12 resultados para Human experimentation in medicine

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Human pancreatic juice contains two major trypsinogen isoenzymes called trypsinogen-1 and -2, or cationic and anionic trypsinogen, respectively. Trypsinogen isoenzymes are also expressed in various normal and malignant tissues. We aimed at developing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) and time-resolved immunofluorometric methods recognizing human trypsinogen-1 and -2, respectively. Using these MAbs and methods we purified, characterized and quantitated trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum samples, ovarian cyst fluids and conditioned cell culture media. In sera from healthy subjects and patients with extrapancreatic disease the concentration of trypsinogen-1 is higher than that of trypsinogen-2. However, in acute pancreatitis we found that the concentration of serum trypsinogen-2 is 50-fold higher than in controls, whereas the difference in trypsinogen-1 concentration is only 15-fold. This suggested that trypsinogen-2 could be used as a diagnostic marker for acute pancreatitis. In human ovarian cyst fluids tumor-associated trypsinogen-2 (TAT-2) is the predominant isoenzyme. Most notably, in mucinous cyst fluids the levels of TAT-2 were higher in borderline and malignant than in benign cases. The increased levels in association with malignancy suggested that TAT could be involved in ovarian tumor dissemination and breakage of tissue barriers. Serum samples from patients who had undergone pancreatoduodenectomy contained trypsinogen-2. Trypsinogen-1 was detected in only one of nine samples. These results suggested that the expression of trypsinogen is not restricted to the pancreas. Determination of the isoenzyme pattern by ion exchange chromatography revealed isoelectric variants of trypsinogen isoenzymes in serum samples. Intact trypsinogen isoenzymes and tryptic and chymotryptic trypsinogen peptides were purified and characterized by mass spectrometry, Western blot analysis and N-terminal sequencing. The results showed that pancreatic trypsinogen-1 and -2 are sulfated at tyrosine 154 (Tyr154), whereas TAT-2 from a colon carcinoma cell line is not. Tyr154 is located within the primary substrate binding pocket of trypsin, thus Tyr154 sulfation is likely to influence substrate binding. The previously known differences in charge, substrate specificity and inhibitor binding between pancreatic and tumor-associated trypsinogens are suggested to be caused by sulfation of Tyr154 in pancreatic trypsinogens.


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The research is related to the Finnish Jabal Harun Project (FJHP), which is part of the research unit directed by Professor Jaakko Frösén. The project consists of two interrelated parts: the excavation of a Byzantine monastery/pilgrimage centre on Jabal Harun, and a multiperiod archaeological survey of the surrounding landscape. It is generally held that the Near Eastern landscape has been modified by millennia of human habitation and activity. Past climatic changes and human activities could be expected to have significantly changed also the landscape of the Jabal Harun area. Therefore it was considered that a study of erosion in the Jabal Harun area could shed light on the environmental and human history of the area. It was hoped that it would be possible to connect the results of the sedimentological studies either to wider climatic changes in the Near East, or to archaeologically observable periods of human activity and land use. As evidence of some archaeological periods is completely missing from the Jabal Harun area, it was also of interest whether catastrophic erosion or unfavourable environmental change, caused either by natural forces or by human agency, could explain the gaps in the archaeological record. Changes in climate and/or land-use were expected to be reflected in the sedimentary record. The field research, carried out as part of the FJHP survey fieldwork, included the mapping of wadi terraces and cleaning of sediment profiles which were recorded and sampled for laboratory analyses of facies and lithology. To obtain a chronology for the sedimentation and erosion phases also OSL (optically stimulated luminescence) dating samples were collected. The results were compared to the record of the Near Eastern palaeoclimate, and to data from geoarchaeological studies in central and southern Jordan. The picture of the environmental development was then compared to the human history in the area, based on archaeological evidence from the FJHP survey and the published archaeological research in the Petra region, and the question of the relationship between human activity and environmental change was critically discussed. Using the palaeoclimatic data and the results from geoarchaeological studies it was possible to outline the environmental development in the Jabal Harun area from the Pleistocene to the present.It is appears that there was a phase of accumulation of sediment before the Middle Palaeolithic period, possibly related to tectonic movement. This phase was later followed by erosion, tentatively suggested to have taken place during the Upper Palaeolithic. A period of wadi aggradation probably occurred during the Late Glacial and continued until the end of the Pleistocene, followed by significant channel degradation, attributed to increased rainfall during the Early Holocene. It seems that during the later Holocene channel incision has been dominant in the Jabal Harûn area although there have been also small-scale channel aggradation phases, two of which were OSL-dated to around 4000-3000 BP and 2400-2000 BP. As there is no evidence of tectonic movements in the Jabal Harun area after the early Pleistocene, it is suggested that climate change and human activity have been the major causes of environmental change in the area. At a brief glance it seems that many of the changes in the settlement and land use in the Jabal Harun area can be explained by climatic and environmental conditions. However, the responses of human societies to environmental change are dependent on many factors. Therefore an evaluation of the significance of environmental, cultural, socio-economic and political factors is needed to decide whether certain phenomena are environmentally induced. Comparison with the wider Petra region is also needed to judge whether the phenomena are characteristic of the Jabal Harun area only, or can they be connected to social, political and economic development over a wider area.


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In the post-World War II era human rights have emerged as an enormous global phenomenon. In Finland human rights have particularly in the 1990s moved from the periphery to the center of public policy making and political rhetoric. Human rights education is commonly viewed as the decisive vehicle for emancipating individuals of oppressive societal structures and rendering them conscious of the equal value of others; both core ideals of the abstract discourse. Yet little empirical research has been conducted on how these goals are realized in practice. These factors provide the background for the present study which, by combining anthropological insights with critical legal theory, has analyzed the educational activities of a Scandinavian and Nordic network of human rights experts and PhD students in 2002-2005. This material has been complemented by data from the proceedings of UN human rights treaty bodies, hearings organized by the Finnish Foreign Ministry, the analysis of different human rights documents as well as the manner human rights are talked of in the Finnish media. As the human rights phenomenon has expanded, human rights experts have acquired widespread societal influence. The content of human rights remains, nevertheless, ambiguous: on the one hand they are law, on the other, part of a moral discourse. By educating laymen on what human rights are, experts act both as intermediaries and activists who expand the scope of rights and simultaneously exert increasing political influence. In the educational activities of the analyzed network these roles were visible in the rhetorics of legality and legitimacy . Among experts both of these rhetorics are subject to ongoing professional controversy, yet in the network they are presented as undisputable facts. This contributes to the impression that human rights knowledge is uncontested. This study demonstrates how the network s activities embody and strengthen a conception of expertise as located in specific, structurally determined individuals. Simultaneously its conception of learning emphasizes the adoption of knowledge by students, emphasizing the power of experts over them. The majority of the network s experts are Nordic males, whereas its students are predominantly Nordic females and males from East-European and developing countries. Contrary to the ideals of the discourse the network s activities do not create dialogue, but instead repeat power structures which are themselves problematic.


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Työntekijöiden henkilökohtaisia arvoja ja niiden yhteyksiä asenteisiin ei ole juuri tutkittu. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko suomalaisessa metalliteollisuuden yrityksen henkilöstön (N=1314) arvojen rakenne S. H. Schwartzin arvoteorian mukainen. Lisäksi tutkittiin arvojen yhteyksiä organisaatiomuutosta koskeviin asenteisiin ja tiedon jakamiseen työyhteisössä. Arvomittarina käytettiin uutta 40-osioista Portrait Value Questionnairea (PVQ). Mittarin validiteetti osoitettiin ver-taamalla nyt kerätyn aineiston arvorakennetta aikaisemmalla mittarilla kerättyihin arvoteorian mukaisiin yliopisto-opiskelijoiden vastauksiin. Organisaatiomuutosta koskevien asenteiden ja tiedonjakamisen mittarit luotiin laadullisissa esitutkimuksissa. Tilastolliset analyysit osoittivat, että toimihenkilöiden ja työntekijöiden arvojen rakenteet noudattivat pääosin Schwartzin teoriaa, mutta turvallisuusarvot sijaitsivat molemmissa ryhmissä universalismin ja hyväntahtoisuuden joukossa. Universalismi ja hyväntahtoisuus ennustivat myönteistä asennetta organisaatiomuutoksia kohtaan, mutta perinteiden ja mielihyvän arvostaminen liittyivät kielteisiin muutosasenteisiin. Sosiaalisia normeja kunnioittavien eli yhdenmukaisuutta arvostavien henkilöiden muut arvot vaikuttivat muutosasenteisiin vähemmän kuin niillä, joille yhdenmukaisuus ei ollut tärkeää. Lisäksi suoriutumisarvon yhteys muutosasenteisiin oli yhdenmukaisuutta arvostavilla henkilöillä positiivinen, mutta niillä, jotka eivät arvostaneet yhdenmukaisuutta, yhteys oli negatiivinen. Itseohjautuvuutta arvostavat henkilöt pitivät työyhteisönsä tiedon jakamista heikompana, kun taas hyväntahtoisuutta ja yhdenmukaisuutta arvostavat pitivät sitä muihin nähden parempana. Suoriutumisarvo oli yhteydessä tiedonjakamiseen vain silloin, kun yhdenmukaisuus oli tärkeää. Työpaikkojen (N=19) keskiarvoja vertailtaessa havaittiin, että ne työpaikat, joissa arvostettiin paljon universalismia, hyväntahtoisuutta ja yhdenmukaisuutta sekä vähän valtaa ja suoriutumista saivat henkilöstöltään parhaat arvioinnit tiedon jakamisesta. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet henkilöt jaettiin työtehtäviensä perusteella kolmeen ammatilliseen ympäristöön: konven-tionaaliseen (mm. taloushallinto), realistiseen (mm. tuotanto) ja yrittäjämäiseen (mm. myynti). Yrittäjämäisessä ammatillisessa ympäristössä toimivat arvostivat enemmän kuin konventionaalisessa ympäristössä toimivat valtaa, itseohjautuvuutta ja suoriutumista. Realistisessa ympäristössä arvostettiin enemmän perinteitä ja mielihyvää kuin yrittäjämäisessä ympäristössä. Ryhmien väliset erot arvoissa johtuivat koulutuksesta, iästä ja sukupuolijakaumasta.


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Study orientations in higher education consist of various dimensions, such as approaches to learning, conceptions of learning and knowledge (i.e. epistemologies), self-regulation, and motivation. They have also been measured in different ways. The main orientations typically reported are reproducing and meaning orientations. The present study explored dimensions of study orientations, focusing in particular on pharmacy and medicine. New versions of self-report instruments were developed and tested in various contexts and in two countries. Furthermore, the linkages between study orientations and students epistemological development were explored. The context of problem-based (PBL) small groups was investigated in order to better understand how collaboration contributes to the quality of learning. The participants of Study I (n=66) were pharmacy students, who were followed during a three-year professionally oriented program in terms of their study orientations and epistemologies. A reproducing orientation to studying diminished during studying, whereas only a few students maintained their original level of meaning orientation. Dualism was found to be associated with a reproducing orientation. In Study II practices associated with deep and surface approaches to learning were measured in two differing ways, in order to better distinguish between what students believed to be useful in studying, and the extent to which they applied their beliefs to practice when preparing for examinations. Differences between domains were investigated by including a sample of Finnish and Swedish medical students (n=956) and a Finnish non-medical sample of university students (n=865). Memorizing and rote learning appeared as differing components of a surface approach to learning, while understanding, relating, and critical evaluation of knowledge emerged as aspects of a deep approach to learning. A structural model confirmed these results in both student samples. Study III explored a wide variety of dimensions of learning in medical education. Swedish medical students (n=280) answered the questionnaire. The deep approach to learning was strongly related to collaboration and reflective learning, whereas the surface approach was associated with novice-like views of knowledge and the valuing of certain and directly applicable knowledge. PBL students aimed at understanding, but also valued the role of memorization. Study IV investigated 12 PBL tutorial groups of students (n=116) studying microbiology and pharmacology in a medical school. The educational application was expected to support a deep approach to learning: Group members course grades in a final examination were related to the perceived functioning of the PBL tutorial groups. Further, the quality of cases that had been used as triggers for learning, was associated with the quality of small group functioning. New dimensions of study orientations were discovered. In particular, novel, finer distinctions were found within the deep approach component. In medicine, critical evaluation of knowledge appeared to be less valued than understanding and relating. Further, collaboration appeared to be closely related to the deep approach, and it was also important in terms of successful PBL studying. The results of the studies confirmed the previously found associations between approaches to learning and study success, but showed interesting context- and subgroup-related differences in this respect. Students ideas about the nature of knowledge and their approaches to learning were shown to be closely related. The present study expanded our understanding of the dimensions of study orientations, of their development, and their contextual variability in pharmacy and medicine.


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Sindbis virus (SINV) (genus Alphavirus, family Togaviridae) is an enveloped virus with a genome of single-stranded, positive-polarity RNA of 11.7 kilobases. SINV is widespread in Eurasia, Africa, and Australia, but clinical infection only occurs in a few geographically restricted areas, mainly in Northern Europe. In Europe, antibodies to SINV were detected from patients with fever, rash, and arthritis for the first time in the early 1980s in Finland. It became evident that the causative agent of this syndrome, named Pogosta disease, was closely related to SINV. The disease is also found in Sweden (Ockelbo disease) and in Russia (Karelian fever). Since 1974, for unknown reason, the disease has occurred as large outbreaks every seven years in Finland. This study is to a large degree based on the material collected during the 2002 Pogosta disease outbreak in Finland. We first developed SINV IgM and IgG enzyme immunoassays (EIA), based on highly purified SINV, to be used in serodiagnostics. The EIAs correlated well with the hemagglutination inhibition (HI) test, and all individuals showed neutralizing antibodies. The sensitivities of the IgM and IgG EIAs were 97.6% and 100%, and specificities 95.2% and 97.6%, respectively. E1 and E2 envelope glycoproteins of SINV were shown to be recognized by IgM and IgG in the immunoblot early in infection. We isolated SINV from five patients with acute Pogosta disease; one virus strain was recovered from whole blood, and four other strains from skin lesions. The etiology of Pogosta disease was confirmed by these first Finnish SINV strains, also representing the first human SINV isolates from Europe. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Finnish SINV strains clustered with the strains previously isolated from mosquitoes in Sweden and Russia, and seemed to have a common ancestor with South-African strains. Northern European SINV strains could be maintained locally in disease-endemic regions, but the phylogenetic analysis also suggests that redistribution of SINV tends to occur in a longitudinal direction, possibly with migratory birds. We searched for SINV antibodies in resident grouse (N=621), whose population crashes have previously coincided with human SINV outbreaks, and in migratory birds (N=836). SINV HI antibodies were found for the first time in birds during their spring migration to Northern Europe, from three individuals: red-backed shrike, robin, and song thrush. Of the grouse, 27.4% were seropositive in 2003, one year after a human outbreak, but only 1.4% of the grouse were seropositive in 2004. Thus, grouse might contribute to the human epidemiology of SINV. A total of 86 patients with verified SINV infection were recruited to the study in 2002. SINV RNA detection or virus isolation from blood and/or skin lesions was successful in eight patients. IgM antibodies became detectable within the first eight days of illness, and IgG within 11 days. The acute phase of Pogosta disease was characterized by arthritis, itching rash, fatigue, mild fever, headache, and muscle pain. Half of the patients reported in self-administered questionnaires joint symptoms to last > 12 months. Physical examination in 49 of these patients three years after infection revealed persistent joint manifestations. Arthritis (swelling and tenderness in physical examination) was diagnosed in 4.1% (2/49) of the patients. Tenderness in palpation or in movement of a joint was found in 14.3% of the patients in the rheumatologic examination, and additional 10.2% complained persisting arthralgia at the interview. Thus, 24.5% of the patients had joint manifestations attributable to the infection three years earlier. A positive IgM antibody response persisted in 3/49 of the patients; both two patients with arthritis were in this group. Persistent symptoms of SINV infection might have considerable public health implications in areas with high seroprevalence. The age-standardized seroprevalence of SINV (1999-2003, N=2529) in the human population in Finland was 5.2%. The seroprevalence was high in North Karelia, Kainuu, and Central Ostrobothnia. The incidence was highest in North Karelia. Seroprevalence in men (6.0%) was significantly higher than in women (4.1%), however, the average annualized incidence in the non-epidemic years was higher in women than in men, possibly indicating that infected men are more frequently asymptomatic. The seroprevalence increased with age, reaching 15.4% in persons aged 60-69 years. The incidence was highest in persons aged 50-59 years.


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Functional loss of tumor suppressor protein p53 is a common feature in diverse human cancers. The ability of this protein to sense cellular damage and halt the progression of the cell cycle or direct the cells to apoptosis is essential in preventing tumorigenesis. Tumors having wild-type p53 also respond better to current chemotherapies. The loss of p53 function may arise from TP53 mutations or dysregulation of factors controlling its levels and activity. Probably the most significant inhibitor of p53 function is Mdm2, a protein mediating its degradation and inactivation. Clearly, the maintenance of a strictly controlled p53-Mdm2 route is of great importance in preventing neoplastic transformation. Moreover, impairing Mdm2 function could be a nongenotoxic way to increase p53 levels and activity. Understanding the precise molecular mechanisms behind p53-Mdm2 relationship is thus essential from a therapeutic point of view. The aim of this thesis study was to discover factors affecting the negative regulation of p53 by Mdm2, causing activation of p53 in stressed cells. As a model of cellular damage, we used UVC radiation, inducing a complex cellular stress pathway. Exposure to UVC, as well as to several chemotherapeutic drugs, causes robust transcriptional stress in the cells and leads to activation of p53. By using this model of cellular stress, our goal was to understand how and by which proteins p53 is regulated. Furthermore, we wanted to address whether these pathways affecting p53 function could be altered in human cancers. In the study, two different p53 pathway proteins, nucleophosmin (NPM) and promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML), were found to participate in the p53 stress response following UV stress. Subcellular translocations of these proteins were discovered rapidly after exposure to UV. The alterations in the cellular localizations were connected to transient interactions with p53 and Mdm2, implicating their significance in the regulation of p53 stress response. NPM was shown to control Mdm2-p53 interface and mediate p53 stabilization by blocking the ability of Mdm2 to promote p53 degradation. Furthermore, NPM mediated p53 stabilization upon viral insult. We further detected a connection between cellular pathways of NPM and PML, as PML was found to associate with NPM in UV-radiated cells. The observed temporal UV-induced interactions strongly imply existence of a multiprotein complex participating in the p53 response. In addition, PML controlled the UV response of NPM, its localization and complex formation with chromatin associated factors. The relevance of the UV-promoted interactions was demonstrated in studies in a human leukemia cell line, being under abnormal transcriptional repression due to expression of oncogenic PML-RARa fusion protein. Reversing the leukemic phenotype with a therapeutically significant drug was associated with similar complex formation between p53 and its partners as following UV. In conclusion, this thesis study identifies novel p53 pathway interactions associated with the recovery from UV-promoted as well as oncogenic transcriptional repression.


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Two types of antigen-presenting cells (APCs), macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs), function at the interface of innate and adaptive immunity. Through recognition of conserved microbial patterns, they are able to detect the invading pathogens. This leads to activation of signal transduction pathways that in turn induce gene expression of various molecules required for immune responses and eventually pathogen clearance. Cytokines are among the genes induced upon detection of microbes. They play an important role in regulating host immune responses during microbial infection. Chemotactic cytokines, chemokines, are involved in migratory events of immune cells. Cytokines also promote the differentiation of distinct T cell responses. Because of the multiple roles of cytokines in the immune system, the cytokine network needs to be tightly regulated. In this work, the induction of innate immune responses was studied using human primary macrophages or DCs as cell models. Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium served as a model for an intracellular bacterium, whereas Sendai virus was used in virus experiments. The starting point of this study was that DCs of mouse origin had recently been characterized as host cells for Salmonella. However, only little was known about the immune responses initiated in Salmonella-infected human DCs. Thus, cellular responses of macrophages and DCs, in particular the pattern of cytokine production, to Salmonella infection were compared. Salmonella-induced macrophages and DCs were found to produce multiple cytokines including interferon (IFN) -gamma, which is conventionally produced by T and natural killer (NK) cells. Both macrophages and DCs also promoted the intracellular survival of the bacterium. Phenotypic maturation of DCs as characterized by upregulation of costimulatory and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) molecules, and production of CCL19 chemokine, were also detected upon infection with Salmonella. Another focus of this PhD work was to unravel the regulatory events controlling the expression of cytokine genes encoding for CCL19 and type III IFNs, which are central to DC biology. We found that the promoters of CCL19 and type III IFNs contain similar regulatory elements that bind nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and interferon regulatory factors (IRFs), which could mediate transcriptional activation of the genes. The regulation of type III IFNs in virus infection resembled that of type I IFNs a cytokine class traditionally regarded as antiviral. The induction of type I and type III IFNs was also observed in response to bacterial infection. Taken together, this work identifies new details about the interaction of Salmonella with its phagocytic host cells of human origin. In addition, studies provide information on the regulatory events controlling the expression of CCL19 and the most recently identified IFN family genes, type III IFN genes.


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Until recently, objective investigation of the functional development of the human brain in vivo was challenged by the lack of noninvasive research methods. Consequently, fairly little is known about cortical processing of sensory information even in healthy infants and children. Furthermore, mechanisms by which early brain insults affect brain development and function are poorly understood. In this thesis, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate development of cortical somatosensory functions in healthy infants, very premature infants at risk for neurological disorders, and adolescents with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (CP). In newborns, stimulation of the hand activated both the contralateral primary (SIc) and secondary somatosensory cortices (SIIc). The activation patterns differed from those of adults, however. Some of the earliest SIc responses, constantly present in adults, were completely lacking in newborns and the effect of sleep stage on SIIc responses differed. These discrepancies between newborns and adults reflect the still developmental stage of the newborns’ somatosensory system. Its further maturation was demonstrated by a systematic transformation of the SIc response pattern with age. The main early adult­like components were present by age two. In very preterm infants, at term age, the SIc and SIIc were activated at similar latencies as in healthy fullterm newborns, but the SIc activity was weaker in the preterm group. The SIIc response was absent in four out of the six infants with brain lesions of the underlying hemisphere. Determining the prognostic value of this finding remains a subject for future studies, however. In the CP adolescents with pure subcortical lesions, contrasting their unilateral symptoms, the SIc responses of both hemispheres differed from those of controls: For example the distance between SIc representation areas for digits II and V was shorter bilaterally. In four of the five CP patients with cortico­subcortical brain lesions, no normal early SIc responses were evoked by stimulation of the palsied hand. The varying differences in neuronal functions, underlying the common clinical symptoms, call for investigation of more precisely designed rehabilitation strategies resting on knowledge about individual functional alterations in the sensorimotor networks.


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Campylobacter, mainly Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli, are worldwide recognized as a major cause of bacterial food-borne gastroenteritis. Epidemiological studies have shown handling or eating of poultry to be significant risk factors for human infections. Campylobacter contamination can occur at all stages of a poultry meat production cycle. The aim of this thesis was to study the occurrence and diversity of Campylobacter in broiler and turkey production in Finland. In summer 1999, 2.9 % of slaughtered broiler flocks were Campylobacter-positive. From the isolated strains 94 % were C. jejuni and 6% were C. coli. During years 2005-2006 one turkey parent flock, the hatchery, six different commercial turkey farms and different stages of the slaughterhouse were monitored during one and the half year. No Campylobacter were detected in either of the samples from the turkey parent flock or from the hatchery using the culture method. Instead PCR detected DNA of Campylobacter from the turkey parent flock and samples from the hatchery. Six out of 12 commercial turkey flocks were found negative at the farm level but only two of those were negative at slaughter. Campylobacter-positive samples within the flock at slaughter were detected between 0% and 94% with evisceration and chilling water being the most critical stages for contamination. All of Campylobacter isolates were shown to be C. jejuni. Campylobacter-positive turkey flocks were colonized by a limited number of Campylobacter genotypes both at the farm and slaughter level. In conclusion, in our first study in 1999 a low prevalence of Campylobacter in Finnish broiler flocks was detected and it has remained at a low level during the study period until the present. In the turkey meat production, we found that flocks which were negative at the farm became contaminated with Campylobacter at the slaughter process. These results suggest that proper and efficient cleaning and disinfection of slaughter and processing premises are needed to avoid cross-contamination. Prevention of colonization at the farm by a high level of biosecurity control and hygiene may be one of the most efficient ways to reduce the amount of Campylobacter-positive poultry meat in Finland. With a persistent low level of Campylobacter-positive flocks, it could be speculated that the use of logistic slaughtering, according to Campylobacter status at farm, might have be advantageous in reducing Campylobacter contamination of retail poultry products. However, the significance of the domestic poultry meat for human campylobacteriosis in Finland should be evaluated.


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Chronic rejection in the form of obliterative bronchiolitis (OB) is the major cause of death 5 years after lung transplantation. The exact mechanism of OB remains unclear. This study focused on the role of cyclo-oxygenase (COX) -2, tenascin, and C-reactive protein (CRP) expression, and the occurrence of ingraft chimerism (= cells from two genetically distinct individuals in a same individual) in post-transplant OB development. In our porcine model, OB developed invariably in allografts, while autografts stayed patent. The histological changes were similar to those seen in human OB. In order to delay or prevent obliteration, animals were medicated according to certain protocol. In the beginning of the bronchial allograft reaction, COX-2 induction occurred in airway epithelial cells prior to luminal obliteration. COX-2 expression in macrophages and fibroblasts paralleled the onset of inflammation and fibroblast proliferation. This study demonstrated for the first time, that COX-2 expression is associated with the early stage of post- transplant obliterative airway disease. Tenascin expression in the respiratory epithelium appeared to be predictive of histologic features observed in human OB, and influx of immune cells. Expression in the bronchial wall and in the early obliterative lesions coincided with the onset of onset of fibroblast and inflammatory cell proliferation in the early stage of OB and was predictive of further influx of inflammatory and immune cells. CRP expression in the bronchial wall coincided with the remodelling process. High grade of bronchial wall CRP staining intensity predicted inflammation, accelerated fibroproliferation, and luminal obliteration, which are all features of OB. In the early obliterative plaque, majority of cells expressed CRP, but in mature, collagen-rich plaque, expression declined. Local CRP expression might be a response to inflammation and it might promote the development of OB. Early appearance of chimeric (= recipient-derived) cells in the graft airway epithelium predicted epithelial cell injury and obliteration of the bronchial lumen, which both are features of OB. Chimeric cells appeared in the airway epithelium after repair following transplantation-induced ischemic injury. Ingraft chimerism might be a mechanism to repair alloimmune-mediated tissue injury and to protect allografts from rejection after transplantation. The results of this study indicate, that COX-2, tenascin, CRP, and ingraft chimerism have a role in OB development. These findings increase the understanding of the mechanisms of OB, which may be beneficial in further development of diagnostic options.