67 resultados para natural infection


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Changes in alcohol pricing have been documented as inversely associated with changes in consumption and alcohol-related problems. Evidence of the association between price changes and health problems is nevertheless patchy and is based to a large extent on cross-sectional state-level data, or time series of such cross-sectional analyses. Natural experimental studies have been called for. There was a substantial reduction in the price of alcohol in Finland in 2004 due to a reduction in alcohol taxes of one third, on average, and the abolition of duty-free allowances for travellers from the EU. These changes in the Finnish alcohol policy could be considered a natural experiment, which offered a good opportunity to study what happens with regard to alcohol-related problems when prices go down. The present study investigated the effects of this reduction in alcohol prices on (1) alcohol-related and all-cause mortality, and mortality due to cardiovascular diseases, (2) alcohol-related morbidity in terms of hospitalisation, (3) socioeconomic differentials in alcohol-related mortality, and (4) small-area differences in interpersonal violence in the Helsinki Metropolitan area. Differential trends in alcohol-related mortality prior to the price reduction were also analysed. A variety of population-based register data was used in the study. Time-series intervention analysis modelling was applied to monthly aggregations of deaths and hospitalisation for the period 1996-2006. These and other mortality analyses were carried out for men and women aged 15 years and over. Socioeconomic differentials in alcohol-related mortality were assessed on a before/after basis, mortality being followed up in 2001-2003 (before the price reduction) and 2004-2005 (after). Alcohol-related mortality was defined in all the studies on mortality on the basis of information on both underlying and contributory causes of death. Hospitalisation related to alcohol meant that there was a reference to alcohol in the primary diagnosis. Data on interpersonal violence was gathered from 86 administrative small-areas in the Helsinki Metropolitan area and was also assessed on a before/after basis followed up in 2002-2003 and 2004-2005. The statistical methods employed to analyse these data sets included time-series analysis, and Poisson and linear regression. The results of the study indicate that alcohol-related deaths increased substantially among men aged 40-69 years and among women aged 50-69 after the price reduction when trends and seasonal variation were taken into account. The increase was mainly attributable to chronic causes, particularly liver diseases. Mortality due to cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality, on the other hand, decreased considerably among the-over-69-year-olds. The increase in alcohol-related mortality in absolute terms among the 30-59-year-olds was largest among the unemployed and early-age pensioners, and those with a low level of education, social class or income. The relative differences in change between the education and social class subgroups were small. The employed and those under the age of 35 did not suffer from increased alcohol-related mortality in the two years following the price reduction. The gap between the age and education groups, which was substantial in the 1980s, thus further broadened. With regard to alcohol-related hospitalisation, there was an increase in both chronic and acute causes among men under the age of 70, and among women in the 50-69-year age group when trends and seasonal variation were taken into account. Alcohol dependence and other alcohol-related mental and behavioural disorders were the largest category in both the total number of chronic hospitalisation and in the increase. There was no increase in the rate of interpersonal violence in the Helsinki Metropolitan area, and even a decrease in domestic violence. There was a significant relationship between the measures of social disadvantage on the area level and interpersonal violence, although the differences in the effects of the price reduction between the different areas were small. The findings of the present study suggest that that a reduction in alcohol prices may lead to a substantial increase in alcohol-related mortality and morbidity. However, large population group differences were observed regarding responsiveness to the price changes. In particular, the less privileged, such as the unemployed, were most sensitive. In contrast, at least in the Finnish context, the younger generations and the employed do not appear to be adversely affected, and those in the older age groups may even benefit from cheaper alcohol in terms of decreased rates of CVD mortality. The results also suggest that reductions in alcohol prices do not necessarily affect interpersonal violence. The population group differences in the effects of the price changes on alcohol-related harm should be acknowledged, and therefore the policy actions should focus on the population subgroups that are primarily responsive to the price reduction.


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Regeneration ecology, diversity of native woody species and its potential for landscape restoration was studied in the remnant natural forest at the College of Forestry and Natural Resources at Wondo Genet, Ethiopia. The type of forest is Afromontane rainforest , with many valuable tree species like Aningeria adolfi-friederici, and it is an important provider of ecological, social and economical services for the population that lives in this area. The study contains two parts, natural regeneration studies (at the natural forest) and interviews with farmers in the nearby village of the remnant patch. The objective of the first part was to investigate the floristic composition, densitiy and regeneration profiles of native woody species in the forest, paying special attention to woody species that are considered the most relevant (socio-economic). The second part provided information on woody species preferred by the farmers and on multiple uses of the adjacent natural forest, it also provided information and analysed perceptions on forest degradation. Systematic plot sampling was used in the forest inventory. Twenty square plots of 20 x 20 m were assessed, with 38 identified woody species (the total number of species was 45), representing 26 families. Of these species 61% were trees, 13% shrubs, 11% lianas and 16% species that could have both life forms. An analysis of natural regeneration of five important tree species in the natural forest showed that Aningeria adolfi-friederici had the best regeneration results. An analysis of population structure (as determined by height classes) of two commercially important woody species in the forest, Aningeria adolfi-friederici and Podocarpus falcatus, showed a marked difference: Aningeria had a typical “reversed J” frequency distribution, while Podocarpus showed very low values in all height classes. Multi dimensional scaling (MDS) was used to map the sample plots according to their similarity in species composition, using the Sørensen quantitative index, coupled with indicator species analysis .Three groups were identified with respective indicator species: Group 1 – Adhatoda schimperiana, Group 2 – Olea hochstetteri , Group 3 – Acacia senegal and Aningeria adolfi-friederici. Thirty questionnaire interviews were conducted with farmers in the village of Gotu Onoma that use the nearby remant forest patch. Their tree preferences were exotic species such as Eucalyptus globulus for construction and fuelwood and Grevillea robusta for shade and fertility. Considering forest land degradation farmers were aware of the problem and suggested that the governmental institutions address the problem by planting more Eucalyptus globulus. The natural forest seemed to have moderate levels of disturbance and it was still floristically diverse. However, the low rate of natural regeneration of Podocarpus falcatus suggested that this species is threatened and must be a priority in conservation actions. Plantations and agroforestry seem to be possible solutions for rehabilitation of the surrounding degraded lands, thereby decreasing the existent pressure in the remnant natural forest.


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Chlamydia pneumoniae can cause acute respiratory infections including pneumonia. Repeated and persistent Chlamydia infections occur and persistent C. pneumoniae infection may have a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease and may also contribute to the development of chronic inflammatory lung diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. In this thesis in vitro models for persistent C. pneumonia infection were established in epithelial and monocyte/macrophage cell lines. Expression of host cell genes in the persistent C. pneumoniae infection model of epithelial cells was studied by microarray and RT-PCR. In the monocyte/macrophage infection model expression of selected C. pneumoniae genes were studied by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence microscopy. Chlamydia is able to modulate host cell gene expression and apoptosis of host cells, which may assist Chlamydia to evade the host cells' immune responses. This, in turn, may lead to extended survival of the organism inside epithelial cells and promote the development of persistent infection. To simulate persistent C. pneumoniae infection in vivo, we set up a persistent infection model exposing the HL cell cultures to IFN-gamma. When HL cell cultures were treated with moderate concentration of IFN-gamma, the replication of C. pneumoniae DNA was unaffected while differentiation into infectious elementary bodies (EB) was strongly inhibited. By transmission electron microscopy small atypical inclusions were identified in IFN-gamma treated cultures. No second cycle of infection was observed in cells exposed to IFN-gamma , whereas C. pneumoniae was able to undergo a second cycle of infection in unexposed HL cells. Although monocytic cells can naturally restrict chlamydial growth, IFN-gamma further reduced production of infectious C. pneumoniae in Mono Mac 6 cells. Under both studied conditions no second cycle of infection could be detected in monocytic cell line suggesting persistent infection in these cells. As a step toward understanding the role of host genes in the development and pathogenesis of persistent C. pneumoniae infection, modulation of host cell gene expression during IFN-gamma induced persistent infection was examined and compared to that seen during active C. pneumoniae infection or IFN-gamma treatment. Total RNA was collected at 6 to 150 h after infection of an epithelial cell line (HL) and analyzed by a cDNA array (available at that time) representing approximately 4000 human transcripts. In initial analysis 250 of the 4000 genes were identified as differentially expressed upon active and persistent chlamydial infection and IFN-gamma treatment. In persistent infection more potent up-regulation of many genes was observed in IFN-gamma induced persistent infection than in active infection or in IFN-gamma treated cell cultures. Also sustained up-regulation was observed for some genes. In addition, we could identify nine host cell genes whose transcription was specifically altered during the IFN-gamma induced persistent C. pneumoniae infection. Strongest up-regulation in persistent infection in relation to controls was identified for insulin like growth factor binding protein 6, interferon-stimulated protein 15 kDa, cyclin D1 and interleukin 7 receptor. These results suggest that during persistent infection, C. pneumoniae reprograms the host transcriptional machinery regulating a variety of cellular processes including adhesion, cell cycle regulation, growth and inflammatory response, all of which may play important roles in the pathogenesis of persistent C. pneumoniae infection. C. pneumoniae DNA can be detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells indicating that the bacterium can also infect monocytic cells in vivo and thereby monocytes can assist the spread of infection from the lungs to other anatomical sites. Persistent infection established at these sites could promote inflammation and enhance pathology. Thus, the mononuclear cells are in a strategic position in the development of persistent infection. To investigate the intracellular replication and fate of C. pneumoniae in mononuclear cells we analyzed the transcription of 11 C. pneumoniae genes in Mono Mac 6 cells during infection by real time RT-PCR. Our results suggest that the transcriptional profile of the studied genes in monocytes is different from that seen in epithelial cells and that IFN-gamma has a less significant effect on C. pneumoniae transcription in monocytes. Furthermore, our study shows that type III secretion system (T3SS) related genes are transcribed and that Chlamydia possesses a functional T3SS during infection in monocytes. Since C. pneumoniae infection in monocytes has been implicated to have reduced antibiotic susceptibility, this creates opportunities for novel therapeutics targeting T3SS in the management of chlamydial infection in monocytes.


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The first line medication for mild to moderate Alzheimer s disease (AD) is based on cholinesterase inhibitors which prolong the effect of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in cholinergic nerve synapses which relieves the symptoms of the disease. Implications of cholinesterases involvement in disease modifying processes has increased interest in this research area. The drug discovery and development process is a long and expensive process that takes on average 13.5 years and costs approximately 0.9 billion US dollars. Drug attritions in the clinical phases are common due to several reasons, e.g., poor bioavailability of compounds leading to low efficacy or toxic effects. Thus, improvements in the early drug discovery process are needed to create highly potent non-toxic compounds with predicted drug-like properties. Nature has been a good source for the discovery of new medicines accounting for around half of the new drugs approved to market during the last three decades. These compounds are direct isolates from the nature, their synthetic derivatives or natural mimics. Synthetic chemistry is an alternative way to produce compounds for drug discovery purposes. Both sources have pros and cons. The screening of new bioactive compounds in vitro is based on assaying compound libraries against targets. Assay set-up has to be adapted and validated for each screen to produce high quality data. Depending on the size of the library, miniaturization and automation are often requirements to reduce solvent and compound amounts and fasten the process. In this contribution, natural extract, natural pure compound and synthetic compound libraries were assessed as sources for new bioactive compounds. The libraries were screened primarily for acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect and secondarily for butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory effect. To be able to screen the libraries, two assays were evaluated as screening tools and adapted to be compatible with special features of each library. The assays were validated to create high quality data. Cholinesterase inhibitors with various potencies and selectivity were found in natural product and synthetic compound libraries which indicates that the two sources complement each other. It is acknowledged that natural compounds differ structurally from compounds in synthetic compound libraries which further support the view of complementation especially if a high diversity of structures is the criterion for selection of compounds in a library.