popular music. In the study, the construction of images is treated as a process in which artists, the media and the members of the audience participate. The notions of presented, mediated and compiled author images are used in explaining the mediation process and the various authorial roles of the agents involved. In order to explore the issue more closely, I analyse the author images of a group of popular music artists representing the genres of rock, pop and electronic dance music. The analysed material consists mostly of written media texts through which the artists authorial roles and creative responsibilities are discussed. Theoretically speaking, the starting points for the examination lie in cultural studies and discourse analysis. Even though author images may be conceived as intertextual constructions, the artist is usually presented as a recognizable figure whose purpose is to give the music its public face. This study does not, then, deal with musical authors as such, but rather with their public images and mediated constructions. Because of the author-based functioning of popular music culture and the idea of the artist s individual creative power, the collective and social processes involved in the making of popular music are often superseded by the belief in a single, originating authorship. In addition to the collective practices of music making, the roles of the media and the marketing machinery complicate attempts to clarify the sharing of authorial contributions. As the case studies demonstrate, the differences between the examined author images are connected with a number of themes ranging from issues of auteurism and stardom to the use of masked imagery and the blending of authorial voices. Also the emergence of new music technologies has affected not only the ways in which music is made, but also how the artist s authorial status and artistic identity is understood. In the study at hand, the author images of auteurs, stars, DJs and sampling artists are discussed alongside such varied topics as collective authorship, evaluative hierarchies, visual promotion and generic conventions. Taken altogether, the examined case studies shed light on the functioning of popular music culture and the ways in which musical authorship is (re)defined.


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Tutkimuskohteenani on vuonna 1988 syntyneiden suomenkielisten suomalaisten nuorten historiakulttuuri ja historiatietoisuus. Tutkimustehtävä kiteytyi kolmeen pääkysymykseen: mitkä historian välittäjäkanavat vaikuttavat eniten nuorten käsityksiin menneisyydestä, millä tavoin ja kuinka usein nuoret törmäävät historiaan arkielämässään ja millaiset historialliset tapahtumat ovat nuorille merkityksellisiä. Tutkimusjoukko muodostui 1093 kahdeksasluokkalaisesta, jotka vastasivat lomakekyselyyn kevätlukukaudella 2003. Menetelmänä käytettiin ryväsotantaa. Kyselylomake sisälsi pääosin suljettuja kysymyksiä. Tutkimuksen metodit ovat pääosin kvantitatiivisia. Analyysissa käytettiin frekvenssilaskentaa, keskiarvojen vertailua sekä havainnollistuksena taulukoita ja pylväsdiagrammeja. Kvantitatiivisilla menetelmillä kartoitettiin yleiskuvaa nuorten historiakulttuurista sekä eroja tyttöjen ja poikien välillä. Kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta käytettiin avointen kysymysten kohdalla sekä analysoitaessa historian välittäjäkanavia julkisten ja kansanomaisten - oman, perheen ja suvun sisäisten sekä suvun ulkopuolisten - historian esityksinä. Nuorten historiatietoisuutta muokkaa eniten kouluopetus, jota vahvistaa median ylläpitämä julkinen historiakulttuuri. Viikoittaisissa historian kohtaamisissa poikien historiakulttuuria leimasivat tyttöjä enemmän julkiset historianesitykset - sanomalehdet ja visuaalinen eläytyminen television kautta - sekä historialliset roolipelit. Tyttöjen viikoittaisessa historian kohtaamisessa nousi voimakkaasti esille oman, henkilökohtaisen ja suvun historian käsittely päiväkirjan kirjoittamisen, muistoesineiden ja valokuvien kautta.Tytöt käyttävätkin historiaa oman elämänhistoriansa jäsentämisen sekä tradition siirtämisen tarkoituksessa. Nimenomaan heidän kauttaan näyttää elävän vahvana suvun muisteluperinne. Vaikka nuoret kohtaavat kansanomaisia historianesityksiä enemmän kuin julkista historiakulttuuria, heidän historiatietoisuutensa keskittyy jälkimmäiseen. He mieltävät tärkeäksi historiaksi lähinnä kansallisen menneisyyden ja historiakulttuurin julkiset muodot. Kouluopetuksen vaikutus näkyi nuorten vahvana uskona kansalliseen kertomukseen. Nuoret näkevät erityisen tärkeäksi Suomen itsenäisyyden ja Suomen sodat 1939-45 voitettuina itsenäisyyskamppailuina. Mannerheimia arvostettiin Suomen historian tärkeimpänä samaistumiskohteena ja Suomen sotien merkitys kulminoitui suvun jäsenten kohtaloiden ja kansallisen julkisen historian limittymiseen. Historian reseptiossa jatkotutkimuksen aiheita voisivat olla maaseudulla ja kaupungissa elävien nuorten historiakulttuurien erojen sekä erilaisten historiakulttuuristen alaryhmien hahmottaminen. Empiiristä kartoitusta ja vertailevaa tutkimusta voisi tehdä myös eri ikäryhmien historiakulttuurien välillä.


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In the autumn of 1997, Russian government was faced with media pressure when owners of the TV channels ORT and NTV joined forces against it. This study is based on media sources from October 1997 to December 1997. It shows clearly how the enormous power of the media was able to dictate what happened in Russia. In the mid-1990s Russians started to talk about political technology, which became a commonly used term by professionals, journalists, politicians and intelligence services. As a result of this action, two leading reformers in the government, Anatoliy Chubais and Boris Nemtsov, were dismissed from their highly influential posts as finance and energy ministers respectively, but retained their power as first deputy prime ministers. According to the correspondents, the real reason was to resolve a conflict within the parliament, which had demanded the dismissal of Mr. Chubais. This demand was presented after Chubais had accepted $90,000 as a reward for co-writing a book on privatization. Chubais was considered to be Russia’s “business card” towards the west – the"Authors’ case" (Delo avtorov) was only solved after President Boris Yeltsin took part in the public debate. According to the research, the media owned by powerful businessmen Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinski, was able to use its own security services to expose sensitive material (Russian term ‘kompromat’), if necessary, concerning any given person. The so-called Authors’ case can be considered as a part of the battle and the tip of the iceberg in arrangements designed to organize the funding of the Russian presidential election campaign in 2000. The reason why this particular incident was so widely covered on television was because several programs aimed to reveal to the public "hidden bribes" that, as they claimed, government officials had received. The political aspect, however, was quite mild, when the concrete issues of possible dismissals of Ministers were debated in the Parliament. Everything was dealt with as a “family matter” inside Kremlin. Yeltsin's "family" consisted of practically anybody from oligarch Berezovsky to Chubais, the father of Russia's privatization policy. Methods of critical history implementation analysis has been used in this research in determining the use of the source material. Literature and interviews have also provided a good base for the study. The study proves that any literature dealing with the subject has not paid enough attention to how the dismissal of Alexander Kazakov, deputy of President’s administration, was linked directly with Gazprom, the state gas monopoly. Kazakov had to leave Gazprom and lose his position as Chubais' ally when the influential ORT television company was deteriorated.


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Work stress is after musculoskeletal disorders the second most common work-related health problem in the European Union, affecting 28% of EU employees. Furthermore, a 50% excessive cardiovascular disease risk among employees with work stress is reported. High job demands combined with low job control according to the Job Demands-Job Control model, or high effort combined with low rewards according to Effort-Reward Imbalance model, are likely to produce work stress in the majority of employees. Atherosclerotic wall thickening is a validated marker of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. This study examined the role of childhood and adolescent factors as antecedents of work stress and early atherosclerosis, and in the relationship between them. The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study, (the CRYF project) started in 1980 when the participants were at the age of three to 18 years. Follow-ups have been conducted every three years until 1992, after that in 1997 and 2001, and the latest is ongoing in 2008. The participants parents reported their socioeconomic position in 1980 and 1983, and their life satisfaction in 1983. Biological risk factors were measured in 1980 and 2001. Type A behaviour was reported in 1986, 1989 and 2001. In the 2001 follow-up when the participants were aged 24 to 39, work stress was assessed from responses to questionnaires on job demands-job control and effort-reward imbalance, and education. Ultrasound measurement of the carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) was used to assess atherosclerosis. There were 755, 746, 1014 and 494 participants in studies I-IV, respectively. The results showed that low parental socioeconomic position and parental life dissatisfaction during childhood and adolescence predicted higher levels of job strain 18 years later, and that education mediated the relationship between parental socioeconomic position and job strain. Childhood and adolescent family factors were not related to the effort-reward imbalance. Parental life satisfaction was associated with high rewards at work among the men, and high parental socioeconomic position was associated with high reward among the women. Among the men, the eagerness-energy component of Type A behaviour across different developmental periods predicted increased CIMT. Among the women, hard-driving component of Type A behaviour predicted decreased CIMT. Low leadership characteristic in adolescence and early adulthood was associated with both high job strain and increased CIMT, and attenuated the relationship between job strain and CIMT to non-significance in men. The current findings add to the literature on the relationship between job strain and health literature in adopting a developmental perspective. The results imply that work stress does not completely originate from work. There are childhood and adolescent environmental and dispositional effects on work stress and CIMT several years later, and these partly seem to operate through educational attainment.


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This study examines Finnish student teachers' images of The Middle East conflict and its parties and medias' influence on these images. The research problems are 1) how student teachers understand the Middle East as a geographical and a cultural area 2) what kind of conceptions they have of the Middle East conflict and its parties; Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs and societies and religions closely connected to them and 3) how the media has influenced on these conceptions. Theoretical background of this study concerns with different mental images, their construction and meaning, stereotypes, intercultural competence, media and its influence as well as media literacy. The methods used in this study were survey and theme interview. Also headlines of the news were analysed. The survey was directed at student teachers of the University of Helsinki (n = 75). Six of them were interviewed. The survey was conducted in February and interviews were made in the turn of May and June 2003. The headlines analysed dealt with the Middle East conflict in the newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" in January, April and July 2003. Main results: Images of the Middle East area differed largely from respondent to another. Student teachers didn't know much about the Middle East conflict. Stereotypes occurred in the conceptions connected to the parties of the conflict. Stereotypes appeared especially in the negative conceptions of islam and muslims and one-sided conceptions of Arabs. The influence of the conflict was noticeable in conceptions related to Israelis, Israel and Palestinians. Palestinians were sympathized. Attitudes towards Israelis, Palestinians and Arabs were negative to some extend and their societies were not valued very equal, open or modern. On the basis of the research, student teachers' intercultural competence was not good enough. Media had influence on the conceptions. Also skills in critical use of media varied largely. Some trusted strongly in the objectivity of a picture and the news. It can be argued, on the grounds of the results, that teacher education should concentrate more on themes of intercultural competence and media literacy. These two are interrelated and are both needed in understanding and conceptualising the world.


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Background and aims. Fatness and dieting have been the object of interest between many fields for a long time. Home economics as a discipline enables a comprehensive inspection of fatness and dieting reviewing different disciplines. In addition to the aspect where the pursuit of dieting and health is seen from the perspective of medical and health science it is also been reviewd as a social and cultural phenomena. This study contemplates the influence of history, religion, medicalization and media on dieting and health culture. The objective is to find out if the modern dieting and health culture has gathered influences from centuries ago and absorbed religious features. The stress deriving from appereance has been discussed in the public and there are many solutions conserning weight issues. The purpose of this study is to find out what personal experiences and thoughts female pastors have conserning these questions. The media – which is one of the most influential systems nowadays – has undeniably a great effect on the consumer. The goal is furthermore to estimate the effect of the media on the changing of dieting and health culture. The three main research questions are: 1. What kind of conseptions do female pastors have of dieting and health culture and of its religious features? 2. What kind of personal experiences and conseptions do female pastors have of dieting and strivines of health? 3. How do female pastors regard the image the media has supplied of dieting and health culture? Material and methods. The qualitative data was gathered in year 2009 using the halfstructured theme interview -method. The data consists of interviews conducted with specialists of spiritual matters, i.e. ten female pastors who are between 35 and 60 years old and live in the metropolitan area. The analytical procedure used is called a theory based context analysis. Results and conclusions. Results of this study show that the idealization of slimness and healthiness is a matter discussed in the public on a daily basis. The problem faced was that the media provided contradictory information regarding fatness and dieting and the standard of slimness in commercials focused on females. The pursuit of dieting and healthiness was believed to include also religious elements. In the Middle Ages and the era after that the fatness, overeating and the pleasure one gets from eating was still seen as a condemnable matter in our culture. One could say this was like a sin. The respondents believed that healthiness, healthy living, optimal eating and good looks were a matter more or less equal than a religion. This was a derivative from the fact that treasuring health has become a life stearing value for many people. In the priest’s profession dieting and the pursuit of health was seen in the light of problems arising from weight issues. In ones profession for example the unhealthy eating in festive situations was seen as a matter that leads to unnecessary weight. Another aspect was the job circumstances that limited the degree of movement. The belief was that the female pastors would in a decreasing fashion confront stress deriving from appearence in their job. Keywords: dieting, fatness, healthiness, slimness, female pastors, religion, medicalization, media


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Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (KSHV) is an oncogenic human virus and the causative agent of three human malignancies: Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), Multicentric Castleman's Disease (MCD), and primary effusion lymphoma (PEL). In tumors, KSHV establishes latent infection during which it produces no infectious particles. Latently infected cells can enter the lytic replication cycle, and upon provision of appropriate cellular signals, produce progeny virus. PEL, commonly described in patients with AIDS, represents a diffuse large-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, with median survival time less than six months after diagnosis. As tumor suppressor gene TP53 mutations occur rarely in PEL, the aim of this thesis was to investigate whether non-genotoxic activation of the p53 pathway can eradicate malignant PEL cells. This thesis demonstrates that Nutlin-3, a small-molecule inhibitor of the p53-MDM2 interaction, efficiently restored p53 function in PEL cells, leading to cell cycle arrest and massive apoptosis. Furthermore, we found that KSHV infection activated DNA damage signaling, rendering the cells more sensitive to p53-dependent cell death. We also showed in vivo the therapeutic potential of p53 restoration that led to regression of subcutaneous and intraperitoneal PEL tumor xenografts without adversely affecting normal cells. Importantly, we demonstrated that in a small subset of intraperitoneal PEL tumors, spontaneous induction of viral reactivation dramatically impaired Nutlin-3-induced p53-mediated apoptosis. Accordingly, we found that elevated KSHV lytic transcripts correlated with PEL tumor burden in animals and that inhibition of viral reactivation in vitro restored cytotoxic activity of a small-molecule inhibitor of the p53-MDM2 interaction. Latency provides a unique opportunity for KSHV to escape host immune surveillance and to establish persistent infections. However, to maintain viral reservoirs and spread to other hosts, KSHV must be reactivated from latency and enter into the lytic growth phase. We showed that phosphorylation of nucleolar phosphoprotein nucleophosmin (NPM) by viral cyclin-CDK6 is critical for establishment and maintenance of the KSHV latency. In short, this study provides evidence that the switch between latent phase and lytic replication is a critical step that determines the outcome of viral infection and the pathogenesis of KSHV-induced malignancies. Our data may thus contribute to development of novel targeted therapies for intervention and treatment of KSHV-associated cancers.


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Various reasons, such as ethical issues in maintaining blood resources, growing costs, and strict requirements for safe blood, have increased the pressure for efficient use of resources in blood banking. The competence of blood establishments can be characterized by their ability to predict the volume of blood collection to be able to provide cellular blood components in a timely manner as dictated by hospital demand. The stochastically varying clinical need for platelets (PLTs) sets a specific challenge for balancing supply with requests. Labour has been proven a primary cost-driver and should be managed efficiently. International comparisons of blood banking could recognize inefficiencies and allow reallocation of resources. Seventeen blood centres from 10 countries in continental Europe, Great Britain, and Scandinavia participated in this study. The centres were national institutes (5), parts of the local Red Cross organisation (5), or integrated into university hospitals (7). This study focused on the departments of blood component preparation of the centres. The data were obtained retrospectively by computerized questionnaires completed via Internet for the years 2000-2002. The data were used in four original articles (numbered I through IV) that form the basis of this thesis. Non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA, II-IV) was applied to evaluate and compare the relative efficiency of blood component preparation. Several models were created using different input and output combinations. The focus of comparisons was on the technical efficiency (II-III) and the labour efficiency (I, IV). An empirical cost model was tested to evaluate the cost efficiency (IV). Purchasing power parities (PPP, IV) were used to adjust the costs of the working hours and to make the costs comparable among countries. The total annual number of whole blood (WB) collections varied from 8,880 to 290,352 in the centres (I). Significant variation was also observed in the annual volume of produced red blood cells (RBCs) and PLTs. The annual number of PLTs produced by any method varied from 2,788 to 104,622 units. In 2002, 73% of all PLTs were produced by the buffy coat (BC) method, 23% by aphaeresis and 4% by the platelet-rich plasma (PRP) method. The annual discard rate of PLTs varied from 3.9% to 31%. The mean discard rate (13%) remained in the same range throughout the study period and demonstrated similar levels and variation in 2003-2004 according to a specific follow-up question (14%, range 3.8%-24%). The annual PLT discard rates were, to some extent, associated with production volumes. The mean RBC discard rate was 4.5% (range 0.2%-7.7%). Technical efficiency showed marked variation (median 60%, range 41%-100%) among the centres (II). Compared to the efficient departments, the inefficient departments used excess labour resources (and probably) production equipment to produce RBCs and PLTs. Technical efficiency tended to be higher when the (theoretical) proportion of lost WB collections (total RBC+PLT loss) from all collections was low (III). The labour efficiency varied remarkably, from 25% to 100% (median 47%) when working hours were the only input (IV). Using the estimated total costs as the input (cost efficiency) revealed an even greater variation (13%-100%) and overall lower efficiency level compared to labour only as the input. In cost efficiency only, the savings potential (observed inefficiency) was more than 50% in 10 departments, whereas labour and cost savings potentials were both more than 50% in six departments. The association between department size and efficiency (scale efficiency) could not be verified statistically in the small sample. In conclusion, international evaluation of the technical efficiency in component preparation departments revealed remarkable variation. A suboptimal combination of manpower and production output levels was the major cause of inefficiency, and the efficiency did not directly relate to production volume. Evaluation of the reasons for discarding components may offer a novel approach to study efficiency. DEA was proven applicable in analyses including various factors as inputs and outputs. This study suggests that analytical models can be developed to serve as indicators of technical efficiency and promote improvements in the management of limited resources. The work also demonstrates the importance of integrating efficiency analysis into international comparisons of blood banking.


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Infection by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) occurs in approximately 95% of the world s population. EBV was the first human virus implicated in oncogenesis. Characteristic for EBV primary infection are detectable IgM and IgG antibodies against viral capsid antigen (VCA). During convalescence the VCA IgM disappears while the VCA IgG persists for life. Reactivations of EBV occur both among immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. In serological diagnosis, measurement of avidity of VCA IgG separates primary from secondary infections. However, in serodiagnosis of mononucleosis it is quite common to encounter, paradoxically, VCA IgM together with high-avidity VCA IgG, indicating past immunity. We determined the etiology of this phenomenon and found that, among patients with cytomegalovirus (CMV) primary infection a large proportion (23%) showed antibody profiles of EBV reactivation. In contrast, EBV primary infection did not appear to induce immunoreactivation of CMV. EBV-associated post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) is a life threatening complication of allogeneic stem cell or solid organ transplantation. PTLD may present with a diverse spectrum of clinical symptoms and signs. Due to rapidity of PTLD progression especially after stem cell transplantation, the diagnosis must be obtained quickly. Pending timely detection, the evolution of the fatal disease may be halted by reduction of immunosuppression. A promising new PTLD treatment (also in Finland) is based on anti-CD-20 monoclonal antibodies. Diagnosis of PTLD has been demanding because of immunosuppression, blood transfusions and the latent nature of the virus. We set up in 1999 to our knowledge first in Finland for any microbial pathogen a real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) for detection of EBV DNA in blood serum/plasma. In addition, we set up an in situ hybridisation assay for EBV RNA in tissue sections. In collaboration with a group of haematologists at Helsinki University Central Hospital we retrospectively determined the incidence of PTLD among 257 allogenic stem cell transplantations (SCT) performed during 1994-1999. Post-mortem analysis revealed 18 cases of PTLD. From a subset of PTLD cases (12/18) and a series of corresponding controls (36), consecutive samples of serum were studied by the new EBV-qPCR. All the PTLD patients were positive for EBV-DNA with progressively rising copy numbers. In most PTLD patients EBV DNA became detectable within 70 days of SCT. Of note, the appearance of EBV DNA preceded the PTLD symptoms (fever, lymphadenopathy, atypical lymphocytes). Among the SCT controls, EBV DNA occurred only sporadically, and the EBV-DNA levels remained relatively low. We concluded that EBV qPCR is a highly sensitive (100%) and specific (96%) new diagnostic approach. We also looked for and found risk factors for the development of PTLD. Together with a liver transplantation group at the Transplantation and Liver Surgery Clinic we wanted to clarify how often and how severely do EBV infections occur after liver transplantation. We studied by the EBV qPCR 1284 plasma samples obtained from 105 adult liver transplant recipients. EBV DNA was detected in 14 patients (13%) during the first 12 months. The peak viral loads of 13 asymptomatic patients were relatively low (<6600/ml), and EBV DNA subsided quickly from circulation. Fatal PTLD was diagnosed in one patient. Finally, we wanted to determine the number and clinical significance of EBV infections of various types occurring among a large, retrospective, nonselected cohort of allogenic SCT recipients. We analysed by EBV qPCR 5479 serum samples of 406 SCT recipients obtained during 1988-1999. EBV DNA was seen in 57 (14%) patients, of whom 22 (5%) showed progressively rising and ultimately high levels of EBV DNA (median 54 million /ml). Among the SCT survivors, EBV DNA was transiently detectable in 19 (5%) asymptomatic patients. Thereby, low-level EBV-DNA positivity in serum occurs relatively often after SCT and may subside without specific treatment. However, high molecular copy numbers (>50 000) are diagnostic for life-threatening EBV infection. We furthermore developed a mathematical algorithm for the prediction of development of life-threatening EBV infection.