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This study is about governance in contemporary China. The focus is on Qinghai Province, one of the twelve provincial-level units included in the western region development strategy launched in 2000 by the government of China. Qinghai, the subject of the case study, is not a very well-known province. Hence, this study is significant, because it provides new knowledge about the province of Qinghai, its governance and diverse challenges, and deepens one s overall knowledge regarding China. Qinghai province is one of the slowest developing regions of China. My research problem is to analyze to what extent provincial development correlates with the quality of governance. The central concept of this research is good governance. This dissertation employs a grounded theory approach while the theoretical framework of this study is built on the Three World s approach of analyzing the three main themes, namely, the environment, economic development, and cultural diversity, and to support the empirical work. Philosophical issues in the humanities and contemporary theories of governance are brought in to provide deeper understanding of governance, and to understand to what extent and how characteristics of good governance (derived from the Western canon) are combined with Chinese tradition. A qualitative research method is chosen to provide a deeper understanding of the contemporary challenges of Qinghai (and China) and to provide some insight into the role and impact of governance on provincial development. It also focuses on the Tibetan ethnic group in order to develop as full an understanding as possible about the province. The challenges faced by Qinghai concern in particular its environment, economic development, and cultural diversity, all of which are closely interrelated. The findings demonstrate that Qinghai Province is not a powerful actor, because it has weak communications with the central government and weak collaboration with its stakeholders and civil society. How Qinghai s provincial government conducts provincial development remains a key question in terms of shaping the province s future. The question is how is Qinghai s government best able to govern in a way that is beneficial for the people. This study demonstrates that this is a significant question that challenges governance everywhere, and particularly in China given the absence of democracy. This study provides the ingredients for reflection as to how provincial government can be motivated to choose to govern in a sustainable way, instead of leaning on growth factors with too little consideration about the impact on the environment and the people.
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship of the Roman villa to its environment. The villa was an important feature of the countryside intended both for agricultural production and for leisure. Manuals of Roman agriculture give instructions on how to select a location for an estate. The ideal location was a moderate slope facing east or south in a healthy area and good neighborhood, near good water resources and fertile soils. A road or a navigable river or the sea was needed for transportation of produce. A market for selling the produce, a town or a village, should have been nearby. The research area is the surroundings of the city of Rome, a key area for the development of the villa. The materials used consist of archaeological settlement sites, literary and epigraphical evidence as well as environmental data. The sites include all settlement sites from the 7th century BC to 5th century AD to examine changes in the tradition of site selection. Geographical Information Systems were used to analyze the data. Six aspects of location were examined: geology, soils, water resources, terrain, visibility/viewability and relationship to roads and habitation centers. Geology was important for finding building materials and the large villas from the 2nd century BC onwards are close to sources of building stones. Fertile soils were sought even in the period of the densest settlement. The area is rich in water, both rainfall and groundwater, and finding a water supply was fairly easy. A certain kind of terrain was sought over very long periods: a small spur or ridge shoulder facing preferably south with an open area in front of the site. The most popular villa resorts are located on the slopes visible from almost the entire Roman region. A visible villa served the social and political aspirations of the owner, whereas being in the villa created a sense of privacy. The area has a very dense road network ensuring good connectivity from almost anywhere in the region. The best visibility/viewability, dense settlement and most burials by roads coincide, creating a good neighborhood. The locations featuring the most qualities cover nearly a quarter of the area and more than half of the settlement sites are located in them. The ideal location was based on centuries of practical experience and rationalized by the literary tradition.
Tämän tutkielman aiheena on Psalmien kirjan meri ja sen suhde muinaisen Ugaritin teksteistä tunnettuun merenjumalaan tai antropomorfiseen mereen, Jammuun. Tutkielman tarkoitus on selvittää, voiko Vanhan testamentin psalmiteksteissä esiintyvän meren yhteydestä löytää jäänteitä Ugaritista tunnetusta Baal-jumalan länsiseemiläisestä vastustajasta, usein hirviömäiseksi kuvatusta Jammusta. Tutkimusmetodina on käytetty muotohistoriallista muoto- ja traditiokritiikkiä sekä ugaritinkielisen eeppisen runouden ja hepreankielisen psalmirunouden vertailevaa tutkimusta. Tutkielma jakaantuu kolmeen pääosaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan meren antropomorfista esittämistä psalmeissa. Monet meri-sanaan liitetyt verbit vaikuttavat inhimillistävän luonnonilmiötä, mutta monet antropomorfismit toimivat myös yksinkertaisesti kielikuvina. Joillakin tämän kategorian psalmeista saattaa olla temaattisia yhteyksiä Ugaritin teksteihin, mutta paralleelisia tekstikohtia ei löydy. Toisessa pääosassa tarkastellaan sitä, miten psalmien meri liittyy muinaisitämaiseen konfliktimyyttiin. Tässä yhteydessä käsitellään S?fin meren eli Kaislameren, meren halkaisemisen sekä mahdollisesti myyttisten suurten vetten tematiikkaa. Samassa pääkohdassa on käsitelty myös muita meri-sanan yhteydessä esiintyviä merihirviötä, kuten syvyys, Leviathan, Rahab, lohikäärme Tannin, käärme ja joki. Näistä osa vaikuttaa liittyvän myrskynjumalan ja antropomorfisen meren kamppailuun, osa puolestaan luojajumalan ja kaaoshirviön taisteluun. Traditiot ovat kuitenkin vaikeasti erotettavissa toisistaan, sillä luultavasti ne sekoittuivat jo ennen päätymistään hepreankielisten psalmien teksteihin. Selkeimmältä vaikuttavin yhtymäkohta Ugaritin teksteihin löytyy psalmeista, joissa meri mainitaan Leviatan-hirviön yhteydessä. Tekstuaalinen parallelismi Ugaritin Jammun ja Lotanin mainitseviin Ugaritin Baal-syklin kohtiin ei kuitenkaan ole täydellinen. Viimeisessä pääkohdassa käsitellään sitä, miten meren ja joen esiintyminen paralleelisissa psalmisäkeissä mahdollisesti liittyy muinaisseemiläiseen kuningasideologiaan. Ugaritin teksteissä Jammu esiintyy usein epiteettien “valtias meri, tuomari joki” muodossa. Konstruktio ei esiinny heprealaisissa psalmeissa, mutta Ugaritin tekstien tarjoama vertailumateriaali on usein huomioitu tarkasteltaessa psalmeja, joissa meri ja joki esiintyvät yhdessä. Varsinaisia tekstiparalleeleja ugaritinkieliseen myyttisuskonnolliseen runouteen ei näidenkään psalmien yhteydestä kuitenkaan löydy. Vaikka Ugaritin tekstien Jammun ja psalmien meren välillä on havaittu monenlaisia samankaltaisuuksia ja yhtäläisyyksiä, Psalmienkirjan meren yhteyttä länsiseemiläisen konfliktimyytin antropomorfiseen mereen ei kuitenkaan ole aukottomasti osoitettu toteen. Psalmien varhaiset sepittäjät ovat hyvinkin saattaneet käyttää tai lainata muinaista länsiseemiläistä myyttistä perinnettä, muokaten sitä oman yhteisönsä tarpeisiin sopivaksi. Heidän toimintansa on kuitenkin erotettava psalmien myöhempien välittäjien ja vakiinnuttajien toiminnasta, sillä näiden suhde mytologiseen perinteeseen on luultavasti ollut toisenlainen.
Relying on Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology of perception and on Mircea Eliade's works on the Sacred and the Profane, this study explores the river as a perceptual space and as the sacred Center in a cosmic vision of the world in twelve of Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio's fictional works, from The Interrogation (1963) to Revolutions (2003). In the first chapter, after introducing the field of study, I discuss the relation between the radical subjectivity and the evasiveness of perceiving subjects in Le Clézio's fiction. Next are some thoughts on the relation between Merleau-Ponty's and Le Clézio's ideas. The second chapter studies the river as an experience in the text, first as a topographical space, then as a sound world. The investigations move on to its water as a visual and a tactile phenomenon. Then follows the human use of the river, the (absence of) baths, and the river as a traveling space. The chapter closes with the study of the metaphorical use of the word, occurring mainly in urban space and for phenomena in the sky. The third chapter is organized around the river as the Center of the world in a religious cosmogony, where the river represents the origin of the world and of the human race. The core analysis shows how the middle of the river is a symbolic space of a new beginning. As a sacred space, the river abolishes time as the object of contemplation and as relative immobility from the point of view of a person drifting downstream. The functions of a new beginning and of abolition of time are combined in the symbolic immersions in the water. Finally, the dissertation explores other symbolical spaces, such as the unknown destination of the drift, and the river as the Center of a utopia. The chapter closes with the existential agony as a result of the elimination of the Center in the urban environment. In the final chapter, the river is compared to other watercourses : the creek, the brook and the rapids. The river is more of a spatial entity, whereas the actual water is more important in the smaller watercourses. The river is more common than the other watercourses as a topographical element in the landscape, whereas the minor watercourses invite the characters to a closer contact with their element, in immersions and in drinking their water. Finally, the work situates the rivers in a broader context of different fictional spaces in Le Clézio's text.