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When genome sections of wild Solanum species are bred into the cultivated potato (S. tuberosum L.) to obtain improved potato cultivars, the new cultivars must be evaluated for their beneficial and undesirable traits. Glycoalkaloids present in Solanum species are known for their toxic as well as for beneficial effects on mammals. On the other hand, glycoalkaloids in potato leaves provide natural protection against pests. Due to breeding, glycoalkaloid profile of the plant is affected. In addition, the starch properties in potato tubers can be affected as a result of breeding, because the crystalline properties are determined by the botanical source of the starch. Starch content and composition affect the texture of cooked and processed potatoes. In order to determine glycoalkaloid contents in Solanum species, simultaneous separation of glycoalkaloids and aglycones using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed. Clean-up of foliage samples was improved using a silica-based strong cation exchanger instead of octadecyl phases in solid-phase extraction. Glycoalkaloids alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine were detected in potato tubers of cvs. Satu and Sini. The total glycoalkaloid concentration of non-peeled and immature tubers was at an acceptable level (under 20 mg/100 g of FW) in the cv. Satu, whereas concentration in cv. Sini was 23 mg/100 g FW. Solanum species (S. tuberosum, S. brevidens, S. acaule, and S. commersonii) and interspecific somatic hybrids (brd + tbr, acl + tbr, cmm + tbr) were analyzed for their glycoalkaloid contents using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS). The concentrations in the tubers of the brd + tbr and acl + tbr hybrids remained under 20 mg/100 g FW. Glycoalkaloid concentration in the foliage of the Solanum species was between 110 mg and 890 mg/100 g FW. However, the concentration in the foliage of S. acaule was as low as 26 mg/100 g FW. The total concentrations of brd + tbr, acl + tbr, and cmm + tbr hybrid foliages were 88 mg, 180 mg, and 685 mg/100 g FW, respectively. Glycoalkaloids of both parental plants as well as new combinations of aglycones and saccharides were detected in somatic hybrids. The hybrids contained mainly spirosolanes, and glycoalkaloid structures having no 5,6-double bond in the aglycone. Based on these results, the glycoalkaloid profiles of the hybrids may represent a safer and more beneficial spectrum of glycoalkaloids than that found in currently cultivated varieties. Starch nanostructure of three different cultivars (Satu, Saturna, and Lady Rosetta), a wild species S. acaule, and interspecific somatic hybrids were examined by wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS, SAXS). For the first time, the measurements were conducted on fresh potato tuber samples. Crystallinity of starch, average crystallite size, and lamellar distance were determined from the X-ray patterns. No differences in the starch nanostructure between the three different cultivars were detected. However, tuber immaturity was detected by X-ray scattering methods when large numbers of immature and mature samples were measured and the results were compared. The present study shows that no significant changes occurred in the nanostructures of starches resulting from hybridizations of potato cultivars.
Common migraine, i.e. migraine with (MA) or without aura (MO), is a chronic neurological disorder affecting about 10% of the Caucasian population. In MA, migraine headache is preceded by visual, sensoric and/or dysphasic reversible aura symptoms. Twin and family studies have suggested a multifactorial mode of inheritance for common migraine, and a stronger genetic component for MA than for MO. Since there is no biological or genetic marker to identify common migraine, aura symptoms provide a distinctive character to identify those suspected of suffering from migraine. The aim of this study was to identify MA susceptibility loci in well-phenotyped migraine samples with familial predisposition using different gene mapping methods. Genes coding for endothelin1 and its receptors EDNRA and ENDRB are potential candidate genes for cortical spreading depression (CSD), which is considered to be the underlying mechanism of migraine aura. The role of these genes in MA was studied in 850 Finnish migraine cases and 890 control individuals. Rare homozygous EDNRA SNPs showed nominal association with MA and with the age of onset trait (20 years). This result was also detected in the pooled analysis on 648 German MA cases and 651 control individuals when the test was adjusted for gender and sample origin. Evaluation of SNP genotyping reactions with two different DNA polymerase enzymes ensured that the genotype quality was high, and thus the discovered associations are considered reliable. The role of the 19p13 region was studied in a linkage analysis of 72 Finnish MA families. This region contains two migraine-associated genes: CACNA1A, which is associated with a predisposition to a rare Mendelian form of MA, familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM), and the insulin receptor gene (INSR) that is associated with common migraine. No evidence of linkage between the 19p13 and MA was detected. A novel visual aura locus was mapped to chromosome 9q21-q22 with significant evidence of linkage using a genome-wide linkage approach in 36 Finnish MA families. Five additional, potential loci were also detected. The 9q21-q22 region has previously been linked to occipitotemporal lobe epilepsy and MA, both of which involve prominent visual symptoms. Our result further supports a shared background for these episodic disorders.
Samanaikainen alkoholiriippuvuus ja vakava masennustila on haasteellista sekä lääketieteelliselle hoidolle että tutkimukselle. Tämä oireyhtymä on yksi yleisimmistä psykiatrisista häiriöistä niin Yhdysvalloissa kuin Suomessakin. Potilaiden ja heidän omaistensa inhimillisen kärsimyksen lisäksi myös kokonaistaloudelliset terveydenhoidolliset kustannukset ovat suuret tämän oireyhtymän hoidossa: niiden arvioidaan olevan yli neljäkymmentä prosenttia korkeammat kuin pelkän depression kohdalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin löytämään uusia hoidollisia vaihtoehtoja alkoholiriippuvuudesta ja vakavasta masennuksesta yhtäaikaisesti kärsivien potilaiden hoidossa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 80 potilasta Helsingin kaupungin kolmelta A-klinikalta. Kyseessä oli kaksoissokko, randomisoitu, kahden eri tavalla vaikuttavan lääkkeen, essitalopraamin (selektiivinen serotoniinin takaisinoton estäjä) ja memantiinin (glutamaatin NMDA reseptorin ei-kilpaileva estäjä) vertaileva tutkimus. Potilaiden oireiden kulkua seurattiin 26 viikkoa depressioon, ahdistuneisuuteen, kogniitioihin, elämänlaatuun ja alkoholin käyttöön liittyvillä mittareilla. Tämän jälkeen tarkasteltiin hoitovastetta alkutilanne- ja taustamuuttujien valossa. Pyrkimyksenä oli löytää joitakin ennustekijöitä, joiden pohjalta kliinikko voisi tehdä hoitoratkaisunsa näiden potilaiden hoidossa. Molemmat lääkkeet vähensivät merkittävästi sekä masennusta että ahdistuneisuutta, eikä essitalopraami- ja memantiiniryhmien välillä ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa. Kognitiiviset toiminnot olivat lähtövaiheessa normatiivisella tasolla. Elämän laatu parani molemmissa hoitoryhmissä. Alkoholimittareilla AUDIT (alkoholihäiriöiden tunnistusmittari) ja OCDS (pakkomielteisen ja pakkotoimintoisen alkoholinkäytön mittari) paranivat molemmissa hoitoryhmissä. Varhainen ensimmäisen vakavan masennuksen episodin alku näytti ennakoivan huonoa vastetta essitalopraamille, mutta ei memantiinille, mitattuna Montgomery-Åsberg depression rating scale -asteikolla. Toisaalta myöhäinen ensimmäisen masennuksen episodi näytti ennakoivan hyvää hoitovastetta essitalopraamille. Niinpä ensimmäisen masennuksen alkamisikä saattaisi olla käyttökelpoinen ennustekijä näille lääkkeille. Varhainen humalahakuisen juomisen alkamisikä näytti ennustavan huonoa hoitovastetta molemmille lääkkeille, erityisesti essitalopraamille, mitattuna AUDIT-mittarilla. Aktiivinen alkoholinkäyttö tutkimuksen alkaessa ennakoi tutkimuksen keskeyttämistä. HTTLPR-geenin L-alleeli näytti ennustavan parempaa hoitovastetta essitalopraamille masennukseen kuin S-alleeli.
Recently, focus of real estate investment has expanded from the building-specific level to the aggregate portfolio level. The portfolio perspective requires investment analysis for real estate which is comparable with that of other asset classes, such as stocks and bonds. Thus, despite its distinctive features, such as heterogeneity, high unit value, illiquidity and the use of valuations to measure performance, real estate should not be considered in isolation. This means that techniques which are widely used for other assets classes can also be applied to real estate. An important part of investment strategies which support decisions on multi-asset portfolios is identifying the fundamentals of movements in property rents and returns, and predicting them on the basis of these fundamentals. The main objective of this thesis is to find the key drivers and the best methods for modelling and forecasting property rents and returns in markets which have experienced structural changes. The Finnish property market, which is a small European market with structural changes and limited property data, is used as a case study. The findings in the thesis show that is it possible to use modern econometric tools for modelling and forecasting property markets. The thesis consists of an introduction part and four essays. Essays 1 and 3 model Helsinki office rents and returns, and assess the suitability of alternative techniques for forecasting these series. Simple time series techniques are able to account for structural changes in the way markets operate, and thus provide the best forecasting tool. Theory-based econometric models, in particular error correction models, which are constrained by long-run information, are better for explaining past movements in rents and returns than for predicting their future movements. Essay 2 proceeds by examining the key drivers of rent movements for several property types in a number of Finnish property markets. The essay shows that commercial rents in local markets can be modelled using national macroeconomic variables and a panel approach. Finally, Essay 4 investigates whether forecasting models can be improved by accounting for asymmetric responses of office returns to the business cycle. The essay finds that the forecast performance of time series models can be improved by introducing asymmetries, and the improvement is sufficient to justify the extra computational time and effort associated with the application of these techniques.