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Parliaments are political institutions, but they are also places where people work; the MPs and the people who are employed there work, albeit in rather different ways. In this research the focus is on those in a Parliament who work there as employees and managers, and thereby, in some senses, run the organisation. Accordingly, this involves seeing the Parliament as a working environment, for MPs and employees, for men and women. The institution of Parliament is thus here examined by looking at it from a different and new angle. Instead of the usual focus on politicians the focus is on the administration of this institution. The aim is, amongst other things, to increase knowledge and offer different perspectives on democracy and democratic institutions. Unpacking the nearly mythical institution into smaller, more digestible, graspable realities should at the very least help to remind the wider society that although nations, to a certain extent, do need national institutions they should not become mystified or seen as larger than life. Institutions should work on behalf of people and thus be accountable to these same people. The main contribution of this work is to explore and problematise how managing and working is done inside an institution that both largely fulfils the characteristics of a bureaucracy and yet also has added special features that seem to be rather far removed from clear bureaucratic structures. This research offers a new kind of information on working life inside this elite institution. The joys and the struggles of working and managing in this particular public sector organisation are illustrated here and offer a view, a glimpse, into the experiences of managing and working in this House.


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Natural products constitute an important source of new drugs. The bioavailability of the drugs depends on their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. To achieve good bioavailability, the drug must be soluble in water, stable in the gastrointestinal tract and palatable. Binding proteins may improve the solubility of drug compounds, masking unwanted properties, such as bad taste, bitterness or toxicity, transporting or protecting these compounds during processing and storage. The focus of this thesis was to study the interactions, including ligand binding and the effect of pH and temperature, of bovine and reindeer β-lactoglobulin (βLG) with such compounds as retinoids, phenolic compounds as well as with compounds from plant extracts, and to investigate the transport properties of the βLG-ligand complex. To examine the binding interactions of different ligands to βLG, new methods were developed. The fluorescence binding method for the evaluation of ligand binding to βLG was miniaturized from a quartz cell to a 96-well plate. A method of ultrafiltration sampling combined with high-performance liquid chromatography was developed to assess the binding of compounds from extracts. The interactions of phenolic compounds or retinoids and βLG were investigated using the 96-well plate method. The majority of flavones, flavonols, flavanones and isoflavones and all of the retinoids included were shown to bind to bovine and reindeer βLG. Phenolic compounds, contrary to retinol, were not released at acidic pH. Those results suggest that βLG may have more binding sites, probably also on the surface of βLG. An extract from Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kunze (black tea), Urtica dioica L. (nettle) and Piper nigrum (black pepper) were used to evaluate whether βLG could bind compounds from plant extracts. Piperine from P. nigrum was found to bind tightly and rutin from U. dioica weakly to βLG. No components from C. sinensis bound to βLG in our experiment. The uptake and membrane permeation of bovine and reindeer βLG, free and bound with retinol, palmitic acid and cholesterol, were investigated using Caco-2 cell monolayers. Both bovine and reindeer βLG were able to cross the Caco-2 cell membrane. Free and βLG-bound retinol and palmitic acid were transported equally, whereas cholesterol could not cross the Caco-2 cell monolayer free or bound to βLG. Our results showed that βLG can bind different natural product compounds, but cannot enhance transport of retinol, palmitic acid or cholesterol through Caco-2 cells. Despite this, βLG, as a water-soluble binding protein, may improve the solubility of natural compounds, possibly protecting them from early degradation and transporting some of them through the stomach. Furthermore, it may decrease their bad or bitter taste during oral administration of drugs or in food preparations. βLG can also enhance or decrease the health benefits of herbal teas and food preparations by binding compounds from extracts.


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The dissertation examines Roman provincial administration and the phenomenon of territorial reorganisations of provinces during the Imperial period with special emphasis on the provinces of Arabia and Palaestina during the Later Roman period, i.e., from Diocletian (r. 284 305) to the accession of Phocas (602), in the light of imperial decision-making. Provinces were the basic unit of Roman rule, for centuries the only level of administration that existed between the emperor and the cities of the Empire. The significance of the territorial reorganisations that the provinces were subjected to during the Imperial period is thus of special interest. The approach to the phenomenon is threefold: firstly, attention is paid to the nature and constraints of the Roman system of provincial administration. Secondly, the phenomenon of territorial reorganisations is analysed on the macro-scale, and thirdly, a case study concerning the reorganisations of the provinces of Arabia and Palaestina is conducted. The study of the mechanisms of decision-making provides a foundation through which the collected data of all known major territorial reorganisations is interpreted. The data concerning reorganisations is also subjected to qualitative comparative analysis that provides a new perspective to the data in the form of statistical analysis that is sensitive to the complexities of individual cases. This analysis of imperial decision-making is based on a timeframe stretching from Augustus (r. 30 BC AD 14) to the accession of Phocas (602). The study identifies five distinct phases in the use of territorial reorganisations of the provinces. From Diocletian s reign there is a clear normative change that made territorial reorganisations a regular tool of administration for the decision-making elite for addressing a wide variety of qualitatively different concerns. From the beginning of the fifth century the use of territorial reorganisations rapidly diminishes. The two primary reasons for the decline in the use of reorganisations were the solidification of ecclesiastical power and interests connected to the extent of provinces, and the decline of the dioceses. The case study of Palaestina and Arabia identifies seven different territorial reorganisations from Diocletian to Phocas. Their existence not only testifies to wider imperial policies, but also shows sensitivity to local conditions and corresponds with the general picture of provincial reorganisations. The territorial reorganisations of the provinces reflect the proactive control of the Roman decision-making elite. The importance of reorganisations should be recognised more clearly as part of the normal imperial administration of the provinces and especially reflecting the functioning of dioceses.


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The aim of the present study was to advance the methodology and use of time series analysis to quantify dynamic structures in psychophysiological processes and thereby to produce information on spontaneously coupled physiological responses and their behavioral and experiential correlates. Series of analyses using both simulated and empirical cardiac (IBI), electrodermal (EDA), and facial electromyographic (EMG) data indicated that, despite potential autocorrelated structures, smoothing increased the reliability of detecting response coupling from an interindividual distribution of intraindividual measures and that especially the measures of covariance produced accurate information on the extent of coupled responses. This methodology was applied to analyze spontaneously coupled IBI, EDA, and facial EMG responses and vagal activity in their relation to emotional experience and personality characteristics in a group of middle-aged men (n = 37) during the administration of the Rorschach testing protocol. The results revealed new characteristics in the relationship between phasic end-organ synchronization and vagal activity, on the one hand, and individual differences in emotional adjustment to novel situations on the other. Specifically, it appeared that the vagal system is intimately related to emotional and social responsivity. It was also found that the lack of spontaneously synchronized responses is related to decreased energetic arousal (e.g., depression, mood). These findings indicate that the present process analysis approach has many advantages for use in both experimental and applied research, and that it is a useful new paradigm in psychophysiological research. Keywords: Autonomic Nervous System; Emotion; Facial Electromyography; Individual Differences; Spontaneous Responses; Time Series Analysis; Vagal System


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The antinociceptive properties of oxycodone and its metabolites were studied in models of thermal and mechanical nociception and in the spinal nerve ligation (SNL) model of neuropathic pain in rats. Oxycodone induced potent antinociception after subcutaneous (s.c.) administration in all models of nociception used in rats compared with morphine, methadone and its enantiomers. In the SNL model of neuropathic pain in rats, oxycodone produced dose dependent antinociception after s.c. administration. The antinociceptive effects of s.c. oxycodone were antagonized by naloxone but not by nor-binaltorphimine (Nor-BNI) a selective κ-opioid receptor antagonist indicating that the antinociceptive properties of oxycodone are predominantly μ-opioid receptor-mediated. The antinociceptive activity of oxymorphone, noroxycodone, and noroxymorphone, oxidative metabolites of oxycodone, were studied to determine their role in the oxycodone-induced antinociception in the rat. Of the metabolites of oxycodone s.c. administration of oxymorphone produced potent thermal and mechanical antinociception. Noroxycodone had a poor antinociceptive effect and noroxymorphone was inactive. Oxycodone produced naloxone-reversible antinociception after intrathecal (i.t) administration with a poor potency compared with morphine and oxymorphone. This seems to be related to the low efficacy and potency of oxycodone to stimulate μ-opioid receptor activation in the spinal cord in μ-opioid receptor agonist-stimulated (GTP)γ[S] autoradiography, compared with morphine and oxymorphone. All metabolites studied were more potent than oxycodone after i.t. administration. I.t. noroxymorphone induced a significantly longer lasting antinociceptive effect compared with the other drugs studied. The role of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2D6-mediated metabolites on the analgesic activity of oxycodone in humans was studied by blocking the CYP2D6-mediated metabolism of oxycodone with paroxetine. Paroxetine co-administration had no effect on the analgesic effect of oxycodone compared with placebo in chronic pain patients, indicating that oxycodone-induced analgesia and adverse-effects are not dependent of the CYP2D6-mediated metabolism in humans. Although oxycodone has many pharmacologically active metabolites, they seem to have an insignificant role in oxycodone-induced antinociception in humans and rats.


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Virotherapy, the use of oncolytic properties of viruses for eradication of tumor cells, is an attractive strategy for treating cancers resistant to traditional modalities. Adenoviruses can be genetically modified to selectively replicate in and destroy tumor cells through exploitation of molecular differences between normal and cancer cells. The lytic life cycle of adenoviruses results in oncolysis of infected cells and spreading of virus progeny to surrounding cells. In this study, we evaluated different strategies for improving safety and efficacy of oncolytic virotherapy against human ovarian adenocarcinoma. We examined the antitumor efficacy of Ad5/3-Δ24, a serotype 3 receptor-targeted pRb-p16 pathway-selective oncolytic adenovirus, in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic agents. We observed synergistic activity in ovarian cancer cells when Ad5/3-Δ24 was given with either gemcitabine or epirubicin, common second-line treatment options for ovarian cancer. Our results also indicate that gemcitabine reduces the initial rate of Ad5/3-Δ24 replication without affecting the total amount of virus produced. In an orthotopic murine model of peritoneally disseminated ovarian cancer, combining Ad5/3-Δ24 with either gemcitabine or epirubicin resulted in greater therapeutic benefit than either agent alone. Another useful approach for increasing the efficacy of oncolytic agents is to arm viruses with therapeutic transgenes such as genes encoding prodrug-converting enzymes. We constructed Ad5/3-Δ24-TK-GFP, an oncolytic adenovirus encoding the thymidine kinase (TK) green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. This novel virus replicated efficiently on ovarian cancer cells, which correlated with increased GFP expression. Delivery of prodrug ganciclovir (GCV) immediately after infection abrogated viral replication, which might have utility as a safety switch mechanism. Oncolytic potency in vitro was enhanced by GCV in one cell line, and the interaction was not dependent on scheduling of the treatments. However, in murine models of metastatic ovarian cancer, administration of GCV did not add therapeutic benefit to this highly potent oncolytic agent. Detection of tumor progression and virus replication with bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging provided insight into the in vivo kinetics of oncolysis in living mice. For optimizing protocols for upcoming clinical trials, we utilized orthotopic murine models of ovarian cancer to analyze the effect of dose and scheduling of intraperitoneally delivered Ad5/3-Δ24. Weekly administration of Ad5/3-Δ24 did not significantly enhance antitumor efficacy over a single treatment. Our results also demonstrate that even a single intraperitoneal injection of only 100 viral particles significantly increased the survival of mice compared with untreated animals. Improved knowledge of adenovirus biology has resulted in creation of more effective oncolytic agents. However, with more potent therapy regimens an increase in unwanted side-effects is also possible. Therefore, inhibiting viral replication when necessary would be beneficial. We evaluated the antiviral activity of chlorpromazine and apigenin on adenovirus replication and associated toxicity in fresh human liver samples, normal cells, and ovarian cancer cells. Further, human xenografts in mice were utilized to evaluate antitumor efficacy, viral replication, and liver toxicity. Our data suggest that these agents can reduce replication of adenoviruses, which could provide a safety switch in case of replication-associated side-effects. In conclusion, we demonstrate that Ad5/3-Δ24 is a useful oncolytic agent for treatment of ovarian cancer either alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs. Insertion of genes encoding prodrug-converting enzymes into the genome of Ad5/3-Δ24 might not lead to enhanced antitumor efficacy with this highly potent oncolytic virus. As a safety feature, viral activity can be inhibited with pharmacological substances. Clinical trials are however needed to confirm if these preclinical results can be translated into efficacy in humans. Promising safety data seen here, and in previous publications suggest that clinical evaluation of the agent is feasible.


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Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) acting through ionotropic GABAA receptors plays a crucial role in the activity of the central nervous system (CNS). It triggers Ca2+ rise providing trophic support in developing neurons and conducts fast inhibitory function in mature neuronal networks. There is a developmental change in the GABAA reversal potential towards more negative levels during the first two postnatal weeks in rodent hippocampus. This change provides the basis for mature GABAergic activity and is attributable to the developmental expression of the neuron-specific potassium chloride cotransporter 2 (KCC2). In this work we have studied the mechanisms responsible for the control of KCC2 developmental expression. As a model system we used hippocampal dissociated cultures plated from embryonic day (E) 17 mice embryos before the onset of KCC2 expression. We showed that KCC2 was significantly up-regulated during the first two weeks of culture development. Interestingly, the level of KCC2 upregulation was not altered by chronic pharmacological blockage of action potentials as well as GABAergic and glutamatergic synaptic transmission. By in silico analysis of the proximal KCC2 promoter region we identified 10 candidate transcription factor binding sites that are highly conserved in mammalian KCC2 genes. One of these transcription factors, namely early growth response factor 4 (Egr4), had similar developmental profile as KCC2 and considerably increased the activity of mouse KCC2 gene in neuronal cells. Next we investigated the involvement of neurotrophic factors in regulation of Egr4 and KCC2 expression. We found that in immature hippocampal cultures Egr4 and KCC2 levels were strongly up-regulated by brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)and neurturin. The effect of neurotrophic factors was dependent on the activation of a mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway. Intact Egr4-binding site in proximal KCC2 promoter was required for BDNF-induced KCC2 transcription. In vitro data were confirmed by several in vivo experiments where we detected an upregulation of KCC2 protein levels after intrahippocampal administration of BDNF or neurturin. Importantly, a MAPK-dependent rise in Egr4 and KCC2 expression levels was also observed after a period of kainic acid-induced seizure activity in neonatal rats suggesting that neuronal activity might be involved in Egr4-mediated regulation of KCC2 expression. Finally we demonstrated that the mammalian KCC2 gene (alias Slc12a5) generated two neuron-specific isoforms by using alternative promoters and first exons. A novel isoform of KCC2, termed KCC2a, differed from the previously known KCC2b isoform by 40 unique N-terminal amino acid residues. KCC2a expression was restricted to CNS,remained relatively constant during postnatal development, and contributed 20 50% of total KCC2 mRNA expression in the neonatal mouse brainstem and spinal cord. In summary, our data provide insight into the complex regulation of KCC2 expression during early postnatal development. Although basal KCC2 expression seems to be intrinsically regulated, it can be further augmented by neurotrophic factors or by enhanced activity triggering MAPK phosphorylation and Egr4 induction. Additional KCC2a isoform, regulated by another promoter, provides basal KCC2 level in neonatal brainstem and spinal cord required for survival of KCC2b knockout mice.


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It has been hypothesized that abuse of supra-therapeutic doses of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) can lead to dependence and function as a gateway to abuse of other drugs. This is supported by behavioral studies on animal models and psychiatric evaluations of human subjects, although their neurochemical effects remain largely unknown. A large body of evidence suggests that the ability of the drugs to induce a strong elevation of extracellular dopamine (DA) levels in the nucleus accumbens (NAc), especially, plays a crucial role in their reinforcing effects. -- This study had four main aims. The first was to explore the effects of nandrolone decanoate on dopaminergic and serotonergic activities in the brains of rats. The second aim was to assess whether or not nandrolone pre-exposure modulates the acute neurochemical and behavioral effects of psychostimulant drugs in experimental animals. The third was to investigate if the AAS-pre-treatment induced changes in brain reward circuitry are reversible. And the fourth main goal was to evaluate the role of androgen and estrogen receptors in the modulation of the dopaminergic and serotonergic effects of acute injections of stimulant drugs by sub-chronic nandrolone treatment. The results showed that nandrolone decanoate at doses, high enough to induce erythropoiesis, significantly increased the levels of DOPAC and 5-HT in the cerebral cortex. Co-administration of AAS and psychostimulant drugs showed that the increase in extracellular DA and 5-HT concentration evoked by amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine in the NAc was attenuated dose-dependently by pretreatment with nandrolone. Nandrolone pre-exposure also attenuated the ability of stimulants to cause increased stereotyped behavior and locomotor activity. Despite the significant decrease in nandrolone concentration in blood, the attenuation of cocaine’s effects remained unchanged after a fairly long period without nandrolone, suggesting that nandrolone effects could be long lasting. Blockade of androgen receptors with flutamide abolished the attenuating effect of nandrolone pretreatment on amphetamine-induced elevation of extracellular DA concentration. --- In conclusion, the results show that AAS-pretreatment is able to inhibit the reward-related neurochemical and behavioral effects of amphetamine, MDMA and cocaine in experimental animals. Furthermore, it seems that these effects could be long lasting and it appears that the ability of nandrolone to modulate reward-related effects of stimulants is dependent on activation of androgen receptors.


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The characteristics of drug addiction include compulsive drug use despite negative consequences and re-occurring relapses, returns to drug use after a period of abstinence. Therefore, relapse prevention is one of the major challenges for the treatment of drug addiction. There are three main factors capable of inducing craving for drugs and triggering relapse long after cessation of drug use and dissipation of physical withdrawal signs: stress, re-exposure to the drug, and environmental stimuli (cues) that have been previously associated with drug use. The neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate have been implicated in the modulation of drug-seeking behavior. The aim of this project was to examine the role of glutamatergic neurotransmission in relapse triggered by conditioned drug-associated stimuli. The focus was on clarifying whether relapse to drug seeking can be attenuated by blockade of glutamate receptors. In addition, as the nucleus accumbens has been proposed to participate in the modulation of drug-seeking behavior, the effects of glutamate receptor blockade in this brain structure on cue-induced relapse were investigated. The studies employed animals models in which rats were trained to press a lever in a test cage to obtain alcohol or intravenous cocaine. Drug availability was paired with distinct olfactory, auditory, or visual stimuli. This phase was followed by extinction training, during which lever presses did not result in the presentation of the drug or the drug-associated stimuli. Extinction training led to a gradual decrease in the number of lever presses during test sessions. Relapse was triggered by presenting the rats with the drug-associated stimuli in the absence of alcohol or cocaine. The drug-associated stimuli were alone capable of inducing resumption of lever pressing and maintaining this behavior during repeated testing. The number of lever presses during a session represented the intensity of drug-seeking and relapse behavior. The results suggest that glutamatergic neurotransmission is involved in the modulation of drug-seeking behavior. Both alcohol and cocaine relapse were attenuated by systemic pretreatment with glutamate receptor antagonists. However, differences were found in the ability of ionotropic AMPA/kainate and NMDA receptor antagonists to regulate drug-seeking behavior. The AMPA/kainate antagonists CNQX and NBQX, and L-701,324, an antagonist with affinity for the glycine site of the NMDA receptor, attenuated cue-induced drug seeking, whereas the competitive NMDA antagonist CGP39551 and the NMDA channel blocker MK-801 were without effect. MPEP, an antagonist at metabotropic mGlu5 glutamate receptors, also decreased drug seeking, but its administration was found to lead to conditioned suppression of behavior during subsequent treatment sessions, suggesting that MPEP may have undesirable side effects. The mGluR2/3 agonist LY379268 and the mGluR8 agonist (S)-3,4-DCPG decreased both cue-induced relapse to alcohol drinking and alcohol consumption. Control experiments showed however that administration of the agonists was accompanied by motor suppression limiting their usefulness. Administration of the AMPA/kainate antagonist CNQX, the NMDA antagonist D-AP5, and the mGluR5 antagonist MPEP into the nucleus accumbens resulted also in a decrease in drug-seeking behavior, suggesting that the nucleus accumbens is at least one of the anatomical sites regulating drug seeking and mediating the effects of glutamate receptor antagonists on this behavior.


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F4 fimbriae of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) are highly stable multimeric structures with a capacity to evoke mucosal immune responses. With these characters F4 offer a unique model system to study oral vaccination against ETEC-induced porcine postweaning diarrhea. Postweaning diarrhea is a major problem in piggeries worldwide and results in significant economic losses. No vaccine is currently available to protect weaned piglets against ETEC infections. Transgenic plants provide an economically feasible platform for large-scale production of vaccine antigens for animal health. In this study, the capacity of transgenic plants to produce FaeG protein, the major structural subunit and adhesin of F4 fimbria, was evaluated. Using the model plant tobacco, the optimal subcellular location for FaeG accumulation was examined. Targeting of FaeG into chloroplasts offered a superior accumulation level of 1% of total soluble proteins (TSP) over the other investigated subcellular locations, namely, the endoplasmic reticulum and the apoplast. Moreover, we determined whether the FaeG protein, when isolated from its fimbrial background and produced in a plant cell, would retain the key properties of an oral vaccine, i.e. stability in gastrointestinal conditions, binding to porcine intestinal F4 receptors (F4R), and inhibition of the F4-possessing (F4+) ETEC attachment to F4R. The chloroplast-derived FaeG protein did show resistance against low pH and proteolysis in the simulated gastrointestinal conditions and was able to bind to the F4R, subsequently inhibiting the F4+ ETEC binding in a dose-dependent manner. To investigate the oral immunogenicity of FaeG protein, the edible crop plant alfalfa was transformed with the chloroplast-targeting construct and equally to tobacco plants, a high-yield FaeG accumulation of 1% of TSP was obtained. A similar yield was also obtained in the seeds of barley, a valuable crop plant, when the FaeG-encoding gene was expressed under an endosperm-specific promoter and subcellularly targeted into the endoplasmic reticulum. Furthermore, desiccated alfalfa plants and barley grains were shown to have a capacity to store FaeG protein in a stable form for years. When the transgenic alfalfa plants were administred orally to weaned piglets, slight F4-specific systemic and mucosal immune responses were induced. Co-administration of the transgenic alfalfa and the mucosal adjuvant cholera toxin enhanced the F4-specific immune response; the duration and number of F4+ E. coli excretion following F4+ ETEC challenge were significantly reduced as compared with pigs that had received nontransgenic plant material. In conclusion, the results suggest that transgenic plants producing the FaeG subunit protein could be used for production and delivery of oral vaccines against porcine F4+ ETEC infections. The findings here thus present new approaches to develop the vaccination strategy against porcine postweaning diarrhea.


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Several hypnosis monitoring systems based on the processed electroencephalogram (EEG) have been developed for use during general anesthesia. The assessment of the analgesic component (antinociception) of general anesthesia is an emerging field of research. This study investigated the interaction of hypnosis and antinociception, the association of several physiological variables with the degree of intraoperative nociception, and aspects of EEG Bispectral Index Scale (BIS) monitoring during general anesthesia. In addition, EEG features and heart rate (HR) responses during desflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia were compared. A propofol bolus of 0.7 mg/kg was more effective than an alfentanil bolus of 0.5 mg in preventing the recurrence of movement responses during uterine dilatation and curettage (D C) after a propofol-alfentanil induction, combined with nitrous oxide (N2O). HR and several HR variability-, frontal electromyography (fEMG)-, pulse plethysmography (PPG)-, and EEG-derived variables were associated with surgery-induced movement responses. Movers were discriminated from non-movers mostly by the post-stimulus values per se or normalized with respect to the pre-stimulus values. In logistic regression analysis, the best classification performance was achieved with the combination of normalized fEMG power and HR during D C (overall accuracy 81%, sensitivity 53%, specificity 95%), and with the combination of normalized fEMG-related response entropy, electrocardiography (ECG) R-to-R interval (RRI), and PPG dicrotic notch amplitude during sevoflurane anesthesia (overall accuracy 96%, sensitivity 90%, specificity 100%). ECG electrode impedances after alcohol swab skin pretreatment alone were higher than impedances of designated EEG electrodes. The BIS values registered with ECG electrodes were higher than those registered simultaneously with EEG electrodes. No significant difference in the time to home-readiness after isoflurane-N2O or sevoflurane-N2O anesthesia was found, when the administration of the volatile agent was guided by BIS monitoring. All other early and intermediate recovery parameters were also similar. Transient epileptiform EEG activity was detected in eight of 15 sevoflurane patients during a rapid increase in the inspired volatile concentration, and in none of the 16 desflurane patients. The observed transient EEG changes did not adversely affect the recovery of the patients. Following the rapid increase in the inhaled desflurane concentration, HR increased transiently, reaching its maximum in two minutes. In the sevoflurane group, the increase was slower and more subtle. In conclusion, desflurane may be a safer volatile agent than sevoflurane in patients with a lowered seizure threshold. The tachycardia induced by a rapid increase in the inspired desflurane concentration may present a risk for patients with heart disease. Designated EEG electrodes may be superior to ECG electrodes in EEG BIS monitoring. When the administration of isoflurane or sevoflurane is adjusted to maintain BIS values at 50-60 in healthy ambulatory surgery patients, the speed and quality of recovery are similar after both isoflurane-N2O and sevoflurane-N2O anesthesia. When anesthesia is maintained by the inhalation of N2O and bolus doses of propofol and alfentanil in healthy unparalyzed patients, movement responses may be best avoided by ensuring a relatively deep hypnotic level with propofol. HR/RRI, fEMG, and PPG dicrotic notch amplitude are potential indicators of nociception during anesthesia, but their performance needs to be validated in future studies. Combining information from different sources may improve the discrimination of the level of nociception.


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The aims of this Thesis was to evaluate the role of proangiogenic placental growth factor (PlGF), antiangiogenic endostatin and lymphangiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) -C as well as the receptors vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) -2 and VEGFR-3 during lung development and in development of lung injury in preterm infants. The studied growth factors were selected due to a close relationship with VEGF-A; a proangiogenic growth factor important in normal lung angiogenesis and lung injury in preterm infants. The thesis study consists of three analyses. I: Lung samples from fetuses, preterm and term infants without lung injury, as well as preterm infants with acute and chronic lung injury were stained by immunohistochemistry for PlGF, endostatin, VEGF-C, VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3. II: Tracheal aspirate fluid (TAF) was collected in the early postnatal period from a patient population consisting of 59 preterm infants, half developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and half without BPD. PlGF, endostatin and VEGF-C concentrations were measured by commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). III: Cord plasma was collected from very low birth weight (VLBW) (n=92) and term (n=48) infants in conjuncture with birth and endostatin concentrations were measured by ELISA. I: All growth factors and receptors studied were consistently stained in immunohistochemistry throughout development. For endostatin in early respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), no alveolar epithelial or macrophage staining was seen, whereas in late RDS and BPD groups, both alveolar epithelium and macrophages stained positively in approximately half of the samples. VEGFR-2 staining was fairly consistent, except for the fact that capillary endothelial staining in the BPD group was significantly decreased. II: During the first postnatal week in TAF mean PlGF concentrations were stable whereas mean endostatin and VEGF-C concentrations decreased. Higher concentrations of endostatin and VEGF-C correlated with lower birth weight (BW) and associated with administration of antenatal betamethasone. Parameters reflecting prenatal lung inflammation associated with lower PlGF, endostatin and VEGF-C concentrations. A higher mean supplemental fraction of inspired oxygen during the first 2 postnatal weeks (FiO2) correlated with higher endostatin concentrations. III: Endostatin concentrations in term infants were significantly higher than in VLBW infants. In VLBW infants higher endostatin concentrations associated with the development of BPD, this association remained significant after logistic regression analysis. We conclude that PlGF, endostatin and VEGF-C all have a physiological role in the developing lung. Also, the VEGFR-2 expression profile seems to reflect the ongoing differentiation of endothelia during development. Both endostatin and VEGFR-2 seem to be important in the development of BPD. During the latter part of the first postnatal week, preterm infants developing BPD have lower concentrations of VEGF-A in TAF. Our findings of disrupted VEGFR-2 staining in capillary and septal endothelium seen in the BPD group, as well as the increase in endostatin concentrations both in TAF and cord plasma associated with BPD, seem to strengthen the notion that there is a shift in the angiogenic balance towards a more antiangiogenic environment in BPD. These findings support the vascular hypothesis of BPD.


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Rest tremor, rigidity, and slowness of movements-considered to be mainly due to markedly reduced levels of dopamine (DA) in the basal ganglia-are characteristic motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Although there is yet no cure for this illness, several drugs can alleviate the motor symptoms. Among these symptomatic therapies, L-dopa is the most effective. As a precursor to DA, it is able to replace the loss of DA in the basal ganglia. In the long run L-dopa has, however, disadvantages. Motor response complications, such as shortening of the duration of drug effect ("wearing-off"), develop in many patients. In addition, extensive peripheral metabolism of L-dopa by aromatic amino acid decarboxylase and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) results in its short half-life, low bioavailability, and reduced efficacy. Entacapone, a nitrocatechol-structured compound, is a highly selective, reversible, and orally active inhibitor of COMT. It increases the bioavailability of L-dopa by reducing its peripheral elimination rate. Entacapone extends the duration of clinical response to each L-dopa dose in PD patients with wearing-off fluctuations. COMT is important in the metabolism of catecholamines. Its inhibition could, therefore, theoretically lead to adverse cardiovascular reactions, especially in circumstances of enhanced sympathetic activity (physical exercise). PD patients may be particularly vulnerable to such effects due to high prevalence of cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction, and the common use of monoamine oxidase B inhibitor selegiline, another drug with effects on catecholamine metabolism. Both entacapone and selegiline enhance L-dopa's clinical effect. Their co-administration may therefore lead to pharmacodynamic interactions, either beneficial (improved L-dopa efficacy) or harmful (increased dyskinesia). We investigated the effects of repeated dosing (3-5 daily doses for 1-2 weeks) of entacapone 200 mg administered either with or without selegiline (10 mg once daily), on several safety and efficacy parameters in 39 L-dopa-treated patients with mild to moderate PD in three double-blind placebo-controlled, crossover studies. In the first two, the cardiovascular, clinical, and biochemical responses were assessed repeatedly for 6 hours after drug intake, first with L-dopa only (control), and then after a 2 weeks on study drugs (entacapone vs. entacapone plus selegiline in one; entacapone vs. selegiline vs. entacapone plus selegiline in the other). The third study included cardiovascular reflex and spiroergometric exercise testing, first after overnight L-dopa withdrawal (control), and then after 1 week on entacapone plus selegiline as adjuncts to L-dopa. Ambulatory ECG was recorded in two of the studies. Blood pressure, heart rate, ECG, cardiovascular autonomic function, cardiorespiratory exercise responses, and the resting/exercise levels of circulating catecholamines remained unaffected by entacapone, irrespective of selegiline. Entacapone significantly enhanced both L-dopa bioavailability and its clinical response, the latter being more pronounced with the co-administration of selegiline. Dyskinesias were also increased during simultaneous use of both entacapone and selegiline as L-dopa adjuncts. Entacapone had no effect on either work capacity or work efficiency. The drug was well tolerated, both with and without selegiline. Conclusions: the use of entacapone-either alone or combined with selegiline-seems to be hemodynamically safe in L-dopa-treated PD patients, also during maximal physical effort. This is in line with the safety experience from larger phase III studies. Entacapone had no effect on cardiovascular autonomic function. Concomitant administration of entacapone and selegiline may enhance L-dopa's clinical efficacy but may also lead to increased dyskinesia.


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Drugs and surgical techniques may have harmful renal effects during the perioperative period. Traditional biomarkers are often insensitive to minor renal changes, but novel biomarkers may more accurately detect disturbances in glomerular and tubular function and integrity. The purpose of this study was first, to evaluate the renal effects of ketorolac and clonidine during inhalation anesthesia with sevoflurane and isoflurane, and secondly, to evaluate the effect of tobacco smoking on the production of inorganic fluoride (F-) following enflurane and sevoflurane anesthesia as well as to determine the effect of F- on renal function and cellular integrity in surgical patients. A total of 143 patients undergoing either conventional (n = 75) or endoscopic (n = 68) inpatient surgery were enrolled in four studies. The ketorolac and clonidine studies were prospective, randomized, placebo controlled and double-blinded, while the cigarette smoking studies were prospective cohort studies with two parallel groups. As a sign of proximal tubular deterioration, a similar transient increase in urine N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase/creatinine (U-NAG/crea) was noted in both the ketorolac group and in the controls (baseline vs. at two hours of anesthesia, p = 0.015) with a 3.3 minimum alveolar concentration hour sevoflurane anesthesia. Uncorrelated U-NAG increased above the maximum concentration measured from healthy volunteers (6.1 units/l) in 5/15 patients with ketorolac and in none of the controls (p = 0.042). As a sign of proximal tubular deterioration, U-glutathione transferase-alpha/crea (U-GST-alpha/crea) increased in both groups at two hours after anesthesia but a more significant increase was noted in the patients with ketorolac. U-GST-alpha/crea increased above the maximum ratio measured from healthy volunteers in 7/15 patients with ketorolac and in 3/15 controls. Clonidine diminished the activation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system during pneumoperitoneum; urine output was better preserved in the patients treated with clonidine (1/15 patients developed oliguria) than in the controls (8/15 developed oliguria (p=0.005)). Most patients with pneumoperitoneum and isoflurane anesthesia developed a transient proximal tubular deterioration, as U-NAG increased above 6.1 units/L in 11/15 patients with clonidine and in 7/15 controls. In the patients receiving clonidine treatment, the median of U-NAG/crea was higher than in the controls at 60 minutes of pneumoperitoneum (p = 0.01), suggesting that clonidine seems to worsen proximal tubular deterioration. Smoking induced the metabolism of enflurane, but the renal function remained intact in both the smokers and the non-smokers with enflurane anesthesia. On the contrary, smoking did not induce sevoflurane metabolism, but glomerular function decreased in 4/25 non-smokers and in 7/25 smokers with sevoflurane anesthesia. All five patients with S-F- ≥ 40 micromol/L, but only 6/45 with S-F- less than 40 micromol/L (p = 0.001), developed a S-tumor associated trypsin inhibitor concentration above 3 nmol/L as a sign of glomerular dysfunction. As a sign of proximal tubulus deterioration, U-beta 2-microglobulin increased in 2/5 patients with S-F- over 40 micromol/L compared to 2/45 patients with the highest S-F- less than 40 micromol/L (p = 0.005). To conclude, sevoflurane anesthesia may cause a transient proximal tubular deterioration which may be worsened by a co-administration of ketorolac. Clonidine premedication prevents the activation of the renin-angiotensin aldosterone system and preserves normal urine output, but may be harmful for proximal tubules during pneumoperitoneum. Smoking induces the metabolism of enflurane but not that of sevoflurane. Serum F- of 40 micromol/L or higher may induce glomerular dysfunction and proximal tubulus deterioration in patients with sevoflurane anesthesia. The novel renal biomarkers warrant further studies in order to establish reference values for surgical patients having inhalation anesthesia.


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Part I: Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder in which particularly the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta degenerate and die. Current conventional treatment is based on restraining symptoms but it has no effect on the progression of the disease. Gene therapy research has focused on the possibility of restoring the lost brain function by at least two means: substitution of critical enzymes needed for the synthesis of dopamine and slowing down the progression of the disease by supporting the functions of the remaining nigral dopaminergic neurons by neurotrophic factors. The striatal levels of enzymes such as tyrosine hydroxylase, dopadecarboxylase and GTP-CH1 are decreased as the disease progresses. By replacing one or all of the enzymes, dopamine levels in the striatum may be restored to normal and behavioral impairments caused by the disease may be ameliorated especially in the later stages of the disease. The neurotrophic factors glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurturin have shown to protect and restore functions of dopaminergic cell somas and terminals as well as improve behavior in animal lesion models. This therapy may be best suited at the early stages of the disease when there are more dopaminergic neurons for neurotrophic factors to reach. Viral vector-mediated gene transfer provides a tool to deliver proteins with complex structures into specific brain locations and provides long-term protein over-expression. Part II: The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of two orally dosed COMT inhibitors entacapone (10 and 30 mg/kg) and tolcapone (10 and 30 mg/kg) with a subsequent administration of a peripheral dopadecarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa (30 mg/kg) and L- dopa (30 mg/kg) on dopamine and its metabolite levels in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats using dual-probe in vivo microdialysis. Earlier similarly designed studies have only been conducted in the dorsal striatum. We also confirmed the result of earlier ex vivo studies regarding the effects of intraperitoneally dosed tolcapone (30 mg/kg) and entacapone (30 mg/kg) on striatal and hepatic COMT activity. The results obtained from the dorsal striatum were generally in line with earlier studies, where tolcapone tended to increase dopamine and DOPAC levels and decrease HVA levels. Entacapone tended to keep striatal dopamine and HVA levels elevated longer than in controls and also tended to elevate the levels of DOPAC. Surprisingly in the nucleus accumbens, dopamine levels after either dose of entacapone or tolcapone were not elevated. Accumbal DOPAC levels, especially in the tolcapone 30 mg/kg group, were elevated nearly to the same extent as measured in the dorsal striatum. Entacapone 10 mg/kg elevated accumbal HVA levels more than the dose of 30 mg/kg and the effect was more pronounced in the nucleus accumbens than in the dorsal striatum. This suggests that entacapone 30 mg/kg has minor central effects. Also our ex vivo study results obtained from the dorsal striatum suggest that entacapone 30 mg/kg has minor and transient central effects, even though central HVA levels were not suppressed below those of the control group in either brain area in the microdialysis study. Both entacapone and tolcapone suppressed hepatic COMT activity more than striatal COMT activity. Tolcapone was more effective than entacapone in the dorsal striatum. The differences between dopamine and its metabolite levels in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens may be due to different properties of the two brain areas.