6 resultados para MEDICAL THERAPY

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is an active disease process akin to atherosclerosis, with chronic inflammation, lipid accumulation, extracellular matrix remodeling, fibrosis, and extensive calcification of the valves being characteristic features of the disease. The detailed mechanisms and pathogenesis of AS are still incompletely understood, however, and pharmacological treatments targeted toward components of the disease are not currently available. In this thesis project, my coworkers and I studied stenotic aortic valves obtained from 86 patients undergoing valve replacement for clinically significant AS. Non-stenotic control valves (n=17) were obtained from patients undergoing cardiac transplantation or from organ donors without cardiac disease. We identified a novel inflammatory factor, namely mast cell, in stenotic aortic valves and present evidence showing that this multipotent inflammatory cell may participate in the pathogenesis of AS. Using immunohistochemistry and double immunofluorescence stainings, we found that a considerable number of mast cells accumulate in stenotic valves and, in contrast to normal valves, the mast cells in diseased valves were in an activated state. Moreover, valvular mast cells contained two effective proteases, chymase and cathepsin G, which may participate in adverse remodeling of the valves either by inducing fibrosis (chymase and cathepsin G) or by degrading elastin fibers in the valves (cathepsin G). As chymase and cathepsin G are both capable of generating the profibrotic peptide angiotensin II, we also studied the expression and activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the valves. Using RT-PCR, imunohistochemistry, and autoradiography, we observed a significant increase in the expression and activity of ACE in stenotic valves. Besides mast cell-derived cathepsin G, aortic valves contained other elastolytic cathepsins (S, K, and V). Using immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, and fluorometric microassay, we showed that the expression and activity of these cathepsins were augmented in stenotic valves. Furthermore, in stenotic but not in normal valves, we observed a distinctive pattern of elastin fiber degradation and disorganization. Importantly, this characteristic elastin degradation observed in diseased valves could be mimicked by adding exogenous cathepsins to control valves, which initially contained intact elastin fibers. In stenotic leaflets, the collagen/elastin ratio was increased and correlated positively with smoking, a potent AS-accelerating factor. Indeed, cigarette smoke could also directly activate cultured mast cells and fibroblasts. Next, we analyzed the expression and activity of neutral endopeptidase (NEP), which parallels the actions of ACE in degrading bradykinin (BK) and thus inactivates antifibrotic mechanisms in tissues. Real-time RT-PCR and autoradiography revealed NEP expression and activity to be enhanced in stenotic valves compared to controls. Furthermore, both BK receptors (1 and 2) were present in aortic valves and upregulated in stenotic leaflets. Isolated valve myofibroblasts expressed NEP and BK receptors, and their upregulation occurred in response to inflammation. Finally, we observed that the complement system, a source of several proinflammatory mediators and also a potential activator of valvular mast cells, was activated in stenotic valves. Moreover, receptors for the complement-derived effectors C3a and C5a were expressed in aortic valves and in cultured aortic valve myofibroblasts, in which their expression was induced by inflammation as well as by cigarette smoke. In conclusion, our findings revealed several novel mechanisms of inflammation (mast cells and mast cell-derived mediators, complement activation), fibrosis (ACE, chymase, cathepsin G, NEP), and elastin fiber degradation (cathepsins) in stenotic aortic valves and highlighted these effectors as possible pathogenic contributors to AS. These results support the notion of AS as an active process with inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling as its key features and identify possible new targets for medical therapy in AS.


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The Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System (MARS) is an extracorporeal albumin dialysis device which is used in the treatment of liver failure patients. This treatment was first utilized in Finland in 2001, and since then, over 200 patients have been treated. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the impact of the MARS treatment on patient outcome, the clinical and biochemical variables, as well as on the psychological and economic aspects of the treatment in Finland. This thesis encompasses 195 MARS-treated patients (including patients with acute liver failure (ALF), acute-on-chronic liver failure (AOCLF) and graft failure), and a historical control group of 46 ALF patients who did not undergo MARS. All patients received a similar standard medical therapy at the same intensive care unit. The baseline data (demographics, laboratory and clinical variables) and MARS treatment-related and health-related quality-of-life data were recorded before and after treatment. The direct medical costs were determined for a period of 3.5 years.Additionally, the outcome of patients (survival, native liver recovery and need for liver transplantation) and survival predicting factors were investigated. In the outcome analysis, for the MARS-treated ALF patients, their 6-month survival (75% vs. 61%, P=0.07) and their native liver recovery rate (49% vs. 17%, P<0.001) were higher, and their need for transplantations was lower (29% vs. 57%, P= 0.001) than for the historical controls. However, the etiological distribution of the ALF patients referred to our unit has changed considerably over the past decade and the percentage of patients with a more favorable prognosis has increased. The etiology of liver failure was the most important predictor of the outcome. Other survival predicting factors in ALF included hepatic encephalopathy, the coagulation factors and the liver enzyme levels prior to MARS treatment. In terms of prognosis, the MARS treatment of the cirrhotic AOCLF patient seems meaningful only when the patient is eligible for transplantation. The MARS treatment appears to halt the progression of encephalopathy and reduce the blood concentration of neuroactive amino acids, albumin-bound and water-soluble toxins. In general, the effects of the MARS treatment seem to stabilize the patients, thus allowing additional time either for the native liver to recover, or for the patients to endure the prolonged waiting for transplantation. Furthermore, for the ALF patients, the MARS treatment appeared to be less costly and more cost-efficient than the standard medical therapy alone. In conclusion, the MARS treatment appears to have a beneficial effect on the patient outcome in ALF and in those AOCLF patients who can be bridged to transplantation.


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Eturauhassyöpä on yksi yleisimmistä syövistä länsimaissa. Eturauhassyöpä on yleensä hitaasti kehittyvä tauti. Edetessään se voi kuitenkin muuntua aggressiivisemmaksi ja aiheuttaa metastaaseja, jotka ovat pääasiallisena syynä taudin kuolleisuuteen. Androgeenit ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä eturauhassyövän patogeneesissä ja eturauhassyöpäkudos on useimmiten riippuvainen androgeeneista. Tämän vuoksi hoidon tavoitteena on estää niiden eritys kirurgisella tai kemiallisella kastraatiolla ja/tai estää androgeenien vaikutus antiandrogeeneilla. Eturauhassyöpää sekä sen hoitoon tarkoitettuja uusia lääkehoitomahdollisuuksia tutkitaan kiivaasti. Eturauhassyövän tutkimiseen on kehitetty lukematon määrä erilaisia in vivo -malleja. Koska eturauhassyöpä on yleensä androgeeneille herkkä, kuvaavat androgeeniresponsiiviset eläinmallit ihmisen tautia parhaiten. Eturauhassyövän mallintamiseen in vivo voidaan käyttää eri eläinlajeja, mutta hiiri on ylivoimaisesti käytetyin mallieläin. Immuunipuutteisiin hiiriin voidaan aiheuttaa kasvaimia inokuloimalla ihmisen kasvainsoluja tai osia ihmisen kasvaimista. Ortotooppisesti eturauhaseen inokuloitavat kasvainmallit mallintavat eturauhassyövässä esiintyvää syöpäsolujen ja stroomasolujen välistä epänormaalia vuorovaikutusta. Muuntogeeniset hiirimallit ovat yhä yleisempiä eturauhassyövän tutkimuksessa. Muuntogeenisilla malleilla voidaan mallintaa taudin kehittymistä ja sen etenemistä kokonaisuudessaan parhaiten. Eturauhasessa olevaa kasvainta ja sen kasvua on vaikea seurata ilman prostataspesifisen antigeenin (PSA) pitoisuuden mittausta tai erityisiä kuvantamistekniikoita. Tällaisia menetelmiä, kuten optista kuvantamista, käytetään yhä enemmän hyödyksi erilaisissa eturauhassyövän in vivo -malleissa. Tutkielman kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli optimoida bioluminesenssiin perustuva optinen kuvantamismenetelmä androgeeniresponsiivisessa LNCaP-luc2-solulinjassa ortotooppisessa eturauhassyöpämallissa. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen perustuu kasvainsolujen ilmentämän lusiferaasin katalysoimaan reaktioon, jossa entsyymin substraatti, lusiferiini, hapettuu ja tuottaa näkyvää valoa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia lääkehoitojen ja kastraation vasteita mallissa. Bioluminesenssiin perustuvalla kuvantamisella oli mahdollista seurata eturauhaskasvainten kasvua noninvasiivisesti, reaaliaikaisesti ja toistuvasti. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen avulla kasvainten kvantitointi oli nopeampaa kuin ultraäänikuvantamisen avulla, ja kasvainten kasvua oli myös mahdollista seurata useammin kuin seerumin PSA-mittausten avulla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen todettiin korreloivan paremmin PSA-pitoisuuden kanssa kuin kasvaimen todelliseen kokoon lopetushetkellä. Seerumin PSA-pitoisuus korreloi kuitenkin bioluminesenssimittausta paremmin eturauhaskasvaimen kokoon tässä kokeessa. Kasvainten oletettua suurempaa kokoa voidaan pitää todennäköisimpänä syynä sille, ettei lääkehoitojen tai kastraation todettu vaikuttavan kasvainten kasvuun bioluminesenssikuvantamisella mitattuna. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen ei sovellu suurille eikä nekroottisille kasvaimille, sillä kuvantamismenetelmä toimii vain elävillä soluilla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen hyödyntämisen kannalta oleellista tässä mallissa on myös lusiferiini-injektion onnistuminen. Jatkotutkimuksia tarvitaan edelleen mallin validoimiseksi mm. lääkehoitojen vasteiden osoittamiseksi.


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Since national differences exist in genes, environment, diet and life habits and also in the use of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT), the associations between different hormone therapies and the risk for breast cancer were studied among Finnish postmenopausal women. All Finnish women over 50 years of age who used HT were identified from the national medical reimbursement register, established in 1994, and followed up for breast cancer incidence (n= 8,382 cases) until 2005 with the aid of the Finnish Cancer Registry. The risk for breast cancer in HT users was compared to that in the general female population of the same age. Among women using oral or transdermal estradiol alone (ET) (n = 110,984) during the study period 1994-2002 the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for breast cancer in users for < 5 years was 0.93 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.80–1.04), and in users for ≥ 5 years 1.44 (1.29–1.59). This therapy was associated with similar rises in ductal and lobular types of breast cancer. Both localized stage (1.45; 1.26–1.66) and cancers spread to regional nodes (1.35; 1.09–1.65) were associated with the use of systemic ET. Oral estriol or vaginal estrogens were not accompanied with a risk for breast cancer. The use of estrogen-progestagen therapy (EPT) in the study period 1994-2005 (n= 221,551) was accompanied with an increased incidence of breast cancer (1.31;1.20-1.42) among women using oral or transdermal EPT for 3-5 years, and the incidence increased along with the increasing duration of exposure (≥10 years, 2.07;1.84-2.30). Continuous EPT entailed a significantly higher (2.44; 2.17-2.72) breast cancer incidence compared to sequential EPT (1.78; 1.64-1.90) after 5 years of use. The use of norethisterone acetate (NETA) as a supplement to estradiol was accompanied with a higher incidence of breast cancer after 5 years of use (2.03; 1.88-2.18) than that of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) (1.64; 1.49-1.79). The SIR for the lobular type of breast cancer was increased within 3 years of EPT exposure (1.35; 1.18-1.53), and the incidence of the lobular type of breast cancer (2.93; 2.33-3.64) was significantly higher than that of the ductal type (1.92; 1.67-2.18) after 10 years of exposure. To control for some confounding factors, two case control studies were performed. All Finnish women between the ages of 50-62 in 1995-2007 and diagnosed with a first invasive breast cancer (n= 9,956) were identified from the Finnish Cancer Registry, and 3 controls of similar age (n=29,868) without breast cancer were retrieved from the Finnish national population registry. Subjects were linked to the medical reimbursement register for defining the HT use. The use of ET was not associated with an increased risk for breast cancer (1.00; 0.92-1.08). Neither was progestagen-only therapy used less than 3 years. However, the use of tibolone was associated with an elevated risk for breast cancer (1.39; 1.07-1.81). The case-control study confirmed the results of EPT regarding sequential vs. continuous use of progestagen, including progestagen released continuously by an intrauterine device; the increased risk was seen already within 3 years of use (1.65;1.32-2.07). The dose of NETA was not a determinant as regards the breast cancer risk. Both systemic ET, and EPT are associated with an elevation in the risk for breast cancer. These risks resemble to a large extent those seen in several other countries. The use of an intrauterine system alone or as a complement to systemic estradiol is also associated with a breast cancer risk. These data emphasize the need for detailed information to women who are considering starting the use of HT.


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Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is a form of chemically targeted radiotherapy that utilises the high neutron capture cross-section of boron-10 isotope to achieve a preferential dose increase in the tumour. The BNCT dosimetry poses a special challenge as the radiation dose absorbed by the irradiated tissues consists of several dose different components. Dosimetry is important as the effect of the radiation on the tissue is correlated with the radiation dose. Consistent and reliable radiation dose delivery and dosimetry are thus basic requirements for radiotherapy. The international recommendations for are not directly applicable to BNCT dosimetry. The existing dosimetry guidance for BNCT provides recommendations but also calls for investigating for complementary methods for comparison and improved accuracy. In this thesis the quality assurance and stability measurements of the neutron beam monitors used in dose delivery are presented. The beam monitors were found not to be affected by the presence of a phantom in the beam and that the effect of the reactor core power distribution was less than 1%. The weekly stability test with activation detectors has been generally reproducible within the recommended tolerance value of 2%. An established toolkit for epithermal neutron beams for determination of the dose components is presented and applied in an international dosimetric intercomparison. The measured quantities (neutron flux, fast neutron and photon dose) by the groups in the intercomparison were generally in agreement within the stated uncertainties. However, the uncertainties were large, ranging from 3-30% (1 standard deviation), emphasising the importance of dosimetric intercomparisons if clinical data is to be compared between different centers. Measurements with the Exradin type 2M ionisation chamber have been repeated in the epithermal neutron beam in the same measurement configuration over the course of 10 years. The presented results exclude severe sensitivity changes to thermal neutrons that have been reported for this type of chamber. Microdosimetry and polymer gel dosimetry as complementary methods for epithermal neutron beam dosimetry are studied. For microdosimetry the comparison of results with ionisation chambers and computer simulation showed that the photon dose measured with microdosimetry was lower than with the two other methods. The disagreement was within the uncertainties. For neutron dose the simulation and microdosimetry results agreed within 10% while the ionisation chamber technique gave 10-30% lower neutron dose rates than the two other methods. The response of the BANG-3 gel was found to be linear for both photon and epithermal neutron beam irradiation. The dose distribution normalised to dose maximum measured by MAGIC polymer gel was found to agree well with the simulated result near the dose maximum while the spatial difference between measured and simulated 30% isodose line was more than 1 cm. In both the BANG-3 and MAGIC gel studies, the interpretation of the results was complicated by the presence of high-LET radiation.


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Introduction: Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has decreased morbidity and mortality of individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Its use, however, is associated with adverse effects which increase the patients risk of conditions such as diabetes and coronary heart disease. Perhaps the most stigmatizing side effect is lipodystrophy, i.e., the loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) in the face, limbs and trunk while fat accumulates intra-abdominally and dorsocervically. The pathogenesis of cART-associated lipodystrophy is obscure. Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI) have been implicated to cause lipoatrophy via mitochondrial toxicity. There is no known effective treatment for cART-associated lipodystrophy during unchanged antiretroviral regimen in humans, but in vitro data have shown uridine to abrogate NRTI-induced toxicity in adipocytes. Aims: To investigate whether i) cART or lipodystrophy associated with its use affect arterial stiffness; ii) lipoatrophic SAT is inflamed compared to non-lipoatrophic SAT; iii) abdominal SAT from patients with compared to those without cART-associated lipoatrophy differs with respect to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content, adipose tissue inflammation and gene expression, and if NRTIs stavudine and zidovudine are associated with different degree of changes; iv) lipoatrophic abdominal SAT differs from preserved dorsocervical SAT with respect to mtDNA content, adipose tissue inflammation and gene expression in patients with cART-associated lipodystrophy and v) whether uridine can revert lipoatrophy and the associated metabolic disturbances in patients on stavudine or zidovudine based cART. Subjects and methods: 64 cART-treated patients with (n=45) and without lipodystrophy/-atrophy (n=19) were compared cross-sectionally. A marker of arterial stiffness, heart rate corrected augmentation index (AgIHR), was measured by pulse wave analysis. Body composition was measured by magnetic resonance imaging and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and liver fat content by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Gene expression and mtDNA content in SAT were assessed by real-time polymerase chain reaction and microarray. Adipose tissue composition and inflammation were assessed by histology and immunohistochemistry. Dorsocervical and abdominal SAT were studied. The efficacy and safety of uridine for the treatment of cART-associated lipoatrophy were evaluated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled 3-month trial in 20 lipoatrophic cART-treated patients. Results: Duration of antiretroviral treatment and cumulative exposure to NRTIs and protease inhibitors, but not the presence of cART-associated lipodystrophy, predicted AgIHR independent of age and blood pressure. Gene expression of inflammatory markers was increased in SAT of lipodystrophic as compared to non-lipodystrophic patients. Expression of genes involved in adipogenesis, triglyceride synthesis and glucose disposal was lower and of those involved in mitochondrial biogenesis, apoptosis and oxidative stress higher in SAT of patients with than without cART-associated lipoatrophy. Most changes were more pronounced in stavudine-treated than in zidovudine-treated individuals. Lipoatrophic SAT had lower mtDNA than SAT of non-lipoatrophic patients. Expression of inflammatory genes was lower in dorsocervical than in abdominal SAT. Neither depot had characteristics of brown adipose tissue. Despite being spared from lipoatrophy, dorsocervical SAT of lipodystrophic patients had lower mtDNA than the phenotypically similar corresponding depot of non-lipodystrophic patients. The greatest difference in gene expression between dorsocervical and abdominal SAT, irrespective of lipodystrophy status, was in expression of homeobox genes that regulate transcription and regionalization of organs during embryonal development. Uridine increased limb fat and its proportion of total fat, but had no effect on liver fat content and markers of insulin resistance. Conclusions: Long-term cART is associated with increased arterial stiffness and, thus, with higher cardiovascular risk. Lipoatrophic abdominal SAT is characterized by inflammation, apoptosis and mtDNA depletion. As mtDNA is depleted even in non-lipoatrophic dorsocervical SAT, lipoatrophy is unlikely to be caused directly by mtDNA depletion. Preserved dorsocervical SAT of patients with cART-associated lipodystrophy is less inflamed than their lipoatrophic abdominal SAT, and does not resemble brown adipose tissue. The greatest difference in gene expression between dorsocervical and abdominal SAT is in expression of transcriptional regulators, homeobox genes, which might explain the differential susceptibility of these adipose tissue depots to cART-induced toxicity. Uridine is able to increase peripheral SAT in lipoatrophic patients during unchanged cART.