em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a malignant clonal blood disease that originates from a pluripotent hematopoietic stem cell. The cytogenetic hallmark of CML, the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph), is formed as a result of reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22, which leads to a formation of a chimeric BCR-ABL fusion gene. The BCR-ABL protein is a constitutively active tyrosine kinase that changes the adhesion properties of cells, constitutively activates mitogenic signaling, enhances cell proliferation and reduces apoptosis. This results in leukemic growth and the clinical disease, CML. With the advent of targeted therapies against the BCR-ABL fusion protein, the treatment of CML has changed considerably during the recent decade. In this thesis, the clinical significance of different diagnostic methods and new prognostic factors in CML have been assessed. First, the association between two different methods for measuring CML disease burden (the RQ-PCR and the high mitotic index metaphase FISH) was assessed in bone marrow and peripheral blood samples. The correlation between positive RQ-PCR and metaphase FISH samples was high. However, RQ-PCR was more sensitive and yielded measurable transcripts in 40% of the samples that were negative by metaphase FISH. The study established a laboratory-specific conversion factor for setting up the International Scale when standardizing RQ-PCR measurements. Secondly, the amount of minimal residual disease (MRD) after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) was determined. For this, metaphase FISH was done for the bone marrow samples of 102 CML patients. Most (68%), had no residual cells during the entire follow-up time. Some (12 %) patients had minor (<1%) MRD which decreased even further with time, whereas 19% had a progressive rise in MRD that exceeded 1% or had more than 1% residual cells when first detected. Residual cells did not become eradicated spontaneously if the frequency of Ph+ cells exceeded 1% during follow-up. Next, the impact of deletions in the derivative chromosome 9, was examined. Deletions were observed in 15% of the CML patients who later received alloHSCT. After alloHSCT, there was no difference in the total relapse rate in patients with or without deletions. Nor did the estimates of overall survival, transplant-related mortality, leukemia-free survival and relapse-free time show any difference between these groups. When conventional treatment regimens are used, the der(9) status could be an important criterion, in conjunction with other prognostic factors, when allogeneic transplantation is considered. The significance of der(9) deletions for patients treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors is not clear and requires further investigation. In addition to the der(9) status of the patient, the significance of bone marrow lymphocytosis as a prognostic factor in CML was assessed. Bone marrow lymphocytosis during imatinib therapy was a positive predictive factor and heralded optimal response. When combined with major cytogenetic response at three months of treatment, bone marrow lymphocytosis predicted a prognostically important major molecular response at 18 months of imatinib treatment. Although the validation of these findings is warranted, the determination of the bone marrow lymphocyte count could be included in the evaluation of early response to imatinib treatment already now. Finally, BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations were studied in CML patients resistant against imatinib treatment. Point mutations detected in the kinase domain were the same as previously reported, but other sequence variants, e.g. deletions or exon splicing, were also found. The clinical significance of the other variations remains to be determined.


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Human central nervous system (CNS) tumors are a heterogeneous group of tumors occurring in brain, brainstem and spinal cord. Malignant gliomas (astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors), which arise from the neuroepithelial cells are the most common CNS neoplasms in human. Malignant gliomas are highly aggressive and invasive tumors, and have a very poor prognosis. The development and progression of gliomas involve a stepwise accumulation of genetic alterations that generally affect either signal transduction pathways activated by receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs), or cell cycle arrest pathways. Constitutive activation or deregulated signaling by RTKs is caused by gene amplification, overexpression or mutations. The aberrant RTK signaling results in turn in the activation of several downstream pathways, which ultimately lead to malignant transformation and tumor proliferation. Many genetic abnormalities implicated in nervous system tumors involve the genes located at the chromosomal region 4q12. This locus harbors the receptor tyrosine kinases KIT, PDGFRA and VEGFR2, and other genes (REST, LNX1) with neural function. Gene amplification and protein expression of KIT, PDGFRA, and VEGFR2 was studied using clinical tumor material. REST and LNX1, as well as NUMBL, the interaction partner of LNX1, were studied for their gene mutations and amplifications. In our studies, amplification of LNX1 was associated with KIT and PDGFRA amplification in glioblastomas, and coamplification of KIT, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 was detected in medulloblastomas and CNS primitive neuroectodermal tumors. PDGFRA amplification was also correlated with poor overall survival. Coamplification of KIT, PDGFRA and VEGFR2 was observed in a subset of human astrocytic and oligodendroglial tumors. We suggest that genes at 4q12 could be a part of a larger amplified region, which is deregulated in gliomas, and could be used as a prognostic marker of tumorigenic process. The signaling pathways activated due to gene amplifications, activating gene mutations, and overexpressed proteins may be useful as therapeutic targets for glioma treatment. This study also includes the characterization of KIT overexpressing astrocytes, analyzed by various in vitro functional assays. Our results show that overexpression of KIT in mouse astrocytes promotes cell proliferation and anchorage-independent growth, as well as phenotypic changes in the cells. Furthermore, the increased proliferation is partly inhibited by imatinib, a small molecule inhibitor of KIT. These results suggest that KIT may play a role in astrocyte growth regulation, and might have an oncogenic role in brain tumorigenesis. Elucidation of the altered signaling pathways due to specific gene amplifications, activating gene mutations, and overexpressed proteins may be useful as therapeutic targets for glioma treatment.


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Large-scale chromosome rearrangements such as copy number variants (CNVs) and inversions encompass a considerable proportion of the genetic variation between human individuals. In a number of cases, they have been closely linked with various inheritable diseases. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are another large part of the genetic variance between individuals. They are also typically abundant and their measuring is straightforward and cheap. This thesis presents computational means of using SNPs to detect the presence of inversions and deletions, a particular variety of CNVs. Technically, the inversion-detection algorithm detects the suppressed recombination rate between inverted and non-inverted haplotype populations whereas the deletion-detection algorithm uses the EM-algorithm to estimate the haplotype frequencies of a window with and without a deletion haplotype. As a contribution to population biology, a coalescent simulator for simulating inversion polymorphisms has been developed. Coalescent simulation is a backward-in-time method of modelling population ancestry. Technically, the simulator also models multiple crossovers by using the Counting model as the chiasma interference model. Finally, this thesis includes an experimental section. The aforementioned methods were tested on synthetic data to evaluate their power and specificity. They were also applied to the HapMap Phase II and Phase III data sets, yielding a number of candidates for previously unknown inversions, deletions and also correctly detecting known such rearrangements.


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The basis of this work was the identification of a genomic region on chromosome 7p14-p15 that strongly associated with asthma and high serum total immunoglobulin E in a Finnish founder population from Kainuu. Using a hierarchical genotyping approach the linkage region was narrowed down until an evolutionary collectively inherited 133-kb haplotype block was discovered. The results were confirmed in two independent data sets: Asthma families from Quebec and allergy families from North-Karelia. In all the three cohorts studied, single nucleotide polymorphisms tagging seven common gene variants (haplotypes) were identified. Over half of the asthma patients carried three evolutionary closely related susceptibility haplotypes as opposed to approximately one third of the healthy controls. The risk effects of the gene variants varied from 1.4 to 2.5. In the disease-associated region, there was one protein-coding gene named GPRA (G Protein-coupled Receptor for Asthma susceptibility also known as NPSR1) which displayed extensive alternative splicing. Only the two isoforms with distinct intracellular tail sequences, GPRA-A and -B, encoded a full-length G protein-coupled receptor with seven transmembrane regions. Using various techniques, we showed that GPRA is expressed in multiple mucosal surfaces including epithelial cells throughout the respiratory tract. GPRA-A has additional expression in respiratory smooth muscle cells. However, in bronchial biopsies with unknown haplotypes, GPRA-B was upregulated in airways of all patient samples in contrast to the lack of expression in controls. Further support for GPRA as a common mediator of inflammation was obtained from a mouse model of ovalbumin-induced inflammation, where metacholine-induced airway hyperresponsiveness correlated with elevated GPRA mRNA levels in the lung and increased GPRA immunostaining in pulmonary macrophages. A novel GPRA agonist, Neuropeptide S (NPS), stimulated phagocytosis of Esterichia coli bacteria in a mouse macrophage cell line indicating a role for GPRA in the removal of inhaled allergens. The suggested GPRA functions prompted us to study, whether GPRA haplotypes associate with respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) in infants sharing clinical symptoms with asthma. According to the results, near-term RDS and asthma may also share the same susceptibility and protective GPRA haplotypes. As in asthma, GPRA-B isoform expression was induced in bronchial smooth muscle cells in RDS and BPD suggesting a role for GPRA in bronchial hyperresponsiveness. In conclusion, the results of the present study suggest that the dysregulation of the GPRA/NPS pathway may not only be limited to the individuals carrying the risk variants of the gene but is also involved in the regulation of immune functions of asthma.


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is one of the most studied human malignancies. It is caused by an autonomously active tyrosine kinase BCR-ABL, which is a result from a translocation between chromosomes 9 and 22 in the hematopoietic stem cell. As an outcome, a Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome is formed. BCR-ABL causes disturbed cell proliferation among other things. Although targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor therapy has been developed in the beginning of the millenium and the survival rate has increased significantly, it is still not known why some patients benefit more from the treatment than others. Furthermore, the therapy is not considered to be curative. Before the era of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, the first-line treatment for CML was interferon-? (IFN-?). However, only a small proportion of patients benefitted from the treatment. Of these patients, a few were able to discontinue the treatment without renewal of the disease. The mechanism of IFN-? is not completely understood, but it is believed that differences in the immune system can be one of the reasons why some patients have better therapy response. Kreutzman, Rohon et al. have recently discovered that patients who have been able to stop IFN-? treatment have an increased number of NK- and T-cells. They also have a unique clonal T-cell population and more cytotoxic CD8+ T-cells and less CD4+ T-cells. The aim of this master’s thesis was to study the function of T- and NK-cells in IFN-? treated patients. Although it was shown earlier that IFN-? treated patients have increased NK-cell count, the function of these cells was unknown. Therefore, we have now investigated the killing potential of patients’ NK-cells, their activation status and cell surface antigen expression. In addition, we have also studied the activation status of patients’ T-cells and their cytotoxic properties. We observed that NK-cells from patients treated with IFN-? are unable to kill leukemic cells (K562) than NK-cells from healthy controls. In addition, patients on IFN-? treatment have more active T-cells and their NK-cells have an undifferentiated immunoregulatory phenotype. Patients that have been able to stop the treatment have anergic T-and NK-cells. As a conclusion our results suggest that IFN-? therapy induces increased NK-cell count, NK-cell immunoregulatory functions and more active T-cells. After stopping IFN-? therapy, NK- and T-cells from CML patients restore anergy typical for CML.