3 resultados para Saramago, José, 1922-2010
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The Birth of the Minority State Church Development of the legal relationship between the state of Finland and the Finnish Orthodox Church 1917 1922 Mika Nokelainen, University of Helsinki, Finland. The present research seeks to explain how the legal relationship developed between the state of Finland and the Orthodox Church of Finland. The main focus is on three statutes: 1) the Statute of the Orthodox Church in Finland as stated by Prime Minister J. K. Paasikivi s cabinet in November 1918, 2) The Republican Constitution of July 1919 and 3) The Freedom of Religion Act of 1923. This study examines how different political goals influenced the three statutes mentioned above. Another important factor that is taken into account is the attitude of the Lutheran Church of Finland, the church of the national majority, towards the Orthodox minority and its judicial position in the country. Finland became independent in December 1917, in the aftermath of the November Revolution in Russia. The Orthodox Church already had hundreds of years of history in Finland. In the 19th century, several statutes by emperors of Russia had made the Orthodox Church an official state church of Finland. Due to the long history of the Orthodox Church in Finland, Prime Minister Paasikivi s cabinet made the decision to support the church in the spring of 1918. Furthermore, the cabinet s goal to occupy East Karelia increased its willingness to support the church. The Finnish-national Orthodox Church was needed to educate the East-Karelians. A new statute on the Orthodox Church in Finland came into force in November 1918, reorganising the administration, economy and legal relationship between the church and state in Finland. With this statue, the cabinet gained some authority over the church. Sections of this statute made possible, for example, the cabinet s interference in the internal affairs of the church. The Republican Constitution of 1919 included the principle of freedom of religion. The state, which previously had been Lutheran, now became non-denominational. However, the Republican Constitution explicitly mentioned the Lutheran as well as the Orthodox Church, which indirectly confirmed the position of the Orthodox Church as the second state church of Finland. This position was finally confirmed by the Freedom of Religion Act in 1923. In general, the Lutheran Church of Finland did not resist the judicial position of the Orthodox Church. However, some Lutherans regarded the Orthodox Church with suspicion because of its intimate connection with Russia.
Tutkimuksen tehtävänä oli selvittää, minkälaista oli kirkollinen työ koulutuspurjehduksella miinalaiva Pohjanmaalla vuonna 2010 ja miten koulutuspurjehdukselle osallistuneet olivat kokeneet sen. Kirkolliseen työhön puolustusvoimissa kuuluu julistus, opetus ja sielunhoito. Koulutuspurjehduksella pääosassa on sotilaspapin tekemä sielunhoitotyö. Itsenäisen Suomen laivastossa koulutuspurjehdukset alkoivat 1930-luvulla ja pappi on ollut aina mukana pitkillä purjehduksilla. Ennen vuoden 2010 koulutuspurjehdusta tehtiin yhdeksän taustahaastattelua, joiden tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa seuraavia osa-alueita: mikä on koulutuspurjehdus, millainen sosiaalinen yhteisö miinalaiva on, millainen sotilashierarkia koulutuspurjehduksella on, millainen on sotilaspapin asema sotilashierarkiassa ja mitä papilta odotetaan koulutuspurjehduksella ja mitä pappi tekee koulutuspurjehduksella. Varsinainen tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeilla koulutuspurjehduksen aikana. Vastaajilta kysyttiin erilaisia taustatietoja, kuten: ikä, perhesuhteet, uskonnollinen vakaumus, odotukset kirkollista työtä kohtaan sekä huolenaiheet, jotka olivat ilmenneet koulutuspurjehduksen aikana. Nämä toimivat aineistossa taustamuuttujina. Näitä taustamuuttujia testattiin vastaajien kokemuksiin kirkollisesta työstä ja sotilaspappeudesta. Kyselylomakkeessa oli myös avoimia kysymyksiä, joiden vastaukset analysoitiin kvalitatiivisesti. Kyselylomakkeiden kvantitatiivisen ja kvalitatiivisen analysoinnin jälkeen tehtiin vielä neljä haastattelua. Näissä haastatteluissa haettiin tarkennuksia määrällisessä analyysissa esiintyneisiin erityispiirteisiin. Vastaajista vain osa (13 %) keskusteli luottamuksellisesti papin kanssa. Yksi tutkimustulos oli se, että suurin osa (93 %) vastaajista oli sitä mieltä, että on hyvä asia, että kaikilla halukkailla on mahdollisuus keskustella luottamuksellisesti papin kanssa, jos tarvetta siihen ilmenee. Papin läsnäoloa pidettiin tärkeänä ja osa jopa toivoi lisää papin näkyvyyttä. Jumalanpalvelusten ja hartauksien määrään suurin osa oli tyytyväinen, eikä niitä toivottu enempää. Yhtä merkittävä tutkimustulos oli myös se, että papin läsnäolon tärkeyden lisäksi tärkeämpää on se, millainen pappi on. Pappi on osa sotilashierarkiaa, mutta silti hiukan erillään siitä. Pappiin, tai lähinnä hänen persoonaansa kohdistuu paljon odotuksia. Sotilaspapin toivottiin olevan läsnä, avoin, sosiaalinen, sopeutuva, ei liian jyrkkä eikä ahdasmielinen.
It has been found usually to talk in the early childhood education in connection with the creativity about arts and skills and about play. In this treatise, the creativity is approached besides play but also from the point of view of the creativity of the everyday. The starting point for the study is the view according to which the creativity is complex interaction between a creative person and an environment. The theoretical body of the study is the Componential theory of creativity of Amabile (1996). The process which is open and product which is new and suitable or acceptable were defined creative. In the opinion of many researchers, the creativity is a phenomenon that has determined in a certain time and place so the creativity is examined from the point of view of the social constructionism. As creative processes in the day nursery it has been defined pretend play, child´s involvement and children´s agentive perception which is based on the Children´s agentive perception theory of Reunamo (2007). The purpose of the study is to clarify how the child's personal factors and the social environment affect the creative processes of children in the day nursery. This Master's thesis is based on the Children' s agentive perception uncovered study led by Jyrki Reunamo (2010) which was carried out in the spring of 2010 in Keski-Uusimaa and in Hämeenlinna and Taiwan. From the study, a name has also been used "on the sources of Orientation", a research project and development project. The study includes the children's evaluation sector, the observation sector, the children's interview sector and the evaluation sector of the pedagogic environment. 891 Children 1-7 year-old by age participated in the study. All the sectors which belong to the study of Reunamo were utilized in this treatise and the Finnish day nurseries or preschool groups which had participated in the study were marked off as the target group. The main component analysis, sum variables, the correlation coefficients, Mann-Whitney s U-test and Kruskall-Wallas test were used for the statistical examination of the quantitative material. In this treatise it was noticed, both the personal properties of the child and a social environment, that they affected all the examined creative processes which also had a significant connection with each other statistically. The definition of creativity was filled best by the participative answers. However, the number of the participative answers was only 8% in the questions concerning adults. That raised the question whether an attempt should be made to have effect so that the children's better participation also in the interaction with the adults would be possible in the educational culture of the day nursery. In the further study, the conscious building of the social environment which supports the creativity from a social constructionism point of view could indeed be an interesting task. The treatise is suitable for an examination of the interaction between the child's person and a social environment especially from the point of view of the creativity.