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Physical inactivity, low cardiorespiratory fitness, and abdominal obesity are direct and mediating risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD). The results of recent studies suggest that individuals with higher levels of physical activity or cardiorespiratory fitness have lower CVD and all-cause mortality than those with lower activity or fitness levels regardless of their level of obesity. The interrelationships of physical activity, fitness, and abdominal obesity with cardiovascular risk factors have not been studied in detail. The aim of this study was to investigate the associations of different types of leisure time physical activity and aerobic fitness with cardiovascular risk factors in a large population of Finnish adults. In addition, a novel aerobic fitness test was implemented and the distribution of aerobic fitness was explored in men and women across age groups. The interrelationships of physical activity, aerobic fitness and abdominal obesity were examined in relation to cardiovascular risk factors. This study was part of the National FINRISK Study 2002, which monitors cardiovascular risk factors in a Finnish adult population. The sample comprised 13 437 men and women aged 25 to 74 years and was drawn from the Population Register as a stratified random sample according to 10-year age groups, gender and area. A separate physical activity study included 9179 subjects, of whom 5 980 participated (65%) in the study. At the study site, weight, height, waist and hip circumferences, and blood pressure were measured, a blood sample was drawn, and an aerobic fitness test was performed. The fitness test estimated maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and was based on a non-exercise method by using a heart rate monitor at rest. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) was calculated by dividing waist circumference with hip circumference and was used as a measure of abdominal obesity. Participants filled in a questionnaire on health behavior, a history of diseases, and current health status, and a detailed 12-month leisure time physical activity recall. Based on the recall data, relative energy expenditure was calculated using metabolic equivalents, and physical activity was divided into conditioning, non-conditioning, and commuting physical activity. Participants aged 45 to 74 years were later invited to take part in a 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test with fasting insulin and glucose measurements. Based on the oral glucose tolerance test, undiagnosed impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes were defined. The estimated aerobic fitness was lower among women and decreased with age. A higher estimated aerobic fitness and a lower WHR were independently associated with lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure, lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and with higher high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and HDL to total cholesterol ratio. The associations of the estimated aerobic fitness with diastolic blood pressure, triglycerides, and HDL to total cholesterol ratio were stronger in men with a higher WHR. High levels of conditioning and non-conditioning physical activity were associated with lower high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) levels. High levels of conditioning and overall physical activities were associated with lower insulin and glucose levels. The associations were stronger among women than men. A better self-rated physical fitness was associated with a higher estimated aerobic fitness, lower CRP levels, and lower insulin and glucose levels in men and women. In each WHR third, the risk of impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 diabetes was higher among physically inactive individuals who did not undertake at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on five days per week. These cross-sectional data show that higher levels of estimated aerobic fitness and regular leisure time physical activity are associated with a favorable cardiovascular risk factor profile and that these associations are present at all levels of abdominal obesity. Most of the associations followed a dose-response manner, suggesting that already low levels of physical activity or fitness are beneficial to health and that larger improvements in risk factor levels may be gained from higher activity and fitness levels. The present findings support the recommendation to engage regularly in leisure time physical activity, to pursue a high level of aerobic fitness, and to prevent abdominal obesity.


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Biojalostamo lisäisi talouskasvua ja työllisyyttä Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin biojalostamotoiminnan aluetaloudellisia vaikutuksia Kymenlaakson ja Satakunnan maakuntiin. Biodieselin valmistus kohentaisi molemmilla alueilla talouskasvua yhteensä 3,0–3,5 prosenttiyksiköllä eli noin 200 miljoonalla eurolla vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Työllisyys paranisi Kymenlaaksossa 437 ja Satakunnassa 420 henkilötyövuodella. Biojalostamotoiminta näyttäisi tukevan työllisyyttä suhteellisesti vähemmän kuin talouskasvua johtuen alan pääomavaltaisuudesta. Kymenlaakso hyötyisi biojalostamosta hiukan enemmän kuin Satakunta johtuen aluetalouksien rakenteellisista eroista. Metsäteollisuuden menetyksiä voitaisiin kompensoida Kymenlaakso on kärsinyt metsäteollisuuden supistumisesta tähän asti suurimmat menetykset. Biojalostamon perustaminen Kymenlaaksoon voisi merkittävästi korvata paperin tuotannon laskusta aiheutuneita menetyksiä. Talouskasvun suhteen biojalostamo voisi korvata puolet menetyksistä. Työllisyysmenetyksistä biojalostamotoiminta pystyisi kompensoimaan noin neljäsosan. Tukien merkitystä biojalostamon aluetaloudellisiin vaikutuksiin selvitettiin tukityypeittäin ja -tasoittain. Sekä raaka-aine- että tuotantotukivaikutukset jäivät simuloinneissa vaatimattomiksi. Tukien tehottomuutta selittää niiden pienuus. Muut toimialat kärsivät biojalostamoalan tukemisesta, mikä vähentää tukien aluetaloudellista vaikuttavuutta. Toisaalta reaalimaailmassa tuet voivat olla ratkaisevassa asemassa bioenergia-alan käynnistyessä ja sen kehityksen alkumetreillä. Bioenergia-strategian mukainen kehitys tuottaisi tulosta Bioenergian käytön lisäämisen aluetaloudellista vaikuttavuutta tutkittiin Keski-Suomen maakuntaa koskevan tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Vaikutusten laskenta pohjautui maakunnan bioenergian käytön tavoitteiden mukaisiin määriin. Mikäli bioenergian käyttö kasvaisi Keski-Suomessa neljällä terawattitunnilla vuoteen 2015 mennessä, vaikutus talouskasvuun olisi yhteensä 0,5 prosenttiyksikköä eli 35 miljoonaa euroa. Maakunnan työllisyys paranisi yli 200 henkilötyövuodella. Todennäköisesti myönteisiä aluetalousvaikutuksia vahvistaisi vielä alueen energiaostoista johtuvien vuotojen väheneminen energiaomavaraisuuden kasvaessa. Keski-Suomelle voisi kertyä hyötyjä myös bioenergiateknologian alan laitevalmistuksen osaamisen lisääntymisen kautta. Biojalostamotoiminta on täysin uudenlaista toimintaa, joten tilastollista seurantatietoa tältä alalta ei ole käytettävissä. Julkisia teknis-taloudellisia selvityksiä biodieselin tuotannosta on saatavilla suhteellisen niukasti. Koska simuloinneista saadut tulokset perustuvat biojalostamolle oletettuun kustannusrakenteeseen, tuloksia on tästä syystä käsiteltävä vain suuntaa-antavina. Ruralia-instituutti suosittaa biojalostamotoiminnan aluetaloudellisten vaikutusten seuraamista ja laskelmien päivittämistä, kun tarkempaa tietoa biojalostamon tuotannon kustannuksista ja tuotteiden kysynnän rakenteesta on saatavilla. Biojalostamon kustannusrakenne. Biojalostamotoiminta kompensoisi noin puolet massa- ja paperiteollisuuden supistumisesta aiheutuneista talouskasvun menetyksistä Kymenlaaksossa.


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Alcohol and other substance use disorders (SUDs) result in great costs and suffering for individuals and families and constitute a notable public health burden. A multitude of factors, ranging from biological to societal, are associated with elevated risk of SUDs, but at the level of individuals, one of the best predictors is a family history of SUDs. Genetically informative twin and family studies have consistently indicated this familial risk to be mainly genetic. In addition, behavioral and temperamental factors such as early initiation of substance use and aggressiveness are associated with the development of SUDs. These familial, behavioral and temperamental risk factors often co-occur, but their relative importance is not well known. People with SUDs have also been found to differ from healthy controls in various domains of cognitive functioning, with poorer verbal ability being among the most consistent findings. However, representative population-based samples have rarely been used in neuropsychological studies of SUDs. In addition, both SUDs and cognitive abilities are influenced by genetic factors, but whether the co-variation of these traits might be partly explained by overlapping genetic influences has not been studied. Problematic substance use also often co-occurs with low educational level, but it is not known whether these outcomes share part of their underlying genetic influences. In addition, educational level may moderate the genetic etiology of alcohol problems, but gene-environment interactions between these phenomena have also not been widely studied. The incidence of SUDs peaks in young adulthood rendering epidemiological studies in this age group informative. This thesis investigated cognitive functioning and other correlates of SUDs in young adulthood in two representative population-based samples of young Finnish adults, one of which consisted of monozygotic and dizygotic twin pairs enabling genetically informative analyses. Using data from the population-based Mental Health in Early Adulthood in Finland (MEAF) study (n=605), the lifetime prevalence of DSM-IV any substance dependence or abuse among persons aged 21—35 years was found to be approximately 14%, with a majority of the diagnoses being alcohol use disorders. Several correlates representing the domains of behavioral and affective factors, parental factors, early initiation of substance use, and educational factors were individually associated with SUDs. The associations between behavioral and affective factors (attention or behavior problems at school, aggression, anxiousness) and SUDs were found to be largely independent of factors from other domains, whereas daily smoking and low education were still associated with SUDs after adjustment for behavioral and affective factors. Using a wide array of neuropsychological tests in the MEAF sample and in a subsample (n=602) of the population-based FinnTwin16 (FT16) study, consistent evidence of poorer verbal cognitive ability related to SUDs was found. In addition, participants with SUDs performed worse than those without disorders in a task assessing psychomotor processing speed in the MEAF sample, whereas no evidence of more specific cognitive deficits was found in either sample. Biometrical structural equation models of the twin data suggested that both alcohol problems and verbal ability had moderate heritabilities (0.54—0.72), and that their covariation could be explained by correlated genetic influences (genetic correlations -0.20 to -0.31). The relationship between educational level and alcohol problems, studied in the full epidemiological FT16 sample (n=4,858), was found to reflect both genetic correlation and gene-environment interaction. The co-occurrence of low education and alcohol problems was influenced by overlapping genetic factors. In addition, higher educational level was associated with increased relative importance of genetic influences on alcohol problems, whereas environmental influences played a more important role in young adults with lower education. In conclusion, SUDs, especially alcohol abuse and dependence, are common among young Finnish adults. Behavioral and affective factors are robustly related to SUDs independently of many other factors, and compared to healthy peers, young adults who have had SUDs during their life exhibit significantly poorer verbal cognitive ability, and possibly less efficient psychomotor processing. Genetic differences between individuals explain a notable proportion of individual differences in risk of alcohol dependence, verbal ability, and educational level, and the co-occurrence of alcohol problems with poorer verbal cognition and low education is influenced by shared genetic backgrounds. Finally, various environmental factors related to educational level in young adulthood moderate the relative importance of genetic factors influencing the risk of alcohol problems, possibly reflecting differences in social control mechanisms related to educational level.