14 resultados para Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Cathepsin D (CTSD) is a lysosomal protease, the deficiency of which is fatal and associated with neurodegeneration. CTSD knock-out mice, which die at the age of four weeks, show intestinal necrosis, loss of lymphoid cells and moderate pathological changes in the brain. An active-site mutation in the CTSD gene underlies a neurodegenerative disease in newborn sheep, characterized by brain atrophy without any changes to visceral tissues. The CTSD deficiences belong to the group of neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinoses (NCLs), severe neurodegenerative lysosomal storage disorders. The aim of this thesis was to examine the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind neurodegeneration in CTSD deficiency. We found the developmental expression pattern of CTSD to resemble that of synaptophysin and the increasing expression of CTSD to coincide with the active period of myelination in the rat brain, suggesting a role for CTSD in early rat brain development. An active-site mutation underlying the congenital ovine NCL not only affected enzymatic activity, but also changed the stability, processing and transport of the mutant protein, possibly contributing to the disease pathogenesis. We also provide CTSD deficiency as a first molecular explanation for human congenital NCL, a lysosomal storage disorder, characterized by neuronal loss and demyelination in the central nervous system. Finally, we show the first evidence for synaptic abnormalities and thalamocortical changes in CTSD-deficient mice at the molecular and ultrastructural levels. Keywords: cathepsin D, congenital, cortex, lysosomal storage disorder, lysosome, mutation, neurodegeneration, neuronal ceroid-lipofuscinosis, overexpression, synapse, thalamus


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Kasvainten, ajatellaan syntyvän yksittäisen solun perimän mutaatioista, jonka seurauksena tuon solun kasvu häiriintyy. Ruoansulatuskanavan polyyppien syntyä käytetään usein mallina siitä, miten nämä epiteelisoluun kerääntyvät mutaatiot aiheuttavat asteittain pahenevan kasvuhäiriön. Peutz–Jeghersin oireyhtymä (PJS) on perinnöllinen polypoosisyndrooma, jossa oireita aiheuttavat erityisesti maha-suolikanavan hamartomatoottiset polyypit. Noin puolella PJS potilaista havaitaan mutaatioita LKB1 kasvunrajoite geenissä. Hiirille joilta toinen Lkb1 alleeli on poistettu (Lkb1+/-) kehittyy PJS-tyypin maha-suolikanavan polyyppeja, joissa on epiteelin liikakasvun lisäksi merkittävä sileälihaskomponentti, aivan kuten PJS polyypeissa. Kuten myös muissa ruoansulatuskanavan polypooseissa, sekä PJS että hiirten polyypeissa Cyclo-oxygenaasi-2:n (COX-2) määrä on usein kohonnut. PJS-polyyppien kehittymisen molekulaarinen mekanismi on kuitenkin selvittämättä. Koska vain osa PJS potilaista kantaa LKB1 mutaatioita, mutaatiot jossakin toisessa lokuksessa saattaisivat selittää osan PJS tapauksista. Jotta PJS:n geneettinen tausta selviäisi, seulottiin kolmen LKB1:n kanssa interaktoivan proteiinin (BRG1, STRADα ja MO25α) geenit PJS potilaista joilla ei ole havaittu LKB1 mutaatioita. Yhdessäkään tutkituista geeneistä ei havaittu tautia aiheuttavia mutaatioita. Näiden kolmen geenin pois sulkeminen, ja uusien menetelmien ansiosta kasvanut havaittujen Lkb1 mutaatioden määrä viittaavat LKB1:n olevan useimpien PJS tapausten taustalla. COX-2:n estäjien käyttö on tehokkaasti vähentänyt polyyppien määrää familiaarisessa adenomatoottisessa polypoosissa. Tästä johtuen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin PJS polypoosissa. PJS-tyypin polypoosin havaittin pienenevän merkittävästi Lkb1+/- hiirissä, joilta oli lisäksi poistettu toinen tai molemmat COX-2:n alleeleista. Lisäksi farmakologinen COX-2:n esto Celecoxib:lla vähensi polypoosia tehokkaasti. Näin ollen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin seuraavaksi PJS potilaissa. Kuuden kuukauden Celecoxib hoidon jälkeen polypoosin havaittiin vähentyneen merkittävästi osalla potilaista (2/6). Nämä tulokset osoittavat COX-2:n roolin PJS-polyyppien kehityksessä, ja viittaavat COX-2:n eston vähentävän polypoosia. Kasvunrajoitegeenin klassisen määritelmän mukaan kasvaimen kehitys vaatii perinnöllisen mutaation lisäksi geenin toisenkin alleelin mutaation, mutta PJS-polyyppien häiriintyneestä epiteelistä ei kuitenkaan systemaattisesti löydy toista LKB1:n mutaatiota. Havainto johti tutkimukseen, jossa selvitettiin voisiko LKB1:n kasvun rajoitus välittyäkin epäsuorasti tukikudokseksi ajatelluista sileälihassoluista. Tätä tutkittiin kehittämällä poistogeeninen hiirimalli jossa Lkb1 on mutatoitunut vain sileälihassoluissa. Näille hiirille kehittyi polyyppeja, jotka ovat kaikin tavoin PJS-polyyppien kaltaisia. Lkb1:n menettäneiden solujen havaittiin tuottavan vähemmän transformoivaa kasvutekijä beetaa (TGFß), joka aiheutti solujen välisen viestinnän heikentymisen ja mahdollisesti viereisten epiteelisolujen liikakasvun. Vastaava häiriö havaittiin myös PJS-potilaiden polyypeissa, mikä viittaa siihen, että potilaillakin sileälihassolujen häiriö on polyyppien taustalla. Havainto suuntaa täten hoitokohteiden etsintää ja osoittaa että LKB1 toimii kasvunrajoittajana epätyypillisellä tavalla pitäen naapurisolujen kasvun kurissa.


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RAPADILINO syndrome is an autosomally resessively inherited condition that belongs to a group of rare syndromes more common in Finland than in other parts of the world. RAPADILINO is characterized by pre- and postnatal growth retardation, radial ray defects, diarrhoea of unknown aetiology during chilhood, a facial resemblance with other patients and normal intelligence. In Finland, 15 patients with this condition have been found which compares with only five patients in other parts of the world. We found RECQL4 gene mutations in RAPADILINO patients and proved this syndrome to be allelic with a subgroup of Rothmund-Thomson syndrome (RTS). Later we found RECQL4 mutations in patients with Baller-Gerold syndrome (BGS). These three syndromes share clinical findings and differential diagnostics rely on poikiloderma and craniosynostosis not seen in RAPADILINO syndrome. We found five different mutations in the Finnish RAPADILINO patients. The g.2545delT mutation is the founder mutation in the Finnish population as all the patients are either homozygotes or compound heterozygotes for it. This mutation leads to the inframe skipping of exon seven from mRNA. The protein encoded by this mutant mRNA lacks the nuclear retention signal and thus leads to the mislocalization of the mutant protein. The genotype-phenotype correlation is not straightforward but it seems that RAPADILINO could be due to alteration in protein function and truncating mutations in both alleles are more common among RTS patients. RTS patients with RECQL4 mutations have an elevated risk for osteosarcoma, but their risk to develop other types of malignancies is not increased.Two Finnish RAPADILINO patients have been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, but in addition to this we have found an excess of lymphoma cases among the Finnish RAPADILINO patients. This difference between cancer types could be due to different mutations found in these syndromes. The mutation screening of the patients will help to differentiate patients who have RECQL4 mutations and thus the elevated cancer risk. Patients will benefit from the follow up since early detection of malignancies is important for the treatment.


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The systemic autoinflammatory disorders are a group of rare diseases characterized by periodically recurring episodes of acute inflammation and a rise in serum acute phase proteins, but with no signs of autoimmunity. At present eight hereditary syndromes are categorized as autoinflammatory, although the definition has also occasionally been extended to other inflammatory disorders, such as Crohn s disease. One of the autoinflammatory disorders is the autosomally dominantly inherited tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), which is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the tumour necrosis factor type 1 receptor (TNFRSF1A). In patients of Nordic descent, cases of TRAPS and of three other hereditary fevers, hyperimmunoglobulinemia D with periodic fever syndrome (HIDS), chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneous and articular syndrome (CINCA) and familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS), have been reported, TRAPS being the most common of the four. Clinical characteristics of TRAPS are recurrent attacks of high spiking fever, associated with inflammation of serosal membranes and joints, myalgia, migratory rash and conjunctivitis or periorbital cellulitis. Systemic AA amyloidosis may occur as a sequel of the systemic inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic background of hereditary periodically occurring fever syndromes in Finnish patients, to explore the reliability of determining serum concentrations of soluble TNFRSF1A and metalloproteinase-induced TNFRSF1A shedding as helpful tools in differential diagnostics, as well as to study intracellular NF-κB signalling in an attempt to widen the knowledge of the pathomechanisms underlying TRAPS. Genomic sequencing revealed two novel TNFRSF1A mutations, F112I and C73R, in two Finnish families. F112I was the first TNFRSF1A mutation to be reported in the third extracellular cysteine-rich domain of the gene and C73R was the third novel mutation to be reported in a Finnish family, with only one other TNFRSF1A mutation having been reported in the Nordic countries. We also presented a differential diagnostic problem in a TRAPS patient, emphasizing for the clinician the importance of differential diagnostic vigiliance in dealing with rare hereditary disorders. The underlying genetic disease of the patient both served as a misleading factor, which possibly postponed arrival at the correct diagnosis, but may also have predisposed to the pathologic condition, which led to a critical state of the patient. Using a method of flow cytometric analysis modified for the use on fresh whole blood, we studied intracellular signalling pathways in three Finnish TRAPS families with the F112I, C73R and the previously reported C88Y mutations. Evaluation of TNF-induced phosphorylation of NF-κB and p38, revealed low phosphorylation profiles in nine out of ten TRAPS patients in comparison to healthy control subjects. This study shows that TRAPS is a diagnostic possibility in patients of Nordic descent, with symptoms of periodically recurring fever and inflammation of the serosa and joints. In particular in the case of a family history of febrile episodes, the possibility of TRAPS should be considered, if an etiology of autoimmune or infectious nature is excluded. The discovery of three different mutations in a population as small as the Finnish, reinforces the notion that the extracellular domain of TNFRSF1A is prone to be mutated at the entire stretch of its cysteine-rich domains and not only at a limited number of sites, suggesting the absence of a founder effect in TRAPS. This study also demonstrates the challenges of clinical work in differentiating the symptoms of rare genetic disorders from those of other pathologic conditions and presents the possibility of an autoinflammatory disorder as being the underlying cause of severe clinical complications. Furthermore, functional studies of fresh blood leukocytes show that TRAPS is often associated with a low NF-κB and p38 phosphorylation profile, although low phosphorylation levels are not a requirement for the development of TRAPS. The aberrant signalling would suggest that the hyperinflammatory phenotype of TRAPS is the result of compensatory NF-κB-mediated regulatory mechanisms triggered by a deficiency of the innate immune response.


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The study assessed whether plasma concentrations of complement factors C3, C4, or immunoglobulins, serum classical pathway hemolytyic activity, or polymorphisms in the class I and II HLA genes, isotypes and gene numbers of C4, or allotypes of IgG1 and IgG3 heavy chain genes were associated with severe frequently recurring or chronic mucosal infections. According to strict clinical criteria, 188 consecutive voluntary patients without a known immunodeficiency and 198 control subjects were recruited. Frequencies of low levels in IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4 were for the first time tested from adult general population and patients with acute rhinosinusitis. Frequently recurring intraoral herpes simplex type 1 infections, a rare form of the disease, was associated with homozygosity in HLA -A*, -B*, -C*, and -DR* genes. Frequently recurrent genital HSV-2 infections were associated with low levels of IgG1 and IgG3, present in 54% of the recruited patients. This association was partly allotype-dependent. The G3mg,G1ma/ax haplotype, together with low IgG3, was more common in patients than in control subjects who lacked antibodies against herpes simplex viruses. This is the first found immunogenetic deficiency in otherwise healthy adults that predisposes to highly frequent mucosal herpes recurrences. According to previous studies, HSV effectively evades the allotype G1ma/ax of IgG1, whereas G3mg is associated with low IgG3. Certain HLA genes were more common in patients than in control subjects. Having more than one C4A or C4B gene was associated with neuralgias caused by the virus. Low levels of IgA, IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, and IgG4 were common in the general adult population, but even more frequent in patients with chronic sinusitis. Only low IgG1 was more common chronic than in acute rhinosinusitis. Clinically, nasal polyposis and bronchial asthma were associated with complicated disease forms. The best differentiating immunologic parameters were C4A deficiency and the combination of low plasma IgG4 together with low IgG1 or IgG2, performing almost equally. The lack of C4A, IgA, and IgG4, all known to possess anti-inflammatory activity, together with a concurrently impaired immunity caused by low subclass levels, may predispose to chronic disease forms. In severe chronic adult periodontitis, any C4A or C4B deficiency combined was associated with the disease. The new quantitative analysis of C4 genes and the conventional C4 allotyping method complemented each other. Lowered levels of plasma C3 or C4 or both, and serum CH50 were found in herpes and periodontitis patients. In rhinosinusitis, there was a linear trend with the highest levels found in the order: acute > chronic rhinosinusitis > general population > blood donors with no self-reported history of rhinosinusitis. Complement is involved in the defense against the tested mucosal infections. Seemingly immunocompetent patients with chronic or recurrent mucosal infections frequently have subtle weaknesses in different arms of immunity. Their susceptibility to chronic disease forms may be caused by these. Host s subtly impaired immunity often coincides with effective immune evasion from the same arms of immunity by the disease-causing pathogens. The interpretation of low subclass levels, if no additional predisposing immunologic factors are tested, is difficult and of limited value in early diagnosis and treatment.


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Defects in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) maintenance cause a range of human diseases, including autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia (adPEO). This study aimed to clarify the molecular background of adPEO. We discovered that deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) metabolism plays a crucial in mtDNA maintenance and were thus prompted to search for therapeutic strategies based on the modulation of cellular dNTP pools or mtDNA copy number. Human mtDNA is a 16.6 kb circular molecule present in hundreds to thousands of copies per cell. mtDNA is compacted into nucleoprotein clusters called nucleoids. mtDNA maintenance diseases result from defects in nuclear encoded proteins that maintain the mtDNA. These syndromes typically afflict highly differentiated, post-mitotic tissues such as muscle and nerve, but virtually any organ can be affected. adPEO is a disease where mtDNA molecules with large-scale deletions accumulate in patients tissues, particularly in skeletal muscle. Mutations in five nuclear genes, encoding the proteins ANT1, Twinkle, POLG, POLG2 and OPA1, have previously been shown to cause adPEO. Here, we studied a large North American pedigree with adPEO, and identified a novel heterozygous mutation in the gene RRM2B, which encodes the p53R2 subunit of the enzyme ribonucleotide reductase (RNR). RNR is the rate-limiting enzyme in dNTP biosynthesis, and is required both for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA replication. The mutation results in the expression of a truncated form of p53R2, which is likely to compete with the wild-type allele. A change in enzyme function leads to defective mtDNA replication due to altered dNTP pools. Therefore, RRM2B is a novel adPEO disease gene. The importance of adequate dNTP pools and RNR function for mtDNA maintenance has been established in many organisms. In yeast, induction of RNR has previously been shown to increase mtDNA copy number, and to rescue the phenotype caused by mutations in the yeast mtDNA polymerase. To further study the role of RNR in mammalian mtDNA maintenance, we used mice that broadly overexpress the RNR subunits Rrm1, Rrm2 or p53R2. Active RNR is a heterotetramer consisting of two large subunits (Rrm1) and two small subunits (either Rrm2 or p53R2). We also created bitransgenic mice that overexpress Rrm1 together with either Rrm2 or p53R2. In contrast to the previous findings in yeast, bitransgenic RNR overexpression led to mtDNA depletion in mouse skeletal muscle, without mtDNA deletions or point mutations. The mtDNA depletion was associated with imbalanced dNTP pools. Furthermore, the mRNA expression levels of Rrm1 and p53R2 were found to correlate with mtDNA copy number in two independent mouse models, suggesting nuclear-mitochondrial cross talk with regard to mtDNA copy number. We conclude that tight regulation of RNR is needed to prevent harmful alterations in the dNTP pool balance, which can lead to disordered mtDNA maintenance. Increasing the copy number of wild-type mtDNA has been suggested as a strategy for treating PEO and other mitochondrial diseases. Only two proteins are known to cause a robust increase in mtDNA copy number when overexpressed in mice; the mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM), and the mitochondrial replicative helicase Twinkle. We studied the mechanisms by which Twinkle and TFAM elevate mtDNA levels, and showed that Twinkle specifically implements mtDNA synthesis. Furthermore, both Twinkle and TFAM were found to increase mtDNA content per nucleoid. Increased mtDNA content in mouse tissues correlated with an age-related accumulation of mtDNA deletions, depletion of mitochondrial transcripts, and progressive respiratory dysfunction. Simultaneous overexpression of Twinkle and TFAM led to a further increase in the mtDNA content of nucleoids, and aggravated the respiratory deficiency. These results suggested that high mtDNA levels have detrimental long-term effects in mice. These data have to be considered when developing and evaluating treatment strategies for elevating mtDNA copy number.


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This study identified the molecular defects underlying three lethal fetal syndromes. Lethal Congenital Contracture Syndrome 1 (LCCS1, MIM 253310) and Lethal Arthrogryposis with Anterior Horn Cell Disease (LAAHD, MIM 611890) are fetal motor neuron diseases. They affect the nerve cells that control voluntary muscle movement, and eventually result in severe atrophy of spinal cord motor neurons and fetal immobility. Both LCCS1 and LAAHD are caused by mutations in the GLE1 gene, which encodes for a multifunctional protein involved in posttranscriptional mRNA processing. LCCS2 and LCCS3, two syndromes that are clinically similar to LCCS1, are caused by defective proteins involved in the synthesis of inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), an essential cofactor of GLE1. This suggests a common mechanism behind these fetal motor neuron diseases, and along with accumulating evidence from genetic studies of more late-onset motor neuron diseases such as Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), implicates mRNA processing as a common mechanism in motor neuron disease pathogenesis. We also studied gle1-/- zebrafish in order to investigate whether they would be a good model for studying the pathogenesis of LCCS1 and LAAHD. Mutant zebrafish exhibit cell death in their central nervous system at two days post fertilization, and the distribution of mRNA within the cells of mutant zebrafish differs from controls, encouraging further studies. The third lethal fetal syndrome is described in this study for the first time. Cocoon syndrome (MIM 613630) was discovered in a Finnish family with two affected individuals. Its hallmarks are the encasement of the limbs under the skin, and severe craniofacial abnormalities, including the lack of skull bones. We showed that Cocoon syndrome is caused by a mutation in the gene encoding the conserved helix-loop-helix ubiquitous kinase CHUK, also known as IκB kinase α (IKKα). The mutation results in the complete lack of CHUK protein expression. CHUK is a subunit of the IκB kinase enzyme that inhibits NF-κB transcription factors, but in addition, it has an essential, independent role in controlling keratinocyte differentiation, as well as informing morphogenetic events such as limb and skeletal patterning. CHUK also acts as a tumor suppressor, and is frequently inactivated in cancer. This study has brought significant new information about the molecular background of these three lethal fetal syndromes, as well as provided knowledge about the prerequisites of normal human development.


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Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of clonal hematopoietic disorders whose etiology and molecular pathogenesis are poorly understood. During the past decade, enormous developments in microarray technology and bioinformatics methods have made it possible to mine novel molecular alterations in a large number of malignancies, including MPN and MDS, which has facilitated the detection of new prognostic, predictive and therapeutic biomarkers for disease stratification. By applying novel microarray techniques, we profiled copy number alterations and microRNA (miRNA) expression changes in bone marrow aspirate and blood samples. In addition, we set up and validated an miRNA expression test for bone marrow core biopsies in order to utilize the large archive material available in many laboratories. We also tested JAK2 mutation status and compare it with the in vitro growth pattern of hematologic progenitors cells. In the study focusing on 100 MPN cases, we detected a Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) mutation in 71 cases. We observed spontaneous erythroid colony growth in all mutation-positive cases in addition to nine mutation negative cases. Interestingly, seven JAK2V167F negative ET cases showed spontaneous megakaryocyte colony formation, one case of which also harbored a myeloproliferative leukemia virus oncogene (MPL) mutation. We studied copy number alterations in 35 MPN and 37 MDS cases by using oligonucleotide-based array comparative hybridization (array CGH). Only one essential thrombocythemia (ET) case presented copy number alterations in chromosomes 1q and 13q. In contrast, MDS cases were characterized by numerous novel cryptic chromosomal aberrations with the most common copy number losses at 5q21.3q33.1 and 7q22.1q33, while the most common copy number gain was trisomy 8. As for the study of the bone marrow core biopsy samples, we showed that even though these samples were embedded in paraffin and underwent decalcification, they were reliable sources of miRNA and suitable for array expression analysis. Further, when studying the miRNA expression profiles of the 19 MDS cases, we found that, compared to controls, two miRNAs (one human Epstein-Barr virus (miR-BART13) miRNA and one human (has-miR-671-5p) miRNA) were downregulated, whereas two other miRNAs (hsa-miR-720 and hsa-miR-21) were upregulated. However, we could find no correlation between copy number alterations and microRNA expression when integrating these two data. This thesis brings to light new information about genomic changes implicated in the development of MPN and MDS, and also underlines the power of applying genome-wide array screening techniques in neoplasias. Rapid advances in molecular techniques and the integration of different genomic data will enable the discovery of the biological contexts of many complex disorders, including myeloid neoplasias.


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This thesis assesses clinical differences in patients with low and high vitamin D levels. The factors analyzed included the underlying disease, body size, age, ethnic background, use of vitamin D supplements and the season when the blood sample was taken. Fifty patients with the lowest and 50 patients with the highest vitamin D concentrations were selected from a cohort of 1351 chronically ill children and adolescents who had had their vitamin D status assessed at Children's Hospital. Protective factors appeared to be the usage of vitamin D supplements and young age, especially age <2 years. Predisposing factors included non-Finnish ethnic background and older age, especially age 12-18 years. High vitamin D values were more prevalent in the summer and autumn and low values in the winter and spring. Patients with non-Finnish background were overrepresented in the low value group. No differences regarding the underlying diseases could be detected. Conclusions: In the Northern latitudes UVB-radiation is insufficient for vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D recommendations appear to be inadequate to fulfill the needs of chronically ill patients whose requirements for vitamin D are elevated compared to the general population. New guidelines for vitamin D supplementation are needed particularly for those at risk of developing vitamin D deficiency.