9 resultados para Declination of principle axis K1

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Nephrin is a transmembrane protein belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily and is expressed primarily in the podocytes, which are highly differentiated epithelial cells needed for primary urine formation in the kidney. Mutations leading to nephrin loss abrogate podocyte morphology, and result in massive protein loss into urine and consequent early death in humans carrying specific mutations in this gene. The disease phenotype is closely replicated in respective mouse models. The purpose of this thesis was to generate novel inducible mouse-lines, which allow targeted gene deletion in a time and tissue-specific manner. A proof of principle model for succesful gene therapy for this disease was generated, which allowed podocyte specific transgene replacement to rescue gene deficient mice from perinatal lethality. Furthermore, the phenotypic consequences of nephrin restoration in the kidney and nephrin deficiency in the testis, brain and pancreas in rescued mice were investigated. A novel podocyte-specific construct was achieved by using standard cloning techniques to provide an inducible tool for in vitro and in vivo gene targeting. Using modified constructs and microinjection procedures two novel transgenic mouse-lines were generated. First, a mouse-line with doxycycline inducible expression of Cre recombinase that allows podocyte-specific gene deletion was generated. Second, a mouse-line with doxycycline inducible expression of rat nephrin, which allows podocyte-specific nephrin over-expression was made. Furthermore, it was possible to rescue nephrin deficient mice from perinatal lethality by cross-breeding them with a mouse-line with inducible rat nephrin expression that restored the missing endogenous nephrin only in the kidney after doxycycline treatment. The rescued mice were smaller, infertile, showed genital malformations and developed distinct histological abnormalities in the kidney with an altered molecular composition of the podocytes. Histological changes were also found in the testis, cerebellum and pancreas. The expression of another molecule with limited tissue expression, densin, was localized to the plasma membranes of Sertoli cells in the testis by immunofluorescence staining. Densin may be an essential adherens junction protein between Sertoli cells and developing germ cells and these junctions share similar protein assembly with kidney podocytes. This single, binary conditional construct serves as a cost- and time-efficient tool to increase the understanding of podocyte-specific key proteins in health and disease. The results verified a tightly controlled inducible podocyte-specific transgene expression in vitro and in vivo as expected. These novel mouse-lines with doxycycline inducible Cre recombinase and with rat nephrin expression will be useful for conditional gene targeting of essential podocyte proteins and to study in detail their functions in the adult mice. This is important for future diagnostic and pharmacologic development platforms.


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This study is part of the Mood Disorders Project conducted by the Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research, National Public Health Institute, and consists of a general population survey sample and a major depressive disorder (MDD) patient cohort from Vantaa Depression Study (VDS). The general population survey study was conducted in 2003 in the cities of Espoo and Vantaa. The VDS is a collaborative depression research project between the Department of Mental Health and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute and the Department of Psychiatry of the Peijas Medical Care District (PMCD) beginning in 1997. It is a prospective, naturalistic cohort study of 269 secondary-level care psychiatric out- and inpatients with a new episode of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) MDD. In the general population survey study, a total of 900 participants (300 from Espoo, 600 from Vantaa) aged 20 70 years were randomly drawn from the Population Register Centre in Finland. A self-report booklet, including the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), the Temperament and Character Inventory Revised (TCI-R), the Beck Depression Inventory and the Beck Anxiety Inventory was mailed to all subjects. Altogether 441 participants responded (94 returned only the shortened version without TCI-R) and gave their informed consent. VDS involved screening all patients aged 20-60 years (n=806) in the PMCD for a possible new episode of DSM-IV MDD. 542 consenting patients were interviewed with a semi-structured interview (the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry, version 2.0). 269 patients with a current DSM-IV MDD were included in the study and further interviewed with semi-structured interviews to assess all other axis I and II psychiatric diagnoses. Exclusion criteria were DSM-IV bipolar I and II, schizoaffective disorder, schizophrenia or another psychosis, organic and substance-induced mood disorders. In the present study are included those 193 (139 females, 54 males) individuals who could be followed up at both 6 and 18 months, and their depression had remained unipolar. Personality was investigated with the EPI. Personality dimensions associated not only to the symptoms of depression, but also to the symptoms of anxiety among general population and in depressive patients, as well as to comorbid disorders in MDD patients, supporting the dimensional view of depression and anxiety. Among the general population High Harm Avoidance and low Self-Directedness associated moderately, whereas low extraversion and high neuroticism strongly with the depressive and anxiety symptoms. The personality dimensions, especially high Harm Avoidance, low Self-Directedness and high neuroticism were also somewhat predictive of self-reported use of health care services for psychiatric reasons, and lifetime mental disorder. Moreover, high Harm Avoidance associated with a family history of mental disorder. In depressive patients, neuroticism scores were found to decline markedly and extraversion scores to increase somewhat with recovery. The predictive value of the changes in symptoms of depression and anxiety in explaining follow-up neuroticism was about 1/3 of that of baseline neuroticism. In contrast to neuroticism, the scores of extraversion showed no dependence on the symptoms of anxiety, and the change in the symptoms of depression explained only 1/20 of the follow-up extraversion compared with baseline extraversion. No evidence was found of the scar effect during a one-year follow-up period. Finally, even after controlling for symptoms of both depression and anxiety, depressive patients had a somewhat higher level of neuroticism (odds ratio 1.11, p=0.001) and a slightly lower level of extraversion (odds ratio 0.92, p=0.003) than subjects in the general population. Among MDD patients, a positive dose-exposure relationship appeared to exist between neuroticism and prevalence and number of comorbid axis I and II disorders. A negative relationship existed between level of extraversion and prevalence of comorbid social phobia and cluster C personality disorders. Personality dimensions are associated with the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Futhermore these findings support the hypothesis that high neuroticism and somewhat low extraversion might be vulnerability factors for MDD, and that high neuroticism and low extraversion predispose to comorbid axis I and II disorders among patients with MDD.


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Much of what we know regarding the long-term course and outcome of major depressive disorder (MDD) is based on studies of mostly inpatient tertiary level cohorts and samples predating the era of the current antidepressants and the use of maintenance therapies. In addition, there is a lack of studies investigating the comprehensive significance of comorbid axis I and II disorders on the outcome of MDD. The present study forms a part of the Vantaa Depression Study (VDS), a regionally representative prospective and naturalistic cohort study of 269 secondary-level care psychiatric out- and inpatients (aged 20-59) with a new episode of DSM-IV MDD, and followed-up up to five years (n=182) with a life-chart and semistructured interviews. The aim was to investigate the long-term outcome of MDD and risk factors for poor recovery, recurrences, suicidal attempts and diagnostic switch to bipolar disorder, and the association of a family history of different psychiatric disorders on the outcome. The effects of comorbid disorders together with various other predictors from different domains on the outcome were comprehensively investigated. According to this study, the long-term outcome of MDD appears to be more variable when its outcome is investigated among modern, community-treated, secondary-care outpatients compared to previous mostly inpatient studies. MDD was also highly recurrent in these settings, but the recurrent episodes seemed shorter, and the outcome was unlikely to be uniformly chronic. Higher severity of MDD predicted significantly the number of recurrences and longer time spent ill. In addition, longer episode duration, comorbid dysthymic disorder, cluster C personality disorders and social phobia predicted a worse outcome. The incidence rate of suicide attempts varied robustly de¬pending on the level of depression, being 21-fold during major depressive episodes (MDEs), and 4-fold during partial remission compared to periods of full remission. Although a history of previous attempts and poor social support also indicated risk, time spent depressed was the central factor determining overall long-term risk. Switch to bipolar disorder occurred mainly to type II, earlier to type I, and more gradually over time to type II. Higher severity of MDD, comorbid social phobia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and cluster B personality disorder features predicted the diagnostic switch. The majority of patients were also likely to have positive family histories not exclusively of mood, but also of other mental disorders. Having a positive family history of severe mental disorders was likely to be clinically associated with a significantly more adverse outcome.


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Ecology and evolutionary biology is the study of life on this planet. One of the many methods applied to answering the great diversity of questions regarding the lives and characteristics of individual organisms, is the utilization of mathematical models. Such models are used in a wide variety of ways. Some help us to reason, functioning as aids to, or substitutes for, our own fallible logic, thus making argumentation and thinking clearer. Models which help our reasoning can lead to conceptual clarification; by expressing ideas in algebraic terms, the relationship between different concepts become clearer. Other mathematical models are used to better understand yet more complicated models, or to develop mathematical tools for their analysis. Though helping us to reason and being used as tools in the craftmanship of science, many models do not tell us much about the real biological phenomena we are, at least initially, interested in. The main reason for this is that any mathematical model is a simplification of the real world, reducing the complexity and variety of interactions and idiosynchracies of individual organisms. What such models can tell us, however, both is and has been very valuable throughout the history of ecology and evolution. Minimally, a model simplifying the complex world can tell us that in principle, the patterns produced in a model could also be produced in the real world. We can never know how different a simplified mathematical representation is from the real world, but the similarity models do strive for, gives us confidence that their results could apply. This thesis deals with a variety of different models, used for different purposes. One model deals with how one can measure and analyse invasions; the expanding phase of invasive species. Earlier analyses claims to have shown that such invasions can be a regulated phenomena, that higher invasion speeds at a given point in time will lead to a reduction in speed. Two simple mathematical models show that analysis on this particular measure of invasion speed need not be evidence of regulation. In the context of dispersal evolution, two models acting as proof-of-principle are presented. Parent-offspring conflict emerges when there are different evolutionary optima for adaptive behavior for parents and offspring. We show that the evolution of dispersal distances can entail such a conflict, and that under parental control of dispersal (as, for example, in higher plants) wider dispersal kernels are optimal. We also show that dispersal homeostasis can be optimal; in a setting where dispersal decisions (to leave or stay in a natal patch) are made, strategies that divide their seeds or eggs into fractions that disperse or not, as opposed to randomized for each seed, can prevail. We also present a model of the evolution of bet-hedging strategies; evolutionary adaptations that occur despite their fitness, on average, being lower than a competing strategy. Such strategies can win in the long run because they have a reduced variance in fitness coupled with a reduction in mean fitness, and fitness is of a multiplicative nature across generations, and therefore sensitive to variability. This model is used for conceptual clarification; by developing a population genetical model with uncertain fitness and expressing genotypic variance in fitness as a product between individual level variance and correlations between individuals of a genotype. We arrive at expressions that intuitively reflect two of the main categorizations of bet-hedging strategies; conservative vs diversifying and within- vs between-generation bet hedging. In addition, this model shows that these divisions in fact are false dichotomies.


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Kasvainten, ajatellaan syntyvän yksittäisen solun perimän mutaatioista, jonka seurauksena tuon solun kasvu häiriintyy. Ruoansulatuskanavan polyyppien syntyä käytetään usein mallina siitä, miten nämä epiteelisoluun kerääntyvät mutaatiot aiheuttavat asteittain pahenevan kasvuhäiriön. Peutz–Jeghersin oireyhtymä (PJS) on perinnöllinen polypoosisyndrooma, jossa oireita aiheuttavat erityisesti maha-suolikanavan hamartomatoottiset polyypit. Noin puolella PJS potilaista havaitaan mutaatioita LKB1 kasvunrajoite geenissä. Hiirille joilta toinen Lkb1 alleeli on poistettu (Lkb1+/-) kehittyy PJS-tyypin maha-suolikanavan polyyppeja, joissa on epiteelin liikakasvun lisäksi merkittävä sileälihaskomponentti, aivan kuten PJS polyypeissa. Kuten myös muissa ruoansulatuskanavan polypooseissa, sekä PJS että hiirten polyypeissa Cyclo-oxygenaasi-2:n (COX-2) määrä on usein kohonnut. PJS-polyyppien kehittymisen molekulaarinen mekanismi on kuitenkin selvittämättä. Koska vain osa PJS potilaista kantaa LKB1 mutaatioita, mutaatiot jossakin toisessa lokuksessa saattaisivat selittää osan PJS tapauksista. Jotta PJS:n geneettinen tausta selviäisi, seulottiin kolmen LKB1:n kanssa interaktoivan proteiinin (BRG1, STRADα ja MO25α) geenit PJS potilaista joilla ei ole havaittu LKB1 mutaatioita. Yhdessäkään tutkituista geeneistä ei havaittu tautia aiheuttavia mutaatioita. Näiden kolmen geenin pois sulkeminen, ja uusien menetelmien ansiosta kasvanut havaittujen Lkb1 mutaatioden määrä viittaavat LKB1:n olevan useimpien PJS tapausten taustalla. COX-2:n estäjien käyttö on tehokkaasti vähentänyt polyyppien määrää familiaarisessa adenomatoottisessa polypoosissa. Tästä johtuen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin PJS polypoosissa. PJS-tyypin polypoosin havaittin pienenevän merkittävästi Lkb1+/- hiirissä, joilta oli lisäksi poistettu toinen tai molemmat COX-2:n alleeleista. Lisäksi farmakologinen COX-2:n esto Celecoxib:lla vähensi polypoosia tehokkaasti. Näin ollen COX-2:n eston tehokkuutta tutkittiin seuraavaksi PJS potilaissa. Kuuden kuukauden Celecoxib hoidon jälkeen polypoosin havaittiin vähentyneen merkittävästi osalla potilaista (2/6). Nämä tulokset osoittavat COX-2:n roolin PJS-polyyppien kehityksessä, ja viittaavat COX-2:n eston vähentävän polypoosia. Kasvunrajoitegeenin klassisen määritelmän mukaan kasvaimen kehitys vaatii perinnöllisen mutaation lisäksi geenin toisenkin alleelin mutaation, mutta PJS-polyyppien häiriintyneestä epiteelistä ei kuitenkaan systemaattisesti löydy toista LKB1:n mutaatiota. Havainto johti tutkimukseen, jossa selvitettiin voisiko LKB1:n kasvun rajoitus välittyäkin epäsuorasti tukikudokseksi ajatelluista sileälihassoluista. Tätä tutkittiin kehittämällä poistogeeninen hiirimalli jossa Lkb1 on mutatoitunut vain sileälihassoluissa. Näille hiirille kehittyi polyyppeja, jotka ovat kaikin tavoin PJS-polyyppien kaltaisia. Lkb1:n menettäneiden solujen havaittiin tuottavan vähemmän transformoivaa kasvutekijä beetaa (TGFß), joka aiheutti solujen välisen viestinnän heikentymisen ja mahdollisesti viereisten epiteelisolujen liikakasvun. Vastaava häiriö havaittiin myös PJS-potilaiden polyypeissa, mikä viittaa siihen, että potilaillakin sileälihassolujen häiriö on polyyppien taustalla. Havainto suuntaa täten hoitokohteiden etsintää ja osoittaa että LKB1 toimii kasvunrajoittajana epätyypillisellä tavalla pitäen naapurisolujen kasvun kurissa.


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The dissertation consists of four essays and a comprehensive introduction that discusses the topics, methods, and most prominent theories of philosophical moral psychology. I distinguish three main questions: What are the essential features of moral thinking? What are the psychological conditions of moral responsibility? And finally, what are the consequences of empirical facts about human nature to normative ethics? Each of the three last articles focuses on one of these issues. The first essay and part of the introduction are dedicated to methodological questions, in particular the relationship between empirical (social) psychology and philosophy. I reject recent attempts to understand the nature of morality on the basis of empirical research. One characteristic feature of moral thinking is its practical clout: if we regard an action as morally wrong, we either refrain from doing it even against our desires and interests, or else feel shame or guilt. Moral views seem to have a conceptual connection to motivation and emotions – roughly speaking, we can’t conceive of someone genuinely disapproving an action, but nonetheless doing it without any inner motivational conflict or regret. This conceptual thesis in moral psychology is called (judgment) internalism. It implies, among other things, that psychopaths cannot make moral judgments to the extent that they are incapable of corresponding motivation and emotion, even if they might say largely the words we would expect. Is internalism true? Recently, there has been an explosion of interest in so-called experimental philosophy, which is a methodological view according to which claims about conceptual truths that appeal to our intuitions should be tested by way of surveys presented to ordinary language users. One experimental result is that the majority of people are willing to grant that psychopaths make moral judgments, which challenges internalism. In the first article, ‘The Rise and Fall of Experimental Philosophy’, I argue that these results pose no real threat to internalism, since experimental philosophy is based on a too simple conception of the relationship between language use and concepts. Only the reactions of competent users in pragmatically neutral and otherwise conducive circumstances yield evidence about conceptual truths, and such robust intuitions remain inaccessible to surveys for reasons of principle. The epistemology of folk concepts must still be based on Socratic dialogue and critical reflection, whose character and authority I discuss at the end of the paper. The internal connection between moral judgment and motivation led many metaethicists in the past century to believe along Humean lines that judgment itself consists in a pro-attitude rather than a belief. This expressivist view, as it is called these days, has far-reaching consequences in metaethics. In the second essay I argue that perhaps the most sophisticated form of contemporary expressivism, Allan Gibbard’s norm-expressivism, according to which moral judgments are decisions or contingency plans, is implausible from the perspective of the theory of action. In certain circumstances it is possible to think that something is morally required of one without deciding to do so. Morality is not a matter of the will. Instead, I sketch on the basis of Robert Brandom’s inferentialist semantics a weak form of judgment internalism, according to which the content of moral judgment is determined by a commitment to a particular kind of practical reasoning. The last two essays in the dissertation emphasize the role of mutual recognition in the development and maintenance of responsible and autonomous moral agency. I defend a compatibilist view of autonomy, according to which agents who are unable to recognize right and wrong or act accordingly are not responsible for their actions – it is not fair to praise or blame them, since they lacked the relevant capacity to do otherwise. Conversely, autonomy demands an ability to recognize reasons and act on them. But as a long tradition in German moral philosophy whose best-known contemporary representative is Axel Honneth has it, both being aware of reasons and acting on them requires also the right sort of higher-order attitudes toward the self. Without self-respect and self-confidence we remain at the mercy of external pressures, even if we have the necessary normative competence. These attitudes toward the self, in turn, are formed through mutual recognition – we value ourselves when those who we value value us. Thus, standing in the right sort of relations of recognition is indirectly necessary for autonomy and moral responsibility. Recognition and valuing are concretely manifest in actions and institutions, whose practices make possible participation on an equal footing. Seeing this opens the way for a kind of normative social criticism that is grounded in the value of freedom and automomy, but is not limited to defending negative rights. It thus offers a new way to bridge the gap between liberalism and communitarianism.


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Fractures and arthritic joint destruction are common in the hand. A reliable and stable fracture fixation can be achieved by metal implants, which however, become unnecessary or even harmful after consolidation. The silicone implant arthroplasty is the current method of choice for reconstruction of metacarpophalangeal joints in rheumatoid patients. However, the outcome tends to worsen with long-term follow-up and implant-related complications become frequent. To address these problems, bioabsorbable implants were designed for the hand area. Aims of the studies were: 1) to evaluate the biomechanical stabilities provided by self- reinforced (SR) bioabsorbable implants in a transverse and an oblique osteotomy of small tubular bones and to compare them with those provided by metal implants; 2) to evaluate the SR poly-L/DL-lactide 70/30 plate for osteosynthesis in a proof-of-principle type of experiment in three cases of hand injuries; and 3) to evaluate the poly-L/D-lactide (PLA) 96/4 joint scaffold, a composite joint implant with a supplementary intramedullary Polyactive® stem and Swanson silicone implant in an experimental small joint arthroplasty model. Methods used were: 1) 112 fresh frozen human cadaver and 160 pig metacarpal bones osteotomised transversally or obliquely, respectively, and tested ex vivo in three point bending and in torsion; 2) three patient cases of complex hand injuries; and 3) the fifth metacarpophalangeal joints reconstructed in 18 skeletally-mature minipigs and studied radiologically and histologically. The initial fixation stabilities provided by bioabsorbable implants in the tubular bones of the hand were comparable with currently-employed metal fixation techniques, and were sufficient for fracture stabilisation in three preliminary cases in the hand. However, in torsion the stabilities provided by bioabsorbable implants were lower than that provided by metal counterparts. The bioabsorbable plate enhanced the bending stability for the bioabsorbable fixation construct. PLA 96/4 joint scaffolds demonstrated good biocompatibility and enabled fibrous tissue in-growth in situ. After scaffold degradation, a functional, stable pseudarthrosis with dense fibrous connective tissue was formed. However, the supplementary Polyactive® stem caused a deleterious tissue reaction and therefore the stem can not be applied to the composite joint implant. The bioabsorbable implants have potential for use in clinical hand surgery, but have to await validation in clinical patient series and controlled trials.


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Molecular machinery on the micro-scale, believed to be the fundamental building blocks of life, involve forces of 1-100 pN and movements of nanometers to micrometers. Micromechanical single-molecule experiments seek to understand the physics of nucleic acids, molecular motors, and other biological systems through direct measurement of forces and displacements. Optical tweezers are a popular choice among several complementary techniques for sensitive force-spectroscopy in the field of single molecule biology. The main objective of this thesis was to design and construct an optical tweezers instrument capable of investigating the physics of molecular motors and mechanisms of protein/nucleic-acid interactions on the single-molecule level. A double-trap optical tweezers instrument incorporating acousto-optic trap-steering, two independent detection channels, and a real-time digital controller was built. A numerical simulation and a theoretical study was performed to assess the signal-to-noise ratio in a constant-force molecular motor stepping experiment. Real-time feedback control of optical tweezers was explored in three studies. Position-clamping was implemented and compared to theoretical models using both proportional and predictive control. A force-clamp was implemented and tested with a DNA-tether in presence of the enzyme lambda exonuclease. The results of the study indicate that the presented models describing signal-to-noise ratio in constant-force experiments and feedback control experiments in optical tweezers agree well with experimental data. The effective trap stiffness can be increased by an order of magnitude using the presented position-clamping method. The force-clamp can be used for constant-force experiments, and the results from a proof-of-principle experiment, in which the enzyme lambda exonuclease converts double-stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA, agree with previous research. The main objective of the thesis was thus achieved. The developed instrument and presented results on feedback control serve as a stepping stone for future contributions to the growing field of single molecule biology.


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Single molecule force clamp experiments are widely used to investigate how enzymes, molecular motors, and other molecular mechanisms work. We developed a dual-trap optical tweezers instrument with real-time (200 kHz update rate) force clamp control that can exert 0–100 pN forces on trapped beads. A model for force clamp experiments in the dumbbell-geometry is presented. We observe good agreement between predicted and observed power spectra of bead position and force fluctuations. The model can be used to predict and optimize the dynamics of real-time force clamp optical tweezers instruments. The results from a proof-of-principle experiment in which lambda exonuclease converts a double-stranded DNA tether, held at constant tension, into its single-stranded form, show that the developed instrument is suitable for experiments in single molecule biology.