138 resultados para Transcription, Genetic


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Biological invasions are considered as one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, as they may lead to disruption and homogenization of natural communities, and in the worst case, to native species extinctions. The introduction of gene modified organisms (GMOs) to agricultural, fisheries and forestry practices brings them into contact with natural populations. GMOs may appear as new invasive species if they are able to (1) invade into natural habitats or (2) hybridize with their wild relatives. The benefits of GMOs, such as increased yield or decreased use of insecticides or herbicides in cultivation, may thus be reduced due the potential risks they may cause. A careful ecological risk analysis therefore has to precede any responsible GMO introduction. In this thesis I study ecological invasion in relation to GMOs, and what kind of consequences invasion may have in natural populations. A set of theoretical models that combine life-history evolution, population dynamics, and population genetics were developed for the hazard identification part of ecological risks assessment of GMOs. In addition, the potential benefits of GMOs in management of an invasive pest were analyzed. In the first study I showed that a population that is fluctuating due to scramble-type density dependence (due to, e.g., nutrient competition in plants) may be invaded by a population that is relatively more limited by a resource (e.g., light in plants) that is a cause of contest-type density dependence. This result emphasises the higher risk of invasion in unstable environments. The next two studies focused on escape of a growth hormone (GH) transgenic fish into a natural population. The results showed that previous models may have given too pessimistic a view of the so called Trojan gene -effect, where the invading genotype is harmful for the population as a whole. The previously suggested population extinctions did not occur in my studies, since the changes in mating preferences caused by the GH-fish were be ameliorated by decreased level of competition. The GH-invaders may also have to exceed a threshold density before invasion can be successful. I also showed that the prevalence of mature parr (aka. sneaker) strategy among GH-fish may have clear effect on invasion outcome. The fourth study assessed the risks and developed methods against the invasion of the Colorado Potato Beetle (CPB, Leptinotarsa decemlineata). I showed that the eradication of CPB is most important for the prevention of their establishment, but the cultivation of transgenic Bt-potato could also be effective. In general, my results emphasise that invasion of transgenic species or genotypes to be possible under certain realistic conditions and resulting in competitive exclusion, population decline through outbreeding depression and genotypic displacement of native species. Ecological risk assessment should regard the decline and displacement of the wild genotype by an introduced one as a consequence that is as serious as the population extinction. It will also be crucial to take into account different kinds of behavioural differences among species when assessing the possible hazards that GMOs may cause if escaped. The benefits found of GMO crops effectiveness in pest management may also be too optimistic since CPB may evolve resistance to Bt-toxin. The models in this thesis could be further applied in case specific risk assessment of GMOs by supplementing them with detailed data of the species biology, the effect of the transgene introduced to the species, and also the characteristics of the populations or the environments in the risk of being invaded.


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In most non-mammalian vertebrates, such as fish and reptiles, teeth are replaced continuously. However, tooth replacement in most mammals, including human, takes place only once and further renewal is apparently inhibited. It is not known how tooth replacement is genetically regulated, and little is known on the physiological mechanism and evolutionary reduction of tooth replacement in mammals. In this study I have attempted to address these questions. In a rare human condition cleidocranial dysplasia, caused by a mutation in a Runt domain transcription factor Runx2, tooth replacement is continued. Runx2 mutant mice were used to investigate the molecular mechanisms of Runx2 function. Microarray analysis from dissected embryonic day 14 Runx2 mutant and wild type dental mesenchymes revealed many downstream targets of Runx2, which were validated using in situ hybridization and tissue culture methods. Wnt signaling inhibitor Dkk1 was identified as a candidate target, and in tissue culture conditions it was shown that Dkk1 is induced by FGF4 and this induction is Runx2 dependent. These experiments demonstrated a connection between Runx2, FGF and Wnt signaling in tooth development and possibly also in tooth replacement. The role of Wnt signaling in tooth replacement was further investigated by using a transgenic mouse model where Wnt signaling mediator β-catenin is continuously stabilized in dental epithelium. This stabilization led to activated Wnt signaling and to the formation of multiple enamel knots. In vitro and transplantation experiments were performed to examine the process of extra tooth formation. We showed that new teeth were continuously generated and that new teeth form from pre-existing teeth. A morphodynamic activator-inhibitor model was used to simulate enamel knot formation. By increasing the intrinsic production rate of the activator (β-catenin), the multiple enamel knot phenotype was reproduced by computer simulations. It was thus concluded that β-catenin acts as an upstream activator of enamel knots, closely linking Wnt signaling to the regulation of tooth renewal. As mice do not normally replace teeth, we used other model animals to investigate the physiological and genetic mechanisms of tooth replacement. Sorex araneus, the common shrew was earlier reported to have non-functional tooth replacement in all antemolar tooth positions. We showed by histological and gene expression studies that there is tooth replacement only in one position, the premolar 4 and that the deciduous tooth is diminished in size and disappears during embryogenesis without becoming functional. The growth rates of deciduous and permanent premolar 4 were measured and it was shown by competence inference that the early initiation of the replacement tooth in relation to the developmental stage of the deciduous tooth led to the inhibition of deciduous tooth morphogenesis. It was concluded that the evolutionary loss of deciduous teeth may involve the early activation of replacement teeth, which in turn suppress their predecessors. Mustela putorius furo, the ferret, has a dentition that resembles that of the human as ferrets have teeth that belong to all four tooth families, and all the antemolar teeth are replaced once. To investigate the replacement mechanism, histological serial sections from different embryonic stages were analyzed. It was noticed that tooth replacement is a process which involves the growth and detachment of the dental lamina from the lingual cervical loop of the deciduous tooth. Detachment of the deciduous tooth leads to a free successional dental lamina, which grows deeper into the mesenchyme, and later buds the replacement tooth. A careful 3D analysis of serial histological sections was performed and it was shown that replacement teeth are initiated from the successional dental lamina and not from the epithelium of the deciduous tooth. The molecular regulation of tooth replacement was studied and it was shown by examination of expression patterns of candidate regulatory genes that BMP/Wnt inhibitor Sostdc1 was strongly expressed in the buccal aspect of the dental lamina, and in the intersection between the detaching deciduous tooth and the successional dental lamina, suggesting a role for Sostdc1 in the process of detachment. Shh was expressed in the enamel knot and in the inner enamel epithelium in both generations of teeth supporting the view that the morphogenesis of both generations of teeth is regulated by similar mechanisms. In summary, histological and molecular studies on different model animals and transgenic mouse models were used to investigate tooth replacement. This thesis work has significantly contributed to the knowledge on the physiological mechanisms and molecular regulation of tooth replacement and its evolutionary suppression in mammals.


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Kidney transplantation (Tx) is the treatment of choice for end stage renal disease. Immunosuppressive medications are given to prevent an immunological rejection of the transplant. However, immunosuppressive drugs increase e.g. the risk of infection, cancer or nephrotoxicity. A major genetic contributors to immunological acceptance of the graft are human leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. Also other non-HLA gene polymorphisms may predict the future risk of complications before Tx, possibly enabling individualised immunotherapy. Graft function after Tx is monitored using non-specific clinical symptoms and laboratory markers. The definitive diagnosis of graft rejection however relies on a biopsy of the graft. In the acute rejection (AR) diagnostics there is a need for an alternative to biopsy that would be an easily repeatable and simple method for regular use. Frequent surveillance of acute or subclinical rejection (SCR) may improve long-term function. In this thesis, associations between cytokine and thrombosis associated candidate genes and the outcome of kidney Tx were studied. Cytotoxic and co-stimulatory T lymphocyte molecule gene expression biomarkers for the diagnosis of the AR and the SCR were also investigated. We found that polymorphisms in the cytokine genes tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 10 (IL10) of the recipients were associated with AR. In addition, certain IL10 gene polymorphisms of the donors were associated with the incidence of cytomegalovirus infection and occurrence of later infection in a subpopulation of recipients. Further, polymorphisms in genes related to the risk of thrombosis and those of certain cytokines were not associated with the occurrence of thrombosis, infarction, AR or graft survival. In the study of biomarkers for AR, whole blood samples were prospectively collected from adult kidney Tx patients. With real-time quantitative PCR (RT-QPCR) gene expression quantities of CD154 and ICOS differentiated the patients with AR from those without, but not from the patients with other causes of graft dysfunction. Biomarkers for SCR were studied in paediatric kidney Tx patients. We used RT-QPCR to quantify the gene expression of immunological candidate genes in a low-density array format. In addition, we used RT-QPCR to validate the results of the microarray analysis. No gene marker differentiated patients with SCR from those without SCR. This research demonstrates the lack of robust markers among polymorphisms or biomarkers in investigated genes that could be included in routine analysis in a clinical laboratory. In genetic studies, kidney Tx can be regarded as a complex trait, i.e. several environmental and genetic factors may determine its outcome. A number of currently unknown genetic factors probably influence the results of Tx.


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Plants constantly face adverse environmental conditions, such as drought or extreme temperatures that threaten their survival. They demonstrate astonishing metabolic flexibility in overcoming these challenges and one of the key responses to stresses is changes in gene expression leading to alterations in cellular functions. This is brought about by an intricate network of transcription factors and associated regulatory proteins. Protein-protein interactions and post-translational modifications are important steps in this control system along with carefully regulated degradation of signaling proteins. This work concentrates on the RADICAL-INDUCED CELL DEATH1 (RCD1) protein which is an important regulator of abiotic stress-related and developmental responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plants lacking this protein function display pleiotropic phenotypes including sensitivity to apoplastic reactive oxygen species (ROS) and salt, ultraviolet B (UV-B) and paraquat tolerance, early flowering and senescence. Additionally, the mutant plants overproduce nitric oxide, have alterations in their responses to several plant hormones and perturbations in gene expression profiles. The RCD1 gene is transcriptionally unresponsive to environmental signals and the regulation of the protein function is likely to happen post-translationally. RCD1 belongs to a small protein family and, together with its closest homolog SRO1, contains three distinguishable domains: In the N-terminus, there is a WWE domain followed by a poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-like domain which, despite sequence conservation, does not seem to be functional. The C-terminus of RCD1 contains a novel domain called RST. It is present in RCD1-like proteins throughout the plant kingdom and is able to mediate physical interactions with multiple transcription factors. In conclusion, RCD1 is a key point of signal integration that links ROS-mediated cues to transcriptional regulation by yet unidentified means, which are likely to include post-translational mechanisms. The identification of RCD1-interacting transcription factors, most of whose functions are still unknown, opens new avenues for studies on plant stress as well as developmental responses.


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Evolutionary genetics incorporates traditional population genetics and studies of the origins of genetic variation by mutation and recombination, and the molecular evolution of genomes. Among the primary forces that have potential to affect the genetic variation within and among populations, including those that may lead to adaptation and speciation, are genetic drift, gene flow, mutations and natural selection. The main challenges in knowing the genetic basis of evolutionary changes is to distinguish the adaptive selection forces that cause existent DNA sequence variants and also to identify the nucleotide differences responsible for the observed phenotypic variation. To understand the effects of various forces, interpretation of gene sequence variation has been the principal basis of many evolutionary genetic studies. The main aim of this thesis was to assess different forms of teleost gene sequence polymorphisms in evolutionary genetic studies of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and other species. Firstly, the level of Darwinian adaptive evolution affected coding regions of the growth hormone (GH) gene during the teleost evolution was investigated based on the sequence data existing in public databases. Secondly, a target gene approach was used to identify within population variation in the growth hormone 1 (GH1) gene in salmon. Then, a new strategy for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) discovery in salmonid fishes was introduced, and, finally, the usefulness of a limited number of SNP markers as molecular tools in several applications of population genetics in Atlantic salmon was assessed. This thesis showed that the gene sequences in databases can be utilized to perform comparative studies of molecular evolution, and some putative evidence of the existence of Darwinian selection during the teleost GH evolution was presented. In addition, existent sequence data was exploited to investigate GH1 gene variation within Atlantic salmon populations throughout its range. Purifying selection is suggested to be the predominant evolutionary force controlling the genetic variation of this gene in salmon, and some support for gene flow between continents was also observed. The novel approach to SNP discovery in species with duplicated genome fragments introduced here proved to be an effective method, and this may have several applications in evolutionary genetics with different species - e.g. when developing gene-targeted markers to investigate quantitative genetic variation. The thesis also demonstrated that only a few SNPs performed highly similar signals in some of the population genetic analyses when compared with the microsatellite markers. This may have useful applications when estimating genetic diversity in genes having a potential role in ecological and conservation issues, or when using hard biological samples in genetic studies as SNPs can be applied with relatively highly degraded DNA.


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Angiosperms represent a huge diversity in floral structures. Thus, they provide an attractive target for comparative developmental genetics studies. Research on flower development has focused on few main model plants, and studies on these species have revealed the importance of transcription factors, such as MADS-box and TCP genes, for regulating the floral form. The MADS-box genes determine floral organ identities, whereas the TCP genes are known to regulate flower shape and the number of floral organs. In this study, I have concentrated on these two gene families and their role in regulating flower development in Gerbera hybrida, a species belonging to the large sunflower family (Asteraceae). The Gerbera inflorescence is comprised of hundreds of tightly clustered flowers that differ in their size, shape and function according to their position in the inflorescence. The presence of distinct flower types tells Gerbera apart from the common model species that bear only single kinds of flowers in their inflorescences. The marginally located ray flowers have large bilaterally symmetrical petals and non-functional stamens. The centrally located disc flowers are smaller, have less pronounced bilateral symmetry and carry functional stamens. Early stages of flower development were studied in Gerbera to understand the differentiation of flower types better. After morphological analysis, we compared gene expression between ray and disc flowers to reveal transcriptional differences in flower types. Interestingly, MADS-box genes showed differential expression, suggesting that they might take part in defining flower types by forming flower-type-specific regulatory complexes. Functional analysis of a CYCLOIDEA-like TCP gene GhCYC2 provided evidence that TCP transcription factors are involved in flower type differentiation in Gerbera. The expression of GhCYC2 is ray-flower-specific at early stages of development and activated only later in disc flowers. Overexpression of GhCYC2 in transgenic Gerbera-lines causes disc flowers to obtain ray-flower-like characters, such as elongated petals and disrupted stamen development. The expression pattern and transgenic phenotypes further suggest that GhCYC2 may shape ray flowers by promoting organ fusion. Cooperation of GhCYC2 with other Gerbera CYC-like TCP genes is most likely needed for proper flower type specification, and by this means for shaping the elaborate inflorescence structure. Gerbera flower development was also approached by characterizing B class MADS-box genes, which in the main model plants are known regulators of petal and stamen identity. The four Gerbera B class genes were phylogenetically grouped into three clades; GGLO1 into the PI/GLO clade, GDEF2 and GDEF3 into the euAP3 clade and GDEF1 into the TM6 clade. Putative orthologs for GDEF2 and GDEF3 were identified in other Asteraceae species, which suggests that they appeared through an Asteraceae-specific duplication. Functional analyses indicated that GGLO1 and GDEF2 perform conventional B-function as they determine petal and stamen identities. Our studies on GDEF1 represent the first functional analysis of a TM6-like gene outside the Solanaceae lineage and provide further evidence for the role of TM6 clade members in specifying stamen development. Overall, the Gerbera B class genes showed both commonalities and diversifications with the conventional B-function described in the main model plants.


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The eukaryotic cell nucleoplasm is separated from the cytoplasm by the nuclear envelope. This compartmentation of eukaryotic cells requires that all nuclear proteins must be transported from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. Transport of macromolecules between the nucleus and the cytoplasm occurs through nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Proteins to be targeted into the nucleus by the classical nuclear import system contain nuclear localization signals (NLSs), which are recognized by importin alpha, the NLS receptor. Importin alpha binds to importin beta, which docks the importin-cargo complex on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC and mediates the movement of the complex into the nucleus. Presently six human importin alpha isoforms have been identified. Transcription factors are among the most important regulators of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms. Transcription factors bind to specific DNA sequences on target genes and modulate the activity of the target gene. Many transcription factors, including signal transducers and activators of transcription (STAT) and nuclear factor kB (NF-kB), reside in the cytoplasm in an inactive form, and upon activation they are rapidly transported into the nucleus. In the nucleus STATs and NF-kB regulate the activity of genes whose products are critical in controlling numerous cellular and organismal processes, such as inflammatory and immune responses, cell growth, differentiation and survival. The aim of this study was to investigate the nuclear import mechanisms of STAT and NF-kB transcription factors. This work shows that STAT1 homodimers and STAT1/STAT2 heterodimers bind specifically and directly to importin alpha5 molecule via unconventional dimer-specific NLSs. Importin alpha molecules have two regions, which have been shown to directly interact with the amino acids in the NLS of the cargo molecule. The Arm repeats 2-4 comprise the N-terminal NLS binding site and Arm repeats 7-8 the C-terminal NLS binding site. In this work it is shown that the binding site for STAT1 homodimers and STAT1/STAT2 heterodimers is composed of Arm repeats 8 and 9 of importin alpha5 molecule. This work demonstrates that all NF-kB proteins are transported into the nucleus by importin alpha molecules. In addition, NLS was identified in RelB protein. The interactions between NF-kB proteins and importin alpha molecules were found to be directly mediated by the NLSs of NF-kB proteins. Moreover, we found that p50 binds to the N-terminal and p65 to the C-terminal NLS binding site of importin alpha3. The results from this thesis work identify previously uncharacterized mechanisms in nuclear import of STAT and NF-kB. These findings provide new insights into the molecular mechanisms regulating the signalling cascades of these important transcription factors from the cytoplasm into the nucleus to the target genes.


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Plants produce a diversity of secondary metabolites, i.e., low-molecular-weight compounds that have primarily ecological functions in plants. The flavonoid pathway is one of the most studied biosynthetic pathways in plants. In order to understand biosynthetic pathways fully, it is necessary to isolate and purify the enzymes of the pathways to study individual steps and to study the regulatory genes of the pathways. Chalcone synthases are key enzymes in the formation of several groups of flavonoids, including anthocyanins. In this study, a new chalcone synthase enzyme (GCHS4), which may be one of the main contributors to flower colour, was characterised from the ornamental plant Gerbera hybrida. In addition, four chalcone synthase-like genes and enzymes (GCHS17, GCHS17b, GCHS26 and GCHS26b) were studied. Spatial expression of the polyketide synthase gene family in gerbera was also analysed with quantitative RT-PCR from 12 tissues, including several developmental stages and flower types. A previously identified MYB transcription factor from gerbera, GMYB10, which regulates the anthocyanin pathway, was transferred to gerbera and the phenotypes were analysed. Total anthocyanin content and anthocyanidin profiles of control and transgenic samples were compared spectrophotometrically and with HPLC. The overexpression of GMYB10 alone was able to change anthocyanin pigmentation: cyanidin pigmentation was induced and pelargonidin pigmentation was increased. The gerbera 9K cDNA microarray was used to compare the gene expression profiles of transgenic tissues against the corresponding control tissues to reveal putative target genes for GMYB10. GMYB10 overexpression affected the expression of both early and late biosynthetic genes in anthocyanin-accumulating transgenic tissues, including the newly isolated gene GCHS4. Two new MYB domain factors, named as GMYB11 and GMYB12, were also upregulated. Gene transfer is not only a powerful tool for basic research, but also for plant breeding. However, crop improvement by genetic modification (GM) remains controversial, at least in Europe. Many of the concerns relating to both human health and to ecological impacts relate to changes in the secondary metabolites of GM crops. In the second part of this study, qualitative and quantitative differences in cytotoxicity and metabolic fingerprints between 225 genetically modified Gerbera hybrida lines and 42 non-GM Gerbera varieties were compared. There was no evidence for any major qualitative and quantitative changes between the GM lines and non-GM varieties. The developed cell viability assays offer also a model scheme for cell-based cytotoxicity screening of a large variety of GM plants in standardized conditions.


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Increasing concern about global climate warming has accelerated research into renewable energy sources that could replace fossil petroleum-based fuels and materials. Bioethanol production from cellulosic biomass by fermentation with baker s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is one of the most studied areas in this field. The focus has been on metabolic engineering of S. cerevisiae for utilisation of the pentose sugars, in particular D-xylose that is abundant in the hemicellulose fraction of biomass. Introduction of a heterologous xylose-utilisation pathway into S. cerevisiae enables xylose fermentation, but ethanol yield and productivity do not reach the theoretical level. In the present study, transcription, proteome and metabolic flux analyses of recombinant xylose-utilising S. cerevisiae expressing the genes encoding xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) from Pichia stipitis and the endogenous xylulokinase were carried out to characterise the global cellular responses to metabolism of xylose. The aim of these studies was to find novel ways to engineer cells for improved xylose fermentation. The analyses were carried out from cells grown on xylose and glucose both in batch and chemostat cultures. A particularly interesting observation was that several proteins had post-translationally modified forms with different abundance in cells grown on xylose and glucose. Hexokinase 2, glucokinase and both enolase isoenzymes 1 and 2 were phosphorylated differently on the two different carbon sources studied. This suggests that phosphorylation of glycolytic enzymes may be a yet poorly understood means to modulate their activity or function. The results also showed that metabolism of xylose affected the gene expression and abundance of proteins in pathways leading to acetyl-CoA synthesis and altered the metabolic fluxes in these pathways. Additionally, the analyses showed increased expression and abundance of several other genes and proteins involved in cellular redox reactions (e.g. aldo-ketoreductase Gcy1p and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) in cells grown on xylose. Metabolic flux analysis indicated increased NADPH-generating flux through the oxidative part of the pentose phosphate pathway in cells grown on xylose. The most importantly, results indicated that xylose was not able to repress to the same extent as glucose the genes of the tricarboxylic acid and glyoxylate cycles, gluconeogenesis and some other genes involved in the metabolism of respiratory carbon sources. This suggests that xylose is not recognised as a fully fermentative carbon source by the recombinant S. cerevisiae that may be one of the major reasons for the suboptimal fermentation of xylose. The regulatory network for carbon source recognition and catabolite repression is complex and its functions are only partly known. Consequently, multiple genetic modifications and also random approaches would probably be required if these pathways were to be modified for further improvement of xylose fermentation by recombinant S. cerevisiae strains.


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Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the vertebrate brain. In the midbrain, GABAergic neurons contribute to the regulation of locomotion, nociception, defensive behaviours, fear and anxiety, as well as sensing reward and addiction. Despite the clinical relevance of this group of neurons, the mechanisms regulating their development are largely unknown. In addition, their migration and connectivity patterns are poorly characterized. This study focuses on the molecular mechanisms specifying the GABAergic fate, and the developmental origins of midbrain GABAergic neurons. First, we have characterized the function of a zink-finger transcription factor Gata2. Using a tissue-specific mutagenesis in mouse midbrain and anteror hindbrain, we showed that Gata2 is a crucial determinant of the GABAergic fate in midbrain. In the absence of Gata2, no GABAergic neurons are produced from the otherwise competent midbrain neuroepithelium. Instead, the Gata2-mutant cells acquire a glutamatergic neuron phenotype. Ectopic expression of Gata2 was also sufficient to induce GABAergic in chicken midbrain. Second, we have analyzed the midbrain phenotype of mice mutant for a proneural gene Ascl1, and described the variable and region-dependent requirements for Ascl1 in the midbrain GABAergic neurogenesis. These studies also have implications on the origin of distinct anatomical and functional GABAergic subpopulations in midbrain. Third, we have identified unique developmental properties of GABAergic neurons that are associated with the midbrain dopaminergic nuclei, the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) and ventral tegmental area (VTA). Namely, the genetic regulation of GABAergic fate in these cells is distinct from the rest of midbrain. In accordance to this phenomenon, our detailed fate-mapping analyses indicated that the SNpr-VTA GABAergic neurons are generated outside midbrain, in the neuroepithelium of anterior hindbrain.


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Glaucoma, optic neuropathy with excavation in the optic nerve head and corresponding visual field defect, is one of the leading causes for blindness worldwide. However, visual disability can often be avoided or delayed if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage. Therefore, recognising the risk factors for development and progression of glaucoma may prevent further damage. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate factors associated with visual disability caused by glaucoma and the genetic features of two risk factors, exfoliation syndrome (ES) and a positive family history of glaucoma. The present study material consisted of three study groups 1) deceased glaucoma patients from the Ekenäs practice 2) glaucoma families from the Ekenäs region and 3) population based families with and without exfoliation syndrome from Kökar Island. For the retrospective study, 106 patients with open angle glaucoma (OAG) were identified. At the last visit, 17 patients were visually impaired. Blindness induced by glaucoma was found in one or both eyes in 16 patients and in both eyes in six patients. The cumulative incidence of glaucoma caused blindness for one eye was 6% at 5 years, 9% at 10 years, and 15% at 15 years from initialising the treatment. The factors associated with blindness caused by glaucoma were an advanced stage of glaucoma at diagnosis, fluctuation in intraocular pressure during treatment, the presence of exfoliation syndrome, and poor patient compliance. A cross-sectional population based study performed in 1960-1962 on Kökar Island and the same population was followed until 2002. In total 965 subjects (530 over 50 years) have been examined at least once. The prevalence of exfoliation syndrome (ES) was 18% among subjects older than 50 years. Seventy-five of all 78 ES-positives belonged to the same extended pedigree. According to the segregation and family analysis, exfoliation syndrome seemed to be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with reduced penetrance. The penetrance was more reduced for males, but the risk for glaucoma was higher in males than in females. To find the gene or genes associated with exfoliation syndrome, a genome wide scan was performed for 64 members (28 ES affected and 36 controls) of the Kökar pedigree. A promising result was found: the highest two-point LOD score of 3.45 (θ=0.04) in chromosome18q12.1-21.33. The presence of mutations in glaucoma genes TIGR/MYOC (myocilin) and OPTN (optineurin) was analysed in eight glaucoma families from the Ekenäs region. An inheritance pattern resembling autosomal dominant mode was detected in all these families. Primary open angle glaucoma or exfoliation glaucoma was found in 35% of 136 family members and 28% were suspected to have glaucoma. No mutations were detected in these families.