48 resultados para IIe siècle avant J.-C. Brigandage
em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki
This thesis addresses the following broad research question: what did it mean to be a disabled Revolutionary War veteran in the early United States during the period from 1776 to roughly 1840? The study approaches the question from two angles: a state-centred one and an experiential one. In both cases, the theoretical framework employed comes from disability studies. Consequently, disability is regarded as a sociocultural phenomenon rather than a medical condition. The state-centred dimension of the study explores the meaning of disability and disabled veterans to the early American state through an examination of the major military pension laws of the period. An analysis of this legislation, particularly the invalid pension acts of 1793 and 1806, indicates that the early United States represents a key period in the development of the modern disability category. The experiential approach, in contrast, shifts the focus of attention away from the state towards the lived experiences of disabled veterans. It seeks to address the issue of whether or not the disabilities of disabled veterans had any significant material impact on their everyday lives. It does this through a comparison of the situation of 153 disabled veterans with that of an equivalent number of nondisabled veterans. The former group received invalid pensions while the latter did not. In comparing the material conditions of disabled and nondisabled veterans, a wide range of primary sources from military records to memoirs and letters are used. The most important sources in this regard are the pension application papers submitted by veterans in the early nineteenth century. These provide us with a unique insight into the everyday lives of veterans. Looking at the issue of experience through the window of the pension files reveals that there was not much difference in the broad contours of disabled and nondisabled veteran life. This finding has implications for the theorisation of disability that are highlighted and discussed in the thesis. The main themes covered in this study are: the wartime experiences of injured American soldiers, the military pension establishment of the early United States and the legal construction of disability, and the post-war working and family lives of disabled veterans. Keywords: disability, early America, veterans, military pensions, disabled people, Revolutionary War, United States, disability theory.
"Radiodiskurssin kontekstualisointi prosodisin keinoin. Esimerkkinä viisi suurta ranskalaista 1900-luvun filosofia" Väitöskirja käsittelee puheen kontekstualisointia prosodisin keinoin. Toisin sanottuna työssä käsitellään sitä, miten puheen prosodiset piirteet (kuten sävelkulku, intensiteetti, tauot, kesto ja rytmi) ohjaavat puheen tulkintaa vanhastaan enemmän tutkittujen sana- ja lausemerkitysten ohella. Työssä keskitytään seitsemään prosodisesti merkittyyn kuvioon, jotka koostuvat yhden tai usean parametrin silmiinpistävistä muutoksista. Ilmiöitä käsitellään sekä niiden akustisten muotojen että tyypillisten esiintymisyhteyksien ja diskursiivisten tehtävien näkökulmasta. Aineisto koostuu radio-ohjelmista, joissa puhuu viisi suurta ranskalaista 1900-luvun filosofia: Gaston Bachelard, Albert Camus, Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty ja Jean-Paul Sartre. Ohjelmat on lähetetty eri radiokanavilla Ranskassa vuosina 1948–1973. Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, että prosodisesti merkityt kuviot ovat moniulotteisia puheen ilmiöitä, joilla on keskeinen rooli sanotun kontekstualisoinnissa: ne voivat esimerkiksi nostaa tai laskea sanotun informaatioarvoa, ilmaista puhujan voimakasta tai heikkoa sitoutumista sanomaansa, ilmaista rakenteellisen kokonaisuuden jatkumista tai päättymistä, jne. Väitöskirja sisältää myös kontrastiivisia osia, joissa ilmiöitä verrataan erääseen klassisessa pianomusiikissa esiintyvään melodiseen kuvioon sekä erääseen suomen kielen prosodiseen ilmiöön. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että tietynlaista melodista kuviota käytetään samankaltaisena jäsentämiskeinona sekä puheessa että klassisessa musiikissa. Lisäksi tulokset antavat viitteitä siitä, että tiettyjä melodisia muotoja käytetään samankaltaisten implikaatioiden luomiseen kahdessa niinkin erilaisessa kielessä kuin suomessa ja ranskassa. Yksi väitöskirjan osa käsittelee pisteen ja pilkun prosodista merkitsemistä puheessa. Tulosten mukaan pisteellä ja pilkulla on kummallakin oma suullinen prototyyppinsä: piste merkitään tyypillisesti sävelkulun laskulla ja tauolla, ja pilkku puolestaan sävelkulun nousulla ja tauolla. Merkittävimmät tulokset koskevat kuitenkin tapauksia, joissa välimerkki tulkitaan prosodisesti epätyypillisellä tavalla: sekä pisteellä että pilkulla vaikuttaisi olevan useita eri suullisia vastaavuuksia, ja välimerkkien tehtävät voivat muotoutua hyvin erilaisiksi niiden prosodisesta tulkinnasta riippuen.
This study sets out to provide new information about the interaction between abstract religious ideas and actual acts of violence in the early crusading movement. The sources are asked, whether such a concept as religious violence can be sorted out as an independent or distinguishable source of aggression at the moment of actual bloodshed. The analysis concentrates on the practitioners of sacred violence, crusaders and their mental processing of the use of violence, the concept of the violent act, and the set of values and attitudes defining this concept. The scope of the study, the early crusade movement, covers the period from late 1080 s to the crusader conquest of Jerusalem in 15 July 1099. The research has been carried out by contextual reading of relevant sources. Eyewitness reports will be compared with texts that were produced by ecclesiastics in Europe. Critical reading of the texts reveals both connecting ideas and interesting differences between them. The sources share a positive attitude towards crusading, and have principally been written to propagate the crusade institution and find new recruits. The emphasis of the study is on the interpretation of images: the sources are not asked what really happened in chronological order, but what the crusader understanding of the reality was like. Fictional material can be even more crucial for the understanding of the crusading mentality. Crusader sources from around the turn of the twelfth century accept violent encounters with non-Christians on the grounds of external hostility directed towards the Christian community. The enemies of Christendom can be identified with either non-Christians living outside the Christian society (Muslims), non-Christians living within the Christian society (Jews) or Christian heretics. Western Christians are described as both victims and avengers of the surrounding forces of diabolical evil. Although the ideal of universal Christianity and gradual eradication of the non-Christian is present, the practical means of achieving a united Christendom are not discussed. The objective of crusader violence was thus entirely Christian: the punishment of the wicked and the restoration of Christian morals and the divine order. Meanwhile, the means used to achieve these objectives were not. Given the scarcity of written regulations concerning the use of force in bello, perceptions concerning the practical use of violence were drawn from a multitude of notions comprising an adaptable network of secular and ecclesiastical, pre-Christian and Christian traditions. Though essentially ideological and often religious in character, the early crusader concept of the practise of violence was not exclusively rooted in Christian thought. The main conclusion of the study is that there existed a definable crusader ideology of the use of force by 1100. The crusader image of violence involved several levels of thought. Predominantly, violence indicates a means of achieving higher spiritual rewards; eternal salvation and immortal glory.
Angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis occur during development as the result of tightly coordinated signalling programs to generate two hierarchically organised vascular systems. All tissues and organs are dependent on a functional blood vasculature for oxygen and nutrients, whereas the lymphatic vasculature functions to collect excess tissue fluid, passing it through lymph nodes for immune surveillance, and returning it to the blood circulation. Effectors that control developmental angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis are also involved in pathological settings, and therefore potential targets for therapy. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and angiopoietin (Ang) growth factors, signalling through endothelial VEGFR and Tie receptors, have been established as key regulators of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic processes in development and disease. In this study, we aimed to obtain a clearer understanding of the vascular effects of stimulation by VEGF-C, Ang1 and Ang2, all known to be involved in lymphangiogenesis. In cell culture models, we found that both intrinsic and microenvironmental regulatory mechanisms are involved in the regulation of endothelial cell phenotypes, and distinct responses to VEGF signalling are induced by specific receptor pathways in different endothelial cell types. Surprisingly, we also found that Ang1 induces sprouting lymphangiogenesis in vivo by a VEGFR-3 dependent mechanism, establishing Ang1 as a novel lymphangiogenic factor. Using inducible transgenic mouse models, we found that VEGF-C-induced lymphatic hyperplasia persisted independently of the growth factor, indicating that short pro-lymphangiogenic therapy could lead to lasting improvements in tissue oedema. While VEGF-C had blood vessel effects in embryos, no angiogenic side effects were observed in adult tissues. Furthermore, inducible transgenic expression of Ang2 during embryonic development confirmed Ang2 as an important regulator of lymphatic remodelling and mural cell contacts. The unexpected similarity of the lymphatic maturation defects caused by excess Ang2 to those observed in Ang2 deficient mice demonstrated that correct doses of Ang2 are crucial for the control of lymphatic development. Unlike Ang1, Ang2 did not induce lymphatic sprouting. Although Ang1 has been shown to be able to substitute for Ang2 during developmental lymphangiogenesis, their lymphatic effects are not identical. These findings further our understanding of the basic mechanisms of angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, important for the future development of targeted therapies for vascular diseases such as cancer, inflammation, lymphoedema and ischemia. VEGF-C and Ang1 especially emerged as promising candidates for pro-lymphangiogenic therapy.
The circulatory system comprises the blood vascular system and the lymphatic vascular system. These two systems function in parallel. Blood vessels form a closed system that delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removes waste products from the tissues, while lymphatic vessels are blind-ended tubes that collect extravasated fluid and cells from the tissues and return them back to blood circulation. Development of blood and lymphatic vascular systems occurs in series. Blood vessels are formed via vasculogenesis and angiogenesis whereas lymphatic vessels develop via lymphangiogenesis, after the blood vascular system is already functional. Members of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family are regulators of both angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis, while members of the platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) family are major mitogens for pericytes and smooth muscle cells and regulate formation of blood vessels. Vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) is the major lymphatic growth factor and signaling through its receptor vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3) is sufficient for lymphangiogenesis in adults. We studied the role of VEGF-C in embryonic lymphangiogenesis and showed that VEGF-C is absolutely required for the formation of lymph sacs from embryonic veins. VEGFR-3 is also required for normal development of the blood vascular system during embryogenesis, as Vegfr3 knockout mice die at mid-gestation due to failure in remodeling of the blood vessels. We showed that sufficient VEGFR-3 signaling in the embryo proper is required for embryonic angiogenesis and in a dosage-sensitive manner for embryonic lymphangiogenesis. Importantly, mice deficient in both VEGFR-3 ligands, Vegfc and Vegfd, developed a normal blood vasculature, suggesting VEGF-C- and VEGF-D- independent functions for VEGFR-3 in the early embryo. Platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF-B) signals via PDGFR-b and regulates formation of blood vessels by recruiting pericytes and smooth muscle cells around nascent endothelial tubes. We showed that PDGF-B fails to induce lymphangiogenesis when overexpressed in adult mouse skin using adenoviral vectors. However, mouse embryos lacking Pdgfb showed abnormal lymphatic vessels, suggesting that PDGF-B plays a role in lymphatic vessel maturation and separation from blood vessels during embryogenesis. Lymphatic vessels play a key role in immune surveillance, fat absorption and maintenance of fluid homeostasis in the body. However, lymphatic vessels are also involved in various diseases, such as lymphedema and tumor metastasis. These studies elucidate the basic mechanisms of embryonic lymphangiogenesis and add to the knowledge of lymphedema and tumor metastasis treatments by giving novel insights into how lymphatic vessel growth could be induced (in lymphedema) or inhibited (in tumor metastasis).