103 resultados para cell maturation


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For optimal treatment planning, a thorough assessment of the metastatic status of mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) is required. Current imaging methods do not allow the recognition of all patients with metastatic disease. Therefore, elective treatment of the cervical lymph nodes is usually given to patients in whom the risk of subclinical metastasis is estimated to exceed 15-20%. The objective of this study was to improve the pre-treatment evaluation of patients diagnosed with HNSCC. Particularly, we aimed at improving the identification of patients who will benefit from elective neck treatment. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest and abdomen was performed prospectively for 100 patients diagnosed with HNSCC. The findings were analysed to clarify the indications for this examination in this patient group. CT of the chest influenced the treatment approach in 3% of patients, while CT of the abdomen did not reveal any significant findings. Our results suggest that CT of the chest and abdomen is not indicated routinely for patients with newly diagnosed HNSCC but can be considered in selected cases. Retrospective analysis of 80 patients treated for early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue was performed to investigate the potential benefits of elective neck treatment and to examine whether histopathological features of the primary tumour could be used in the prediction of occult metastases, local recurrence, or/and poor survival. Patients who had received elective neck treatment had significantly fewer cervical recurrences during the follow-up when compared to those who only had close observation of the cervical lymph nodes. Elective neck treatment did not result in survival benefit, however. Of the histopathological parameters examined, depth of infiltration and pT-category (representing tumour diameter) predicted occult cervical metastasis, but only the pT-category predicted local recurrence. Depth of infiltration can be used in the identification of at risk patients but no clear cut-off value separating high-risk and low-risk patients was found. None of the histopathological parameters examined predicted survival. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy was studied as a means of diagnosing patients with subclinical cervical metastases. SLN biopsy was applied to 46 patients who underwent elective neck dissection for oral squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, SLN biopsy was applied to 13 patients with small oral cavity tumours who were not intended to undergo elective neck dissection because of low risk of occult metastasis. The sensitivity of SLN biopsy for finding subclinical cervical metastases was found to be 67%, when SLN status was compared to the metastatic status of the rest of the neck dissection specimen. Of the patients not planned to have elective neck dissection, SLN biopsy revealed cervical metastasis in 15% of the patients. Our results suggest that SLN biopsy can not yet entirely replace elective neck dissection in the treatment of oral cancer, but it seems beneficial for patients with low risk of metastasis who are not intended for elective neck treatment according to current treatment protocols.


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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common of the non-Hodgkin lymphomas. As DLBCL is characterized by heterogeneous clinical and biological features, its prognosis varies. To date, the International Prognostic Index has been the strongest predictor of outcome for DLBCL patients. However, no biological characters of the disease are taken into account. Gene expression profiling studies have identified two major cell-of-origin phenotypes in DLBCL with different prognoses, the favourable germinal centre B-cell-like (GCB) and the unfavourable activated B-cell-like (ABC) phenotypes. However, results of the prognostic impact of the immunohistochemically defined GCB and non-GCB distinction are controversial. Furthermore, since the addition of the CD20 antibody rituximab to chemotherapy has been established as the standard treatment of DLBCL, all molecular markers need to be evaluated in the post-rituximab era. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the predictive value of immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL patients. The GCB and non-GCB phenotypes were defined according to the Hans algorithm (CD10, BCL6 and MUM1/IRF4) among 90 immunochemotherapy- and 104 chemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. In the chemotherapy group, we observed a significant difference in survival between GCB and non-GCB patients, with a good and a poor prognosis, respectively. However, in the rituximab group, no prognostic value of the GCB phenotype was observed. Likewise, among 29 high-risk de novo DLBCL patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation, the survival of non-GCB patients was improved, but no difference in outcome was seen between GCB and non-GCB subgroups. Since the results suggested that the Hans algorithm was not applicable in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients, we aimed to further focus on algorithms based on ABC markers. We examined the modified activated B-cell-like algorithm based (MUM1/IRF4 and FOXP1), as well as a previously reported Muris algorithm (BCL2, CD10 and MUM1/IRF4) among 88 DLBCL patients uniformly treated with immunochemotherapy. Both algorithms distinguished the unfavourable ABC-like subgroup with a significantly inferior failure-free survival relative to the GCB-like DLBCL patients. Similarly, the results of the individual predictive molecular markers transcription factor FOXP1 and anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 have been inconsistent and should be assessed in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. The markers were evaluated in a cohort of 117 patients treated with rituximab and chemotherapy. FOXP1 expression could not distinguish between patients, with favourable and those with poor outcomes. In contrast, BCL2-negative DLBCL patients had significantly superior survival relative to BCL2-positive patients. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL has a prognostic impact in the immunochemotherapy era, when the identifying algorithms are based on ABC-associated markers. We also propose that BCL2 negativity is predictive of a favourable outcome. Further investigational efforts are, however, warranted to identify the molecular features of DLBCL that could enable individualized cancer therapy in routine patient care.


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Ihon T-solulymfoomat (cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, CTCL) ovat ryhmä imukudossyöpiä, joiden esiintyvyys on nousussa erityisesti länsimaissa. Taudin syntymekanismit ovat suurelta osin tuntemattomat, diagnostiikka on vaikeaa ja siksi usein viivästynyttä eikä parantavaa hoitoa ole. CTCL ilmenee iho-oirein, vaikka syöpäsolut eivät ole iholla normaalisti esiintyviä soluja, vaan elimistön puolustusjärjestelmän soluja, jotka ovat tuntemattomasta syystä vaeltaneet iholle. Syöpäsolut ovat kypsiä T-auttajasoluja (Th-soluja) ja ilmentävät tyypin 2 immuunivasteelle ominaisia sytokiineja. Kromosomaalinen epästabiilius on tautiryhmän keskeinen piirre. CTCL-potilailla on lisääntynyt riski sairastua myös muihin syöpiin, erityisesti keuhkosyöpään ja non-Hodgkin –lymfoomiin. Väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli havaita CTCL:n syntymekanismeja selvittäviä kromosomi- ja geenimuutoksia. Erityisesti tavoitteena oli identifioida molekyylejä, jotka soveltuisivat diagnostisiksi merkkiaineiksi tai täsmähoidon kohteeksi. Työssä on tutkittu kahta tautiryhmän yleisintä muotoa, mycosis fungoidesta (MF) ja Sezaryn syndroomaa (SS) sekä harvinaisempaa vaikeasti diagnosoitavaa subkutaanista pannikuliitin kaltaista T-solulymfoomaa (SPTL). Lisäksi on tutkittu CTCL:ään liittyvää keuhkosyöpää ja verrattu sitä tavalliseen (primaariin) keuhkosyöpään. Tutkimusmenetelminä on käytetty esimerkiksi molekyylisytogeneettisiä metodeja ja mikrosiruja. Väitöskirjatyössä havaittiin ensimmäinen CTCL:lle ominainen toistuva geenitason muutos: puutos- tai katkoskohta NAV3-geenissä. Tämän geenipoikkeavuuden havaittiin esiintyvän useissa taudin alaryhmissä (MF, SS, SPTL). NAV3-geenipuutoksen osoittaminen FISH-tekniikalla on sovellettavissa kliiniseen diagnostiikkaan. Tutkimukset geenipuutoksen aiheuttamista toiminnallisista seurauksista ovat käynnissä. Työssä saatiin myös uutta tietoa taudin syntymekanismeista havaitsemalla useiden Th1-tyypin immuunivasteelle ominaisten geenien alentunut ilmeneminen CTCL-potilailla. Tämän lisäksi potilasnäytteissä havaittiin eräiden solun pinta-antigeenien lisääntynyt ilmeneminen, mikä luo pohjan uusien vasta-ainepohjaisten täsmähoitojen kehittämiselle. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa todettiin myös CTCL:ään liittyvän keuhkosyövän eroavan kromosomi- ja geenimuutosten suhteen verrokkikeuhkosyövästä, mikä jatkossa antaa aiheen tutkia syöpäkantasolujen merkitystä CTCL:n ja sen liitännäiskasvainten kehittymisen taustalla.


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The purpose of this work was to elucidate the ontogeny of interleukin-10 (IL-10) secretion from newborn mononuclear cells (MCs), and to examine its relation to the secretion of interferon-g (IFN-g) and immunoglobulins (Igs). The initial hypothesis was that the decreased immunoglobulin (Ig) synthesis of newborn babies was the result of immature cytokine synthesis regulation, which would lead to excessive IL-10 production, leading in turn to suppressed IFN-g secretion. Altogether 57 full-term newborns and 34 adult volunteers were enrolled. Additionally, surface marker compositions of 29 premature babies were included. Enzyme-linked immunoassays were used to determine the amount of secreted IL-10, IFN-g, and Igs, and the surface marker composition of MC were analyzed with a FACScan flow cytometer. The three most important findings were: 1. Cord blood MC, including CD5+ B cells, are able to secrete IL-10. However, when compared with adults, the secretion of IL-10 was decreased. This indicates that reasons other than excessive IL-10 secretion are responsible of reduced IFN-g secretion in newborns. 2. As illustrated by the IL-10 and IFN-g secretion pattern, newborn cytokine profile was skewed towards the Th2 type. However, approximately 25% of newborns had an adult like cytokine profile with both good IL10 and IFN-g secretion, demonstrating that fullterm newborns are not an immunologically homogenous group at the time of birth. 3. There were significant differences in the surface marker composition of MCs between individual neonates. While gestational age correlated with the proportion of some MC types, it is evident that there are many other maternal and fetal factors that influence the maturity and nature of lymphocyte subpopulations in individual neonates. In conclusion, the reduced ability of neonates to secrete Ig and IFN-g is not a consequence of high IL-10 secretion. However, individual newborns differ significantly in their ability to secrete cytokines as well as Igs.


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Clozapine is the most effective drug in treating therapy-resistant schizophrenia and may even be superior to all other antipsychotics. However, its use is limited by a high incidence (approximately 0.8%) of a severe hematological side effect, agranulocytosis. The exact molecular mechanism(s) of clozapine-induced agranulocytosis is still unknown. We investigated the mechanisms behind responsiveness to clozapine therapy and the risk of developing agranulocytosis by performing an HLA (human leukocyte antigens) association study in patients with schizophrenia. The first group comprised patients defined by responsiveness to first-generation antipsychotics (FGAs) (n= 19). The second group was defined by a lack of response to FGAs but responsiveness to clozapine (n=19). The third group of patients had a history of clozapine-induced granulocytopenia or agranulocytosis (n=26). Finnish healthy blood donors served as controls (n= 120). We found a significantly increased frequency of HLA-A1 among patients who were refractory to FGAs but responsive to clozapine. We also found that the frequency of HLA-A1 was low in patients with clozapine-induced neutropenia or agranulocytosis. These results suggest that HLA-A1 may predict a good therapeutic outcome and a low risk of agranulocytosis and therefore HLA typing may aid in the selection of patients for clozapine therapy. Furthermore, in a subgroup of schizophrenia, HLA-A1 may be in linkage disequilibrium with some vulnerability genes in the MHC (major histocompatibility complex) region on chromosome 6. These genes could be involved in antipsychotic drug response and clozapine-induced agranulocytosis. In addition, we investigated the effect of clozapine on gene expression in granulocytes by performing a microarray analysis on blood leukocytes of 8 schizophrenic patients who had started clozapine therapy for the first time. We identified an altered expression in 4 genes implicated in the maturation or apoptosis of granulocytes: MPO (myeloperoxidase precursor), MNDA (myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen), FLT3LG (Fms-related tyrosine kinase 3 ligand) and ITGAL (antigen CD11A, lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1). The altered expression of these genes following clozapine administration may suggest their involvement in clozapine-induced agranulocytosis. Finally, we investigated whether or not normal human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) are sensitive to clozapine. We treated cultures of human MSCs and human skin fibroblasts with 10 µM of unmodified clozapine and with clozapine bioactivated by oxidation. We found that, independent of bioactivation, clozapine was cytotoxic to MSCs in primary culture, whereas clozapine at the same concentration stimulated the growth of human fibroblasts. This suggests that direct cytotoxicity to MSCs is one possible mechanism by which clozapine induces agranulocytosis.