9 resultados para MOPA (Matrix of Passenger Activity)

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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In the future the number of the disabled drivers requiring a special evaluation of their driving ability will increase due to the ageing population, as well as the progress of adaptive technology. This places pressure on the development of the driving evaluation system. Despite quite intensive research there is still no consensus concerning what is the factual situation in a driver evaluation (methodology), which measures should be included in an evaluation (methods), and how an evaluation has to be carried out (practise). In order to find answers to these questions we carried out empirical studies, and simultaneously elaborated upon a conceptual model for driving and a driving evaluation. The findings of empirical studies can be condensed into the following points: 1) A driving ability defined by the on-road driving test is associated with different laboratory measures depending on the study groups. Faults in the laboratory tests predicted faults in the on-road driving test in the novice group, whereas slowness in the laboratory predicted driving faults in the experienced drivers group. 2) The Parkinson study clearly showed that even an experienced clinician cannot reliably accomplish an evaluation of a disabled person’s driving ability without collaboration with other specialists. 3) The main finding of the stroke study was that the use of a multidisciplinary team as a source of information harmonises the specialists’ evaluations. 4) The patient studies demonstrated that the disabled persons themselves, as well as their spouses, are as a rule not reliable evaluators. 5) From the safety point of view, perceptible operations with the control devices are not crucial, but correct mental actions which the driver carries out with the help of the control devices are of greatest importance. 6) Personality factors including higher-order needs and motives, attitudes and a degree of self-awareness, particularly a sense of illness, are decisive when evaluating a disabled person’s driving ability. Personality is also the main source of resources concerning compensations for lower-order physical deficiencies and restrictions. From work with the conceptual model we drew the following methodological conclusions: First, the driver has to be considered as a holistic subject of the activity, as a multilevel hierarchically organised system of an organism, a temperament, an individuality, and a personality where the personality is the leading subsystem from the standpoint of safety. Second, driving as a human form of a sociopractical activity, is also a hierarchically organised dynamic system. Third, in an evaluation of driving ability it is a question of matching these two hierarchically organised structures: a subject of an activity and a proper activity. Fourth, an evaluation has to be person centred but not disease-, function- or method centred. On the basis of our study a multidisciplinary team (practitioner, driving school teacher, psychologist, occupational therapist) is recommended for use in demanding driver evaluations. Primary in a driver’s evaluations is a coherent conceptual model while concrete methods of evaluations may vary. However, the on-road test must always be performed if possible.


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Muscle glycogen exists in two forms: low molecular weight pro-glycogen and high molecular weight macro-glycogen. The degradation of glycogen to glucose 1 phosphate and free glucose is catalysed by glycogen phosphorylase together with glycogen debranching enzyme (GDE). The process in which glycogen is broken down via anaerobic pathways to lactate, results in the acidification of the muscles and has a great influence on meat quality. Thus, the overall aim of this thesis was to characterise the post mortem action of GDE in muscles of meat production animals (pigs, cattle and chickens). Interest was focused on the differences in GDE activity between fast twitch glycolytic muscles and slow twitch oxidative muscles. The effects of pH, temperature, RN genotype (PRKAG3 gene), and of time post mortem on GDE activity were also investigated. This thesis showed that there are differences in GDE activity between animal species and between different muscles of an animal. It was shown that in pigs and cattle, higher GDE activity and phosphorylase activity exists in the fast twitch glycolytic muscles than in slow twitch oxidative muscles of the same animal. Thus, the high activity of these enzymes enables a faster rate of glycogenolysis in glycolytic M. longissimus dorsi compared to oxidative M. masseter. In chicken muscles, the GDE activity was low compared to pig or cattle muscles. Furthermore, the GDE activity in the glycolytic M. pectoralis superficialis was lower than in more oxidative M. quadriceps femoris despite the high phosphorylase activity in the former. The relative ratios between phosphorylase and GDE activity were higher in fast twitch glycolytic muscles than in slow twitch oxidative muscles of all studied animals. This suggests that the relatively low GDE activity compared to the phosphorylase activity in fast twitch glycolytic muscles may be a protection mechanism in living muscle against a very fast pH decrease. Chilling significantly decreased GDE activity and below 15 C porcine GDE was almost inactive. The effect of pH on GDE activity was only minor at the range normally found in post mortem muscles (pH 7.4 to 5.0). The GDE activity remained level for several hours after slaughter. During the first hours post mortem, GDE activity was similar in RN- carrier pigs and in wild type pigs. However, the GDE activity declined faster in M. longissimus dorsi from wild type pigs than in the RN carrier pigs, the difference between genotypes was significant after 24 h post mortem. Pro-glycogen and macro-glycogen contents were higher, pH decrease was faster and ultimate pH was lower in RN- carrier pigs than in wild type pigs. In the RN- carriers, the prolonged high GDE activity level may enable an extended pH decrease and lower ultimate pH in their muscles. In conclusion, GDE is not the main factor determining the rate or the extent of post mortem glycogenolysis, but under certain conditions, such as in very fast chilling, the inhibition of GDE activity in meat may reduce the rate of pH decrease and result in higher ultimate pH. The rate and extent of pH decrease affects several meat quality traits.


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Radioactive particles from three locations were investigated for elemental composition, oxidation states of matrix elements, and origin. Instrumental techniques applied to the task were scanning electron microscopy, X-ray and gamma-ray spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and synchrotron radiation based microanalytical techniques comprising X-ray fluorescence spectrometry, X-ray fluorescence tomography, and X-ray absorption near-edge structure spectroscopy. Uranium-containing low activity particles collected from Irish Sea sediments were characterized in terms of composition and distribution of matrix elements and the oxidation states of uranium. Indications of the origin were obtained from the intensity ratios and the presence of thorium, uranium, and plutonium. Uranium in the particles was found to exist mostly as U(IV). Studies on plutonium particles from Runit Island (Marshall Islands) soil indicated that the samples were weapon fuel fragments originating from two separate detonations: a safety test and a low-yield test. The plutonium in the particles was found to be of similar age. The distribution and oxidation states of uranium and plutonium in the matrix of weapon fuel particles from Thule (Greenland) sediments were investigated. The variations in intensity ratios observed with different techniques indicated more than one origin. Uranium in particle matrixes was mostly U(IV), but plutonium existed in some particles mainly as Pu(IV), and in others mainly as oxidized Pu(VI). The results demonstrated that the various techniques were effectively applied in the characterization of environmental radioactive particles. An on-line method was developed for separating americium from environmental samples. The procedure utilizes extraction chromatography to separate americium from light lanthanides, and cation exchange to concentrate americium before the final separation in an ion chromatography column. The separated radiochemically pure americium fraction is measured by alpha spectrometry. The method was tested with certified sediment and soil samples and found to be applicable for the analysis of environmental samples containing a wide range of Am-241 activity. Proceeding from the on-line method developed for americium, a method was also developed for separating plutonium and americium. Plutonium is reduced to Pu(III), and separated together with Am(III) throughout the procedure. Pu(III) and Am(III) are eluted from the ion chromatography column as anionic dipicolinate and oxalate complexes, respectively, and measured by alpha spectrometry.


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In northern latitudes, temperature is the key factor driving the temporal scales of biological activity, namely the length of the growing season and the seasonal efficiency of photosynthesis. The formation of atmospheric concentrations of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are linked to the intensity of biological activity. However, interdisciplinary knowledge of the role of temperature in the biological processes related to the annual cycle and photosynthesis and atmospheric chemistry is not fully understood. The aim of this study was to improve understanding of the role of temperature in these three interlinked areas: 1) onset of growing season, 2) photosynthetic efficiency and 3) BVOC air concentrations in a boreal forest. The results present a cross-section of the role of temperature on different spatial (southern northern boreal), structural (tree forest stand - forest) and temporal (day-season- year) scales. The fundamental status of the Thermal Time model in predicting the onset of spring recovery was confirmed. However, it was recommended that sequential models would be more appropriate tools when the onset of the growing season is estimated under a warmer climate. A similar type of relationship between photosynthetic efficiency and temperature history was found in both southern and northern boreal forest stands. This result draws attention to the critical question of the seasonal efficiency of coniferous species to emit organic compounds under a warmer climate. New knowledge about the temperature dependence of the concentrations of biogenic volatile organic compounds in a boreal forest stand was obtained. The seasonal progress and the inter-correlation of BVOC concentrations in ambient air indicated a link to biological activity. Temperature was found to be the main driving factor for the concentrations. However, in addition to temperature, other factors may play a significant role here, especially when the peak concentrations are studied. There is strong evidence that the spring recovery and phenological events of many plant species have already advanced in Europe. This study does not fully support this observation. In a boreal forest, changes in the annual cycle, especially the temperature requirement in winter, would have an impact on the atmospheric BVOC composition. According to this study, more joint phenological and BVOC field observations and laboratory experiments are still needed to improve these scenarios.


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Background: The fecal neutrophil-derived proteins calprotectin and lactoferrin have proven useful surrogate markers of intestinal inflammation. The aim of this study was to compare fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin concentrations to clinically, endoscopically, and histologically assessed Crohn’s disease (CD) activity, and to explore the suitability of these proteins as surrogate markers of mucosal healing during anti-TNFα therapy. Furthermore, we studied changes in the number and expression of effector and regulatory T cells in bowel biopsy specimens during anti-TNFα therapy. Patients and methods: Adult CD patients referred for ileocolonoscopy (n=106 for 77 patients) for various reasons were recruited (Study I). Clinical disease activity was assessed with the Crohn’s disease activity index (CDAI) and endoscopic activity with both the Crohn’s disease index of severity (CDEIS) and the simple endoscopic score for Crohn’s disease (SES-CD). Stool samples for measurements of calprotectin and lactoferrin, and blood samples for CRP were collected. For Study II, biopsy specimens were obtained from the ileum and the colon for histologic activity scoring. In prospective Study III, after baseline ileocolonoscopy, 15 patients received induction with anti-TNFα blocking agents and endoscopic, histologic, and fecal-marker responses to therapy were evaluated at 12 weeks. For detecting changes in the number and expression of effector and regulatory T cells, biopsy specimens were taken from the most severely diseased lesions in the ileum and the colon (Study IV). Results: Endoscopic scores correlated significantly with fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin (p<0.001). Both fecal markers were significantly lower in patients with endoscopically inactive than with active disease (p<0.001). In detecting endoscopically active disease, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) for calprotectin ≥200 μg/g were 70%, 92%, 94%, and 61%; for lactoferrin ≥10 μg/g they were 66%, 92%, 94%, and 59%. Accordingly, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for CRP >5 mg/l were 48%, 91%, 91%, and 48%. Fecal markers were significantly higher in active colonic (both p<0.001) or ileocolonic (calprotectin p=0.028, lactoferrin p=0.004) than in ileal disease. In ileocolonic or colonic disease, colon histology score correlated significantly with fecal calprotectin (r=0.563) and lactoferrin (r=0.543). In patients receiving anti-TNFα therapy, median fecal calprotectin decreased from 1173 μg/g (range 88-15326) to 130 μg/g (13-1419) and lactoferrin from 105.0 μg/g (4.2-1258.9) to 2.7 μg/g (0.0-228.5), both p=0.001. The relation of ileal IL-17+ cells to CD4+ cells decreased significantly during anti-TNF treatment (p=0.047). The relation of IL-17+ cells to Foxp3+ cells was higher in the patients’ baseline specimens than in their post-treatment specimens (p=0.038). Conclusions: For evaluation of CD activity, based on endoscopic findings, more sensitive surrogate markers than CDAI and CRP were fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin. Fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin were significantly higher in endoscopically active disease than in endoscopic remission. In both ileocolonic and colonic disease, fecal markers correlated closely with histologic disease activity. In CD, these neutrophil-derived proteins thus seem to be useful surrogate markers of endoscopic activity. During anti-TNFα therapy, fecal calprotectin and lactoferrin decreased significantly. The anti-TNFα treatment was also reflected in a decreased IL-17/Foxp3 cell ratio, which may indicate improved balance between effector and regulatory T cells with treatment.


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Liquidity, or how easy an investment is to buy or sell, is becoming increasingly important for financial market participants. The objective of this dissertation is to contribute to the understanding of how liquidity affects financial markets. The first essays analyze the actions taken by underwriters immediately after listing to improve liquidity of IPO stock. To estimate the impact of underwriter activity on the pricing of the IPOs, the order book during the first weeks of trading in the IPO stock is studied. Evidence of stabilization and liquidity enhancing activities by underwriters is found. The second half of the dissertation is concerned with the daily trading of stocks where liquidity may be impacted by policy issues such as changes in taxes or exchange fees and by opening the access to the markets for foreign investors. The desirability of a transaction tax on securities trading is addressed. An increase in transaction tax is found to cause lower prices and higher volatility. In the last essay the objective is to determine if the liquidity of a security has an impact on the return investors require. The results support the notion that returns are negatively correlated to liquidity.


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Neurons can be divided into various classes according to their location, morphology, neurochemical identity and electrical properties. They form complex interconnected networks with precise roles for each cell type. GABAergic neurons expressing the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin (Pv) are mainly interneurons, which serve a coordinating function. Pv-cells modulate the activity of principal cells with high temporal precision. Abnormalities of Pv-interneuron activity in cortical areas have been linked to neuropsychiatric illnesses such as schizophrenia. Cerebellar Purkinje cells are known to be central to motor learning. They are the sole output from the layered cerebellar cortex to deep cerebellar nuclei. There are still many open questions about the precise role of Pv-neurons and Purkinje cells, many of which could be answered if one could achieve rapid, reversible cell-type specific modulation of the activity of these neurons and observe the subsequent changes at the whole-animal level. The aim of these studies was to develop a novel method for the modulation of Pv-neurons and Purkinje cells in vivo and to use this method to investigate the significance of inhibition in these neuronal types with a variety of behavioral experiments in addition to tissue autoradiography, electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry. The GABA(A) receptor γ2 subunit was ablated from Pv-neurons and Purkinje cells in four separate mouse lines. Pv-Δγ2 mice had wide-ranging behavioral alterations and increased GABA-insensitive binding indicative of an altered GABA(A) receptor composition, particularly in midbrain areas. PC-Δγ2 mice experienced little or no motor impairment despite the lack of inhibition in Purkinje cells. In Pv-Δγ2-partial rescue mice, a reversal of motor and cognitive deficits was observed in addition to restoration of the wild-type γ2F77 subunit to the reticular nucleus of thalamus and the cerebellar molecular layer. In PC-Δγ2-swap mice, zolpidem sensitivity was restored to Purkinje cells and the administration of systemic zolpidem evoked a transient motor impairment. On the basis of these results, it is concluded that this new method of cell-type specific modulation is a feasible way to modulate the activity of selected neuronal types. The importance of Purkinje cells to motor control supports previous studies, and the crucial involvement of Pv-neurons in a range of behavioral modalities is confirmed.