22 resultados para Animal testing

em Helda - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki


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The feasibility of different modern analytical techniques for the mass spectrometric detection of anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) in human urine was examined in order to enhance the prevalent analytics and to find reasonable strategies for effective sports drug testing. A comparative study of the sensitivity and specificity between gas chromatography (GC) combined with low (LRMS) and high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) in screening of AAS was carried out with four metabolites of methandienone. Measurements were done in selected ion monitoring mode with HRMS using a mass resolution of 5000. With HRMS the detection limits were considerably lower than with LRMS, enabling detection of steroids at low 0.2-0.5 ng/ml levels. However, also with HRMS, the biological background hampered the detection of some steroids. The applicability of liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) was studied with metabolites of fluoxymesterone, 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, stanozolol and danazol. Factors affecting the extraction process were studied and a novel LPME method with in-fiber silylation was developed and validated for GC/MS analysis of the danazol metabolite. The method allowed precise, selective and sensitive analysis of the metabolite and enabled simultaneous filtration, extraction, enrichment and derivatization of the analyte from urine without any other steps in sample preparation. Liquid chromatographic/tandem mass spectrometric (LC/MS/MS) methods utilizing electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) were developed and applied for detection of oxandrolone and metabolites of stanozolol and 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone in urine. All methods exhibited high sensitivity and specificity. ESI showed, however, the best applicability, and a LC/ESI-MS/MS method for routine screening of nine 17-alkyl-substituted AAS was thus developed enabling fast and precise measurement of all analytes with detection limits below 2 ng/ml. The potential of chemometrics to resolve complex GC/MS data was demonstrated with samples prepared for AAS screening. Acquired full scan spectral data (m/z 40-700) were processed by the OSCAR algorithm (Optimization by Stepwise Constraints of Alternating Regression). The deconvolution process was able to dig out from a GC/MS run more than the double number of components as compared with the number of visible chromatographic peaks. Severely overlapping components, as well as components hidden in the chromatographic background could be isolated successfully. All studied techniques proved to be useful analytical tools to improve detection of AAS in urine. Superiority of different procedures is, however, compound-dependent and different techniques complement each other.


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Solid materials can exist in different physical structures without a change in chemical composition. This phenomenon, known as polymorphism, has several implications on pharmaceutical development and manufacturing. Various solid forms of a drug can possess different physical and chemical properties, which may affect processing characteristics and stability, as well as the performance of a drug in the human body. Therefore, knowledge and control of the solid forms is fundamental to maintain safety and high quality of pharmaceuticals. During manufacture, harsh conditions can give rise to unexpected solid phase transformations and therefore change the behavior of the drug. Traditionally, pharmaceutical production has relied on time-consuming off-line analysis of production batches and finished products. This has led to poor understanding of processes and drug products. Therefore, new powerful methods that enable real time monitoring of pharmaceuticals during manufacturing processes are greatly needed. The aim of this thesis was to apply spectroscopic techniques to solid phase analysis within different stages of drug development and manufacturing, and thus, provide a molecular level insight into the behavior of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) during processing. Applications to polymorph screening and different unit operations were developed and studied. A new approach to dissolution testing, which involves simultaneous measurement of drug concentration in the dissolution medium and in-situ solid phase analysis of the dissolving sample, was introduced and studied. Solid phase analysis was successfully performed during different stages, enabling a molecular level insight into the occurring phenomena. Near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was utilized in screening of polymorphs and processing-induced transformations (PITs). Polymorph screening was also studied with NIR and Raman spectroscopy in tandem. Quantitative solid phase analysis during fluidized bed drying was performed with in-line NIR and Raman spectroscopy and partial least squares (PLS) regression, and different dehydration mechanisms were studied using in-situ spectroscopy and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). In-situ solid phase analysis with Raman spectroscopy during dissolution testing enabled analysis of dissolution as a whole, and provided a scientific explanation for changes in the dissolution rate. It was concluded that the methods applied and studied provide better process understanding and knowledge of the drug products, and therefore, a way to achieve better quality.


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Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs) are a family of inherited pediatric neurodegenerative disorders, leading to retinal degeneration, death of selective neuronal populations and accumulation of autofluorscent ceroid-lipopigments. The clinical manifestations are generally similar in all forms. The Finnish variant late infantile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis (vLINCLFin) is a form of NCL, especially enriched in the Finnish population. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the brain pathology of vLINCLFin utilising the novel Cln5-/- mouse model. Gene expression profiling of the brains of already symptomatic Cln5-/- mice revealed that inflammation, neurodegeneration and defects in myelinization are the major characteristics of the later stages of the disease. Histological characterization of the brain pathology confirmed that the thalamocortical system is affected in Cln5-/- mice, similarly to the other NCL mouse models. However, whereas the brain pathology in all other analyzed NCL mice initiate in the thalamus and spread only months later to the cortex, we observed that the sequence of events is uniquely reversed in Cln5-/- mice; beginning in the cortex and spreading to the thalamus only months later. We could also show that even though neurodegeneration is inititated in the cortex, reactive gliosis and loss of myelin are evident in specific nuclei of the thalamus already in the 1 month old brain. To obtain a deeper insight into the disturbed metabolic pathways, we performed gene expression profiling of presymptomatic mouse brains. We validated these findings with immunohistological analyses, and could show that cytoskeleton and myelin were affected in Cln5-/- mice. Comparison of gene expression profiling results of Cln5-/- and Cln1-/- mice, further highlighted that these two NCL models share a common defective pathway, leading to disturbances in the neuronal growth cone and cytoskeleton. Encouraged by the evidence of this defected pathway, we analyzed the molecular interactions of NCL-proteins and observed that Cln5 and Cln1/Ppt1 proteins interact with each other. Furthermore, we demonstrated that Cln5 and Cln1/Ppt1 share an interaction partner, the F1-ATP synthase, potentially linking both vLINCLFIN and INCL diseases to disturbed lipid metabolism. In addition, Cln5 was shown to interact with other NCL proteins; Cln2, Cln3, Cln6 and Cln8, implicating a central role for Cln5 in the NCL pathophysiology. This study is the first to describe the brain pathology and gene expression changes in the Cln5-/- mouse. Together the findings presented in this thesis represent novel information of the disease processes and the molecular mechanisms behind vLINCLFin and have highlighted that vLINCLFin forms a very important model to analyze the pathophysiology of NCL diseases.


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This study addresses three important issues in tree bucking optimization in the context of cut-to-length harvesting. (1) Would the fit between the log demand and log output distributions be better if the price and/or demand matrices controlling the bucking decisions on modern cut-to-length harvesters were adjusted to the unique conditions of each individual stand? (2) In what ways can we generate stand and product specific price and demand matrices? (3) What alternatives do we have to measure the fit between the log demand and log output distributions, and what would be an ideal goodness-of-fit measure? Three iterative search systems were developed for seeking stand-specific price and demand matrix sets: (1) A fuzzy logic control system for calibrating the price matrix of one log product for one stand at a time (the stand-level one-product approach); (2) a genetic algorithm system for adjusting the price matrices of one log product in parallel for several stands (the forest-level one-product approach); and (3) a genetic algorithm system for dividing the overall demand matrix of each of the several log products into stand-specific sub-demands simultaneously for several stands and products (the forest-level multi-product approach). The stem material used for testing the performance of the stand-specific price and demand matrices against that of the reference matrices was comprised of 9 155 Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) sawlog stems gathered by harvesters from 15 mature spruce-dominated stands in southern Finland. The reference price and demand matrices were either direct copies or slightly modified versions of those used by two Finnish sawmilling companies. Two types of stand-specific bucking matrices were compiled for each log product. One was from the harvester-collected stem profiles and the other was from the pre-harvest inventory data. Four goodness-of-fit measures were analyzed for their appropriateness in determining the similarity between the log demand and log output distributions: (1) the apportionment degree (index), (2) the chi-square statistic, (3) Laspeyres quantity index, and (4) the price-weighted apportionment degree. The study confirmed that any improvement in the fit between the log demand and log output distributions can only be realized at the expense of log volumes produced. Stand-level pre-control of price matrices was found to be advantageous, provided the control is done with perfect stem data. Forest-level pre-control of price matrices resulted in no improvement in the cumulative apportionment degree. Cutting stands under the control of stand-specific demand matrices yielded a better total fit between the demand and output matrices at the forest level than was obtained by cutting each stand with non-stand-specific reference matrices. The theoretical and experimental analyses suggest that none of the three alternative goodness-of-fit measures clearly outperforms the traditional apportionment degree measure. Keywords: harvesting, tree bucking optimization, simulation, fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, goodness-of-fit


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Modifications of surface materials and their effects on cleanability have important impacts in many fields of activity. In this study the primary aim was to develop radiochemical methods suitable for evaluating cleanability in material research for different environments. Another aim was to investigate the effects of surface modifications on cleanabilitity and surface properties of plastics, ceramics, concrete materials and also their coatings in conditions simulating their typical environments. Several new 51Cr and 14C labelled soils were developed for testing situations. The new radiochemical methods developed were suitable for examining different surface materials and different soil types, providing quantitative information about the amount of soil on surfaces. They also take into account soil soaked into surfaces. The supporting methods colorimetric determination and ATP bioluminescence provided semi-quantitative results. The results from the radiochemical and supporting methods partly correlated with each other. From a material research point of view numerous new materials were evaluated. These included both laboratory-made model materials and commercial products. Increasing the amount of plasticizer decreased the cleanability of poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) materials. Microstructured surfaces of plastics improved the cleanability of PVC from particle soils, whereas for oil soil microstructuring reduced the cleanability. In the case of glazed ceramic materials, coatings affected the cleanability. The roughness of surfaces correlated with cleanability from particle soils and the cleanability from oil soil correlated with the contact angles. Organic particle soil was removed more efficiently from TiO2-coated ceramic surfaces after UV-radiation than without UV treatment, whereas no effect was observed on the cleanability of oil soil. Coatings improved the cleanability of concrete flooring materials intended for use in animal houses.


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Knowing the chromosomal areas or actual genes affecting the traits under selection would add more information to be used in the selection decisions which would potentially lead to higher genetic response. The first objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting economically important traits in the Finnish Ayrshire population. The second objective was to investigate the effects of using QTL information in marker-assisted selection (MAS) on the genetic response and the linkage disequilibrium between the different parts of the genome. Whole genome scans were carried out on a grand-daughter design with 12 half-sib families and a total of 493 sons. Twelve different traits were studied: milk yield, protein yield, protein content, fat yield, fat content, somatic cell score (SCS), mastitis treatments, other veterinary treatments, days open, fertility treatments, non-return rate, and calf mortality. The average spacing of the typed markers was 20 cM with 2 to 14 markers per chromosome. Associations between markers and traits were analyzed with multiple marker regression. Significance was determined by permutation and genome-wise P-values obtained by Bonferroni correction. The benefits from MAS were investigated by simulation: a conventional progeny testing scheme was compared to a scheme where QTL information was used within families to select among full-sibs in the male path. Two QTL on different chromosomes were modelled. The effects of different starting frequencies of the favourable alleles and different size of the QTL effects were evaluated. A large number of QTL, 48 in total, were detected at 5% or higher chromosome-wise significance. QTL for milk production were found on 8 chromosomes, for SCS on 6, for mastitis treatments on 1, for other veterinary treatments on 5, for days open on 7, for fertility treatments on 7, for calf mortality on 6, and for non-return rate on 2 chromosomes. In the simulation study the total genetic response was faster with MAS than with conventional selection and the advantage of MAS persisted over the studied generations. The rate of response and the difference between the selection schemes reflected clearly the changes in allele frequencies of the favourable QTL. The disequilibrium between the polygenes and QTL was always negative and it was larger with larger QTL size. The disequilibrium between the two QTL was larger with QTL of large effect and it was somewhat larger with MAS for scenarios with starting frequencies below 0.5 for QTL of moderate size and below 0.3 for large QTL. In conclusion, several QTL affecting economically important traits of dairy cattle were detected. Further studies are needed to verify these QTL, check their presence in the present breeding population, look for pleiotropy and fine map the most interesting QTL regions. The results of the simulation studies show that using MAS together with embryo transfer to pre-select young bulls within families is a useful approach to increase the genetic merit of the AI-bulls compared to conventional selection.


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The rupture of a cerebral artery aneurysm causes a devastating subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), with a mortality of almost 50% during the first month. Each year, 8-11/100 000 people suffer from aneurysmal SAH in Western countries, but the number is twice as high in Finland and Japan. The disease is most common among those of working age, the mean age at rupture being 50-55 years. Unruptured cerebral aneurysms are found in 2-6% of the population, but knowledge about the true risk of rupture is limited. The vast majority of aneurysms should be considered rupture-prone, and treatment for these patients is warranted. Both unruptured and ruptured aneurysms can be treated by either microsurgical clipping or endovascular embolization. In a standard microsurgical procedure, the neck of the aneurysm is closed by a metal clip, sealing off the aneurysm from the circulation. Endovascular embolization is performed by packing the aneurysm from the inside of the vessel lumen with detachable platinum coils. Coiling is associated with slightly lower morbidity and mortality than microsurgery, but the long-term results of microsurgically treated aneurysms are better. Endovascular treatment methods are constantly being developed further in order to achieve better long-term results. New coils and novel embolic agents need to be tested in a variety of animal models before they can be used in humans. In this study, we developed an experimental rat aneurysm model and showed its suitability for testing endovascular devices. We optimized noninvasive MRI sequences at 4.7 Tesla for follow-up of coiled experimental aneurysms and for volumetric measurement of aneurysm neck remnants. We used this model to compare platinum coils with polyglycolic-polylactic acid (PGLA) -coated coils, and showed the benefits of the latter in this model. The experimental aneurysm model and the imaging methods also gave insight into the mechanisms involved in aneurysm formation, and the model can be used in the development of novel imaging techniques. This model is affordable, easily reproducible, reliable, and suitable for MRI follow-up. It is also suitable for endovascular treatment, and it evades spontaneous occlusion.