5 resultados para Distance Learning

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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In Finland, there is a desperate need for flexible, reliable and functional multi-e-learning settings for pupils aged 11-13. Southern Finland has several ongoing e-learning projects, but none that develop a multiple setting, with learning and teaching occurring between more than two schools. In 2006, internet connections were not broadband and data transfer was mainly audio data. Connections and technical problems occurred, which were an obstacle to multi-e-learning. Internet connections today enable web-based learning in major parts of
Lapland and by 2015, broadband will reach even the remotest villages up north. Therefore, it is important to research the possibilities of multi-e-learning and to build collaborative, learner-centred, versatile network models for primary school-aged pupils. The resulting model will facilitate distance learning to extend education to rural, sparsely populated areas, and it will give a model of using mobile devices in language portfolios. This will promote regional equality and prevent exclusion. Working with portfolios provides the opportunity to develop mobility from a pedagogical point of view. It is important to study the pros and cons of mobile devices in producing artefacts on portfolios in e-learning and language learning settings.
The current study represents a design-based research approach. The design research approach includes two important aspects concerning the current research: ‘a teacher as researcher’ aspect, which means there is the possibility to be strongly involved in developing processes and an obstacle-aspect, which means that problems while developing, are seen as a
promoter in evolving the designed model, as apposed to negative results.


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In Finland, there is a desperate need for flexible, reliable and functional multi-e-learning settings for pupils aged 11-13. Southern Finland has several ongoing e-learning projects, but none that develop a multiple setting, with learning and teaching occurring between more than two schools. In 2006, internet connections were not broadband and data transfer was mainly audio data. Connections and technical problems occurred, which were an obstacle to multi-e-learning. Internet connections today enable web-based learning in major parts of Lapland and by 2015, broadband will reach even the remotest villages up north. Therefore, it is important to research the possibilities of multi-e-learning and to build collaborative, learner-centred, versatile network models for primary school-aged pupils. The resulting model will facilitate distance learning to extend education to rural, sparsely populated areas, and it will give a model of using mobile devices in language portfolios. This will promote regional equality and prevent exclusion. Working with portfolios provides the opportunity to develop mobility from a pedagogical point of view. It is important to study the pros and cons of mobile devices in producing artefacts on portfolios in e-learning and language learning settings. The current study represents a design-based research approach. The design research approach includes two important aspects concerning the current research: ‘a teacher as researcher’ aspect, which means there is the possibility to be strongly involved in developing processes and an obstacle-aspect, which means that problems while developing, are seen as a promoter in evolving the designed model, as apposed to negative results.


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Tutkimus tarkastelee opiskelijoiden kokemuksia opiskelun ohjauksesta etälukiossa. Etälukio on opetushallituksen syksyllä 1997 aloittama itseopiskeluväylä, jonka kautta voi suorittaa joko koko lukion oppimäärän tai yksittäisiäkursseja. Tutkimuksessa mielenkiinnon kohteena on ensinnäkin etälukiolaisten ohjauksen tarve ja heidän ohjauksensa toteutus. Ohjauksen toteutuksen tarkastelu jakaantuu kahteen osioon, kaksi-kolme kertaa kuussa järjestettävän lähiopetuksen tarkasteluun sekä faksin, kirjeen, puhelimen ja sähköpostin kautta tapahtuvan ohjauksen tarkasteluun. Keskeistä tutkimuksessa on myös opiskelijoiden ohjaukseen liittyvien kokemusten tarkastelu sekä se, millä tavoin ohjauksella on tuettu opiskelijoiden itsenäisten opiskeluvalmiuksien kehittymistä. Tutkimuksen teoriatausta jakaantuu kahteen osaan. Ensiksi analysoidaan etäopiskelun uusiin opiskeluympäristöihin keskeisesti liittyvää käsitettä avoin opiskeluympäristö, jonka määrittely on osoittautunut vaikeaksi. Toisen keskeisen osan teoriataustaa muodostaa ohjaus-käsitteen tarkastelu. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kahta tiedonhankintamenetelmää. Kvantitatiiviseen kyselylomakkeeseen toukokuussa 1998 vastasi 115 opiskelijaa etälukion pilottialueilta Satakunnasta, Savosta ja Varsinais-Suomesta. Kyselylomakkeella hankittuja tietoja täydennettiin haastatteluilla joulukuussa 1998. Etälukiolaisten ohjauksen tarkastelu osoitti, että etälukio-opiskelu eroaa vain vähän muusta aikuislukio-opiskelusta. Suurimmalla osalla etälukiolaisista on tavoitteena ylioppilastutkinto, jonka sisällöt ja vaatimukset selkeästi rajoittavat yksilöllisyyden ja joustavuuden toteutumista etälukiossa. Etälukion opiskeluympäristön avoimuuden määrittely tarkemmin on jatkossa olennaisen tärkeätä. Tulokset osoittavat, että etälukiolaisten ohjaustarve oli ollut alhainen. Etälukion suorittaminen itsenäisesti osoittautui mahdolliseksi. Suurimman osan ohjauksesta opiskelijat olivat saaneet osallistumalla lähiopetukseen. Lähiopetus osoittautui luonteeltaan opettajajohtoiseksi ryhmäopetukseksi. Opiskelijat kokivat, että lähiopetukseen oleva aika on rajallinen, joten henkilökohtaisen ohjauksen pyytäminen lähiopetuksessa ei ollut ollut mahdollista. Opiskelijoista 40% oli hyödyntänyt lähiopetuksen lisäksi tarjottua ohjausta joko vain hyvin vähän tai ei lainkaan. Opiskelijoista yli puolet ei ollut käyttänyt sähköpostia lainkaan tai oli käyttänyt sitä vain harvemmin kuin kerran kuussa. Internetin ja sähköpostin käyttötaidoilla ei koettu olevan suurta merkitystä etälukio-opiskelussa. Opiskelijoiden ohjaukseen liittämät kokemukset olivat positiivisia. Tärkeintä opiskelijoille oli tieto siitä,että ohjausta oli tarvittaessa ollut saatavilla, vaikka sitä oli vain vähän hyödynnetty. Etälukiolaiset eivät kokeneet etälukio-opiskelun vaatineen uusien itsenäisten opiskelutaitojen oppimista. Avainsanat: avoin opiskeluympäristö, etäopiskelu, opiskelun ohjaus, tutorointi, aikuisopiskelu, etälukio Keywords: open learning, distance education, student guidance, tutoring, adult education, upper secondary distance learning


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Background: The national resuscitation guidelines were published in Finland in 2002 and are based on international guidelines published in 2000. The main goal of the national guidelines, available on the Internet free of charge, is early defibrillation by nurses in an institutional setting. Aim: To study possible changes in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) practices, especially concerning early defibrillation, nurses and students attitudes of guideline implementation and nurses and students ability to implement the guideline recommendations in clinical practices after publication of the Current Care (CC) guidelines for CPR 2002. Material and methods: CPR practices in Finnish health centres; especially concerning rapid defibrillation programmes, as well as the implementation of CC guidelines for CPR was studied in a mail survey to chief physicians of every health centre in Finland (Study I). The CPR skills using an automated external defibrillator (AED) were compared in a study including Objective stuctured clinical examination (OSCE) of resuscitation skills of nurses and nursing students in Finnish and Swedish hospital and institution (Studies II, III). Attitudes towards CPR-D and CPR guidelines among medical and nursing students and secondary hospital nurses were studied in surveys (Studies IV, V). The nurses receiving different CPR training were compared in a randomized trial including OSCE of CPR skills of nurses in Finnish Hospital (Study VI). Results: Two years after the publication, 40.7% of Finnish health centres used national resuscitation guidelines. The proportion of health centres having at least one AED (66%) and principle of nurse-performed defibrillation without the presence of a physician (42%) had increased. The CPR-D training was estimated to be insufficient regarding basic life support and advanced life support in the majority of health centres (Study I). CPR-D skills of nurses and nursing students in two specific Swedish and Finnish hospitals and institutions (Study II and III) were generally inadequate. The nurses performed better than the students and the Swedish nurses surpassed the Finnish ones. Geriatric nurses receiving traditional CPR-D training performed better than those receiving an Internet-based course but both groups failed to defibrillate within 60 s. Thus, the performance was not satisfactory even two weeks after traditional training (Study VI). Unlike the medical students, the nursing students did not feel competent to perform procedures recommended in the cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines including the defibrillation. However, the majority of nursing students felt confident about their ability to perform basic life support. The perceived ability to defibrillate correlated significantly with a positive attitude towards nurse-performed defibrillation and negatively with fear of damaging the patient s heart by defibrillation (Study IV). After the educational intervention, the nurses found their level of CPR-D capability more sufficient than before and felt more confident about their ability to perform defibrillation themselves. A negative attitude toward defibrillation correlated with perceived negative organisational attitudes toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines. After CPR-D education in the hospital, the majority (64%) of nurses hesitated to perform defibrillation because of anxiety and 27 % hesitated because of fear of injuring the patient. Also a negative personal attitude towards guidelines increased markedly after education (Study V). Conclusions: Although a significant change had occurred in resuscitation practices in primary health care after publication of national cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines the participants CPR-D skills were not adequate according to the CPR guidelines. The current way of teaching is unlikely to result in participants being able to perform adequate and rapid CPR-D. More information and more frequent training are needed to diminish anxiety concerning defibrillation. Negative beliefs and attitudes toward defibrillation affect the nursing students and nurses attitudes toward cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines. CPR-D education increased the participants self-confidence concerning CPR-D skills but it did not reduce their anxiety. AEDs have replaced the manual defibrillators in most institutions, but in spite of the modern devices the anxiety still exists. Basic education does not provide nursing students with adequate CPR-D skills. Thus, frequent training in the workplace has vital importance. This multi-professional program supported by the administration might provide better CPR-D skills. Distance learning alone cannot substitute for traditional small-group learning, tutored hands-on training is needed to learn practical CPR-D skills. Standardized testing would probably help controlling the quality of learning. Training of group-working skills might improve CPR performance.


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In this thesis a manifold learning method is applied to the problem of WLAN positioning and automatic radio map creation. Due to the nature of WLAN signal strength measurements, a signal map created from raw measurements results in non-linear distance relations between measurement points. These signal strength vectors reside in a high-dimensioned coordinate system. With the help of the so called Isomap-algorithm the dimensionality of this map can be reduced, and thus more easily processed. By embedding position-labeled strategic key points, we can automatically adjust the mapping to match the surveyed environment. The environment is thus learned in a semi-supervised way; gathering training points and embedding them in a two-dimensional manifold gives us a rough mapping of the measured environment. After a calibration phase, where the labeled key points in the training data are used to associate coordinates in the manifold representation with geographical locations, we can perform positioning using the adjusted map. This can be achieved through a traditional supervised learning process, which in our case is a simple nearest neighbors matching of a sampled signal strength vector. We deployed this system in two locations in the Kumpula campus in Helsinki, Finland. Results indicate that positioning based on the learned radio map can achieve good accuracy, especially in hallways or other areas in the environment where the WLAN signal is constrained by obstacles such as walls.