15 resultados para 2.1 GA
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Aikaisemman tutkimuksen perusteella tiedettiin tiettyjen 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirakenteisten molekyylien olevan aktiivisia Chlamydia pneumoniae –bakteeria vastaan. Tutkimusta lähdettiin jatkamaan ja 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolimolekyylien rakenne-aktiivisuusuhteista haluttiin saada lisätietoa. Tarkoituksena oli kehittää 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolimolekyyleille ja sen avulla muodostaa molekyylikirjasto. Syntetisoidut molekyylit haluttiin testata sekä Chlamydia pneumoniae -bakteeria että Leishmania donovani –parasiittia vastaan. Chlamydia pneumoniae –bakteeri aiheuttaa akuutteja ylä- ja alahengitystieinfektiota, kuten keuhkoputkentulehdusta. Akuutissa tulehduksessa oireet vaihtelevat huomattavasti. Chlamydia pneumoniae –bakteerilla on myös taipumus aiheuttaa kroonisia tulehduksia. Nämä ovat useissa tutkimuksissa yhdistetty kansantaloudellisesti merkittäviin sairauksiin, kuten ateroskleroosiin ja astmaan. Leishmanioosi on toiseksi yleisin loissairaus ihmisellä malarian jälkeen. Leishmania donovani –parasiitti voi aiheuttaa tappavaa viskeraalista leishmanioosia. Vuodessa leishmanioosiin kuolee yli 50 000 ihmistä. Viime vuosina leishmanioosin lääkehoidossa on esiintynyt monenlaisia ongelmia. Osat lääkkeistä ovat menettäneet tehonsa ja osalla esiintyy vakavia haittavaikutuksia. 2,1,3-Bentsoksadiatsolirakenteisille yhdisteille saatiin kehitettyä toimiva synteesireitti. Lähtöaineena käytettiin 4-amino-2-nitrobentsoehappoa, josta saatiin hapettavalla renkaansulkeutumisreaktiolla 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karboksyylihappoa. Karboksyylihaposta syntetisoitiin amidi-välituotteen kautta 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karbonitriiliä. Hydroksyyliamiini hydrokloridin avulla 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karbonitriilistä muodostettiin vastaavaa karboksimidamidia, joka oli synteesireitin yhteinen välituote kaikille molekyyleille. Viimeisessä vaiheessa N´-hydroksidi-2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoli-5-karboksimidamidin annettiin reagoida joko fenyyli-isosyanaatin tai fenyyli-isotiosyanaatin kanssa, jolloin saatiin lopputuotetta. Synteesireitin kehittäminen osoittautui haastavaksi ja loppujen lopuksi saatiin ainoastaan kolme lopputuotetta syntetisoitua. Yksi lopputuotteista testattiin C. pneumoniae –bakteeria vastaan Åbo akademissa Turussa. Testattavaa yhdiste ei sisältänyt 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsoliarengasta ja bioaktiivisuuskokeen tulos oli odotusten mukainen. Yhdiste ei ollut aktiivinen C. pneumoniae –bakteeria vastaan alhaisilla konsentraatioilla ja tuloksesta voitiin todeta 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirengaan olevan tärkeä aktiivisuuden kannalta. Kaksi lopputuotetta saatiin testaukseen Leishamania donovani –parasiittia vastaan Israeliin. Ainoastaan toinen molekyyleistä sisälsi 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirakenteen. Bioaktiivisuuskokeiden tulokset olivat erittäin rohkaisevia. Yhdisteet olivat aktiivisia parasiittia vastaan jo alhaisilla konsentraatioilla. Kuitenkin 2,1,3-bentsoksadiatsolirakenteinen molekyyli oli aktiivisempi, joten tämäkin aktiivisuuskokeen perusteella huomattiin rengasrakenteen olevan tärkeä aktiivisuuden kannalta.
Leucogranite magmatism occurred in southern Finland during the later stages of the Paleoproterozoic Svecofennian orogeny. The leucogranites are considered to have formed from pre-existing crustal rocks that have undergone anatexis in the extensional stage of the orogeny, following continental collision and resultant crustal thickening. The leucogranites have been studied in the field using petrographic and mineralogical methods, elemental and isotope geochemistry on whole rocks and minerals, and U-Pb geochronology. On outcrop scale, these granites typically form heterogeneous, layered, sheet-like bodies that migmatize their country rocks. All of the leucogranites are peraluminous and rich in SiO2, but otherwise display significant geochemical variation. Their Nd isotope composition ranges from fairly juvenile to very unradiogenic, and the Hf isotope composition of their zircon shows a varying degree of mixing in the source, the zircon populations becoming more heterogeneous and generally less radiogenic towards the east. The leucogranites have been dated using U-Pb isotopic analyses, utilizing thermal ionization mass spectrometry, secondary ion mass spectrometry, and laser ablation multicollector ICP mass spectrometry on zircon and monazite. The results show that the granites were emplaced between 1.85 Ga and 1.79 Ga, which is a considerably longer period than has traditionally been perceived for these rocks. The rocks tend to become younger towards the east. Single crystal data also display a wide array of inherited zircons, especially in the eastern part of the leucogranite belt. The most common inherited age groups are ~2.8 2.5 Ga, ~2.1 2.1 Ga, and ~1.9 Ga. Magmatic zircon and monazite usually record similar ages for any one sample.Thermobarometric calculations indicate that the leucogranites in the Veikkola area of southcentral Finland were formed from relatively low-temperature melts, and emplaced at 17-25 km depth, i.e. at mid-crustal level. It is likely that these conditions apply to the Svecofennian leucogranites in general. Large differences in the Hf and Nd isotope compositions, emplacement ages, and distributions of inherited zircon ages show that these granites were formed from different types of source rocks, which probably included both sedimentary and igneous rocks.
The importance of supercontinents in our understanding of the geological evolution of the planet Earth has been recently emphasized. The role of paleomagnetism in reconstructing lithospheric blocks in their ancient paleopositions is vital. Paleomagnetism is the only quantitative tool for providing ancient latitudes and azimuthal orientations of continents. It also yields information of content of the geomagnetic field in the past. In order to obtain a continuous record on the positions of continents, dated intrusive rocks are required in temporal progression. This is not always possible due to pulse-like occurrences of dykes. In this work we demonstrate that studies of meteorite impact-related rocks may fill some gaps in the paleomagnetic record. This dissertation is based on paleomagnetic and rock magnetic data obtained from samples of the Jänisjärvi impact structure (Russian Karelia, most recent 40Ar-39Ar age of 682 Ma), the Salla diabase dyke (North Finland, U-Pb 1122 Ma), the Valaam monzodioritic sill (Russian Karelia, U-Pb 1458 Ma), and the Vredefort impact structure (South Africa, 2023 Ma). The paleomagnetic study of Jänisjärvi samples was made in order to obtain a pole for Baltica, which lacks paleomagnetic data from 750 to ca. 600 Ma. The position of Baltica at ca. 700 Ma is relevant in order to verify whether the supercontinent Rodinia was already fragmented. The paleomagnetic study of the Salla dyke was conducted to examine the position of Baltica at the onset of supercontinent Rodinia's formation. The virtual geomagnetic pole (VGP) from Salla dyke provides hints that the Mesoproterozoic Baltica - Laurentia unity in the Hudsonland (Columbia, Nuna) supercontinent assembly may have lasted until 1.12 Ga. Moreover, the new VGP of Salla dyke provides new constraint on the timing of the rotation of Baltica relative to Laurentia (e.g. Gower et al., 1990). A paleomagnetic study of the Valaam sill was carried out in order to shed light into the question of existence of Baltica-Laurentia unity in the supercontinent Hudsonland. Combined with results from dyke complex of the Lake Ladoga region (Schehrbakova et al., 2008) a new robust paleomagnetic pole for Baltica is obtained. This pole places Baltica on a latitude of 10°. This low latitude location is supported also by Mesoproterozoic 1.5 1.3 Ga red-bed sedimentation (for example the Satakunta sandstone). The Vredefort impactite samples provide a well dated (2.02 Ga) pole for the Kaapvaal Craton. Rock magnetic data reveal unusually high Koenigsberger ratios (Q values) in all studied lithologies of the Vredefort dome. The high Q values are now first time also seen in samples from the Johannesburg Dome (ca. 120 km away) where there is no impact evidence. Thus, a direct causative link of high Q values to the Vredefort impact event can be ruled out.
Models of Maximal Flavor Violation (MxFV) in elementary particle physics may contain at least one new scalar SU$(2)$ doublet field $\Phi_{FV} = (\eta^0,\eta^+)$ that couples the first and third generation quarks ($q_1,q_3$) via a Lagrangian term $\mathcal{L}_{FV} = \xi_{13} \Phi_{FV} q_1 q_3$. These models have a distinctive signature of same-charge top-quark pairs and evade flavor-changing limits from meson mixing measurements. Data corresponding to 2 fb$^{-1}$ collected by the CDF II detector in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV are analyzed for evidence of the MxFV signature. For a neutral scalar $\eta^0$ with $m_{\eta^0} = 200$ GeV/$c^2$ and coupling $\xi_{13}=1$, $\sim$ 11 signal events are expected over a background of $2.1 \pm 1.8$ events. Three events are observed in the data, consistent with background expectations, and limits are set on the coupling $\xi_{13}$ for $m_{\eta^0} = 180-300$ GeV/$c^2$.
We report a search for single top quark production with the CDF II detector using 2.1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity of pbar p collisions at sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV. The data selected consist of events characterized by large energy imbalance in the transverse plane and hadronic jets, and no identified electrons and muons, so the sample is enriched in W -> tau nu decays. In order to suppress backgrounds, additional kinematic and topological requirements are imposed through a neural network, and at least one of the jets must be identified as a b-quark jet. We measure an excess of signal-like events in agreement with the standard model prediction, but inconsistent with a model without single top quark production by 2.1 standard deviations (sigma), with a median expected sensitivity of 1.4 sigma. Assuming a top quark mass of 175 GeV/c2 and ascribing the excess to single top quark production, the cross section is measured to be 4.9+2.5-2.2(stat+syst)pb, consistent with measurements performed in independent datasets and with the standard model prediction.
We present a measurement of the transverse momentum with respect to the jet axis (kt) of particles in jets produced in pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. Results are obtained for charged particles in a cone of 0.5 radians around the jet axis in events with dijet invariant masses between 66 and 737 GeV/c2. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions obtained for fragmentation partons within the framework of resummed perturbative QCD using the modified leading log and next-to-modified leading log approximations. The comparison shows that trends in data are successfully described by the theoretical predictions, indicating that the perturbative QCD stage of jet fragmentation is dominant in shaping basic jet characteristics.
We report on a search for the standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a $W$ or $Z$ boson in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 1.96$ TeV recorded by the CDF II experiment at the Tevatron in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.1 fb$^{-1}$. We consider events which have no identified charged leptons, an imbalance in transverse momentum, and two or three jets where at least one jet is consistent with originating from the decay of a $b$ hadron. We find good agreement between data and predictions. We place 95% confidence level upper limits on the production cross section for several Higgs boson masses ranging from 110$\gevm$ to 150$\gevm$. For a mass of 115$\gevm$ the observed (expected) limit is 6.9 (5.6) times the standard model prediction.
We present a measurement of the transverse momentum with respect to the jet axis ($k_{T}$) of particles in jets produced in $p\bar p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV. Results are obtained for charged particles within a cone of opening angle 0.5 radians around the jet axis in events with dijet invariant masses between 66 and 737 GeV/c$^{2}$. The experimental data are compared to theoretical predictions obtained for fragmentation partons within the framework of resummed perturbative QCD using the modified leading log and next-to-modified leading log approximations. The comparison shows that trends in data are successfully described by the theoretical predictions, indicating that the perturbative QCD stage of jet fragmentation is dominant in shaping basic jet characteristics.
We present a measurement of the top quark mass in the all-hadronic channel (\tt $\to$ \bb$q_{1}\bar{q_{2}}q_{3}\bar{q_{4}}$) using 943 pb$^{-1}$ of \ppbar collisions at $\sqrt {s} = 1.96$ TeV collected at the CDF II detector at Fermilab (CDF). We apply the standard model production and decay matrix-element (ME) to $\ttbar$ candidate events. We calculate per-event probability densities according to the ME calculation and construct template models of signal and background. The scale of the jet energy is calibrated using additional templates formed with the invariant mass of pairs of jets. These templates form an overall likelihood function that depends on the top quark mass and on the jet energy scale (JES). We estimate both by maximizing this function. Given 72 observed events, we measure a top quark mass of 171.1 $\pm$ 3.7 (stat.+JES) $\pm$ 2.1 (syst.) GeV/$c^{2}$. The combined uncertainty on the top quark mass is 4.3 GeV/$c^{2}$.
The four papers summarized in this thesis deal with the Archean and earliest Paleoproterozoic granitoid suites observed in the Suomussalmi district, eastern Finland. Geologically, the area belongs to the Kianta Complex of the Western Karelian Terrane in the Karelian Province of the Fennoscandian shield. The inherited zircons up to 3440 Ma old together with Sm Nd and Pb Pb data confirm the existence of previously anticipated Paleoarchean protocrust in Suomussalmi. The general timeline of granitoid magmatism is similar to that of the surrounding areas. TTG magmatism occurred in three distinct phases: ca 2.95 Ga, 2.83 2.78 Ga and 2.76 2.74 Ga. In Suomussalmi the TTGs sensu stricto (K2O/Na2O less than 0.5) belong to the low-HREE type and are interpreted as partial melts of garnet amphibolites, which did not significantly interact with mantle peridotites. Transitional TTGs (K2O/Na2O more than 0.5), present in Suomussalmi and absent from surrounding areas, display higher LILE concentrations, but otherwise closely resemble the TTGs sensu stricto and indicate that recycling of felsic crust commenced in Suomussalmi 200 Ma earlier than in surrounding areas. The youngest TTG phase was coeval with the intrusion of the Likamännikkö quartz alkali feldspar syenite (2741 ± 2 Ma) complex. The complex contains angular fragments of ultrabasic rock, which display considerable compositional heterogeneity and are interpreted as cumulates containing clinopyroxene (generally altered to actinolite), apatite, allanite, epidote, and albite. The quartz alkali feldspar syenite cannot be regarded as alkaline sensu stricto, despite clear alkaline affinities. Within Likamännikkö there are also calcite carbonatite patches, which display mantle-like O- and C-isotope values, as well as trace element characteristics consistent with a magmatic origin, and could thus be among the oldest known carbonatites in the world. Sanukitoid (2.73 2.71 Ga) and quartz diorite suites (2.70 Ga) overlap within error margins and display compositional similarities, but can be differentiated from each other on the basis of higher Ba, K2O and LREE contents of the sanukitoids. The Likamännikkö complex, sanukitoids and quartz diorites are interpreted as originating from the metasomatized mantle and mark the diversification of the granitoid clan after 200 Ma of evolution dominated by the TTG suite. Widespread migmatization and the intrusion of anatectic leucogranitoids as dykes and intrusions of varying size took place at 2.70 2.69 Ga, following collisional thickening of the crust. The leucogranitoids and leucosomes of migmatized TTGs are compositionally alike and characterized by high silica contents and a leucocratic appearance. Due to compositional overlap, definitive discrimination between leucogranitoids and transitional TTGs requires isotope datings and/or knowledge of field relationships. Leucogranitoids represent partial melts of the local TTGs, both the sensu stricto and transitional types, mostly derived under water fluxed conditions, with possible fluid sources being late sanukitoids and quartz diorites as well as dehydrating lower crust. The Paleoproterozoic 2.44 2.39 Ga A-type granitoids of the Kianta Complex emplaced in an extensional environment are linked to the coeval and more widespread mafic intrusions and dykes observed over most of the Archean nucleus of the Fennoscandian shield. The A-type intrusions in the Suomussalmi area are interpreted as partial melts of the Archean lower crust and display differences in composition and magnetite content, which indicate differences in the composition and oxidation state of the source.
Julkaistu Silva Fennica Vol. 2(1) -numeron liitteenä.
The object of this research is to study the mineralogy of the diabase dykes in Suomussalmi and the relevance of the mineralogy to tectonic events, specifically large block movements in the Archaean crust. Sharp tectonic lines separate two anomalies in the dyke swarms, shown on a geomagnetic map as positive anomalies. In one of these areas, the Toravaara anomaly, the diabases seem to contain pyroxenes as a main component. Outside the Toravaara anomaly hornblende is the main ferromagnesian mineral in diabases. The aim of this paper is to research the differences in the diabases inside and outside the anomalies and interpret the processes that formed the anomalies. The data for this sudy consist of field observations, 120 thin sections, 334 electron microprobe analyses, 19 whole-rock chemical analyses, a U-Pb age analysis and geomagnetic low-altitude aerial survey maps. The methods are interpretation of field observations, chemical analyses, microprobe analyses of single minerals and radiometric age determination, microscopic studies of the thin sections, geothermometers and geobarometers. On the basis of field observations and petrographic studies the diabases in the area are divided into pyroxene diabases, hornblende diabases and the Lohisärkkä porphyritic dyke swarm. Hornblende diabases are found in the entire study area, while the pyroxene diabases concentrate on the area of the Toravaara geomagnetic anomaly. The Lohisärkkä swarm transects the whole area as a thin line from east to west. The diabases are fairly homogenous both chemically and by mineral composition. The few exceptions are part of rarer older swarms or are significantly altered. The Lohisärkkä dyke swarm was dated as 2,21 Ga old, significantly older than the most common 1,98 Ga swarm in the area. The geothermometers applied showed that the diabases on the Toravaara anomaly were stabilized at a much higher temperature than the dykes outside the anomaly. The geobarometers showed the pyroxenes to have crystallized at varying depths. The research showed the Toravaara anomaly to have formed by a vertical block movement, and the fault on its west side to have a total lateral transfer of only a few kilometers. The formation of the second anomaly was also interpreted to be tectonic in nature. In addition, the results of the geothermobarometry uncovered necessary conditions for the study of diabase emplacement depth: the minerals for the study must be chosen by minimum crystallization depth, and a geobarometer capable of determining the magmatic temperature must be used. In addition, it would be more suitable to conduct this kind of study in an area where the dykes are more exposed.