5 resultados para ISLETS

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Transplantation of isolated islets from cadaver pancreas is a promising possibility for the optimal treatment of type 1 diabetes. The lack of islets is a major problem. Here we have investigated the possibility of generating islets in tissue culture of human pancreatic cells. We first reproduced a previously reported method of in vitro generation of endocrine cells from human adult pancreatic tissue. By tracing the bromodeoxyuridine-labeled cells in differentiated islet buds, we found that the pancreatic progenitor cells represented a subpopulation of cytokeratin 19 (CK19)-positive ductal cells. Serum-free medium and Matrigel overlay were essential for the endocrine differentiation. We then examined the involvement of preexisting islet cells in islet neogenesis. About 6-10% of endocrine cells dedifferentiated and acquired a transitional phenotype by coexpressing CK19. Significant cell proliferation was only observed in CK19-positive cells, but not in chromogranin A-positive endocrine cells. The in vitro-derived human islets were morphologically and functionally immature when compared with normal islets. Their insulin mRNA levels were only 4-5% of that found in fresh human islets, and glucose-stimulated insulin release was 3 times lower than that of control islets. Moreover, some immature endocrine cells coexpressed insulin and glucagon. After transplantation in nude mice, the in vitro-generated islets became mature with one type of hormone per endocrine cell. In addition, we also found that also in both fresh islet transplants many cells coexpressed endocrine markers and ductal marker CK19 as a sign of ductal to endocrine cell transition. Finally, we studied the effects of clinically used immunosuppressive drugs on precursor cell proliferation and differentiation. Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) severely hampered duct-cell proliferation, and significantly reduced the total DNA content indicating its antiproliferative effect on the precursors. Tacrolimus mainly affected differentiated beta cells by decreasing the insulin content per DNA as well as the proportion of insulin-positive cells. Sirolimus and daclizumab did not show any individual or synergistic side effects suggesting that these drugs are amenable for use in clinical islet transplantation. In summary, we confirm the capacity of endocrine differentiation from progenitors present in the adult human pancreas. The plasticity of differentiated cell types of human pancreas may be a potential mechanism of human pancreas regeneration. Ductal cell differentiation into endocrine cells in transplanted islets may be an important factor in sustaining the long-term function of islet transplants. The immunosuppressive protocol is likely to be an important determinant of long-term clinical islet graft function. Moreover, these results provide new information on the mechanisms of pancreatic islet regeneration and provide the basis for the development of new strategies for the treatment of insulin deficient diabetes mellitus.


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Basement membranes are specialized sheets of extracellular matrix found in contact with epithelia, endothelia, and certain isolated cells. They support tissue architecture and regulate cell behaviour. Laminins are among the main constituents of basement membranes. Due to differences between laminin isoforms, laminins confer structural and functional diversity to basement membranes. The first aim of this study was to gain insights into the potential functions of the then least characterized laminins, alpha4 chain laminins, by evaluating their distribution in human tissues. We thus created a monoclonal antibody specific for laminin alpha4 chain. By immunohistochemistry, alpha4 chain laminins were primarily localized to basement membranes of blood vessel endothelia, skeletal, heart, and smooth muscle cells, nerves, and adipocytes. In addition, alpha4 chain laminins were found in the region of certain epithelial basement membranes in the epidermis, salivary gland, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and kidney. Because of the consistent presence of alpha4 chain laminins in endothelial basement membranes of blood vessels, we evaluated the potential roles of endothelial laminins in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and carcinomas. Human endothelial cells produced alpha4 and alpha5 chain laminins. In quantitative and morphological adhesion assays, human endothelial cells barely adhered to alpha4 chain-containing laminin-411. The weak interaction of endothelial cells with laminin-411 appeared to be mediated by alpha6beta1 integrin. The alpha5 chain-containing laminin-511 promoted endothelial cell adhesion better than laminin-411, but it did not promote the formation of cell-extracellular matrix adhesion complexes. The adhesion of endothelial cells to laminin-511 appeared to be mediated by Lutheran glycoprotein together with beta1 and alphavbeta3 integrins. The results suggest that these laminins may induce a migratory phenotype in endothelial cells. In lymphatic capillaries, endothelial basement membranes showed immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains, type IV and XVIII collagens, and nidogen-1. Considering the assumed inability of alpha4 chain laminins to polymerize and to promote basement membrane assembly, the findings may in part explain the incomplete basement membrane formation in these vessels. Lymphatic capillaries of ovarian carcinomas showed immunoreactivity also for laminin alpha5 chain and its receptor Lutheran glycoprotein, emphasizing a difference between normal and ovarian carcinoma lymphatic capillaries. In renal cell carcinomas, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was found in stroma and basement membranes of blood vessels. In most tumours, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was also observed in the basement membrane region of tumour cell islets. Renal carcinoma cells produced alpha4 chain laminins. Laminin-411 did not promote adhesion of renal carcinoma cells, but inhibited their adhesion to fibronectin. Renal carcinoma cells migrated more on laminin-411 than on fibronectin. The results suggest that alpha4 chain laminins have a counteradhesive function, and may thus have a role in detachment and invasion of renal carcinoma cells.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is considered to be an autoimmune disease. The cause of T1D is the destruction of insulin-producing β-cells in the pancreatic islets. The autoimmune nature of T1D is characterized by the presence of autoreactive T-cells and autoantibodies against β-cell molecules. Insulin is the only β-cell-specific autoantigen associated with T1D but the insulin autoantibodies (IAAs) are difficult to measure with proper sensitivity. T-cell assays for detection of autoreactive T-cells, such as insulin-specific T-cells, have also proven to be difficult to perform. The genetic risk of T1D is associated with the HLA gene region but the environmental factors also play an important role. The most studied environmental risk factors of T1D are enteroviruses and cow's milk which both affect the immune system through the gut. One hypothesis is that the insulin-specific immune response develops against bovine insulin in cow's milk during early infancy and later spreads to include human insulin. The aims of this study were to determine whether the separation of immunoglobulin (Ig)G from plasma would improve the sensitivity of the IAA assay and how insulin treatment affects the cellular immune response to insulin in newly diagnosed patients. Furthermore, the effect of insulin concentration in mother's breast milk on the development of antibodies to dietary insulin in the child was examined. Small intestinal biopsies were also obtained from children with T1D to characterize any immunological changes associated with T1D in the gut. The isolation of the IgG fraction from the plasma of T1D patients negative for plasma IAA led to detectable IAA levels that exceeded those in the control children. Thus the isolation of IgG may improve the sensitivity of the IAA assay. The effect of insulin treatment on insulin-specific T-cells was studied by culturing peripheral blood mononuclear cells with insulin. The insulin stimulation induced increased expression of regulatory T-cell markers, such as Foxp3, in those patients treated with insulin than in patients examined before initiating insulin treatment. This finding suggests that insulin treatment in patients with T1D stimulates regulatory T-cells in vivo and this may partly explain the difficulties in measuring autoantigen-specific T-cell responses in recently diagnosed patients. The stimulation of regulatory T-cells by insulin treatment may also explain the remission period often seen after initiating insulin treatment. In the third study we showed that insulin concentration in mother's breast milk correlates inversely with the levels of bovine insulin-specific antibodies in those infants who were exposed to cow's milk proteins in their diet, suggesting that human insulin in breast milk induces tolerance to dietary bovine insulin. However, in infants who later developed T1D-associated autoantibodies, the insulin concentration in their mother's breast milk was increased. This finding may indicate that in those children prone to β-cell autoimmunity, breast milk insulin does not promote tolerance to insulin. In the small intestinal biopsies the presence of several immunological markers were quantified with the RT-PCR. From these markers the expression of the interleukin (IL)-18 cytokine was significantly increased in the gut in patients with T1D compared with children with celiac disease or control children. The increased IL-18 expression lends further support for the hypothesis that the gut immune system is involved in the pathogenesis of T1D.


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The biodiversity of farmland ecosystems has decreased remarkably during the latter half of the 20th century, and this development is due to intensive farming with its various environmental effects. In the countries of the EU the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the main determinant affecting farmland biodiversity, since the agricultural policy defines guidelines of agricultural practices. In addition to policies promoting intensive farming, CAP also includes national agri-environment schemes (AES), in which a part of subsidies paid to farmers is directed to acts that are presumed to promote environmental protection and biodiversity. In order to shape AES into relevant and powerful tools for biodiversity protection, detailed studies on the effects of agriculture on species and species assemblages are needed. In my thesis I investigated the importance of habitat heterogeneity and effects of different habitat and landscape characteristics on farmland bird abundance and diversity in typical cereal cultivation-dominated southern Finnish agricultural environments. The extensive data used were collected by territory mapping. My two main study species were the drastically declined ortolan bunting (Emberiza hortulana) and the phenomenally increased tree sparrow (Passer montanus); in addition I studied assemblages of 20 species breeding in open arable and edge/bush habitats. In light of my results I discuss whether the Finnish AES take into account the habitat needs of farmland birds, and I provide suggestions for improvement of the future AES. My results show that heterogeneity of both uncultivated and cultivated habitats increases abundance and species richness among farmland birds, but in this respect the amount and diversity of uncultivated habitats are essential. Ditches in particular are a keystone structure for farmland birds in boreal landscapes. Ditches lined by trees or bushes increased ortolan bunting abundance. Loss of that kind of ditches (and clearance of forest and bush patches), reduced breeding ortolan buntings, mainly by decreasing availability of song-posts that are important for the breeding groups of the species. Heterogeneity of uncultivated habitats, most importantly open ditches and the habitat patch richness, increased densities and species richnesses of species assemblages of open arable and edge/bush habitats. Human impact (winter-feeding, nest-boxes) affected favourably the tree sparrow s rapid range expansion in southern Finland, but any habitat types had no significant effects. At the moment the Finnish agri-environmental policy does not conserve farmland ditches as a habitat type. Instead, sub-surface drainage is financially promoted. This is a fatal mistake as far as farmland biodiversity is concerned. In addition to the maintenance of ditches, at least the following aspects should be included more than is done previously in the measures of the future AES: 1) promotion of diverse crop rotation (especially by promoting animal husbandry), 2) maintenance of tree and bush vegetation in islets and along ditches, 3) promotion of organic farming.


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Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is considered to be an autoimmune disease. In T1D insulin producing pancreatic β cells are destroyed. The disease process begins years before the clinical diagnosis of T1D. During the pathogenesis of T1D, pancreatic islets are infiltrated by cells of the immune system and T-lymphocytes are considered to be the main mediators of the β-cell destruction. In children with an active β-cell destruction process, autoantibodies against β-cell antigens appear in the blood. Individuals at increased risk of developing T1D can often be identified by detecting serum autoantibodies against β-cell antigens. Immunological aberrancies associated with T1D are related to defects in the polarization of T cells and in the function of regulatory mechanisms. T1D has been considered as an organ-specific autoimmune disease mediated by uncontrolled Th1-responses. In human T1D, the evidence for the role of over-expression of cytokines promoting cytotoxicity is controversial. For the past 15 years, regulatory T cells (Tregs) have been recognized as having a key role in the initiation and maintenance of tolerance, limiting harmful autoantigen-specific inflammation processes. It is possible that, if regulatory mechanisms fail to be initiated, the subtle inflammation targeting β cells lead to insulitis and eventually to overt T1D in some individuals. In the present thesis, we studied the induction of Tregs during the generation of T-cell responses in T1D. The results suggest that the generation of regulatory mechanisms and effector mechanisms upon T-cell activation is aberrant in children with T1D. In our studies, an in vitro cytotoxic environment inhibited the induction of genes associated with regulatory functions upon T-cell activation. We also found T1D patients to have an impaired cytotoxic response against coxsackievirus B4. Ineffective virus clearance may increase the apoptosis of β cells, and thus the risk of β-cell specific autoimmunity, due to the increased presentation of β-cell-derived peptides by APCs to T cells in pancreatic lymph nodes. Recently, a novel T helper cell subset called Th17 has been discovered. Animal models have associated Th17 cells and especially co-producers of IL-17 and IFN-γ with the pathogenesis of T1D. We aimed to characterize the role of Th17 immunity in human T1D. We demonstrated IL-17 activation to be a major alteration in T1D patients in comparison to healthy children. Moreover, alterations related to the FOXP3-mediated regulatory mechanisms were associated with the IL-17 up-regulation seen in T1D patients. These findings may have therapeutic implications for the treatment and prevention of T1D.