3 resultados para atrium

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Background: The incidence of all forms of congenital heart defects is 0.75%. For patients with congenital heart defects, life-expectancy has improved with new treatment modalities. Structural heart defects may require surgical or catheter treatment which may be corrective or palliative. Even those with corrective therapy need regular follow-up due to residual lesions, late sequelae, and possible complications after interventions. Aims: The aim of this thesis was to evaluate cardiac function before and after treatment for volume overload of the right ventricle (RV) caused by atrial septal defect (ASD), volume overload of the left ventricle (LV) caused by patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), and pressure overload of the LV caused by coarctation of the aorta (CoA), and to evaluate cardiac function in patients with Mulibrey nanism. Methods: In Study I, of the 24 children with ASD, 7 underwent surgical correction and 17 percutaneous occlusion of ASD. Study II had 33 patients with PDA undergoing percutaneous occlusion. In Study III, 28 patients with CoA underwent either surgical correction or percutaneous balloon dilatation of CoA. Study IV comprised 26 children with Mulibrey nanism. A total of 76 healthy voluntary children were examined as a control group. In each study, controls were matched to patients. All patients and controls underwent clinical cardiovascular examinations, two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) echocardiographic examinations, and blood sampling for measurement of natriuretic peptides prior to the intervention and twice or three times thereafter. Control children were examined once by 2D and 3D echocardiography. M-mode echocardiography was performed from the parasternal long axis view directed by 2D echocardiography. The left atrium-to-aorta (LA/Ao) ratio was calculated as an index of LA size. The end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions of LV as well as the end-diastolic thicknesses of the interventricular septum and LV posterior wall were measured. LV volumes, and the fractional shortening (FS) and ejection fraction (EF) as indices of contractility were then calculated, and the z scores of LV dimensions determined. Diastolic function of LV was estimated from the mitral inflow signal obtained by Doppler echocardiography. In three-dimensional echocardiography, time-volume curves were used to determine end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes, stroke volume, and EF. Diastolic and systolic function of LV was estimated from the calculated first derivatives of these curves. Results: (I): In all children with ASD, during the one-year follow-up, the z score of the RV end-diastolic diameter decreased and that of LV increased. However, dilatation of RV did not resolve entirely during the follow-up in either treatment group. In addition, the size of LV increased more slowly in the surgical subgroup but reached control levels in both groups. Concentrations of natriuretic peptides in patients treated percutaneously increased during the first month after ASD closure and normalized thereafter, but in patients treated surgically, they remained higher than in controls. (II): In the PDA group, at baseline, the end-diastolic diameter of LV measured over 2SD in 5 of 33 patients. The median N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (proBNP) concentration before closure measured 72 ng/l in the control group and 141 ng/l in the PDA group (P = 0.001) and 6 months after closure measured 78.5 ng/l (P = NS). Patients differed from control subjects in indices of LV diastolic and systolic function at baseline, but by the end of follow-up, all these differences had disappeared. Even in the subgroup of patients with normal-sized LV at baseline, the LV end-diastolic volume decreased significantly during follow-up. (III): Before repair, the size and wall thickness of LV were higher in patients with CoA than in controls. Systolic blood pressure measured a median 123 mm Hg in patients before repair (P < 0.001) and 103 mm Hg one year thereafter, and 101 mm Hg in controls. The diameter of the coarctation segment measured a median 3.0 mm at baseline, and 7.9 at the 12-month (P = 0.006) follow-up. Thicknesses of the interventricular septum and posterior wall of the LV decreased after repair but increased to the initial level one year thereafter. The velocity time integrals of mitral inflow increased, but no changes were evident in LV dimensions or contractility. During follow-up, serum levels of natriuretic peptides decreased correlating with diastolic and systolic indices of LV function in 2D and 3D echocardiography. (IV): In 2D echocardiography, the interventricular septum and LV posterior wall were thicker, and velocity time integrals of mitral inflow shorter in patients with Mulibrey nanism than in controls. In 3D echocardiography, LV end-diastolic volume measured a median 51.9 (range 33.3 to 73.4) ml/m² in patients and 59.7 (range 37.6 to 87.6) ml/m² in controls (P = 0.040), and serum levels of ANPN and proBNP a median 0.54 (range 0.04 to 4.7) nmol/l and 289 (range 18 to 9170) ng/l, in patients and 0.28 (range 0.09 to 0.72) nmol/l (P < 0.001) and 54 (range 26 to 139) ng/l (P < 0.001) in controls. They correlated with several indices of diastolic LV function. Conclusions (I): During the one-year follow-up after the ASD closure, RV size decreased but did not normalize in all patients. The size of the LV normalized after ASD closure but the increase in LV size was slower in patients treated surgically than in those treated with the percutaneous technique. Serum levels of ANPN and proBNP were elevated prior to ASD closure but decreased thereafter to control levels in patients treated with the percutaneous technique but not in those treated surgically. (II): Changes in LV volume and function caused by PDA disappeared by 6 months after percutaneous closure. Even the children with normal-sized LV benefited from the procedure. (III): After repair of CoA, the RV size and the velocity time integrals of mitral inflow increased, and serum levels of natriuretic peptides decreased. Patients need close follow-up, despite cessation of LV pressure overload, since LV hypertrophy persisted even in normotensive patients with normal growth of the coarctation segment. (IV): In children with Mulibrey nanism, the LV wall was hypertrophied, with myocardial restriction and impairment of LV function. Significant correlations appeared between indices of LV function, size of the left atrium, and levels of natriuretic peptides, indicating that measurement of serum levels of natriuretic peptides can be used in the clinical follow-up of this patient group despite its dependence on loading conditions.


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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common tachyarrhythmia and is associated with substantial morbidity, increased mortality and cost. The treatment modalities of AF have increased, but results are still far from optimal. More individualized therapy may be beneficial. Aiming for this calls improved diagnostics. Aim of this study was to find non-invasive parameters obtained during sinus rhythm reflecting electrophysiological patterns related to propensity to AF and particularly to AF occurring without any associated heart disease, lone AF. Overall 240 subjects were enrolled, 136 patients with paroxysmal lone AF and 104 controls (mean age 45 years, 75% males). Signal measurements were performed by non-invasive magnetocardiography (MCG) and by invasive electroanatomic mapping (EAM). High-pass filtering techniques and a new method based on a surface gradient technique were adapted to analyze atrial MCG signal. The EAM was used to elucidate atrial activation in patients and as a reference for MCG. The results showed that MCG mapping is an accurate method to detect atrial electrophysiologic properties. In lone paroxysmal AF, duration of the atrial depolarization complex was marginally prolonged. The difference was more obvious in women and was also related to interatrial conduction patterns. In the focal type of AF (75%), the root mean square (RMS) amplitudes of the atrial signal were normal, but in AF without demonstrable triggers the late atrial RMS amplitudes were reduced. In addition, the atrial characteristics tended to remain similar even when examined several years after the first AF episodes. The intra-atrial recordings confirmed the occurrence of three distinct sites of electrical connection from right to left atrium (LA): the Bachmann bundle (BB), the margin of the fossa ovalis (FO), and the coronary sinus ostial area (CS). The propagation of atrial signal could also be evaluated non-invasively. Three MCG atrial wave types were identified, each of which represented a distinct interatrial activation pattern. In conclusion, in paroxysmal lone AF, active focal triggers are common, atrial depolarization is slightly prolonged, but with a normal amplitude, and the arrhythmia does not necessarily lead to electrical or mechanical dysfunction of the atria. In women the prolongation of atrial depolarization is more obvious. This may be related to gender differences in presentation of AF. A significant minority of patients with lone AF lack frequent focal triggers, and in them, the late atrial signal amplitude is reduced, possibly signifying a wider degenerative process in the LA. In lone AF, natural impulse propagation to LA during sinus rhythm goes through one or more of the principal pathways described. The BB is the most common route, but in one-third, the earliest LA activation occurs outside the BB. Susceptibility to paroxysmal lone AF is associated with propagation of the atrial signal via the margin of the FO or via multiple pathways. When conduction occurs via the BB, it is related with prolonged atrial activation. Thus, altered and alternative conduction pathways may contribute to pathogenesis of lone AF. There is growing evidence of variability in genesis of AF also within lone paroxysmal AF. Present study suggests that this variation may be reflected in cardiac signal pattern. Recognizing the distinct signal profiles may assist in understanding the pathogenesis of AF and identifying subgroups for patient-tailored therapy.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee pompejilaisessa yksityistalossa ollutta puutarhaa, jota kiertää pylväskäytävä tai useampia. Tätä tilaa kutsutaan peristyylipuutarhaksi. Peristyyli oli tärkeä osa roomalaisen ja siis myös pompejilaisen talon julkista osaa. Se oli avoin vierailijoille, siksi voidaan olettaa, että peristyylipuutarhalla olisi haluttu esittää omaa vaurautta ja sosiaalista asemaa. Työni keskittyy siihen, miten talon asukkaan varallisuus ja sosiaalinen asema näkyvät peristyylipuutarhassa. Tutkin myös, mitä muuta peristyyli viestii omistajastaan. Tutkimukseni liitteenä on lista Pompejin yksityistalojen peristyyleistä ja niiden tiedoista. Niitä vertailemalla analysoin sitä, millainen tila peristyylipuutarha on ollut. Aineistona tutkielmassani ovat konkreettisesti Pompejin yksityistalojen peristyylipuutarhat ja niiden rakenteet sekä arkeologiset löydöt. Peristyylipuutarhoja on 168 kappaletta. Lisäksi seinämaalaukset ja piirtokirjoitukset välittävät tietoa niin peristyylistä kuin sen omistajasta. Tiedot peristyyleistä olen kerännyt tutkimuskirjallisuudesta löytyneistä luetteloista, joissa on tietoa Pompejin taloista ja puutarhoista. Murto-osassa peristyylipuutarhoista olen käynyt ja kerännyt niistä tietoa työhöni. Huomioin antiikin kirjallisen tradition, sen käsitellessä aihettani. Ensimmäisenä käsittelen peristyylipuutarhaa arkkitehtuurin kannalta. Tutkin, mihin peristyyli on sijoitettu pompejilaisessa talossa ja millaisia arkkitehtonisia ratkaisuja tilassa on käytetty. Peristyyli on usein talon ovelta avautuvalla näköakselilla, joka leikkaa läpi talon tärkeimpien julkisten tilojen. Ne ovat atrium eli eteishalli, tablinum eli vastaanottohuone ja peristyylipuutarha. Aina peristyyli ei ole tällä akselilla. Joissain taloissa peristyyli voi olla atriumin tai tablinumin paikalla. Pompejin peristyyleissä on pylväskäytäviä yhdestä neljään. Usein puutarhaosa on erotettu pylväskäytävistä aidalla. Seuraavaksi tutkin peristyylipuutarhasta löytyneitä rakenteita, irtaimistoa, kasveja ja istutuksia. Tarkastelen näiden yleisyyttä ja sitä, mitä ne kertovat peristyylin käyttötarkoituksesta. Puutarhoissa on ollut vesikouruja, kaivoja, altaita, suihkulähteitä, vesisäiliöitä ja niiden suuaukkojen renkaita. Kiinteitä rakennelmia ovat tricliniumit eli oleskelu- ja ruokailuryhmät, kotijumalien pyhäköt, alttarit, nissit ja katokset. Irtaimia löytöjä on peristyyleissä monenlaisia. Yleisimpiä ovat pöydät, aurinkokellot, lamput, amforat ja erilaiset astiat sekä ruukut. Kasveja on huomioitu vähän Pompejin kaivauksissa, mutta peristyylipuutarhoista on löytynyt merkkejä puista ja pensaista sekä säännöllisistä ja epäsäännöllisistä istutuksista. Viimeisenä käsittelen peristyylipuutarhan koristelua, ja minkälaisen kuvan se välittää talon omistajasta. Puutarhoissa oli veistoksia ja seinämaalauksia. Molemmissa käsitellään luontoaiheita, jotka ovat helposti liitettävissä puutarhaan. Suosittuja ovat myös mytologiset aiheet. Veistoskoristelussa selkeästi yleisin on viinin jumala Dionysos ja häneen liittyvät hahmot. Myös muita jumaluuksia esiintyy kuten Venus. Se ja Dionysos liitettiin antiikissa luontoon ja puutarhaan. Peristyylipuutarha oli monipuolinen tila, jossa eri elämänalueet kohtasivat toisensa. Peristyyleissä voitiin työskennellä. Puutarhaosa saattoi olla hyötykäytössä esimerkiksi kasvimaana. Peristyylissä tai sen ympäristössä oleskeltiin, juhlittiin ja viihdytettiin vieraita, siksi siellä esitettiin omaa varakkuutta runsaalla veistoskoristelulla, altailla ja suihkulähteillä. Jo laaja pinta-alainen peristyyli oli osoitus vauraudesta. Aina ei haluttu näyttää varakkuutta, vaan joskus koristeellinen peristyyli oli syrjässä talon ovelta avautuvalta näköakselilta. Uskonto oli osa peristyyliä, vaikka uskonnon harjoittamiseen liittyvät rakenteet sijoitettiin yleensä talon muihin tiloihin. Uskonto ja mytologia ovat kuitenkin vahvasti läsnä peristyylien koristelussa. Selkeitä poliittisia viittauksia peristyylipuutarhoissa on vähän, mutta roomalaisia piirteitä niissä voidaan havaita. Roomalaiset vaikutteet peristyylin koristelussa ja arkkitehtuurissa viestittävät mahdollisesti talon omistajan roomalaismielisyydestä. Roomalaiset piirteet ovat myös olleet trendejä aikakauden peristyyleissä.