9 resultados para Freddie Mercury

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Yhteenveto: Elohopea Suomen metsäjärvissä ja tekoaltaissa: ihmisen vaikutus kuormitukseen ja pitoisuuksiin kaloissa.


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Seloste: Pohjan elohopeapitoisuus eräillä likaantuneilla vesialueilla


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Tiivistelmä: Kloorattujen hiilivetyjen ja elohopean esiintymisestä eläinplanktonissa Suomen rannikkovesissä.


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Käsitteillä svengi ja groove viitataan useimmiten kappaleen tietyn tulkinnan eli esityksen pääasiallisesti rytmisten ominaisuuksien laatuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kehittää musiikin rytmiikkaan ja hienorytmiikkaan keskittyviä musiikkikognitiivisia analyysimetodeja, joita soveltamalla nämä ominaisuudet voitaisiin tavoittaa. Käsitteiden monitulkintaisuus, joka tuodaan esiin tutkimuksen alussa aiheuttaa tälle monenlaisia haasteita. -- Tutkimuksen rytmiikkaan keskittyviä analyysimetodeja sovellettaessa musiikkia tarkastellaan tietystä esityksestä tehdyn nuottiesityksen, transkription välityksellä. Hienorytmisiä analyysimetodeja käytettäessä musiikkia tarkastellaan esitysten instrumenttiosuuksien sävelten alukehetkien tarkkojen sijaintien kautta. Alukehetket poimitaan erilaisin automaattisin ja manuaalisin tietokoneavusteisin menetelmin äänitteiltä. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan musiikissa esiintyviä ilmiöitä myös laajemmalla, musiikin havaitsemiseen ja tuottamiseen yleisesti liittyvällä musiikkikognition tasolla. Tärkeänä näkökulmana musiikin rytmiikan esitetään jakautuvan kognitiivisesti karkeampaan tekstuaaliseen rytmiikkaan ja tätä hienoisesti varioivaan ei-tekstuaaliseen hienorytmiikkaan. Analyysiosuudessa kehitettyjä metodeja sovelletaan seuraavien kappaleiden soolo-osuuksiin: Miles Davis – 'Freddie Freeloader' (1959), James Brown – 'Doing it to Death' (1973) ja Led Zeppelin – 'Stairway to Heaven' (1971). Kappaleet edustavat tutkimuksessa jazz-, funk- ja rock-tyylilajeja. Analyysi tarkastelee ja vertailee kappaleiden metristä stabiiliutta, instrumenttiosuuksien suhdetta pulssin iskuihin, rytmiikan kolmimuunteisuutta, soolojen metrisiä painopisteitä, soolojen rytmistä tiheyttä sekä tempojen muutoksia. -- Kehitetyt menetelmät osoittautuvat kaikki käyttökelpoisiksi. Kappaleille yhteiseksi piirteeksi paljastuu instrumenttiosuuksien säännönmukainen sijoittuminen pulssin iskuihin nähden kappaleiden sisällä. Kappaleiden välillä eri instrumentit sijoittuvat kuitenkin pulssin ympärille eroavin tavoin, jonka oletetaan johtuvan ennen kaikkea tyylilajien eroista. Tempot pysyvät kappaleissa varsin muuttumattomina. Jatkotutkimuksen kannalta mielenkiintoisia näkymiä ovat muun muassa metodien laajempi soveltaminen, automaattisten menetelmien kehittäminen


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In the present work the methods of relativistic quantum chemistry have been applied to a number of small systems containing heavy elements, for which relativistic effects are important. First, a thorough introduction of the methods used is presented. This includes some of the general methods of computational chemistry and a special section dealing with how to include the effects of relativity in quantum chemical calculations. Second, after this introduction the results obtained are presented. Investigations on high-valent mercury compounds are presented and new ways to synthesise such compounds are proposed. The methods described were applied to certain systems containing short Pt-Tl contacts. It was possible to explain the interesting bonding situation in these compounds. One of the most common actinide compounds, uranium hexafluoride was investigated and a new picture of the bonding was presented. Furthermore the rareness of uranium-cyanide compounds was discussed. In a foray into the chemistry of gold, well known for its strong relativistic effects, investigations on different gold systems were performed. Analogies between Au$^+$ and platinum on one hand and oxygen on the other were found. New systems with multiple bonds to gold were proposed to experimentalists. One of the proposed systems was spectroscopically observed shortly afterwards. A very interesting molecule, which was theoretically predicted a few years ago is WAu$_{12}$. Some of its properties were calculated and the bonding situation was discussed. In a further study on gold compounds it was possible to explain the substitution pattern in bis[phosphane-gold(I)] thiocyanate complexes. This is of some help to experimentalists as the systems could not be crystallised and the structure was therefore unknown. Finally, computations on one of the heaviest elements in the periodic table were performed. Calculation on compounds containing element 110, darmstadtium, showed that it behaves similarly as its lighter homologue platinum. The extreme importance of relativistic effects for these systems was also shown.


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Fish farming introduces nutrients, microbes and a wide variety of chemicals such as heavy metals, antifoulants and antibiotics to the surrounding environment. Introduction of antibiotics has been linked with the increased incidence of antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria in the farm vicinities. In this thesis molecular methods such as quantitative PCR and DNA sequencing were applied to analyze bacterial communities in sediments from fish farms and pristine locations. Altogether four farms and four pristine sites were sampled in the Baltic Sea. Two farm and two pristine locations were sampled over a surveillance period of four years. Furthermore, a new methodology was developed as a part of the study that permits amplifying single microbial genomes and capturing them according to any genetic traits, including antibiotic resistance genes. The study revealed that several resistance genes for tetracycline were found at the sediment underneath the aquaculture farms. The copy number of these genes remained elevated even at a farm that had not used any antibiotics since year 2000, six years before this study started. Similarly, an increase in the amount of mercury resistance gene merA was observed at the aquaculture sediment. The persistence of the resistance genes in absence of any selection pressure from antibiotics or heavy metals suggests that the genes may be introduced to the sediment by the farming process. This is also supported by the diversity pattern of the merA gene between farm and pristine sediments. The bacterial community-level changes in response to fish farming were very complex and no single phylogenetic groups were found that would be typical to fish farm sediments. However, the community structures had some correlation with the exposure to fish farming. Our studies suggest that the established approaches to deal with antibiotic resistance at the aquaculture, such as antibiotic cycling, are fundamentally flawed because they cannot prevent the introduction of the resistance genes and resistant bacteria to the farm area by the farming process. Further studies are required to study the entire fish farming process to identify the sources of the resistance genes and the resistant bacteria. The results also suggest that in order to prevent major microbiological changes in the surrounding aquatic environment, the farms should not be founded in shallow water where currents do not transport sedimenting matter from the farms. Finally, the technique to amplify and select microbial genomes will potentially have a considerable impact in microbial ecology and genomics.