131 resultados para Internet delivery
The operation environment in the roundwood trade in Finland in the 1990’s include several changes. They are changes in the structure of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) ownership, forest taxation, in forest legislation, in price recommendation agreement, diminishing resources of forestry extension services, etc. At the same time, the roundwood demand has been rising. All these developments cause uncertainty in wood procurement organisations, and call for research to find out how to adapt into the changing environment. The objective of this study is to produce information for roundwood purchasing planning and cus-tomer satisfaction management to be used by Stora Enso Metsä Customer Service, Helsinki. For this pur-pose, data needs to be gathered about the urban NIPFs and their forest estates, behaviour related to forestry and timber-selling, customer satisfaction in their latest timber selling transaction, and their opinions about Enso’s new customer service office and its service concept. To fulfil the objective of the study, a NIPF -owner -survey (N=1064, response rate 39,7%) was con-ducted in October 1998-January 1999. The sample was made on the basis of the marketing database of Stora Enso Oyj Forest Customer Service in Helsinki. In planning the frame of reference of the empirical study, the model of service quality by Grönroos was applied. The following aspects were included in the 7-page questionnaire: demographic, sosio-economic and forest estate background, relation to the forest service supply, behaviour related to forestry, timber-selling motives and behaviour, last contact organisation and its image in forestry business, expectations and percep-tions in the latest timber-selling transactions, and behavioural intentions. The results revealed that the share of women, pensioners and academically educated people among forest owners was quite high. The majority of the forest estates of the metropolitan forest owners were situ-ated in the provinces of South Finland and East Finland. The average forest estate area was considerably smaller than in a previous study. Economic and recreational objectives were most important in the use of forests. Forest Associations were involved in half of the roundwood sales transactions of the respondents in the metropolitan area. The wood quantity of transactions was considerably higher than the average in the whole country. Bank-organised forest-related activities, taxation infos and trips to the forest were the most popular activities. Among the services, silvicultural advices were needed mostly and stub treatment least. Brochure material related to stumpage timber sales and taxation were considered most important compared to material related to delivery sales. The service expectations were at highest for women and they were less satisfied with the service than men. 2nd and 3rd generation residents of the metropolitan area thought about the new customer service concept more positively than the 1st generation residents. Internet users under 60 years thought more positively about new satellite picture-based woodlot search concept. Cross-tabulation of factor scores against background variables indicated that women with relatively low education level a greater need to sell roundwood than entrepreneurs, white-collar workers and directors, and Internet users. Suspiciousness towards timber procurement organisations was relatively strong among women and those whose forest income share of the total income was either null or over 20 %. The average customer satisfaction score was negative in all nine questions. Statistical differences be-tween different companies did not exist in the average satisfaction scores. Stora Enso’s Helsinki forest cus-tomer service could choose the ability to purchase all timber grades as its competitive advantage. Out of nine service dimension included in the questionnaire, in this particular service dimension, Enso’s Helsinki forest customer service’s score exceeded most all organisations’ average customer satisfaction score. On the basis of importance – performance matrix, advice and quidance could have been provided more to the forest owners in their latest timber–selling transaction.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sellaisia kausatiivisia lauserakenteita, joissa kausaation osapuolet ovat ei-inhimillisiä olioita. Työn tavoitteena on tarkastella eri kausatiivirakenteiden yhteneväisyyksiä ja eroavaisuuksia sen suhteen, miten ne kausaatiota kuvaavat, sekä luoda tämän analyysin pohjalta jonkinlainen kokonaiskuva siitä, miten suomen kielessä käsitteistetään kausaatiota. Työn aineistona on valikoima terveysaiheisia artikkeleita verkkosivuilta www.tohtori.fi ja www.verkkoklinikka.fi. Tästä tekstimassasta poimittiin käsin kaikki sellaiset lauseet, jotka kuvasivat kahden ei-inhimillisen olion välistä kausaaliyhteyttä. Tämä lauseaineisto jaoteltiin eri kausaatiorakenteisiin sen mukaan, mikä oli kunkin esiintymän kausaaliyhteyttä kuvaava keskusargumentti. Kausatiiviset rakennetyypit ovat seuraavat: aineistossa keskeiset AIHEUTTAA-rakenne, MUUTTAA-rakenne, VAIKUTTAA-rakenne, AIHEUTUA-rakenne ja LIITTYÄ-rakenne sekä esiintymämäärältään edellämainittuja harvinaisemmat JOHTAA-rakenne, ESTÄÄ/MAHDOLLISTAA-rakenne, EDISTÄÄ-rakenne, RIIPPUArakenne, OLLA SYYNÄ/SEURAUKSENA -rakenne ja OLLA TAUSTALLA -rakenne. Rakenteita analysoidaan kognitiivisen kielentutkimuksen ja konstruktiokieliopin metodein. Kielitieteellisistä kausaation tutkimuksista tärkeimpinä teorialähteinä ovat Talmy (1976) sekä Kemmer ja Verhagen (1994). Aineiston rakenteista tarkastellaan erityisesti perussyntaksia, predikaation osallistujien semanttisia rooleja sekä rakenteen avulla kuvatun kausaalisuhteen luonnetta ja sen osapuolten ominaisuuksia. Näin tuodaan ilmi, miten eri tavat kielellistää kausaatiota eroavat toisistaan. Päätelminä todetaan, että kausaation kielellistämiskeinot ovat monipuolisia ja tarkastellut rakenteet eroavat toisistaan monessa suhteessa. Kausatiivirakenteita voi luokitella mm. sillä perusteella, onko niiden keskusargumenttina predikaattiverbi vai nomini ja kopula, ovatko ne aineistossa yleisiä vai marginaalisia ja kuvaavatko ne vahvaa vai heikkoa kausaalisuhdetta. Kaikkiaan on tuloksena, että aineiston kausatiivirakenteet ovat joko transitiivisia lauserakenteita tai käyttävät hyväkseen spatiaalisuutta syy seuraus-suhteen ilmaisemisen keinona. Työstä nousee esiin monenlaisia jatkotutkimusaiheita: Ovatko kausatiivisuuden keinot samanlaisia myös muissa kirjallisissa tekstilajeissa ja puhutussa kielessä? Miten suomen ilmaisukeinot vertautuvat muihin kieliin? Etenkin esiintymämäärältään vähäisistä rakenteista voisi lisäksi löytää uusia ominaisuuksia tutkimalla niitä tätä työtä laajemmasta aineistosta.
Tiivistelmä ReferatAbstract Metabolomics is a rapidly growing research field that studies the response of biological systems to environmental factors, disease states and genetic modifications. It aims at measuring the complete set of endogenous metabolites, i.e. the metabolome, in a biological sample such as plasma or cells. Because metabolites are the intermediates and end products of biochemical reactions, metabolite compositions and metabolite levels in biological samples can provide a wealth of information on on-going processes in a living system. Due to the complexity of the metabolome, metabolomic analysis poses a challenge to analytical chemistry. Adequate sample preparation is critical to accurate and reproducible analysis, and the analytical techniques must have high resolution and sensitivity to allow detection of as many metabolites as possible. Furthermore, as the information contained in the metabolome is immense, the data set collected from metabolomic studies is very large. In order to extract the relevant information from such large data sets, efficient data processing and multivariate data analysis methods are needed. In the research presented in this thesis, metabolomics was used to study mechanisms of polymeric gene delivery to retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells. The aim of the study was to detect differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls, and thereafter to identify metabolites responsible for the discrimination. The plasmid pCMV-β was introduced into RPE cells using the vector polyethyleneimine (PEI). The samples were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) coupled to a triple quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometer (MS). The software MZmine was used for raw data processing and principal component analysis (PCA) was used in statistical data analysis. The results revealed differences in metabolomic fingerprints between transfected cells and non-transfected controls. However, reliable fingerprinting data could not be obtained because of low analysis repeatability. Therefore, no attempts were made to identify metabolites responsible for discrimination between sample groups. Repeatability and accuracy of analyses can be influenced by protocol optimization. However, in this study, optimization of analytical methods was hindered by the very small number of samples available for analysis. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that obtaining reliable fingerprinting data is technically demanding, and the protocols need to be thoroughly optimized in order to approach the goals of gaining information on mechanisms of gene delivery.