58 resultados para Long cycles

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Väitöskirja koostuu neljästä esseestä, joissa tutkitaan empiirisen työntaloustieteen kysymyksiä. Ensimmäinen essee tarkastelee työttömyysturvan tason vaikutusta työllistymiseen Suomessa. Vuonna 2003 ansiosidonnaista työttömyysturvaa korotettiin työntekijöille, joilla on pitkä työhistoria. Korotus oli keskimäärin 15 % ja se koski ensimmäistä 150 työttömyyspäivää. Tutkimuksessa arvioidaan korotuksen vaikutus vertailemalla työllistymisen todennäköisyyksiä korotuksen saaneen ryhmän ja vertailuryhmän välillä ennen uudistusta ja sen jälkeen. Tuloksien perusteella työttömyysturvan korotus laski työllistymisen todennäköisyyttä merkittävästi, keskimäärin noin 16 %. Korotuksen vaikutus on suurin työttömyyden alussa ja se katoaa kun oikeus korotettuun ansiosidonnaiseen päättyy. Toinen essee tutkii työttömyyden pitkän aikavälin kustannuksia Suomessa keskittyen vuosien 1991 – 1993 syvään lamaan. Laman aikana toimipaikkojen sulkeminen lisääntyi paljon ja työttömyysaste nousi yli 13 prosenttiyksikköä. Tutkimuksessa verrataan laman aikana toimipaikan sulkemisen vuoksi työttömäksi jääneitä parhaassa työiässä olevia miehiä työllisinä pysyneisiin. Työttömyyden vaikutusta tarkastellaan kuuden vuoden seurantajaksolla. Vuonna 1999 työttömyyttä laman aikana kokeneen ryhmän vuosiansiot olivat keskimäärin 25 % alemmat kuin vertailuryhmässä. Tulojen menetys johtui sekä alhaisemmasta työllisyydestä että palkkatasosta. Kolmannessa esseessä tarkastellaan Suomen 1990-luvun alun laman aiheuttamaa työttömyysongelmaa tutkimalla työttömyyden kestoon vaikuttavia tekijöitä yksilötasolla. Kiinnostuksen kohteena on työttömyyden rakenteen ja työn kysynnän muutoksien vaikutus keskimääräiseen kestoon. Usein oletetaan, että laman seurauksena työttömäksi jää keskimääräistä huonommin työllistyviä henkilöitä, jolloin se itsessään pidentäisi keskimääräistä työttömyyden kestoa. Tuloksien perusteella makrotason kysyntävaikutus oli keskeinen työttömyyden keston kannalta ja rakenteen muutoksilla oli vain pieni kestoa lisäävä vaikutus laman aikana. Viimeisessä esseessä tutkitaan suhdannevaihtelun vaikutusta työpaikkaonnettomuuksien esiintymiseen. Tutkimuksessa käytetään ruotsalaista yksilötason sairaalahoitoaineistoa, joka on yhdistetty populaatiotietokantaan. Aineiston avulla voidaan tutkia vaihtoehtoisia selityksiä onnettomuuksien lisääntymiselle noususuhdanteessa, minkä on esitetty johtuvan esim. stressin tai kiireen vaikutuksesta. Tuloksien perusteella työpaikkaonnettomuudet ovat syklisiä, mutta vain tiettyjen ryhmien kohdalla. Työvoiman rakenteen vaihtelu saattaa selittää osan naisten onnettomuuksien syklisyydestä. Miesten kohdalla vain vähemmän vakavat onnettomuudet ovat syklisiä, mikä saattaa johtua strategisesta käyttäytymisestä.


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Life-history theory states that although natural selection would favour a maximisation of both reproductive output and life-span, such a combination can not be achieved in any living organism. According to life-history theory the reason for the fact that not all traits can be maximised simultaneously is that different traits compete with each other for resources. These relationships between traits that constrain the simultaneous evolution of two or more traits are called trade-offs. Therefore, during different life-stages an individual needs to optimise its allocation of resources to life-history components such as growth, reproduction and survival. Resource limitation acts on these traits and therefore investment in one trait, e.g. reproduction, reduces the resources available for investment in another trait, e.g. residual reproduction or survival. In this thesis I study how food resources during different stages of the breeding event affect reproductive decisions in the Ural owl (Strix uralensis) and the consequences of these decisions on parents and offspring. The Ural owl is a suitable study species for such studies in natural populations since they are long-lived, site-tenacious, and feed on voles. The vole populations in Fennoscandia fluctuate in three- to four-year cycles, which create a variable food environment for the Ural owls to cope with. The thesis gives new insight in reproductive costs and their consequences in natural animal populations with emphasis on underlying physiological mechanisms. I found that supplementary fed Ural owl parents invest supplemented food resources during breeding in own self-maintenance instead of allocating those resources to offspring growth. This investment in own maintenance instead of improving current reproduction had carry-over effects to the following year in terms of increased reproductive output. Therefore, I found evidence that reduced reproductive costs improves future reproductive performance. Furthermore, I found evidence for the underlying mechanism behind this carry-over effect of supplementary food on fecundity. The supplementary-fed parents reduced their feeding investment in the offspring compared to controls, which enabled the fed female parents to invest the surplus resources in parasite resistance. Fed female parents had lower blood parasite loads than control females and this effect lasted until the following year when also reproductive output was increased. Hence, increased investment in parasite resistance when resources are plentiful has the potential to mediate positive carry-over effects on future reproduction. I further found that this carry-over effect was only present when potentials for future reproduction were good. The thesis also provides new knowledge on resource limitation on maternal effects. I found that increased resources prior to egg laying improve the condition and health of Ural owl females and enable them to allocate more resources to reproduction than control females. These additional resources are not allocated to increase the number of offspring, but instead to improve the quality of each offspring. Fed Ural owl females increased the size of their eggs and allocated more health improving immunological components into the eggs. Furthermore, the increased egg size had long-lasting effects on offspring growth, as offspring from larger eggs were heavier at fledging. Limiting resources can have different short- and long-term consequences on reproductive decisions that affect both offspring number and quality. In long-lived organisms, such as the Ural owl, it appears to be beneficial in terms of fitness to invest in long breeding life-span instead of additional investment in current reproduction. In Ural owls, females can influence the phenotypic quality of the offspring by transferring additional resources to the eggs that can have long-lasting effects on growth.


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The topic of my doctoral thesis is to demonstrate the usefulness of incorporating tonal and modal elements into a pitch-web square analysis of Béla Bartók's (1881-1945) opera, 'A kékszakállú herceg vára' ('Duke Bluebeard's Castle'). My specific goal is to demonstrate that different musical materials, which exist as foreground melodies or long-term key progressions, are unified by the unordered pitch set {0,1,4}, which becomes prominent in different sections of Bartók's opera. In Bluebeard's Castle, the set {0,1,4} is also found as a subset of several tetrachords: {0,1,4,7}, {0,1,4,8}, and {0,3,4,7}. My claim is that {0,1,4} serves to link music materials between themes, between sections, and also between scenes. This study develops an analytical method, drawn from various theoretical perspectives, for conceiving superposed diatonic spaces within a hybrid pitch-space comprised of diatonic and chromatic features. The integrity of diatonic melodic lines is retained, which allows for a non-reductive understanding of diatonic superposition, without appealing to pitch centers or specifying complete diatonic collections. Through combining various theoretical insights of the Hungarian scholar Ernő Lendvai, and the American theorists Elliott Antokoletz, Paul Wilson and Allen Forte, as well as the composer himself, this study gives a detailed analysis of the opera's pitch material in a way that combines, complements, and expands upon the studies of those scholars. The analyzed pitch sets are represented on Aarre Joutsenvirta's note-web square, which adds a new aspect to the field of Bartók analysis. Keywords: Bartók, Duke Bluebeard's Castle (Op. 11), Ernő Lendvai, axis system, Elliott Antokoletz, intervallic cycles, intervallic cells, Allen Forte, set theory, interval classes, interval vectors, Aarre Joutsenvirta, pitch-web square, pitch-web analysis.


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In the 1990 s the companies utilizing and producing new information technology, especially so-called new media, were also expected to be forerunners in new forms of work and organization. Researchers anticipated that new, more creative forms of work and the changing content of working life were about to replace old industrial and standardized ways of working. However, research on actual companies in the IT sector revealed a situation where only minor changes to existing organizational forms were seen .Many of the independent companies faced great difficulties trying to survive the rapid changes in the products and production forms in the emerging field. Most of the research on the new media field has been conducted as surveys, and an understanding of the actual everyday work process has remained thin. My research is a longitudinal study of the early phases of one new media company in Finland. The study is an analysis of the challenges the company faced in a rapidly changing business field and the attempts to overcome these challenges. The two main analyses in the study focus on the developmental phases of the company and the disturbances in the production process. Based on these analyses, I study changes and learning at work using the methodological framework of developmental work research. Developmental work research is a Finnish variant of the cultural-historical activity theory applied to the study of learning and transformations at work. The data was gathered over a three-year period of ethnographic fieldwork. I documented the production processes and everyday life in the company as a participant observer. I interviewed key persons, video and audio-taped meetings, followed e-mail correspondence and collected various documents, such as agreements and memos. I developed a systematic method for analyzing the disturbances in the production process by combining the various data sources. The systematic analysis of the disturbances depicted a very complex and only partly managed production process. The production process had a long duration, and no single actor had an understanding of it as a whole. Most of the disturbances had to do with the customer relationships. The nature of the disturbances was latent; they were recognized but not addressed. In the particular production processes that I analyzed, the ending life span of a particular product, a CD-ROM, became obvious. This finding can be interpreted in relation to the developmental phase of the production and the transformation of the field as a whole. Based on the analysis of the developmental phases and the disturbances, I formulate a hypothesis of the contradictions and developmental potentials of the activity studied. The conclusions of the study challenge the existing understanding of how to conceptualize and study organizational learning in production work. Most theories of organizational learning do not address qualitative changes in production nor historical challenges of organizational learning itself. My study opens up a new horizon in understanding organizational learning in a rapidly changing field where a learning culture based on craft or mass production work is insufficient. There is a need for anticipatory and proactive organizational learning. Proactive learning is needed to anticipate the changes in production type, and the life cycles of products.


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The aim of this thesis was to study the basic relationships between thinning and fertilisation, tree growth rate and wood properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) throughout a stand rotation. The material consisted of a total of 109 trees from both long-term thinning (Heinola, 61°10'N, 26°01'E; Punkaharju, 61°49'N, 29°19'E) and fertilisation-thinning experiments (Parikkala, 61°36'N, 29°22'E; Suonenjoki, 62°45'N, 27°00'E) in Finland. Wood properties, i.e., radial increment, wood density, latewood proportion, tracheid length, cell wall thickness and lumen diameter, as well as relative lignin content, were measured in detail from the pith to the bark, as well as from the stem base towards the stem apex. Intensive thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands increased (8% 64%) the radial increment of studied trees at breast height (1.3 m). At the same time, a faster growth rate slightly decreased average wood density (2% 7%), tracheid length (0% 9%) and cell wall thickness (1% 17%). The faster growth resulted in only small changes (0% 9%) in lumen diameter and relative lignin content (1% 2%; lignin content was 25.4% 26%). However, the random variation in wood properties was large both between and within trees and annual rings. The results of this thesis indicate that the prevailing thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands in Fennoscandia may significantly enhance the radial increment of individual trees, and cause only small or no detrimental changes in wood and tracheid properties.


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Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests dominate in Finnish Lapland. The need to study the effect of both soil factors and site preparation on the performance of planted Scots pine has increased due to the problems encountered in reforestation, especially on mesic and moist, formerly spruce-dominated sites. The present thesis examines soil hydrological properties and conditions, and effect of site preparation on them on 10 pine- and 10 spruce-dominated upland forest sites. Finally, the effects of both the site preparation and reforestation methods, and soil hydrology on the long-term performance of planted Scots pine are summarized. The results showed that pine and spruce sites differ significantly in their soil physical properties. Under field capacity or wetter soil moisture conditions, planted pines presumably suffer from excessive soil water and poor soil aeration on most of the originally spruce sites, but not on the pine sites. The results also suggested that site preparation affects the soil-water regime and thus prerequisites for forest growth over two decades after site preparation. High variation in the survival and mean height of planted pine was found. The study suggested that on spruce sites, pine survival is the lowest on sites that dry out slowly after rainfall events, and that height growth is the fastest on soils that reach favourable aeration conditions for root growth soon after saturation, and/or where the average air-filled porosity near field capacity is large enough for good root growth. Survival, but not mean height can be enhanced by employing intensive site preparation methods on spruce sites. On coarser-textured pine sites, site preparation methods don t affect survival, but methods affecting soil fertility, such as prescribed burning and ploughing, seem to enhance the height growth of planted Scots pines over several decades. The use of soil water content in situ as the sole criterion for sites suitable for pine reforestation was tested and found to be a relatively uncertain parameter. The thesis identified new potential soil variables, which should be tested using other data in the future.


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Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are adapted to diverse environmental conditions from the tropics to about 70ºN, so different responses to environmental conditions can be found. Most genotypes of garden strawberry (F. x ananassa Duch.) and woodland strawberry (F. vesca L.) are short-day (SD) plants that are induced to flowering by photoperiods under a critical limit, but also various photoperiod x temperature interactions can be found. In addition, continuously flowering everbearing (EB) genotypes are found. In addition to flowering, axillary bud differentiation in strawberry is regulated by photoperiod. In SD conditions, axillary buds differentiate to rosette-like structures called "branch crowns", whereas in long-day conditions (LD) they form runners, branches with 2 long internodes followed by a daughter plant (leaf rosette). The number of crown branches determines the yield of the plant, since inflorescences are formed from the apical meristems of the crown. Although axillary bud differentiation is an important developmental process in strawberries, its environmental and hormonal regulation has not been characterized in detail. Moreover, the genetic mechanisms underlying axillary bud differentiation and regulation of flowering time in these species are almost completely unresolved. These topics have been studied in this thesis in order to enhance strawberry research, cultivation and breeding. The results showed that 8-12 SD cycles suppressed runner initiation from the axillary buds of the garden strawberry cv. Korona with the concomitant induction of crown branching, and 3 weeks of SD was sufficient for the induction of flowering in the main crown. Furthermore, a second SD treatment given a few weeks after the first SD period can be used to induce flowering in the primary branch crowns and to induce the formation of secondary branches. Thus, artificial SD treatments effectively stimulate crown branching, providing one means for the increase of cropping (yield) potential in strawberry. It was also shown by growth regulation applications, quantitave hormone analysis and gene expression analysis that gibberellin (GA) is one of the key signals involved in the photoperiod control of shoot differentiation. The results indicate that photoperiod controls GA activity specifically in axillary buds, thereby determining bud fate. It was further shown that chemical control of GA biosynthesis by prohexadione-calcium can be utilized to prevent excessive runner formation and induce crown branching in strawberry fields. Moreover, ProCa increased berry yield up to 50%, showing that it is an easier and more applicable alternative to artificial SD treatments for controlling strawberry crown development and yield. Finally, flowering gene pathways in Fragaria were explored by searching for homologs of 118 Arabidopsis thaliana flowering-time genes. In total, 66 gene homologs were identified, and they distributed to all known flowering pathways, suggesting the presence of these pathways also in strawberry. Expression analysis of selected genes revealed that the mRNA of putative floral identity gene APETALA1 accumulated in the shoot apex of the EB genotype after the induction of flowering, whereas it was absent in vegetative SD genotype, indicating the usefulness of this gene product as the marker of floral initiation. The present data enables the further exploration of strawberry flowering pathways with genetic transformation, gene mapping and transcriptomics methods.


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The first synthesis of long chain 5-n-alkylresorcinols (C15-C25) in whole grains and whole grain products by a novel modification of Wittig reaction is described. 5-n-Alkylresorcinols are phenolic lipids that have various effects on biological systems, such as antioxidant activity and interaction with biological membranes. These compounds are considered as biomarkers of whole grain intake, which is connected with reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers. Novel hapten derivatives of 5-n-alkylresorcinols, potential compounds for immunoanalytical techniques, are prepared by the same procedure utilizing microwave catalysed aqueous Wittig reaction as the key step. The synthesised analogues are required by various analytical, metabolism and bioactivity investigations. Four alternative strategies for producing deuterium polylabelled 5-n-alkylresorcinols are explored. Ring-labelled D3-alkylresorcinols were synthesized by acidic H/D exchange. Side chain -labelled D4-derivative was prepared by a total synthesis approach utilizing D2 deuterogenation of a D2-alkene derivative, and deuterogenation of alkynes was investigated in another total synthesis approach. An -D3-labelled alkylresorcinol is isotopically pure and completely stable under all relevant conditions encountered during analytical work. The labelling of another phenolic component of whole grains was explored. The preparation of D3-ferulic acid and related compounds by way of selective methylation of the precursors is described. The deuterated compounds are useful as standards in the quantification of these natural products in various substances, such as food and human fluids. The pure 5-n-alkylresorcinol analogues prepared were used in in vitro experiments on alkylresorcinol antioxidant activity and antigenotoxicity. The in vitro experiments show that alkylresorcinols act as antioxidants, especially when incorporated into biological systems, but possess lower activity in chemical tests (FRAP and DPPH assay). Whole grain alkylresorcinols are shown for the first time to have a protective effect against copper induced oxidation of LDL, and H2O2 or genotoxic faecal water induced damage on HT29 cells.


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Postglacial climate changes and vegetation responses were studied using a combination of biological and physical indicators preserved in lake sediments. Low-frequency trends, high-frequency events and rapid shifts in temperature and moisture balance were probed using pollen-based quantitative temperature reconstructions and oxygen-isotopes from authigenic carbonate and aquatic cellulose, respectively. Pollen and plant macrofossils were employed to shed light on the presence and response rates of plant populations in response to climate changes, particularly focusing on common boreal and temperate tree species. Additional geochemical and isotopic tracers facilitated the interpretation of pollen- and oxygen-isotope data. The results show that the common boreal trees were present in the Baltic region (~55°N) during the Lateglacial, which contrasts with the traditional view of species refuge locations in the south-European peninsulas during the glacial/interglacial cycles. The findings of this work are in agreement with recent paleoecological and genetic evidence suggesting that scattered populations of tree species persisted at higher latitudes, and that these taxa were likely limited to boreal trees. Moreover, the results demonstrate that stepwise changes in plant communities took place in concert with major climate fluctuations of the glacial/interglacial transition. Postglacial climate trends in northern Europe were characterized by rise, maxima and fall in temperatures and related changes in moisture balance. Following the deglaciation of the Northern Hemisphere and the early Holocene reorganization of the ice-ocean-atmosphere system, the long-term temperature trends followed gradually decreasing summer insolation. The early Holocene (~11,700-8000 cal yr BP) was overall cool, moist and oceanic, although the earliest Holocene effective humidity may have been low particularly in the eastern part of northern Europe. The gradual warming trend was interrupted by a cold event ~8200 cal yr BP. The maximum temperatures, ~1.5-3.0°C above modern values, were attained ~8000-4000 cal yr BP. This mid-Holocene peak warmth was coupled with low lake levels, low effective humidity and summertime drought. The late Holocene (~4000 cal yr BP-present) was characterized by gradually decreasing temperatures, higher lake levels and higher effective humidity. Moreover, the gradual trends of the late Holocene were probably superimposed by higher-frequency variability. The spatial variability of the Holocene temperature and moisture balance patterns were tentatively attributed to the differing heat capacities of continents and oceans, changes in atmospheric circulation modes and position of sites and subregions with respect to large water bodies and topographic barriers. The combination of physical and biological proxy archives is a pivotal aspect of this work, because non-climatic factors, such as postglacial migration, disturbances and competitive interactions, can influence reshuffling of vegetation and hence, pollen-based climate reconstructions. The oxygen-isotope records and other physical proxies presented in this work manifest that postglacial climate changes were the main driver of the establishment and expansion of temperate and boreal tree populations, and hence, large-scale and long-term vegetation patterns were in dynamic equilibrium with climate. A notable exception to this pattern may be the postglacial invasion of Norway spruce and the related suppression of mid-Holocene temperate forest. This salient step in north-European vegetation history, the development of the modern boreal ecosystem, cannot be unambiguously explained by current evidence of postglacial climate changes. The results of this work highlight that plant populations, including long-lived trees, may be able to respond strikingly rapidly to changes in climate. Moreover, interannual and seasonal variation and extreme events can exert an important influence on vegetation reshuffling. Importantly, the studies imply that the presence of diffuse refuge populations or local stands among the prevailing vegetation may have provided the means for extraordinarily rapid vegetation responses. Hence, if scattered populations are not provided and tree populations are to migrate long distances, their capacity to keep up with predicted rates of future climate change may be lower than previously thought.


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Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Taiwanin politiikkaa ensimmäisen vaalien kautta tapahtuneen vallanvaihdon jälkeen (2000) yhteiskunnan rakenteellisen politisoitumisen näkökulmasta. Koska Taiwanilla siirryttiin verettömästi autoritaarisesta yksipuoluejärjestelmästä monipuoluejärjestelmään sitä on pidetty poliittisen muodonmuutoksen mallioppilaana. Aiempi optimismi Taiwanin demokratisoitumisen suhteen on sittemmin vaihtunut pessimismiin, pitkälti yhteiskunnan voimakkaasta politisoitumisesta johtuen. Tutkimuksessa haetaan selitystä tälle politisoitumiselle. Yhteiskunnan rakenteellisella politisoitumisella tarkoitetaan tilannetta, jossa ”poliittisen” alue kasvaa varsinaisia poliittisia instituutioita laajemmaksi. Rakenteellinen politisoituminen muuttuu helposti yhteiskunnalliseksi ongelmaksi, koska siitä usein seuraa normaalin poliittisen toiminnan (esim. lainsäädännän) jähmettyminen, yhteiskunnan jyrkkä jakautuminen, alhainen kynnys poliittisille konflikteille ja yleisen yhteiskunnallisen luottamuksen alentuminen. Toisin kuin esimerkiksi Itä-Euroopassa, Taiwanissa entinen valtapuolue ei romahtanut poliittisen avautumisen myötä vaan säilytti vahvan rakenteellisen asemansa. Kun valta vaihtui ensimmäisen kerran vaalien kautta, vanha valtapuolue ei ollut valmis luovuttamaan poliittisen järjestelmän ohjaksia käsistään. Alkoi vuosia kestänyt taistelu järjestelmän hallinnasta vanhan ja uuden valtapuolueen välillä, jossa yhteiskunta politisoitui voimakkaasti. Tutkimuksessa Taiwanin yhteiskunnan politisoituminen selitetään useiden rakenteellisten piirteiden yhteisvaikutuksen tuloksena. Tällaisia politisoitumista edistäviä rakentellisia piirteitä ovat hidas poliittinen muutos, joka säilytti vanhat poliittiset jakolinjat ja niihin liittyvät vahvat edut ja intressit; sopimaton perustuslaki; Taiwanin epäselvä kansainvälinen asema ja jakautunut identiteetti; sekä sosiaalinen rakenne, joka helpottaa ihmisten nopeaa mobilisointia poliittiisiin mielenilmauksiin. Tutkimuksessa kiinnitetään huomiota toistaiseksi vähän tutkittuun poliittiseen ilmiöön, joidenkin demokratisoituvien yhteiskuntien voimakkaaseen rakenteelliseen politisoitumiseen. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen havainto on, että yksipuoluejärjestelmän demokratisoituminen kantaa sisällään rakenteellisen politisoitumisen siemenen, jos entinen valtapuolue ei romahda demokratisoitumisen myötä.


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The doctoral thesis defined connections between circadian rhythm disruptions and health problems. Sleep debt, jet-lag, shift work, as well as transitions into and out of the daylight saving time may lead to circadian rhythm disruptions. Disturbed circadian rhythm causes sleep deprivation and decrease of mood and these effects may lead to higher accident rates and trigger mental illnesses. Circadian clock genes are involved in the regulation of the cell cycle and metabolism and thus unstable circadian rhythmicity may also lead to cancer development. In publications I-III it was explored how transitions into and out of the daylight saving time impact the sleep efficiency and the rest-activity cycles of healthy individuals. Also it was explored whether the effect of transition is different in fall as compared to spring, and whether there are subgroup specific differences in the adjustment to transitions into and out of daylight saving time. The healthy participants of studies I-III used actigraphs before and after the transitions and filled in the morningness-eveningness and seasonal pattern assessment questionnaires. In publication IV the incidence of hospital-treated accidents and manic episodes was explored two weeks before and two weeks after the transitions into and out of the daylight saving time in years 1987-2003. In publication V the relationship between circadian rhythm disruption and the prevalence of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma was studied. The study V consisted of all working aged Finns who participated in the national population census in 1970. For our study, all the cancers diagnosed during the years 1971-1995 were extracted from the Finnish Cancer Register and linked with the 1970 census files. In studies I-III it was noticed that transitions into and out of the daylight saving time disturbs the sleep-wake cycle and the sleep efficiency of the healthy participants. We also noticed that short sleepers were more sensitive than long sleepers for sudden changes in the circadian rhythm. Our results also indicated that adaptation to changes in the circadian rhythm is potentially sex, age and chronotype-specific. In study IV no significant increase in the occurrence of hospital treated accidents or manic episodes was noticed. However, interesting observations about the seasonal fluctuation of the occurrence rates of accidents and manic episodes were made. Study V revealed that there might be close relationship between circadian rhythm disruption and cancer. The prevalence of Non-Hodgkin lymphoma was the highest among night workers. The five publications included in this thesis together point out that disturbed circadian rhythms may have adverse effect on health. Disturbed circadian rhythms decrease the quality of sleep and weaken the sleep-wake cycle. A continuous circadian rhythm disruption may also predispose individuals to cancer development. Since circadian rhythm disruptions are common in modern society they might have a remarkable impact on the public health. Thus it is important to continue circadian rhythm research so that better prevention and treatment methods can be developed. Keywords: Circadian rhythm, daylight saving time, manic episodes, accidents, Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 11


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Individuals face variable environmental conditions during their life. This may be due to migration, dispersion, environmental changes or, for example, annual variation in weather conditions. Genetic adaptation to a novel environment happens through natural selection. Phenotypic plasticity allows, however, a quick individual response to a new environment. Phenotypic plasticity may also be beneficial for individual if the environment is highly variable. For example, eggs are costly to produce. If the food conditions vary significantly between breeding seasons it is useful to be able to adjust the clutch and egg size according to the food abundance. In this thesis I use Ural owl vole system to study phenotypic plasticity and natural selection using a number of reproduction related traits. The Ural owl (Strix uralensis) is a long-lived and sedentary species. The reproduction and survival of the Ural owl, in fact their whole life, is tied to the dramatically fluctuating vole densities. Ural owls do not cause vole cycles but they have to adjust their behaviour to the rather predictable population fluctuations of these small mammals. Earlier work with this system has shown that Ural owl laying date and clutch size are plastic in relation to vole abundance. Further, individual laying date clutch size reaction norms have been shown to vary in the amount of plasticity. My work extends the knowledge of natural selection and phenotypic plasticity in traits related to reproduction. I show that egg size, timing of the onset of incubation and nest defense aggressiveness are plastic traits with fitness consequences for the Ural owl. Although egg size is in general thought to be a fixed characteristic of an individual, this highly heritable trait in the Ural owl is also remarkably plastic in relation to the changes in vole numbers, Ural owls are laying the largest eggs when their prey is most abundant. Timing of the onset of incubation is an individual-specific property and plastic in relation to clutch size. Timing of incubation is an important underlying cause for asynchronous hatching in birds. Asynchronous hatching is beneficial to offspring survival in Ural owl. Hence, timing of the onset of incubation may also be under natural selection. Ural owl females also adjust their nest defense aggressiveness according to the vole dynamics, being most aggressive in years when they produce the largest broods. Individual females show different levels of nest defense aggressiveness. Aggressiveness is positively correlated with the phenotypic plasticity of aggressiveness. As elevated nest defense aggressiveness is selected for, it may promote the plasticity of aggressive nest defense behaviour. All the studied traits are repeatable or heritable on individual level, and their expression is either directly or indirectly sensitive to changes in vole numbers. My work considers a number of important fitness-related traits showing phenotypic plasticity in all of them. Further, in two chapters I show that there is individual variation in the amount of plasticity exhibited. These findings on plasticity in reproduction related traits suggest that variable environments indeed promote plasticity.