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Helicobacter pylorin (helikobakteeri) tartunta saadaan yleensä lapsena ja tauti jää tavallisesti pysyväksi ilman täsmähoitoa. Onnistunut hoito parantaa pysyvästi helikobakteerista aiheutuvan mahan haavataudin ja näyttää ehkäisevän mahalaukun pahanlaatuisten muutosten kehittymistä. Aloitimme Vammalassa terveyskeskuksessa toteutetun kansainvälisesti ainutlaatuisen väestöpohjaisen helikobakteeritulehduksen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelman pilottitutkimuksella 1994. 1996 kaikki 15-40-vuotiaat ja 1997-2000 15- ja 45-vuotiaat vammalalaiset kutsuttiin verinäyteseulontaan. Yhteensä 4626 henkilöä (75% kutsutuista) osallistui seulontaan. Vasta-ainepositiivisille tarjottiin helikobakteeritulehduksen lopettava lääkekuuri. Toiminnan seurauksena helikobakteeritulehduksen esiintyvyyden laskettiin vähentyneen 12%:sta 4%:iin 15-40-vuotiaiden ikäryhmässä. Tutkimme myös helikobakteerivasta-ainepositiivisten ja -negatiivisten eroja sekä helikobakteeritulehduksen riskitekijöitä kyselytutkimuksella. Lapsuudenkodin asumisahtauden, äidin matalan koulutusasteen, tupakoinnin, alkoholinkäytön, huonojen asunto-olojen ja ylävatsavaivoista johtuvien sairauslomien todettiin liittyvän helikobakteeritulehdukseen monimuuttuja-analyysissa. Tutkimme seulontaohjelmassa käyttämiemme IgG- ja IgA-luokan helikobakteeri-vasta-ainetestien luotettavuutta eri ikäryhmissä ottaen huomioon atrofisen gastriitin esiintyvyyden. 561 kliinisin perustein gastroskopoidun potilaan aineistossa IgG-testi osoittautui erittäin herkäksi kaikissa ikäryhmissä (99%). Tarkkuus oli myös vanhemmissa ikäryhmissä hyvä (97-93%), kun atrofista gastriittia sairastavat suljettiin pois. IgA- ja CagA-helikobakteerivasta-aineiden on todettu liittyvän lisääntyneeseen mahahaava- ja mahasyöpäriskiin. Analysoimme 560 henkilön pariseeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein, ja totesimme, että IgA-vasta-aineiden esiintyvyyden lisääntyyminen iän myötä johtuu paitsi syntymäajankohdasta ja uusista infektioista myös IgA-vasta-ainetasojen kohoamisesta helikobakteeritulehduksen aikana. Selvitimme myös CagA-vasta-ainetasojen muuttumista analysoimalla seeruminäytteet, jotka oli otettu kahden vuosikymmenen välein. Totesimme, että samanaikaisesti kun helikobakteerin esiintyvyys väestössä on alentunut, erityisesti CagA-positiiviset infektiot ovat vähentyneet. Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että Suomessa terveyskeskuksen yhteydessä voidaan toteuttaa näin laajamittainen seulonta- ja hoito-ohjelma, johon suomalaiset osallistuvat aktiivisesti. Nähtäväksi jää, kuinka paljon ohjelma kykeni vähentämään helikobakteeritulehdukseen liittyviä myöhäisseuraamuksia.


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The aim of this study was to explore the sociocultural value orientations of Finnish adolescents and their attitudes toward information society. In addition, this study explored the association between values and attitudes toward information society. I investigated whether values and attitudes follow social development and whether they can be divided into value categories such as traditional, modern and postmodern. This study falls into the category of youth research. The study uses a multimethodological approach and straddles the following disciplines: the science of education, religious education, sociology and social psychology. The theoretical context of the study is modernisation, understood as a two level process. The first level represents the transition from a religious-based traditional society to a modern industrial society. The second level of modernisation refers to the process of development established after the second world war, called postmodernisation, which is understood as the transition from an emphasis on economical imperatives to an emphasis on subjective well-being and the quality of life. Postmodernisation influences both social organisations and individuals´ values and worldviews. The target group of this survey-study comprised 408 16- to 19-year-old Finnish adolescent students from secondary school and vocational school. The data were gathered with a quantitative questionnaire during the second half of 2001. The results of the study can be generalised to the population of Finnish 16- to 19-year-olds. The data were analysed quantitatively using ANOVA and multivariate analyses such as cluster analysis, factor analysis and general linear modeling. Bayesian dependence modeling served to explore further how the values predict the attitudes toward information society. The results indicate that values are associated not only with attitudes toward information society, but with many other sociocultural indicator as well. Especially strong interpreting indicators included gender and identity or lifestyle questions. The results also indicate an association between values, attitudes and social development and a two-level modernisation process. Values formed traditional, modern and postmodern value systems. Keywords: values, attitudes, modernisation, information society, traditional, modern, postmodern


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Diagnostic radiology represents the largest man-made contribution to population radiation doses in Europe. To be able to keep the diagnostic benefit versus radiation risk ratio as high as possible, it is important to understand the quantitative relationship between the patient radiation dose and the various factors which affect the dose, such as the scan parameters, scan mode, and patient size. Paediatric patients have a higher probability for late radiation effects, since longer life expectancy is combined with the higher radiation sensitivity of the developing organs. The experience with particular paediatric examinations may be very limited and paediatric acquisition protocols may not be optimised. The purpose of this thesis was to enhance and compare different dosimetric protocols, to promote the establishment of the paediatric diagnostic reference levels (DRLs), and to provide new data on patient doses for optimisation purposes in computed tomography (with new applications for dental imaging) and in paediatric radiography. Large variations in radiation exposure in paediatric skull, sinus, chest, pelvic and abdominal radiography examinations were discovered in patient dose surveys. There were variations between different hospitals and examination rooms, between different sized patients, and between imaging techniques; emphasising the need for harmonisation of the examination protocols. For computed tomography, a correction coefficient, which takes individual patient size into account in patient dosimetry, was created. The presented patient size correction method can be used for both adult and paediatric purposes. Dental cone beam CT scanners provided adequate image quality for dentomaxillofacial examinations while delivering considerably smaller effective doses to patient compared to the multi slice CT. However, large dose differences between cone beam CT scanners were not explained by differences in image quality, which indicated the lack of optimisation. For paediatric radiography, a graphical method was created for setting the diagnostic reference levels in chest examinations, and the DRLs were given as a function of patient projection thickness. Paediatric DRLs were also given for sinus radiography. The detailed information about the patient data, exposure parameters and procedures provided tools for reducing the patient doses in paediatric radiography. The mean tissue doses presented for paediatric radiography enabled future risk assessments to be done. The calculated effective doses can be used for comparing different diagnostic procedures, as well as for comparing the use of similar technologies and procedures in different hospitals and countries.


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Causation is still poorly understood in strategy research, and confusion prevails around key concepts such as competitive advantage. In this paper, we define epistemological conditions that help to dispel some of this confusion and to provide a basis for more developed approaches. In particular, we argue that a counterfactual approach – that builds on a systematic analysis of ‘what-if’ questions – can advance our understanding of key causal mechanisms in strategy research. We offer two concrete methodologies – counterfactual history and causal modeling – as useful solutions. We also show that these methodologies open up new avenues in research on competitive advantage. Counterfactual history can add to our understanding of the context-specific construction of resource-based competitive advantage and path dependence, and causal modeling can help to reconceptualize the relationships between resources and performance. In particular, resource properties can be regarded as mediating mechanisms in these causal relationships.