3 resultados para Multi-drug resistance

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most important bacteria that cause disease in humans, and methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) has become the most commonly identified antibiotic-resistant pathogen in many parts of the world. MRSA rates have been stable for many years in the Nordic countries and the Netherlands with a low MRSA prevalence in Europe, but in the recent decades, MRSA rates have increased in those low-prevalence countries as well. MRSA has been established as a major hospital pathogen, but has also been found increasingly in long-term facilities (LTF) and in communities of persons with no connections to the health-care setting. In Finland, the annual number of MRSA isolates reported to the National Infectious Disease Register (NIDR) has constantly increased, especially outside the Helsinki metropolitan area. Molecular typing has revealed numerous outbreak strains of MRSA, some of which have previously been associated with community acquisition. In this work, data on MRSA cases notified to the NIDR and on MRSA strain types identified with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), multilocus sequence typing (MLST), and staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing at the National Reference Laboratory (NRL) in Finland from 1997 to 2004 were analyzed. An increasing trend in MRSA incidence in Finland from 1997 to 2004 was shown. In addition, non-multi-drug resistant (NMDR) MRSA isolates, especially those resistant only to methicillin/oxacillin, showed an emerging trend. The predominant MRSA strains changed over time and place, but two internationally spread epidemic strains of MRSA, FIN-16 and FIN-21, were related to the increase detected most recently. Those strains were also one cause of the strikingly increasing invasive MRSA findings. The rise of MRSA strains with SCCmec types IV or V, possible community-acquired MRSA was also detected. With questionnaires, the diagnostic methods used for MRSA identification in Finnish microbiology laboratories and the number of MRSA screening specimens studied were reviewed. Surveys, which focused on the MRSA situation in long-term facilities in 2001 and on the background information of MRSA-positive persons in 2001-2003, were also carried out. The rates of MRSA and screening practices varied widely across geographic regions. Part of the NMDR MRSA strains could remain undetected in some laboratories because of insufficient diagnostic techniques used. The increasing proportion of elderly population carrying MRSA suggests that MRSA is an emerging problem in Finnish long-term facilities. Among the patients, 50% of the specimens were taken on a clinical basis, 43% on a screening basis after exposure to MRSA, 3% on a screening basis because of hospital contact abroad, and 4% for other reasons. In response to an outbreak of MRSA possessing a new genotype that occurred in a health care ward and in an associated nursing home of a small municipality in Northern Finland in autumn 2003, a point-prevalence survey was performed six months later. In the same study, the molecular epidemiology of MRSA and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) strains were also assessed, the results to the national strain collection compared, and the difficulties of MRSA screening with low-level oxacillin-resistant isolates encountered. The original MRSA outbreak in LTF, which consisted of isolates possessing a nationally new PFGE profile (FIN-22) and internationally rare MLST type (ST-27), was confined. Another previously unrecognized MRSA strain was found with additional screening, possibly indicating that current routine MRSA screening methods may be insufficiently sensitive for strains possessing low-level oxacillin resistance. Most of the MSSA strains found were genotypically related to the epidemic MRSA strains, but only a few of them had received the SCCmec element, and all those strains possessed the new SCCmec type V. In the second largest nursing home in Finland, the colonization of S. aureus and MRSA, and the role of screening sites along with broth enrichment culture on the sensitivity to detect S. aureus were studied. Combining the use of enrichment broth and perineal swabbing, in addition to nostrils and skin lesions swabbing, may be an alternative for throat swabs in the nursing home setting, especially when residents are uncooperative. Finally, in order to evaluate adequate phenotypic and genotypic methods needed for reliable laboratory diagnostics of MRSA, oxacillin disk diffusion and MIC tests to the cefoxitin disk diffusion method at both +35°C and +30°C, both with or without an addition of sodium chloride (NaCl) to the Müller Hinton test medium, and in-house PCR to two commercial molecular methods (the GenoType® MRSA test and the EVIGENETM MRSA Detection test) with different bacterial species in addition to S. aureus were compared. The cefoxitin disk diffusion method was superior to that of oxacillin disk diffusion and to the MIC tests in predicting mecA-mediated resistance in S. aureus when incubating at +35°C with or without the addition of NaCl to the test medium. Both the Geno Type® MRSA and EVIGENETM MRSA Detection tests are usable, accurate, cost-effective, and sufficiently fast methods for rapid MRSA confirmation from a pure culture.


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Suurin ongelma syöpätautien lääkehoidossa on sen aiheuttamat toksiset sivuvaikutukset. Tyypillisesti vain noin 1 % elimistöön annostellusta lääkeaineesta saavuttaa hoitoa tarvitsevat syöpäsolut, loppuosa lääkeaineesta jää vahingoittamaan elimistön terveitä soluja. Toksiset sivuvaikutukset rajoittavat lääkehoidon annoksen nostamista elimistössä riittävälle pitoisuudelle, mikä johtaa usein sairauden ennenaikaiseen pahenemiseen ja mahdollisen lääkeaineresistenssin kehittymiseen. Liposomien välittämä lääkeaineen kohdentaminen voidaan jakaa kahteen eri menetelmään: passiiviseen ja aktiiviseen kohdentamiseen. Liposomien passiivisen kohdentamisen tarkoituksena on lisätä sytotoksisen lääkeaineen paikallistumista pelkästään kasvainkudokseen. Passiivinen kohdentaminen perustuu liposomien kulkeutumiseen verenkierron mukana, jolloin liposomit kerääntyvät epänormaalisti muodostuneeseen kasvainkudokseen. Liposomien aktiivisella kohdentamisella pyritään parantamaan passiivisesti kohdentuvien liposomien terapeuttista tehokkuutta kohdentamalla lääkeaineen vaikutus pelkästään syöpäsoluihin. Aktiivisessa kohdennuksessa liposomin pintaan kiinnitetään ligandi, joka spesifisesti tunnistaa kohdesolun. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman kirjallisen osion tarkoituksena oli tutustua syöpäkudokseen kohdennettujen liposomien ominaisuuksiin tehokkaan soluunoton ja sytotoksisuuden saavuttamiseksi. Kokeellisessa osiossa tutkittiin kohdennettujen liposomien soluunottoa ja sytotoksista vaikutusta ihmisen munasarjasta eristetyillä adenokarsinoomasoluilla (SKOV-3). Liposomit kohdennettiin setuksimabi (C225, Erbitux®) vasta-aineella, jonka on todettu olevan tietyissä syöpätyypeissä (mm. keuhko- ja kolorektaalisyövissä, pään ja kaulan syövissä sekä rinta-, munuais-, eturauhas-, haima- ja munasarjasyövissä) yli-ilmentyneen epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptoriperheen HER1-proteiinin (ErbB-1, EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor) spesifinen ja selektiivinen inhibiittori. Afrikan viherapinan munuaisista lähtöisin olevaa CV-1 solulinjaa käytettiin kontrollina kuvaamaan elimistön normaaleja soluja. Kohdennettujen liposomien soluunottoa tutkittiin soluunottokokeilla, joissa käytettiin kontrollina kohdentamattomia pegyloituja liposomeja. Setuksimabi-vasta-aineen spesifinen sitoutuminen EGF-reseptoriin todettiin kilpailutuskokeilla. Doksorubisiinia sisältävien immunoliposomien sytotoksisuutta selvitettiin Alamar Blue™ -elävyystestillä. Lisäksi immunoliposomien säilyvyyttä seurattiin mittaamalla liposomien keskimääräinen halkaisija noin kahden viikon välein. Setuksimabi-vasta-aineella kohdennettujen liposomien soluunotto oli huomattavasti suurentunut SKOV-3 syöpäsoluissa ja doksorubisiinia sisältävät kohdennetut liposomit aiheuttivat voimakkaamman sytotoksisen vaikutuksen kuin kohdentamattomat liposomit. Kohdennettujen doksorubisiiniliposomien sytotoksisuus tuli kuitenkin esille viiveellä, mikä viittaa lääkeaineen hitaaseen vapautumiseen liposomista. Suurentunutta soluunottoa ja sytotoksista vaikutusta ei havaittu CV-1 solulinjassa. Kohdennettujen liposomien sovellusmahdollisuudet lääketieteessä ja syövän hoidossa ovat merkittävät. Tällä hetkellä liposomien kliininen käyttö rajoittuu passiivisesti kohdennettuihin liposomeihin (Doxil® (Am.),Caelyx® (Eur.)). Lupaavista solukokeista huolimatta kohdennettujen liposomien terapeuttinen käyttö tulevaisuudessa näyttää haasteelliselta.


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The protein kinases (PKs) belong to the largest single family of enzymes, phosphotransferases, which catalyze the phosphorylation of other enzymes and proteins and function primarily in signal transduction. Consequently, PKs regulate cell mechanisms such as growth, differentiation, and proliferation. Dysfunction of these cellular mechanisms may lead to cancer, a major predicament in health care. Even though there is a range of clinically available cancer-fighting drugs, increasing number of cancer cases and setbacks such as drug resistance, constantly keep cancer research active. At the commencement of this study an isophthalic acid derivative had been suggested to bind to the regulatory domain of protein kinase C (PKC). In order to investigate the biological effects and structure-activity relationships (SARs) of this new chemical entity, a library of compounds was synthesized. The best compounds induced apoptosis in human leukemia HL-60 cells and were not cytotoxic in Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts. In addition, the best apoptosis inducers were neither cytotoxic nor mutagenic. Furthermore, results from binding affinity assays of PKC isoforms revealed the pharmacophores of these isophthalic acid derivatives. The best inhibition constants of the tested compounds were measured to 210 nM for PKCα and to 530 nM for PKCδ. Among natural compounds targeting the regulatory domain of PKC, the target of bistramide A has been a matter of debate. It was initially found to activate PKCδ; however, actin was recently reported as the main target. In order to clarify and to further study the biological effects of bistramide A, the total syntheses of the natural compound and two isomers were performed. Biological assays of the compounds revealed accumulation of 4n polyploid cells as the primary mode of action and the compounds showed similar overall antiproliferative activities. However, each compound showed a distinct distribution of antimitotic effect presumably via actin binding, proapoptotic effect presumably via PKCδ, and pro-differentiation effect as evidenced by CD11b expression. Furthermore, it was shown that the antimitotic and proapoptotic effects of bistramide A were not secondary effects of actin binding but independent effects. The third aim in this study was to synthesize a library of a new class of urea-based type II inhibitors targeted at the kinase domain of anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK). The best compounds in this library showed IC50 values as low as 390 nM for ALK while the initial low cellular activities were successfully increased even by more than 70 times for NPM-ALK- positive BaF3 cells. More importantly, selective antiproliferative activity on ALK-positive cell lines was achieved; while the best compound affected the BaF3 and SU-DHL-1 cells with IC50 values of 0.5 and 0.8 μM, respectively, they were less toxic to the NPM-ALK-negative human leukemic cells U937 (IC50 = 3.2 μM) and BaF3 parental cells (IC50 = 5.4 μM). Furthermore, SAR studies of the synthesized compounds revealed functional groups and positions of the scaffold, which enhanced the enzymatic and cellular activities.