16 resultados para G18 - Government Policy and Regulation

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Understanding the process of cell division is crucial for modern cancer medicine due to the central role of uncontrolled cell division in this disease. Cancer involves unrestrained proliferation as a result of cells loosing normal control and being driven through the cell cycle, where they normally would be non-dividing or quiescent. Progression through the cell cycle is thought to be dependent on the sequential activation of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks). The full activation of Cdks requires the phosphorylation of a conserved residue (threonine-160 on human Cdk2) on the T-loop of the kinase domain. In metazoan species, a trimeric complex consisting of Cdk7, cyclin H and Mat1 has been suggested to be the T-loop kinase of several Cdks. In addition, Cdk7 have also been implicated in the regulation of transcription. Cdk7, cyclin H, and Mat1 can be found as subunits of general transcription factor TFIIH. Cdk7, in this context, phosphorylates the Carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II), specifically on serine-5 residues of the CTD repeat. The regulation of Cdk7 in these and other functions is not well known and the unambiguous characterization of the in vivo role of Cdk7 in both T-loop activation and CTD serine-5 phosphorylation has proved challenging. In this study, the fission yeast Cdk7-cyclin H homologous complex, Mcs6-Mcs2, is identified as the in vivo T-loop kinase of Cdk1(Cdc2). It also identifies multiple levels of regulation of Mcs6 kinase activity, i.e. association with Pmh1, a novel fission yeast protein that is the apparent homolog of metazoan Mat1, and T-loop phosphorylation of Mcs6, mediated by Csk1, a monomeric T-loop kinase with similarity to Cak1 of budding yeast. In addition, Skp1, a component of the SCF (Skp1-Cullin-F box protein) ubiquitin ligase is identified by its interactions with Mcs2 and Pmh1. The Skp1 association with Mcs2 and Pmh1 is however SCF independent and does not involve proteolytic degradation but may reflect a novel mechanism to modulate the activity or complex assembly of Mcs6. In addition to Cdk7, also Cdk8 has been shown to have CTD serine-5 kinase activity in vitro. Cdk8 is not essential in yeast but has been shown to function as a transcriptional regulator. The function of Cdk8 is unknown in flies and mammals. This prompted the investigation of murine Cdk8 and its potential role as a redundant CTD serine-5 kinase. We find that Cdk8 is required for development prior to implantation, at a time that is co-incident with a burst of Cdk8 expression during normal development. The results does not support a role of Cdk8 as a serine-5 CTD kinase in vivo but rather shows an unexpected requirement for Cdk8, early in mammalian development. The results presented in this thesis extends our current knowledge of the regulation of the cell cycle by characterizing the function of two distinct cell cycle regulating T-loop kinases, including the unambiguous identification of Mcs6, the fission yeast Cdk7 homolog, as the T-loop kinase of Cdk1. The results also indicate that the function of Mcs6 is conserved from fission yeast to human Cdk7 and suggests novel mechanisms by which the distinct functions of Cdk7 and Mcs6 could be regulated. These findings are important for our understanding of how progression of the cell cycle and proper transcription is controlled, during normal development and tissue homeostasis but also under condition where cells have escaped these control mechanisms e.g. cancer.


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Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) regulates the synthesis of polyamines which are involved in many cellular functions e.g. proliferation and differentiation. Due to its critical role, ODC is a tightly regulated enzyme by antizymes and antizyme inhibitors. If the regulation fails, the activity of ODC increases and may lead to malignant transformation of a cell. Increased ODC activity is found in many common cancers, including colon, prostate, and breast cancer. In a transformed cell, dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton is disturbed. A small G-protein, RhoA regulates organization of the cytoskeleton, and its overactivity increases malignant potential of the cell. The present results indicate that covalent attachment of polyamines by transglutaminase is a physiological means of regulating the activity of RhoA. The translocation of RhoA to the plasma membrane, where it exerts its activity is dependent on the presence of catalytically active ODC. As the overactivity of ODC and RhoA are implicated in cell transformation, the results provide a mechanistic explanation of the interrelationship between the polyamine metabolism and the reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton occurring in cancer cells. ODC and polyamines have also an important role in the function of central nervous system. They participate in the regulation of brain morphogenesis in embryos. In adult nervous tissue, polyamines regulate K+ and glutamate channels. K+ inward rectifying channels control membrane potentials and NMDA-type glutamate receptors (NMDAR) regulate synaptic plasticity. High ODC activity and polyamine levels are considered important in the development of ischemic brain damage and they are implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer s disease (AD). A homolog of ODC was cloned from a human brain cDNA library, and several alternatively spliced variants were detected in human brain and testis. The novel protein was nevertheless devoid of ODC catalytic activity. It was subsequently found to be a novel inductor of ODC activity and polyamine synthesis, called antizyme inhibitor 2 (AZIN2). The accumulation of AZIN2 in vesicle-like formations along the axons and beneath the plasma membrane of neurons as well as in steroid hormone producing Leydig cells and luteal cells of the gonads implies that AZIN2 plays a role in secretion and vesicle trafficking. An accumulation of AZIN2 was detected also in specimens of AD brains. This increased expression of AZIN2 was specific for AD and was not found in brains with other neurodegenerative diseases including CADASIL or dementia with Lewy bodies.


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The aim of the study was to examine the influence of school smoking policy and school smoking prevention programs on the smoking behaviour of students in high schools in Prince Edward Island using the School Health Action Planning Evaluation System (SHAPES). A total sample included 13,131 observations of students in grades 10-12 in ten high schools in Prince Edward Island over three waves of data collection (1999, 2000, and 2001). Changes in prevalence of smoking and factors influencing smoking behaviour were analyzed using descriptive statistics and Chi-Square tests. Multi-level logistic regression analyses were used to examine how both school and student characteristics were associated with smoking behaviour (I, II, III, IV). Since students were located within schools, a basic 2-level nested structure was used in which individual students (level 1) were nested within schools (level 2). For grade 12 students, the combination of both school policies and programs was not associated with the risk of smoking and the presence of the new policy was not associated with decreased risk of smoking, unless there were clear rules in place (I). For the grade 10 study, (II) schools with both policies and programs were not associated with decreased risk of smoking. However, the smoking behaviour of older students (grade 12) at a school was associated with younger students’ (grade 10) smoking behaviour. Students first enrolled in a high school in grade 9, rather than grade 10, were at increased risk of occasional smoking. For students who transitioned from grade 10 to 12 (III), close friends smoking had a substantial influence on smoking behaviour for both males and females (III). Having one or more close friends who smoke (Odds Ratio (OR) = 37.46; 95% CI = 19.39 to 72.36), one or more smokers in the home (OR = 2.35; 95% CI = 1.67 to 3.30) and seeing teachers and staff smoking on or near school property (OR=1.78; 95% CI = 1.13 to 2.80), were strongly associated with increased risk of smoking for grade 12 students. Smoking behaviour increased for both junior (Group 1) and senior (Group 2) students (IV). Group 1 students indicated a greater decrease in smoking behaviour and factors influencing smoking behaviour compared to those of Group 2. Students overestimating the percentage of youth their age who smoke was strongly associated with increased likelihood of smoking. Smoking rates showed a decreasing trend (1999, 2000, and 2001). However, policies and programs alone were not successful in influencing smoking behaviour of youth. Rather, factors within the students and schools contextual environment influenced smoking behaviour. Comprehensive approaches are required for school-based tobacco prevention interventions. Keywords: schools, policy, programs, smoking prevention, adolescents Subject Terms: school-based programming, public health, health promotion


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The study examines the origin and development of the Finnish activation policy since the mid-1990s by using the 2001 activation reform as a benchmark. The notion behind activation is to link work obligations to welfare benefits for the unemployed. The focus of the thesis is policy learning and the impact of ideas on the reform of the welfare state. The broader research interests of the thesis are summarized by two groups of questions. First, how was the Finnish activation policy developed and what specific form did it receive in the 2001 activation reform? Second, how does the Finnish activation policy compare to the welfare reforms in the EU and in the US? What kinds of ideas and instruments informed the Finnish policy? To what extent can we talk about a restructuring or transformation of the Nordic welfare policy? Theoretically, the thesis is embedded in the comparative welfare state research and the concepts used in the contemporary welfare state discourse. Activation policy is analysed against the backdrop of the theories about the welfare state, welfare state governance and citizenship. Activation policies are also analysed in the context of the overall modernization and individualization of lifestyles and its implications for the individual citizen. Further, the different perspectives of the policy analysis are applied to determine the role of implementation and street-level practice within the whole. Empirically, the policy design, its implementation and the experiences of the welfare staff and recipients in Finland are examined. The policy development, goals and instruments of the activation policies have followed astonishingly similar paths in the different welfare states and regimes over the last two decades. In Finland, the policy change has been manifested through several successive reforms that have been introduced since the mid-1990s. The 2001 activation reform the Act on Rehabilitative Work Experience illustrates the broader trend towards stricter work requirements and draws its inspiration from the ideas of new paternalism. The ideas, goals and instruments of the international activation trend are clearly visible in the reform. Similarly, the reform has implications for the traditional Nordic social policies, which incorporate institutionalised social rights and the provision of services.


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The thesis examines urban issues arising from the transformation from state socialism to a market economy. The main topics are residential differentiation, i.e., uneven spatial distribution of social groups across urban residential areas, and the effects of housing policy and town planning on urban development. The case study is development in Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, in the context of development of Central and Eastern European cities under and after socialism. The main body of the thesis consists of four separately published refereed articles. The research question that brings the articles together is how the residential (socio-spatial) pattern of cities developed during the state socialist period and how and why that pattern has changed since the transformation to a market economy began. The first article reviews the literature on residential differentiation in Budapest, Prague, Tallinn and Warsaw under state socialism from the viewpoint of the role of housing policy in the processes of residential differentiation at various stages of the socialist era. The paper shows how the socialist housing provision system produced socio-occupational residential differentiation directly and indirectly and it describes how the residential patterns of these cities developed. The second article is critical of oversimplified accounts of rapid reorganisation of the overall socio-spatial pattern of post-socialist cities and of claims that residential mobility has had a straightforward role in it. The Tallinn case study, consisting of an analysis of the distribution of socio-economic groups across eight city districts and over four housing types in 1999 as well as examining the role of residential mobility in differentiation during the 1990s, provides contrasting evidence. The third article analyses the role and effects of housing policies in Tallinn s residential differentiation. The focus is on contemporary post-privatisation housing-policy measures and their effects. The article shows that the Estonian housing policies do not even aim to reduce, prevent or slow down the harmful effects of the considerable income disparities that are manifest in housing inequality and residential differentiation. The fourth article examines the development of Tallinn s urban planning system 1991-2004 from the viewpoint of what means it has provided the city with to intervene in urban development and how the city has used these tools. The paper finds that despite some recent progress in planning, its role in guiding where and how the city actually developed has so far been limited. Tallinn s urban development is rather initiated and driven by private agents seeking profit from their investment in land. The thesis includes original empirical research in the three articles that analyse development since socialism. The second article employs quantitative data and methods, primarily index calculation, whereas the third and the fourth ones draw from a survey of policy documents combined with interviews with key informants. Keywords: residential differentiation, housing policy, urban planning, post-socialist transformation, Estonia, Tallinn


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In this paper I investigate the exercise policy, and the market reaction to that, of the executive stock option holders in Finland. The empirical tests are conducted with aggregated firm level data from 34 firms and 41 stock option programs. I find some evidence of an inverse relation between the exercise intensity of the options holders and the future abnormal return of the company share price. This finding is supported by the view that information about future company prospect seems to be the only theoretical attribute that could delay the exercise of the options. Moreover, a high concentration of exercises in the beginning of the exercise window is predicted and the market is expected to react to deviations from this. The empirical findings however show that the market does not react homogenously to the information revealed by the late exercises.


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Hantaviruses have a tri-segmented negative-stranded RNA genome. The S segment encodes the nucleocapsid protein (N), M segment two glycoproteins, Gn and Gc, and the L segment the RNA polymerase. Gn and Gc are co-translationally cleaved from a precursor and targeted to the cis-Golgi compartment. The Gn glycoprotein consists of an external domain, a transmembrane domain and a C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. In addition, the S segment of some hantaviruses, including Tula and Puumala virus, have an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a nonstructural potein NSs that can function as a weak interferon antagonist. The mechanisms of hantavirus-induced pathogenesis are not fully understood but it is known that both hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) and hantavirus (cardio) pulmonary syndrome (HCPS) share various features such as increased capillary permeability, thrombocytopenia and upregulation of TNF-. Several hantaviruses have been reported to induce programmed cell death (apoptosis), such as TULV-infected Vero E6 cells which is known to be defective in interferon signaling. Recently reports describing properties of the hantavirus Gn cytoplasmic tail (Gn-CT) have appeared. The Gn-CT of hantaviruses contains animmunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM) which directs receptor signaling in immune and endothelial cells; and contain highly conserved classical zinc finger domains which may have a role in the interaction with N protein. More functions of Gn protein have been discovered, but much still remains unknown. Our aim was to study the functions of Gn protein from several aspects: synthesis, degradation and interaction with N protein. Gn protein was reported to inhibit interferon induction and amplication. For this reason, we also carried out projects studying the mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by hantavirus. We first showed degradation and aggresome formation of the Gn-CT of the apathogenic TULV. It was reported earlier that the degradation of Gn-CT is related to the pathogenicity of hantavirus. We found that the Gn-CT of the apathogenic hantaviruses (TULV, Prospect Hill virus) was degraded through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway, and TULV Gn-CT formed aggresomes upon treatment with proteasomal inhibitor. Thus the results suggest that degradation and aggregation of the Gn-CT may be a general property of most hantaviruses, unrelated to pathogenicity. Second, we investigated the interaction of TULV N protein and the TULV Gn-CT. The Gn protein is located on the Golgi membrane and its interaction with N protein has been thought to determine the cargo of the hantaviral ribonucleoprotein which is an important step in virus assembly, but direct evidence has not been reported. We found that TULV Gn-CT fused with GST tag expressed in bacteria can pull-down the N protein expressed in mammalian cells; a mutagenesis assay was carried out, in which we found that the zinc finger motif in Gn-CT and RNA-binding motif in N protein are indispensable for the interaction. For the study of mechanisms of IFN induction and evasion by Old World hantavirus, we found that Old World hantaviruses do not produce detectable amounts of dsRNA in infected cells and the 5 -termini of their genomic RNAs are monophosphorylated. DsRNA and tri-phosphorylated RNA are considered to be critical activators of innate immnity response by interacting with PRRs (pattern recognition receptors). We examined systematically the 5´-termini of hantavirus genomic RNAs and the dsRNA production by different species of hantaviruses. We found that no detectable dsRNA was produced in cells infected by the two groups of the old world hantaviruses: Seoul, Dobrava, Saaremaa, Puumala and Tula. We also found that the genomic RNAs of these Old World hantaviruses carry 5´-monophosphate and are unable to trigger interferon induction. The antiviral response is mainly mediated by alpha/beta interferon. Recently the glycoproteins of the pathogenic hantaviruses Sin Nombre and New York-1 viruses were reported to regulate cellular interferon. We found that Gn-CT can inhibit the induction of IFN activation through Toll-like receptor (TLR) and retinoic acid-inducible gene I-like RNA helicases (RLH) pathway and that the inhibition target lies at the level of TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK-1)/ IKK epislon complex and myeloid differentiation primary response gene (88) (MyD88) / interferon regulatory factor 7 (IRF-7) complex.


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The tourism development nexus in southern Africa involves highly topical issues related to tourism planning, power relations, community participation, and natural resources. Namibia offers a particularly interesting context for the study of these issues due to its colonial legacy, vast tourism potential, recently adopted tourism policy and community-based approaches to tourism and natural resource management. This study is an interdisciplinary endeavour to analyse the role of tourism in Namibia s post-apartheid transformation process by focusing on Namibian tourism policy and local tourism enterprises' policy knowledge. Major attention is paid to how the tourism policy's national development objectives are understood and conceptualised by the representatives of different tourism enterprises and the ways in which they relate to the practical needs of the enterprises. Through such local policy knowledge the study explores various opportunities, challenges and constraints related to the promotion of tourism as a development strategy. The study utilises a political economy approach to tourism and development through three current and interrelated discourses which are relevant in the Namibian context. These are tourism, power and inequality, tourism and sustainable development, and tourism and poverty reduction. The qualitative research material was gathered in Namibia in 2006-2007 and 2008. This material consists of 34 semi-structured interviews in 16 tourism enterprises, including private trophy hunting farms and private lodges, small tour operators and community-based tourism enterprises. In addition, the research material consists of observations in the enterprises, and 37 informal and 23 expert interviews. The findings indicate that in the light of local tourism enterprises the tourism policy objectives appear more complex and ambiguous. Furthermore, they involve multiple meanings and interpretations which reflect the socio-economic stratification of the informants and Namibian society, together with the professional stratification of the tourism enterprises and restrictions on the capacity of tourism to address the development objectives. In the light of such findings it is obvious that aspects of power and inequality affect the tourism development nexus in Namibia. The study concludes that, as in the case of other southern African countries, in order to promote sustainable development and reduce poverty, Namibia should not only target tourism growth but pay attention to who benefits from that growth and how. From a political economy point of view, it is important that prevailing structural challenges are addressed equally in the planning of tourism, development and natural resource management. Such approach would help the Namibian majority to enjoy the benefits of increasing tourism in the country.