2 resultados para Dermatology Life Quality Index ( DLQI)

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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Kalateollisuus ja kalakauppa tarvitsisivat menetelmn, jolla kalan silyvyytt voitaisiin arvioida reaaliaikaisesti ja luotettavasti. Laatuindeksimenetelm QIM (engl. Quality Index Method) on kytss jo useassa Euroopan maassa useille eri kalalajeille. QIM pyrkii lajikohtaisesti ennustamaan aistinvaraisten ominaisuuksien muutoksien perusteella jljell olevaa silyvyysaikaa. Tyn tavoitteena oli luoda QIM meress kasvatetulle siialle. Tm on ensimminen suomalaiselle kalalle tehtv QIM, ja tavoitteena on saada meress kasvatetun siian QIM mys viralliseen QIM-ksikirjaan. Tutkimus tehtiin Elintarviketurvallisuusvirasto Eviralle. Tutkittavat kalat Evira osti Kalatukku E. Eriksson Oy:lt. QIM-tuloksen tueksi tutkittiin yhden ern pH ja indikoitiin pilaantuminen mys mikrobiologisesti. Luotiin mys kasvatetun siian profiili (arvioijia 13). Itse tutkimusosassa kaksi profiiliraatia (n = 9) ja QIM-raati (n = 5) arvioivat raaan ja kypsn kalan. Tulos varmistettiin mys aistinvaraisella kalan laadunarviointimenetelmll (Evira 8001). QIM-raati loi QIM-luonnoksen ja luonnoksen toimivuutta testattiin. Kiinten osana tyn toteutusta oli mys eri vaiheiden muutosten valokuvaus. Tmn tutkimuksen mukaan luotu QIM-luonnos on toimiva pohja validoitaessaa QIM-menetelm siialle. Voidaan mys todeta, ett QIM soveltuu meress kasvatetulle siialle. Kypsn kalan aistinvaraisella laadunarviointimenetelmll (Evira 8001) analysoitiin silytysajankohta, jolloin kypsst kalasta voitiin todeta kalan kauppakelvottomuus tt pidettiin ajanhetken, jolloin raaan kalan tutkiminen voitiin lopettaa. Tutkimuksessa kytetty mikrobiologinen menetelm Mikrobien lukumrn mrittminen (Evira 3420/1) korreloi QIM-tuloksen kanssa; kalanyte oli tss tutkimuksessa niin mikrobiologisesti arvioituna kuin laatuindeksinkin mukaan kyttkelvotonta viidententoista pivn. Tutkittujen kalojen pH-arvoja ei voitu verrata laatuindeksiin, sill tss tutkimuksessa mitattujen pH-arvojen tuloksista ei voitu ptell pilaantumisen etenemist. Kun QIM meress kasvatetulle siialle on validoitu (Evira), valmista meress kasvatetun siian QI-menetelm voidaan hydynt jatkossa Suomen kalateollisuudessa ja -markkinoilla. Olisi hyv, jos QIM luotaisiin mys muille Suomen yleisimmille kauppakaloille, jotta pakkauksiin merkityt viimeiset kyttpivt perustuisivat yhteen yhteiseen menetelmn ja nin viimeisell kyttpivll olisi tieteellinen pohja.


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This clinical study focused on effects of childhood specific language impairment (SLI) on daily functioning in late life. SLI is a neurobiological disorder with genetic predisposition and manifests as poor language production or comprehension or both in a child with age-level non-verbal intelligence and no other known cause for deficient language development. The prevalence rate of around 7% puts it among the most prevalent developmental disorders in childhood. Negative long-term effects, such as problems in learning and behavior, are frequent. In follow-up studies the focus has seldom been on self-perception of daily functioning and participation, which are considered important in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF). To investigate the self-perceived aspects of everyday functioning in individuals with childhood receptive SLI compared with age- and gender-matched control populations, the 15D, 16D, and 17D health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaires were applied. These generic questionnaires include 15, 16, and 17 dimensions, respectively, and give both a single index score and a profile with values on each dimension. Information on different life domains (rehabilitation, education, employment etc.) from each age-group was collected with separate questionnaires. The study groups comprised adults, adolescents (12-16 years), and pre-adolescents (8-11 years) who had received a diagnosis of receptive SLI and had been examined, usually before school age, at the Department of Phoniatrics of Helsinki University Central Hospital, where children with language deficits caused by various etiologies are examined and treated by a multidisciplinary team. The adult respondents included 33 subjects with a mean age of 34 years. Measured with 15D, the subjects perceived their HRQoL to be nearly as good as that of their controls, but on the dimensions of speech, usual activities, mental functioning, and distress they were significantly worse off. They significantly more often lived with their parents (19%) or were pensioned (26%) than the adult Finnish population on average. Adults with self-perceived problems in finding words and in remembering instructions, manifestations of persistent language impairment, showed inferior every day functioning to the rest of the study group. Of the adolescents and pre-adolescents, 48 and 51, respectively, responded. The majority in both groups had received special education or extra educational support at school. They all had attended speech therapy at some point; at the time of the study only one adolescent, but every third pre-adolescent still received speech therapy. The 16D score of the adolescent or the 17D score of the pre-adolescents did not differ from that of their controls. The 16D profiles differed on some dimensions; subjects were significantly worse off on the dimension of mental functioning, but better off on the dimension of vitality than controls. Of the 17D dimensions, the study group was significantly worse off on speech, whereas the control group reported significantly more problems in sleeping. Of the childhood performance measures investigated, low verbal intelligence quotient (VIQ), which is often considered to reflect receptive language impairment, was in adults subjects significantly associated with some of the self-perceived problems, such as problems in usual activities and mental functioning. The 15D, 16D, and 17D questionnaires served well in measuring self-perceived HRQoL. Such standardized measures with population values are especially important in confirming with the ICF guidelines. In the future these questionnaires could perhaps be used on a more individual level in follow-up of children in clinics, and even in special schools and classes, to detect those children at greatest risk of negative long-term effects and perhaps diminished well-being regarding daily functioning and participation.